The Best Valentine in the World Ch. 02

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New lovers think about the same Valentine.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/10/2006
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I leaned back in my chair and relaxed. It felt damned good to just kick back and think about our day. It was a hell of a day. My sweet little wife Serena and my beautiful daughter Molly and I had gone to Crystal River, A small fishing village about a two and a half hour drive from home. We went out on a charter boat and had a ball.

I didn't fish much. I just had such a hoot just watching my two tiny girls scream and swear as they fought huge groupers. I didn't want to take a second away from their fun. I had been there and done that plenty of times. The crew of the boat fell all over themselves to try and help the two gorgeous girls; I just sat back and grinned.

They are stepmother and stepdaughter but they were more like sisters in the way they treat each other. They look nothing like each other except in size. My wife Serena is a beautiful ex-runway model; she has light brown skin and dark brown hair, brown eyes and an outstanding figure. Molly, my daughter is a real knockout too! Trim sweet figure, blond hair, blue eyes and fair skin. They love each other very much.

To my knowledge there has never been a cross word exchanged between them. Both of them are tiny girls. They are both just under five feet tall and neither of them weighs a hundred pounds. It is pure pleasure to be around the two of them. As you can probably tell I love both of them a whole bunch.

I could hear them giggling in the kitchen. They were trying to decide how to cook one of the large groupers they had caught. I knew how it would end up. Talk Daddy into doing it. I heard the laughing slip into whispers and knew they were planning their strategy to get me up and cooking the fish. I heard them in the hall.

I feigned sleep. They were kissing me awake. Not a bad deal.

Molly said, "Daddy we can't decide how to cook the grouper, do you want it boiled or poached?"

I said something like, "Um, er, ah, lemme sleep a bit longer. Wake me up when it's ready. Scnarf, snort, zzzz."

"Honey, what is the best way to cook grouper, can you show us?"

"Hun, um, what ya want? Snort, Snore, Zzzz."


"Hun hun! Yup snort snarfle Zzzzzzz."

"The poor old fart is just tuckered out. We will just put the fish in the refrigerator and order Pizza. OK."

"Right girl. At least I will get some rest to night, he will be too tired to love me, and I guess I'll just have to find a younger guy to fill in when he gives out like this."

"What! All right, you guys gang up on me all the time. You don't give me a chance to catch a fish then you expect me to cook them for you."

"Oh! Our Lord and Master has deigned to speak with us. Oh! Aren't we lucky?"

I jumped up and tried to catch one of them. They were ready for me and ran into the kitchen. Molly grabbed the fish and I thought she was going to throw it at me. She yelped and I knew she had cut herself on the sharp teeth. I took the fish from her and washed her hand under a stream of water at the sink. He thumb had a nasty little cut on the ball of it.

I kissed it and told Serena to get out the first aid kit. It was a shallow cut not requiring stitches. I washed it with peroxide and dried it off after the foaming stopped. I got out a band-aid and put some Neosporin on the gauze pad and put it over the cut. I looked at my wife, "Have you ever seen anyone go to so much trouble to get out of washing the dishes to night?"

"Oh no, She is severely injured. She should be lying down and recuperating.'


"I know when I am outnumbered. You guys go sit in the living room and watch TV. I'll throw something together for dinner."

Thirty minutes later we sat down to a meal of broiled grouper with a lemon butter sauce, fried plantains, black beans and rice. The girls raved over the meal. I knew it was nice but they figured to lay the praise on thick so they wouldn't have to cook next time. I spiked that by telling them I had saved the fish eyes and tongues for a treat tomorrow. Molly immediately insisted she was going to cook hamburgers tomorrow evening. I said that was fine, we could have the fish eyes and tongue for lunch. My sweet wife said she had everything planned for my famous open- faced sandwiches for lunch.

I tried to look very disappointed but they were on to me by then. They whispered together for minute and said that I could fix the fish eyes and tongues for my dinner and they would have hamburgers and watch me eat the other stuff. There was always teasing and banter going on between the three of us. There was never any meanness or anything but fun involved. We had planned to go on a bike ride the next day but decided that since I was so old and decrepit they would let me rest. I said it was no problem; I would just follow them in the truck so I could give them a ride home if they got tired before they went the required fifty miles.

"Fifty miles." They both yelped. "We won't buy that. You'll get us out there twenty-five miles and leave us there. Right?"

"Gracious sakes! I wouldn't do that."

"Horse Hockey," laughed Molly, "That's what we would do to you."

We called a truce for the evening and after we all pitched in and cleaned up the kitchen we took showers and put on our night wear and sat in the den and talked about our day. We were all tired and I lay on the couch. Serena and Molly sat on the floor on our big pillows.

My wife crawled over to me and begged me to lie on the floor and put my head in her lap. I did as she requested and she began rubbing my temples and kissing my eyes. Molly lifted my feet into her lap and massaged and rubbed my feet and lower legs. I struggled to stay awake. Their attentions were delightfully relaxing. I fell asleep I guess and awakened to their soft giggling.

Serena kissed me and said, "Let's all go to bed." We had just all settled in when a very noisy and violent thunderstorm crashed around us. Molly burst in our room. Daddy, I'm scared, can I get in bed with you guys?"

"Sure Baby, hop in."

I lay on my back. Serena cuddled to one side and Molly to the other. I kissed and held each of them. By the time the storm moved off they were both sound asleep and I was fading fast.

I awoke the next morning with my arm around a warm little body, my hand cupping a sweet breast and my erection pressed between the cheeks of a soft warm ass. It felt delightful. I caressed the nipple and I jerked awake. I was relieved to see bark brown hair in front of my face. Serena whispered, "Don't move, that feels good." I heard a giggle behind me. "Don't you guys ever quit?"

Serena said, "God I hope he never does."

Molly said, "My turn next time." And giggled her way out of the room. Serena giggled too. I thought about that for a long time. I knew I had just been teased by an expert. I wondered where she got that shit from. Certainly not me!

One day Molly went off into town to do a little shopping. Serena was working a day shift at the hospital. Molly was a little late getting home so I called her on the Nextel phone.

"Yes, Daddy, what is up?"

"Nothing Babe, I was expecting you earlier, that's all. Everything OK?"

"I ran into some kids I knew from Middle School, do you remember, Mark McCoy?"

"Yes I sure do, nice little fella, as I recall, glasses, freckles, all knees and elbows.

"That's the one."

"Say hi for me."

"OK, I'll be there in about half an hour."

Serena got home a few minutes later and we kissed and caressed each other as we did whenever we had a chance. Molly pulled in while we were still in each other's arms. She burst in the house all happy and smiling. She announced, "I have a date tonight."

"Not with Mark Berry?"

"Yes, he changed a little since you saw him last, Daddy."

"Who is he?" Serena asked.

"He is a little kid she knew in school. Is he picking you up here?" I asked.

"Yes, about seven, is that OK."

I thought about that for a moment. "Gee, I don't know, this is the first time you have ever had a date here. I know you date often at school. This is my first experience with that though. I guess I have to check him out and see if he meets my standards. Right?"


"Well, that is a fathers job isn't it? I have to make sure he is of the highest moral character, that he is a true gentleman and that he will treat you with the utmost respect and honor."

"DADDY! Help me Serena."

"Tommy, stop teasing the girl. She is serious."

"OK, you have my tentative approval since I know him and his folks."

"Thank you, Oh exalted one."

"Oh! How bitter it is when they turn against the hand that has fed and nurtured them all these years."

Molly laughed and hugged Serena, "Have you ever heard such a crock of bull shit in your life. I'm twenty years old and a first year student in Med School, and I have to put up with a Cro-Magnon father."

"Carry your pistol then."


"Well, since you have your black belt in Karate you should be all right."

"Daddy, please!"

"Honey, I am only teasing, but you just don't realize how beautiful and sexy you are." She walked to me with tears in her eyes. She put her arms around my waist and her head on my chest. "Daddy, I think that is the nicest think you have ever said to me. I love you Daddy."

"Molly Dear, I agree with that last statement of your Daddy's. You are what they call a 'real hottie'." Molly hugged Serena too.

"You guys make me cry, I am so lucky to have the two of you, I love you both. Please don't worry about me. 'Little' Mark is a very nice guy."

An hour or so latter Molly and Serena were in Molly's room getting her dressed for her date. I heard a knock on the door and opened it. A deep voice said, "Hi! Mister Murphy, nice to see you again." I looked at a smiling young man who stood bout six foot three or four and had to weigh in at about two fifty or more.


"Yes Sir. Is Molly ready?"

"She should be right out. How have you been?"

"Just fine Sir, I just graduated from the Naval Academy in June and I took a commission in the Marine Corps and have to report to Quantico for Basic Officer's Training School in about three weeks."

"Come on in. I'll check on Molly. I went and knocked on her door. Serena stepped out and said Molly would be out in just a moment. I introduced her to Mark. He grinned from ear to ear. "Ma'am, I am delighted to meet you. Molly has told me about how much she loves and admires you. She said you were one of the most beautiful women see has ever seen. She didn't exaggerate at all."

"Why thank you Mark. I am happy Molly thinks so highly of me. I love her very much too. And she takes a back seat to no one in the beauty department. She is very beautiful inside and out, right Tom?"

"Yes," I said, " She will probably not tell you, we are so proud of her. She graduated first in her class from Duke; she just qualified for her black belt in Karate. A little advice between us guys, don't shoot pool or pistols against her."

Molly walked out and greeted Mark with a kiss on the cheek. She looked really adorable in a little flippy halter dress and strappy high-heeled shoes. As they left I got all choked up at how lovely she was. Her little head didn't reach his shoulder. My wife smiled softly at me. "She has grown up on us Tom. She is a woman now. She really likes that boy. She told me he is going to be stationed at Camp LeJeune, North Carolina after he finishes some training in Virginia. That is only 130 miles from Durham."

"Honey, did you see the way he looked at her?"

"Yes, Dear, I noticed that. He looks at her like you look at me."

"Oh God. Do you think..?"

"Could be, do you know who he reminds me of?"


"You, Dearest, you."

"Well. He has good taste in women anyway." I picked my wife up and carried her to our bedroom. She purred as she kissed my face while I carried her. I placed her gently on her feet. She was wearing a little cropped top that belonged to Molly and a pair of jeans. I sat on the bed and stood her in front of me.

I peeled of the little top and revealed she wore nothing under it. I nuzzled her breasts and searched for and found one of her nipples. Serena has the most delightful nipples I have ever seen. The areola is about silver dollar sized. The nipple starts in from the outer edge about an eighth of an inch then rises into a cone shape. The nipple proper is perhaps an inch above the base, above that the last half inch is the size and shape of a pencil eraser.

The nipples are soft and sort of wrinkly and press pretty flat under her clothes so they usually don't show very much. When she becomes aroused the nipples become erect and rubbery. They stand straight out, just asking to be suckled, something she dearly loves me to do. She knows that sucking on her nipples makes me extremely excited too.

I tugged the jeans off her slim hips along with the tiny boy cut lacey panties. She laughs and pushes me back on the bed and pulls at the shorts I wore. I raised my hips so she could pull them and the underwear I wore off too.

She likes me to wear some thong-like briefs that have a silken pouch that holds my cock and my balls. I only wear them at home mostly because often my package will slip out the leg hole of my shorts. She loves to startle me when we are alone by slipping her little hand inside the leg of my shorts and playing with my goodies through the thin fabric of the pouch. Usually if we are alone she can count on being carried rapidly to the nearest convenient place where I can fuck her.

Although we have been married to each other for a little over three years we still are very active sexually. Because we live on over a hundred acres of thickly wooded land, basically with only one way in or out, we can hear a visitor a long way off. Our dogs are also an early alarm system.

Because of this we often make love outside on the back deck, on the lounge chairs, or just in the soft grass, and on the swing that is exactly the right height for me to fit perfectly into her vagina as I stand in front of her. If she is still I can slide her back and forth on my cock. Very erotic! Serena is very vocal in her passion. I love to hear her squeal or scream for joy during an orgasm.

I was on my back that night with her straddling my face as she rubbed her wet warm pussy so my mouth and tongue found all her best spots. My face was soaked when she moved down across my body and licked my face clean. I felt her pussy hunting for my hard stiff cock. A little brown hand found him and guided him to her love tunnel.

She was a perfect cowgirl, riding my cock with enthusiasm and gusto. I held her little hands for her balance. Serena felt as if she moved up so that either her pussy rose just off the tip of my cock or just to the top before she started back down. She would bring me right to the edge and then move to a different position. She knew how to bring me right to the brink of a climax, then stop or change positions.

She has an inventive mind about sex. She loves all sorts of sex. She was not into pain in any way except she enjoyed having her nipples softly bitten or pinched. She did not care for being spanked or hurt other ways. I was happy with that because I could not bring myself to hurt her. The few times we experimented with it; hurting her hurt me a hundred times more than what I inflicted on her. Usually I just could not do it and would end up just looking at her and crying.

Serena did enjoy being tied to the bed blindfolded while I teased her tiny body with feathers or my hands and lips. I enjoyed her doing the same things to me. She liked to stop in the middle of our play, with me blindfolded, and leave the room for a while of move about until I lost track of where she was and then drop her mouth unexpectedly on my cock, or a nipple, or my lips. Sometimes she would sneak and get a can of spray whipped cream from the fridge and squirt it on my cock, then remove it with her mouth. I never knew what was coming or cuming. She liked to bring surgical gloves home from the hospital. She would put them on and lubricate them with Astroglide Lubricant or KY jelly and then caress my cock while she wore them. I would then do the same to her. It was a different tactile feeling and was often quite erotic.

That night we enjoyed slow deliberate sex.

Exquisitely slow thrusts or tongue movements were the way we went. Then at last she lingered a millisecond too long with a slurp of her sweet hot mouth over the head of my cock and I spurted cum high in the air, bathing her face with it. I pulled her up to my face and licked and sucked every bit of it off her. We cuddled and napped for a bit. We were both nervous waiting for Molly to come home. About one-ten we heard a car come in and stop. It was about half an hour before the doors opened. We heard steps on the porch and it was a good ten minutes before the door opened and closed. The car door shut and it left. We heard Molly walk to our door.

I said, "We are both awake, Sweetie, come on in."

She sat on the bed and I could see her grinning by the light from the hall.

Serena sat up and hugged her. "Was it good, Honey?"

"Oh! Momma it was wonderful, he is such a sweet gentle boy. I have never met a guy like him before; we love all the same things. I hope you guys don't mind, I know we are going on a cruise on the river to look for some of the old landings, and I invited him to go along."

"Molly, you know us better than that, you didn't need to ask. Anyone you like is someone we will like too!"

"Daddy, I really like this one. He kissed me good night, no one ever kissed me like that before and I wanted to drag him to my bed. I didn't though; I didn't want to scare him off. Daddy I pray he will like me. I want him to so much."

"Honey, I don't think you have to worry about that too much. He likes you a whole lot already."

"Serena, I hope you didn't mind if I called you 'Momma', it just seems right some how. I love you like you were my real Momma."

"Sweetheart, I am proud you feel that way. I love you as much as any child I may ever have. I may be able to prove that to you soon."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Molly, Dear, You may have a little brother or sister soon."


I said, "Say that again?"

"Guys, I didn't get my period yesterday. This makes three I have missed."

I just hugged her to me and cried. Molly was blubbering too.

Molly looked up at us and grinned. "I have a IPT in my bag if you want to find out now."

"What the hell are you doing with an Instant Pregnancy Test?"

"Oh! Daddy. I'm a big girl now."

Serena said, "Go get it and maybe we can get some rest."

Serena took the small package and they went in our bathroom. A few minutes later I heard Molly whoop and Serena laugh. I grinned and turned over and pretended to be asleep. They came back and jumped on the bed. Molly shook me. "Open your eyes, Daddy, I know you are faking. Your sweet beautiful wife IS pregnant."

"I seem to remember from twenty years ago I was awakened from many a nights sleep by a tiny girl child that insisted she be fed or changed every half hour through the night. No one was allowed to sleep, except your mother who never really woke up. I got up and put you to her teat and waited until you were full. I burped you and changed you and put back in your crib next to my side of the bed and put my hand in it so you could feel the warmth and you would go back to sleep for half an hour. It was months before you slept for an hour or two, boy how I loved that."

"Daddy, I never knew all that."

"When did you sleep?"

"I just forgot what it was. Finally your mother went back to work and it was just you and I, kid. Now I guess I am going to loose you. But it looks like your replacement is arriving just in time, doesn't it?"

"Daddy, now I know why I never missed my mother that much. I still had you. Not much changed for me I guess. I just want to cry with you Daddy, I am so happy for my real Momma, Serena."