The Blank Coupon


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"Holy shit," I gasped out loud.

My sister kissed me on the shoulder, and whispered in my ear, "It's about to get better."

Neil started thrusting, and my world exploded. As he pushed back in, Megs started thrusting, too. Both of their members rubbed against each other inside of me, and I wanted to scream with pleasure. I did scream with pleasure, a few seconds later.

Normally, I'm the one in charge of the pace. I can slow down, and move around. But with my son and my sister fucking me, all that was gone. I was helpless, propped up entirely by their cocks. They were the ones in charge of the pace. They were in charge of my entire body, and soul.

And they were absolutely merciless.

It started in my toes, the slight tingling that announced an impending orgasm. It spread up my legs, and throughout my body. The tingling intensified, and soon my whole body was vibrating with anticipating pleasure. Still, they did not relent. In, out, in, out.

I came, and I came hard. Like a thousand Fourth of July fireworks rolled into one. Even at the height of my orgasm, they kept pounding away, sharpening the ecstasy.

Several aeons later, it faded away again. Just before extinguishing completely, Neil wrapped his lips around my nipple, and started sucking. Instantly, the fireworks returned, and I was lost to the world for a second time.

"You ok, Carrot?" asked Neil with concern in his voice.

I opened my eyes, and realized they had stopped. Why had they stopped? Warm cum leaked out of my pussy, and I realized why Neil had, at least. My whole body still trembled.

"More," I managed to vocalize with some effort.

"Holy shit," laughed Megs. "This little whore STILL isn't satisfied."

"Please more," I pleaded.

"It's gonna take a bit before I can go again, Carrot," explained Neil, as if he were talking to a child.

His chest was covered in sweat from the exertion, and heaved up and down with his breath. I started placing kisses all over his chest.

Megs pulled out of me, and for a moment I was confused why all of a sudden I felt so completely wrong. Without a cock (silicone, or not), in me, I felt... empty, and I didn't like it one bit. Neil rolled me off of him, and sat up.

"Damn, I'm thirsty. And hungry. You got anything to eat, Megs?"

"Yeah, how does leftover pizza sound?"


The two of them left the room, and I laid there like an abandoned kitten. It took me nearly five minutes to re-adjust to a cock-less world, and I was able to get up, and join them in the kitchen.

"Sorry," I apologized, and sat down at the kitchen table. "I guess you two managed to fuck my brains out."

The three of us erupted into laughter, and it was good to just let go like that. God, when was the last time I was able to laugh so hard, tears formed in my eyes, and my stomach hurt. Too long.

"It's okay, sis. I know exactly how you feel."

Watching them eat made me realize how hungry I was, and I grabbed a slice of cold pizza out of the box. Right then, it was the best thing I had ever eaten. While we ate, Megs told me about the time Neil, and Parker, another stripper, had done the same to her. From the way she described, it wasn't even anywhere close to what I felt, but then again, I couldn't really find words to adequately describe it either.

When the last slice was gone, Neil's erection had fortunately returned, and we went back into the bedroom. As soon as his fat cock entered my pussy, I felt right again.

I lost track of how many times the two of them made me cum that night, and the only thing that slowed us down was the fact that Neil couldn't stay erect after he came. One time he begged for mercy, and I sat one out, just watching while he made slow, measured love to my sister. After that, he wanted to be the one to fuck my ass.

It was almost midnight when the three of us nearly collapsed from exhaustion, and just laid there in Megs' bed. Neil laid to my left, and my sister to my right, and I was sandwiched in between them. It was perfect.

"So what's going to happen tomorrow?" asked Megs.

"I... don't know," I replied, honestly. "I haven't given it much thought."

"It doesn't have to stop, you know."

"Do you think I could become a stripper?" I asked.

"No," laughed Megs.

"What? Why not? I thought we made a lot of money tonight."

"Holly, if think of strippers as cars, Precious would be like a reliable Toyota, and Candy like a fast Japanese motorcycle. What I do would be the equivalent of a beautiful, powerful Ferrari, of course. What you did tonight on the stage was more like a bulldozer," Megs explained, and had us all laughing again.

"Pete is going to be back tomorrow, and everything is going to go back to normal," I said quietly into the ensuing silence.

"You're seriously going to pretend that none of this happened?" Neil asked, incredulous.

"The coupon only lasts until he's back," I said firmly.

"If I weren't so fucking tired, I'd fuck some sense into you," joked Neil, and we laughed again.

Megs yawned, and infected the two of us. We snuggled closer to each other, and pulled the blanket over us.

"I love you," I whispered to Neil, and turned to my sister. "And I love you, too."

Megs responded by kissing me. I turned back to Neil, and made sure I got a goodnight kiss from him as well.

========== THURSDAY ==========

I woke up a little after noon, according to the alarm clock on the nightstand. Neil was once again gone, but at least Megs was still there. I pulled her closer, and kissed her all over her body, until she woke up.

"Good morning, Carrot," she murmured, wiping the sleep from her eyes.

"Good morning, Bunny," I shot back. "Where's Neil?"

Megs looked at the clock. "Probably at school, why?"

"Really? How can he go to school after that night?"

"Why not?"

"I remember he used to be different, but recently he's been really motivated by school. I wonder what changed."

"Uh, that may have been my fault," Megs confessed.

"What did you do?"

"We were talking about our future, and he said he wanted to move in with, but I told him no. I told him if he's really serious about 'us,' then he needs to finish school, and go to college, so he can prove that he's mature enough to handle the responsibilities of life. As much as I love him, I've always had my doubts about the future of our relationship, and I don't want him to give up his future for me."

"I... wow. You make it sound so... serious," I replied, startled. Until then, I thought the two of them were just fucking, but a relationship?

"You thought we were just fucking?" Megs asked, as if she had read my mind.

"Yeah, kinda."

"No. If there's a way to make it work, I'd be happy to spend the rest of my life with him."

"I don't know what to say. I always pictured him getting some cute girl pregnant right after high school, and marry her."

"You mean like Pete did?"

"No... yes," I sighed.

"You could join us, you know."

"No, it's too late for me. I have a life already."

"A boring life," Megs countered.

"A good life."

Megs just rolled her eyes. "You want some coffee?"

"Yes, please."

Megs got up, and left the room. I watched her ass bounce with every step, and sighed. Pete was coming back, and for the first time, I wished he wouldn't. After a couple of minutes of brooding, I threw open the blanket, and followed my sister into the kitchen. After the first few steps I almost cried out because my muscles were so sore.

The apartment was cooler than I remembered, and I located the pile of clothes next to the couch. Megs was wearing the Bunny t-shirt from last night, with several sparkling smudges. After putting on my sundress, I joined Megs at the kitchen table, and ate a few slices of toast. And a banana. And half an orange. I doubted I had ever been so hungry.

At one, I sat back in my chair, fed and watered.

"What now?" I asked.

"Well, Neil borrowed the car, and I don't actually have any keys to your place anyway, so we're stuck here for now."

"You let him borrow your car?"

"I let him do a lot more than that."

"That's true," I giggled.

"You wanna fuck more?" suggested Megs.

"Hope you don't take this the wrong way, but no. My whole body is sore from last night."

"Oh thank god." Megs breathed a sigh of relief. "Me too."

Both of us laughed, but only for a short while, because laughing made all the muscles in my body complain.

"We could make out," my sister suggested.


Megs moved to the unusually comfortable couch, and I sat down on her lap, snuggling up against her. One day I'd have to ask her where she learned how to kiss like that, and if she'd teach me, but for the moment, I didn't want to use my lips for anything else.

A little after two, Neil came back, and found us still on the couch, snuggling, and occasionally making out. The moment he stepped through the door, my heart melted all over again. He joined us on the couch without having to ask, and I switched laps, to kiss him instead.

"Does this mean you want to go again?" asked Neil.

"No, we're both still really sore from last night," I answered.

"Oh thank god," Neil echoed Megs. "I thought I was the only one."

"We need to go home, or at least I do," I said.



Neil sighed. "Alright."

"I'll drive, but I gotta put some real clothes on first," said Megs, and disappeared in the bedroom.

She came out a minute later, still wearing the bunny shirt, but in combination with jeans. She tossed the carrot shirt at me, and I caught it.

"That's yours to keep, so you never forget about this night," she explained.

"Thanks, but I'm not likely to forget."

Despite my protests, Megs wouldn't allow me to ride on Neil's lap in the front seat, and I had to resign myself to sit in the back. We were already halfway home, when I remembered Neil's birthday present, and told Megs to make a stop at the post office. Fortunately, it was actually there, this time.

After retrieving the rather large package, Megs dropped us off, and Neil opened the door. The house seemed strangely small, the way it always does after you've been gone on a long vacation. Except I had been gone for less than twenty-four hours. It felt more like twenty-four years, though.

My phone beeped on the kitchen counter, and I realized with a start that I had six missed calls, all from my husband. Shit. I had completely forgotten that he was supposed to call. I quickly texted him, and apologized for not picking up. I considered lying, but ended up writing the truth, more or less. I had gone out with Megs, and accidentally forgotten my phone.

Neil grabbed his backpack from the kitchen, and went up to his room in order to inspect his new laptop. I made a mental note to ask him later if he went to school without his backpack, but it wasn't really important. What was important, was that I tried to return to a normal state, so that Pete wouldn't suspect anything had happened.

I forced myself to go through my normal routine of cleaning, making something to eat, and restocking the fridge. At five, I got a text back from Pete, saying that his plane was scheduled to land at 6:30pm, and he'd be back home around eight.

I checked in on Neil, who was engrossed in his textbooks, laptop barely even set up. Apparently, he was trying to write down notes from his day at school, as best as he remembered. I had to admire his dedication.

His plan went a little awry when I went down on my knees in front of him, and wrapped my lips around his cock. Considering it was likely the last time I'd have the opportunity to do it, I made sure to give him the full treatment. The full ball licking, shaft stroking, head-teasing treatment that a cock like that deserved.

When he came, I sucked up every drop of his cum, relishing the taste one last time. After that, I chided myself for giving in, and went back to getting the house ready for Pete.

At seven, Neil came down from his room, and demanded that his whore of a mother suck his dick again. I didn't mind that at all, considering it wasn't me giving in. No, as long as Pete wasn't back yet, I still had to obey his orders. That practically absolved me from any wrongdoing.

At half past seven, I realized I was just mindlessly pacing from room to room, not really doing anything. I forced myself to relax, and take deep breaths to try and calm down.

Five minutes to eight, I considered breaking open a bottle of wine, just to calm my nerves. Footsteps came down, and Neil appeared in the kitchen doorway.

"Pete's gonna be home any minute now," I told him.

Neil didn't say anything. He simply walked up to me, bent me over the kitchen counter, and pulled up my dress.

"No, we can't!" I protested.

"Be a good little whore for me, Carrot," he replied, and pressed the tip of his hard cock against my pussy. "Tell me how much you enjoy being a whore."

"I love it," I replied, as he shoved in.

Neil started pounding my ass, and I wondered how he still managed to have the energy. Every thrust inside of me reminded me of the last couple of days, and how great it had been. I savored his fat cock inside of me, treasuring the memory. Outside, a car came to a screeching halt in the driveway.

"Shit, that's Pete," I yelled, and tried to get up.

Neil's hand on my back pinned me down, and I struggled to get up. Adrenaline spiked through my body, while he just kept fucking me. Outside, a car door slammed shut.

"Are you insane?"

Neil didn't stop. If anything, he fucked me even harder. Outside, a key was inserted into the front door.

"We have to stop," I moaned.

Any moment now, Pete would come inside the house, and see his own son fucking his wife. I would be disgraced, and my life would be over. I'd probably go to jail. And yet, part of me didn't want Neil to stop.

The front door opened.

"I'm home," came Pete's yell.

Just a few more seconds, and Pete would see me for who I truly was: a complete, and utter whore. With a shudder, I came, feeling Neil's cock twitch and pulsate inside of me. At the last moment, Neil pulled out, and hurriedly sat down at the kitchen table, trying to stuff his cock back into his pants.

Pete rounded the corner, and I stood up. Was it just my imagination, or had Pete always looked so... boring?

"Ah, there you are," he beamed at me.

"Welcome home, honey," I replied.

"Hey, Dad," said Neil.

Pete placed his bag on the kitchen island, embraced me, and kissed me. Compared to Neil or my sister, it was barely a kiss. I forced those thoughts down. Pete was back, and the coupon expired, and everything would be back to normal. One of Pete's hands squeezed my butt, just as Neil's cum began to run down my thigh.

"Is that a collar you're wearing?" asked Pete.

My hands shot up to the black choker around my neck. I had forgotten I was even wearing it. Shit. I definitely should have taken it off, now that I was no longer Carrot. "Yeah, Megs thought it looked good."

"I don't like it. Makes you look like a dog," he critiqued.

"Yeah, well, I like it," I shot back, but he apparently didn't care enough about it to argue. "Neil, they gave me free movie passes on my trip, and I didn't have a chance to use them. How about you take them, and go see a movie with one of your friends tonight?" Pete said, and pulled a pair of tickets out of his bag.

"Sure, Dad," Neil replied, rolling his eyes. "I'm gonna go see a movie with Zach," he announced, winking at me, "and give you two some alone time. Can I borrow your car?"

"Of course," replied Pete, and handed him the keys.

I watched Neil go with regret, but at least he wouldn't be a distraction for my emotions for a while. Carrot was gone, and I was only Holly Hill, and nobody else.

"I didn't really get them on my trip," explained Pete proudly. "I just wanted to have the house for ourselves, tonight."

"I know, honey," I replied, trying to fight the urge to laugh. "It wasn't very subtle."

"Oh. Hmm. Doesn't matter," he said, and kissed me again. "You okay? You look kinda flustered, and... is that glitter?"

"I was just cleaning, must have gotten carried away," I lied, and attempted to fix my hair. "And yeah, that's glitter. I went to a club with Megs, and got that stuff everywhere."

"Everywhere?" he grinned, and his hand moved to my thighs.

I twisted away from him, and excused myself to go to the bathroom. I made sure to wipe off as much of Neil's cum as I could, before returning. Pete was in the middle of rummaging through the fridge.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"Yeah, starving."

"Why don't you go get out of your suit, and I'll cook something for you."

"Great idea, Carrot."

Hearing him use my nickname rankled me. That was my whore name, and it didn't feel right for him to use it.

He disappeared upstairs, and the first thing I did was take a very deep breath. I was Holly again, not Carrot. I got two pans out of the drawer, filled one with water, and turned on the flame. I got out the steak I had bought specifically for this occasion.

Ten minutes later, Pete returned, dressed more casually, to find a plate of medium-well steak and green beans, ready to be served.

"Love ya, babe," he muttered, and gave me another peck on the lips.

He devoured the food at record speeds, while he told me about his trip. Holly Hill listened to her husband with undivided attention, even if it was exceptionally boring.

After he finished eating, he thanked me for a wonderful meal, and pulled me upstairs. Normally, I would have looked forward to making love to him, but it didn't feel the same anymore. While his back was turned, I quickly stripped off my dress, and hoped he wouldn't notice that I had been completely naked underneath.

I climbed into bed, and watched Pete undress, not even remotely close to as graceful as a stripper. Objectively, he wasn't bad looking at all. I had always liked looking at him in the past, because he had that boyish charm about him, but now he just looked boring. He climbed into bed, and scrambled on top of me. I spread my legs to give him access, and he inserted his cock. It wasn't that much smaller than Neil's, but it didn't feel even a fraction as good.

After precisely three minutes, Pete grunted, and came inside of me. I knew it was exactly three minutes, because I had been watching the alarm clock on the nightstand.

"That was fantastic, honey," he muttered, and rolled off me.

"Yeah," I replied lamely, and wanted to cry.

A few minutes later, Pete started snoring. I grabbed the blanket, and covered him. The stupid coupon was expired, and Carrot was gone, I told myself over, and over. Pete's breathing became deeper, and his snores louder.

Two hours later, I got up, and turned on the computer in the office. I waited until it had booted up all the way, and then opened up the word processor. I wrote a short line of text, and hit the print button, my heart pounding in my chest. I grabbed the printout, went down into the kitchen, and cut the text into a small square.

I got a sharp knife out of the drawer, pricked my thumb with the tip, and pressed the little red drop against the paper. Once that was done, I snuck up to Neil's room, and went inside. I had no idea when he would be back, but it would probably be a while, given his company. I put the piece of paper on his desk, grabbed one of his pens, and signed my name next to the red thumb mark. Before I went back to my bed, I read over it one last time.

"I, Holly Hill, present the wonderful Neil Hill a one time use coupon redeemable for: Being my son's whore. To be under his complete control, and obey every one of his commands, no matter how filthy or degrading, from now until the end of time."

I laid back down next to Pete, and wondered what the next day would bring. There was one thing I was sure of, though, and that was that it would not be boring. Holly was gone from this world, and Carrot fell into a blissful, happy slumber.

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Bri29Bri297 months ago

I only recently discovered your stories Rarmons and you certainly set a high standard.This was a great story it’s just that I really felt for Pete the husband at the end but hell this is just pure fantasy and not to be taken seriously .Well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

(Immediately after Neil coerces him mom...)

"Neil, can I describe a fantasy to you?"

"Sure, Mom."

"Many years from now you're happily married. You've a wife you love and maybe a couple of kids."

I may or may not be alive by then."

Your wife gets a letter in the mail. In it, it describes all she needs to do to get away with cheating on you, namely whatever you do to me in the time before your dad gets home."

All she needs to do is give someone a blank coupon or even one specifying what she is offering."

What the fuck do you think *you* are going to be able to do about it?"

Enjoy the first twenty or so years of your marriage waiting for that letter."

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

stopped reading after he told her she would be fucking other men

F4N0FIT85F4N0FIT85almost 2 years ago

I lost a bit of interest when the Aunt showed up.

mrdata9770mrdata9770almost 2 years ago

(7/30/2022) This was an enjoyable read. Please don’t mind the idiot trolls, both anon and with accounts. This was well written. Well thought out. I guess haters gotta hate. I think they're trying to compensate for something. Perhaps they’re wannabe writers but can’t write a coherent paragraph unless they're trashing something or maybe they have smaller issues. Very well done, 5 Stars.

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