The Birthday Girl

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Hot male stripper delivers a gooey birthday surprise.
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Please enjoy this new short story. It is a work of fiction, intended for adult readers. All characters are adults, eighteen or older, and unusually horny. A special thanks to StoryPal, an excellent volunteer editor —Taylor VanCannon.


For Clara Tweedy, it was the big twenty-five. The girls she worked with had decorated the back office with balloons and a birthday banner.

The pizza arrived just as the office was closing. The realtors working up front came back to offer their birthday wishes, and grab a slice. Her boss said a few words and gave her a bouquet of flowers. It wasn't long before the six girls had the office to themselves.

Suzanne and Emilie had used Facebook to take up a collection to pay for the entertainment. Clara saw the post, and knew that a stripper would be showing up at seven. Not exactly a surprise. But by seven, six more girls had seen the post and showed up to crash the party.

Emile passed out the party favors, little pointy hats and a variety of noisemakers. Despite the lack of booze, they were all in a party mood. Suzanne got them giggling when she demonstrated the shimmy she planned to do for the stripper. That loosened up the group, and they took turns, trying to one-up each other with their suggestive moves. By the time the someone knocked on the door, they were already whooping and hollering, egging each other on.

A statuesque black women came in, followed by a Fireman, in full protective gear. They could see he was big, but the bulky clothes and mask hid his features.

The woman spoke in a booming voice, stretching out her words. "Hello, Ladies."

That got a raucous reply from all the girls.

"Ohhh, I like your enthusiasm."

The reply was even louder, as they cheered and pumped their arms.

"My name's Mona Cummings, the owner of Strippers Unlimited. Are you ready for a good time?"

The girls enthusiasm was infectious, and got Mona doing a little dance for them.

"Let me start by answering a few questions for you. No, I am not a stripper. And yes, that is my real name."

The girls roared with laughter.

"So, we have a few rules."

That got a round of boos.

Mona gave them a wink. "First, no touching the stripper..."

The boos got ever louder.

"...anywhere he's covered up. If it's bare, we don't care."

The girls went wild, cheering loudly and pumping their fists.

"Tonight, we have a special surprise for you." She paused, waiting for the cheering girls to settle down. "My nephew is here on spring break, and wants to try his hand at stripping... to pick up a little extra spending money."

The noisemakers blared even louder.

"So, let me present tonight's special stripper, Melvin Lovely. Get your bills out and treat him well. She hit play on the big boombox.

The girls went wild with excitement to the thumping beat of the music.

Melvin made the rounds, one girl at a time. Bumping and grinding his way out of his heavy outfit. The sexier he got, the louder the girls blew on their noisemakers. By the time he was down to his g-string and a quarter tee, the girls' hands were all over his well muscled body.

His ebony skin was lightly oiled, and glistened under the bright florescent lights. They took turns, seductively dancing for him while running their hands all over his rock hard abs. Some reached around and grabbed the taut cheeks of his ass.

By the end of his thirty minute show, his g-string was bulging with bills, along with his hard cock.

When Mona announced that the show was over, the girls started chanting. "Encore... Encore... Encore..."

"Get your bills ready." Mona smiled, and held out her hand, offering up Melvin for an encore performance.

He took another turn around the room, pumping his hips suggestively. Emily responded in kind, locking her hands behind her neck and pumping her hips into his g-string. Despite a warning from Mona, the group cheered her on, and several more girls gave it a try.

When Suzanne barred her tits and shimmied them against his bulging g-string, Mona held up her hands, marking the end of the show. "Ladies, I want to thank you for you patronage. Let's hear it for Melvin, the newest stripper in the business."

A loud cheer went up.

"We've got another gig tonight, and I've got to get there early to set it up. Melvin is going to pass out some business cards. You be sure and give them to all your friends, and let them know how much fun you had."

The girls settled down, realizing that the show was over.

Mona left.

Melvin passed out the last of the large stack of business cards and turned his back to the disappointed women.

As he walked away, someone shouted. "Suzanne wants to suck your dick."

That got a loud response from the group, a combination of cheers and applause. When someone started chanted her name, they all joined in, pumping their arms, "Suzanne... Suzanne... Suzanne..."

Mona was strictly professional, and had warned him about getting too friendly with the audience. But, he rationalized, the show was over and he was on his own time. He gazed out over the sea of chanting women. No way he was going to pass this up. He turned back and pointed to the blushing girl. "I take it you're Suzanne."

Caught by surprise, all she could manage was a nod.

The crowd whooped it up when Melvin approached her. "Is that true Suzanne? Do you want to suck my cock?"

It was, but she wasn't about to tell him that. She held up her hands and shook her head. It was an exaggerated motion to fend him off.

"Show him," Emily shouted from the back of the group. "Show him what you did."

Melvin grinned, and looked at Suzanne. He opened his mouth and pumped his fist several times, as though jacking a cock into his mouth. "Is that what you did?"

The girls went wild, whooping and hollering, raising their arms up, swaying to the music. The rowdy group started a new chant. "Busted... Busted... Busted..."

Melvin looked over the crowd of young women. "Listen girls, I'm game, but only if you intend to finish what you start..."

A loud cheer went up before he could finish his sentence.

"... and all of you help out Suzanne."

This time the whooping was more subdued, punctuated by nervous laughter. Not all the girls shared Suzanne's exhibitionist streak.

"That's what I thought," Melvin said. "You girls are going to get me all worked up, and then leave me standing here, with my dick swinging in the breeze."

Suzanne pulled Melvin down to her level and planted a wet kiss on his lips. "We wouldn't do that..." She paused, hoping for someone to back her up. "Would we girls?"

The group quieted, as each girl contemplated her next move.

Suzanne began to worry. No way was she doing this alone. "Girls?"

Emily was the first to step up. "I'm in... but only if you go first."

One by one, more or the girls volunteered, and the cheering got louder and louder.

Melvin waited until it reached a crescendo, and figured at least half of the girls had stepped up. That was close enough for him. He raised his hands, silencing the crowd. He looked out over the sea of eager faces. "It's on!"

The whooping was back. But it was still up to Suzanne to lead the way. She shouted to no one in particular, "Get a chair from the break room."

Emily was quick to respond, ready to get the show started before anyone got cold feet. She brought out a sturdy chair and had Melvin stand on it.

"Ready girls?" he said, rubbing his hands together, getting them whooping again.

"Wait," Clara yelled over the din of the girls. "I've got to have a souvenir of my birthday party." Several girls had used their phones to capture Melvin's act, and she knew there would be a ton of video. She fished her iPad out of her bag and propped it up on the desk, next to Melvin's chair, using the front facing camera so they could watch themselves being filmed. The girls were too fired up to consider the consequences of a video, and no one objected to the iPad propped up on the desk.

Melvin looked at the image and made a small adjustment. He wanted to make sure that only his cock would be starring in this movie. Mona would have his ass if this ever got back to her.

Michelle was the first to yell, "Take it off." Several others chimed in.

Melvin motioned for Suzanne to come forward. If anything, he was more excited than she was. Never in his wildest fantasy could he have imagined this.

She pulled down his leather thong, freeing up his big cock. A roar went up from the group. She rubbed her hands over his rock hard abs, and stared at his semi-erect cock. It was long and thick, and pointing right at her face. She gripped it lightly with her left hand, and looked up to see his reaction.

Melvin looked down and made eye contact. "That's right Suzanne, you know you want it."

"Suck that dick!" Ellen shouted. The others joined in, chanting her name. "Suzanne... Suzanne... Suzanne..."

She turned and looked back at her girlfriends, still afraid she might be left doing this alone. Natalie and Cecilia, hustled up next to her and got her back on track.

The chanting changed. "Suck it..." Over and over.

Suzanne put an end to the chanting by gripping his hips and taking most of his cock into her mouth. She pumped her head several times before pulling him out with a loud pop.

"Nice job Suzanne," Melvin said, "now, smile into the camera."

She smiled and mugged for the camera, giving his cock several quick strokes with her hand. She stepped back and pushed an unsuspecting Natalie into her place. Cecilia saw what happened to Natalie, and quietly slipped back into the crowd, getting a serious case of cold feet.

Melvin gave her a big smile. She was the tallest in the group. "What's your name, darlin'?"

"Natalie." The girls cheered, egging her to action. She stroked him with her hand and stared down at his cock, reluctant to take it in her mouth. She was tall and his cock was about even with her tits. She glanced at the iPad and saw herself jacking Melvin's big cock. When she hesitated, the cheering got even louder.

Someone shouted. "Suck that big dick." That got another chant started. "Natalie... Natalie... Natalie..."

The image on the iPad intimated her. She settled for rubbing the head of his cock into her cleavage as she stroked him. It quieted the crowd.

Sensing her reluctance, Melvin tried to put her at ease. "I like that Natalie, your tits are nice and soft."

She smiled up at him. "You're not disappointed?"

"Natalie, I'm a very happy man. I've got a dozen girls jonesing for my cock. What you did is just fine."

She pumped her arms and got the girls cheering for her. She bent down and flashed a big smile for the camera, showing off her cleavage. With his cock still in her hand, she couldn't resist taking a quick lick of her first black cock.

The girls went wild.

That was enough to get all eight inches of Melvin's cock hard as a rock. He grinned. More girls were getting in line.

Emily wasted no time taking his cock all the way down her throat. She tilted her head back and stared up at him.

"Well, hello there."

Laurel yelled out. "Suck that big black cock." Several others repeated her call.

Emily did just that, enthusiastically taking him deep as the girls chanted her name. She kept it up until Melvin held up his hands, urging her to stop.

She turned and looked at herself in the iPad, keeping the head of his cock in her mouth. She batted her eyes and stepped back into the crowd to a round of loud applause.

"Hold on girl," Melvin said, "you didn't tell me your name."

Several girls shouted in unison. "Emily."

The line formed to Melvin's right. A slight wave of his hand was all it took to have a fresh face ready to suck his cock. He was beginning to like this arrangement.

A new girl gripped his cock and said, "I'm Loretta." She took him in her mouth and sucked him hard. The harder she sucked, the louder the girls got. She was in the zone and missed Melvin's hand signal.

Melvin raised his voice to be heard over the cheering girls. "Sweet Loretta, leave a little something for the birthday girl."

That got the girls laughing and Melvin waved up the next girl.

Kendra was shy, and was only in line because Emily had pushed her. She rubbed her hands over his hard abs and thighs, smiling and watching his cock bobbing in front of her. She was intrigued, but there was no way she was touching his cock, not with a camera rolling. How would she ever explain that to her boyfriend.

Emily yelled out, "Come on Kendra, you can do it."

She forced a smile and continued rubbing his hard abs.

"That's sweet, Kendra," Melvin said, letting her off the hook.

A grateful Kendra melted back into the crowd as he waved up the next girl.

Michelle gripped his cock and danced, bobbing and weaving to the beat of the music. She didn't stroke him. She just danced, grinning the whole time. The girls clapped to the beat of the music.

Melvin smiled down at her. "I like your moves, Michelle." He waved up the next girl.

Maureen held him by the hips and watched his cock bob in front of her. Clearly uncomfortable, all she could manage was giving her tits a little shimmy.

Melvin gave her a big smile. "What's your name sweetheart?"

"Maureen," she replied, avoiding eye contact. She wanted out of there. She didn't mind watching the others, but couldn't bring herself to touch his cock. She slunk back into the crowd, ignoring the camera.

"I'm Laurel," the next girl said, taking his cock and pumping it furiously.

Someone yelled, "Jack that sucker."

She kept at it, staring down at his cock, encouraged by the cheering girls.

"Easy Laurel, there's still a few girls behind you."

She laughed, along with the girls waiting in line. She rubbed his cock with her cheek, and then glanced at the image on the iPad.

Cecilia stepped up, bubbling with enthusiasm. She raised his cock high, pointing it to the ceiling, and then ducked down to suck his balls, one at a time. She leaned her head back and looked up. "I'm Cecilia."

The girls roared their approval.

"Sweet Mother of God," Melvin said.

She finished with his balls and sucked him hard, taking several fast strokes. She jacked him with her hand, twisting it around his cock on each stroke. She came off him with a popping sound, and stuck her tongue out for the camera.

Ellen did her best, but couldn't quite live up to Cecilia's performance. She kept sucking until Melvin raised his hands.

The line was getting short, and he knew that Clara, the birthday girl, should to be the one to finish him off.

Kate did a respectable job of sucking him, but he was nowhere close to getting off. Each time one of the really hot girls would get him close, one of the shy girls would distract him, sapping his libido.

Clara stepped up, held his cock and licked the full length of the underside. She flicked her hair to the side and attacked his cock, bobbing her head, giving him quick, short strokes. At the top of each stroke, she turned her hand, giving his cock a little twist.

After a dozen strokes, he held up his hands. "Clara honey, as much as I want to deliver your birthday present, I'm gonna need a little more time."

She looked up at him, puzzled. "You don't think I can do this?"

"I know you can sweetheart. But it's your birthday, you shouldn't have to work so hard for it."

The girls roared with laughter.

"Okay," she said, "anybody in particular?"

He smiled. "I have a few girls in mind. You stand right here, next to me. I'll let you know when I'm close."

She couldn't resist taking a few quick sucks before relinquishing his cock.

"Before I start, if any of you shy girls want a second shot, now's the time to step forward."

Kendra was the only one to take up the challenge. She touched his cock lightly, using only her fingertips.

The girls clapped and chanted her name, encouraging her to go farther.

She leaned in and kissed the head of his cock.

"That's my girl. You're doing great Kendra," Melvin said.

She glanced back and saw that all eyes were upon her. She steeled her will and opened her mouth, and then slowly took his red hot cock into her mouth.

A loud cheer went up.

She bobbed her head twice, taking him as deep as she could, and then melted back into the crowd. The loud applause surprised her. She stepped forward and took a bow. They cheered her name.

"Way to go Kendra," Melvin said. "You've got me fired up and ready to go... I mean... cum." The girls broke into laughter at his lame attempt a humor.

"Okay ladies, here's the lineup," Melvin said. He paused, keeping the girls in suspense. "Suzanne, Emily, Loretta, Cecilia and Ellen each get five strokes, to get me ready for Clara."

Suzanne leapt forward and attacked his cock. The rowdy crowd counted down from five. Emily jumped in, like a relay runner taking the baton. By the time Ellen finished, the crowd was roaring, and Melvin was panting.

He held up his hand, holding back Clara. "Again", he said.

Another quick succession of girls sucked his cock, each determined to get him off, each coming up short at the end of their five count.

The crowd was on their feet, cheering wildly, horns blaring.

Melvin licked his lips, his breathing labored. "Again," he shouted.

"No way!" Clara shouted, holding back Suzanne. She jumped in and attacked Melvin's cock. She was ravenous, sucking him frantically.

Cecilia shouted, "Get that cum girl."

The boisterous crowd repeated the refrain. "Get that cum... Get that cum..."

She tilted her head back to look up at him. He rolled his head from side to side, licking his lower lip. So close.

She waited until the last minute to decide what to do. She glanced down at the camera, and knew how she wanted to remember her birthday party. She gripped his cock and pointed it directly towards her face.

Cecilia shouted, "She's going for the face."

She stroked him until he exploded, sending a rope of hot cum splashing over her face. The roar of the girls was deafening. Each stroke of his cock sent another rope of cum her way, until she pumped him dry.

She turned and gazed into the iPad, pleased with the gooey face staring back at her.

Melvin joined the girls, and sang a boisterous rendition of Happy Birthday.

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