The Business Trip


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Seeing that her assistant's eyes had dipped, Selma gave her plenty of time to have a nice long look. "Sorry, but I got used to sleeping in the buff back in college," she purred, "and now I can't get to sleep anymore if I have anything at all on." Noticing how the girl's eyes still had not strayed from her tits and how shallow and rapid the girl's breathing was, Selma couldn't stop herself from inquiring in a husky voice, "You don't mind, do you?"

Stephanie jumped at this and hastily dragged her eyes back up with a tiny giggle, her face flushing a very bright red. "No, not at all."

Selma could see that her young assistant was feeling too embarrassed about scoping her out for anything to happen right now and so she was forced to put any lewd and lascivious designs she may have had on the younger woman on hold for a while. She decided Stephanie needed just a little more work before she would be ready to put out for her and so she decided to pamper her a little more.

"I guess it's about time we were getting up this morning," she said decisively, putting an end to the awkward moment at long last. "We've got a busy day ahead of us."

The girl finally rolled completely off her boss and was only too happy to get out of that bed before she humiliated herself even more. Selma just threw the sheets off meanwhile and sat up on the bed, making sure that her assistant had ample opportunity to have another good look. Stephanie took full advantage of this opportunity as well and a small sigh escaped her. Snapping back to reality with a violent start, Stephanie blushed again and ran for the bathroom to take a cold shower.

Selma just smiled as she watched her assistant disappear, knowing that she would soon own that young woman's heart and body. Reaching across to the telephone resting on the bedside table, she picked up the handset and dialed the front desk.


If Stephanie had been flattered by all the attention her boss had lavished on her the previous day, what happened today simply overwhelmed her.

She had emerged from her shower to find that Selma had arranged for her to spend most of the day in this exclusive hotel's large and elaborate spa. Just thinking about spending almost the whole day being primped and pampered to within an inch of her life by the professionals down in that spa was thrilling to the young woman and yet she tried to refuse, knowing how expensive it would be and thinking that Selma had already done more than enough for her.

Selma would not take no for an answer however and in the end Stephanie would graciously accept, wondering how she would ever repay the other woman for all the kindness she had shown her since her arrival in London.

They literally had everything here, including an attentive and skilled staff, and Stephanie had felt like a queen as they catered to her every whim. The only thing that could possibly have made it better would have been if Selma had come to spend the day with her, but the executive had begged off saying that she wanted to go over all the documents again to make sure she was ready for the meeting later that day.

As evening started to settle over the city, Stephanie found herself back in Selma's suite helping to get everything set up for the meeting that would take place there. The young woman was deliriously happy and just could not seem to stop smiling. She also couldn't stop thanking Selma for everything she had done and had even impulsively hugged her! She was more than a little startled to find herself wrapped around the other woman again, but Selma had not seemed to mind and had actually hugged her back warmly.

Then the owners of the British company arrived though and everything had to be business-like again.

Mr. Archibald Lincoln was an older man who had not only founded his own company but had skillfully built it up into the international success it was today. The woman who clung to his arm was very attractive and looked young enough to be his grand-daughter but was introduced to the young assistant as Archibald's wife Melinda.

Assuming that the woman was just some kind of air-headed trophy wife, Stephanie naturally guessed that Archibald would be conducting all of the negotiations with Selma. She was quickly proven wrong though as the doddering old man proved to be practically senile while his sexy young wife had one of the sharpest minds the girl had ever seen.

Leaving the actual negotiating entirely in Selma's capable hands, Stephanie efficiently bustled about making sure everyone had the documents they needed in front of them and providing everyone with something to drink. The old man simply fell asleep on the couch about halfway through the meeting, Stephanie noticed with a small and carefully hidden smile, but it wasn't as if he had been contributing much more than long and boring stories about how he had started with nothing but a dream in any case.

Stephanie noticed something else as well. Right from the start it was very evident that Melinda Lincoln found Selma extremely attractive. The young wife may have confined herself to significant looks, soft smiles and a few double-entendres as long as her husband was still awake, but it progressed to outright flirting just as soon as they noticed that Archibald had dropped off. The young assistant found herself seething with jealousy over all the attention the woman was paying to her boss. It didn't help the girl's mood either when she saw just how much Selma seemed to be enjoying it and how she was freely flirting back.

Telling herself that she was so upset by all of this only because Melinda was a married woman and because the hussy was practically throwing herself at someone else even as her husband slept soundly and peacefully just a couple of feet away, Stephanie refused to consider that her jealousy might have been sparked by anything else.

However attracted the two women might have been to each other, the meeting was still a long one and the negotiations were difficult and at times quite tense, but in the end everyone was happy with what they were getting out of the deal.

Once all the papers were signed and all the details had been taken care of, the two business women stood up. Leaning in, Melinda kissed the American woman lightly on the cheek and purred in a sultry voice, "It's been such a pleasure to do business with you, my darling." Stephanie clenched her hands tightly into fists but forced herself not to march over there and chase that whore away from her boss. "Why don't we all get together for brunch tomorrow? There's a lot more that I would like to . . . discuss with you."

Selma just greeted that thinly veiled suggestion with a smile. "That sounds like a great idea to me."

This was all too much for poor Stephanie and, as the two women made plans for when and where they would meet, the girl had to turn her back to hide the angry and hurt expression that was on her face. She busied herself with gathering up all of the documents and paperwork in the hope that neither of them would notice how emotional she was becoming. Stephanie was appalled when Melinda invited Selma over to the Lincoln's home and was even more so when her boss readily accepted.

With her still drowsy husband stumbling along beside her, completely unaware that his beautiful young bride had just made a date with someone else for the next day, Melinda was once again the very picture of the loving and attentive wife as she helped her elderly husband out the door.

Selma turned back to her assistant then to find herself faced with the girl's back and allowed herself a small smirk. It was obvious that Stephanie was very upset and there was no question in her mind about why. Selma decided to pretend that she hadn't noticed the girl's jealousy and carefully hid that smirk as she cheerfully told her, "Well, that sure seemed to go well. I think the board of directors back home is going to be delighted with the deal we struck here today."

Stephanie didn't trust herself to reply. She was still fuming over the fact that someone as wonderful as Selma Carrington would have anything to do with a cheap little tramp like that Melinda Lincoln. She felt as if she should be doing something to protect her boss from being soiled by that hussy.

Walking over to the girl, Selma slipped an arm around her waist and was rewarded when Stephanie responded by leaning into her. "You seem a little upset, Stephanie," she ventured, careful that her voice and face projected nothing but absolute innocence. "Is anything wrong? Have I done something to upset you?"

Stephanie's mind was whirling. Melinda was certainly a very beautiful woman and she could certainly see why Selma might be interested in sleeping with her, but the girl had made up her mind that she couldn't let that happen. The question she couldn't find an answer to however was how she could possibly keep it from happening. What was there that she could possibly do that would make her forget about Melinda.

Securely and comfortably held by Selma's arm, Stephanie looked up at her and found herself mesmerized by the older woman's deep and hypnotic green eyes. She had to use all of her willpower to resist the impulse to lean in and just kiss her.

Stephanie could hardly deny that she was very attracted to the other woman, but then again Selma was her boss and, whether she rejected her or they actually ended up in bed, it would probably make things back at the office very weird for the both of them. Besides, some little voice at the back of her head reminded her, what about her husband back home? If she couldn't cheat on him with that flight attendant, what made her think she could do it with her boss?

"It's nothing," she said at last, tearing her eyes away from Selma's with an effort. "I'm fine. Really."

Selma pretended to accept that, but she knew the girl was lying. It tickled her to know that her young assistant was just green with envy over the thought of her going to bed with Melinda Lincoln. However useful that jealousy might be in getting Stephanie into her bed though, Selma had already decided she would have to take steps to break the girl of that possessive streak. The business woman had more than her fair share of playmates and the last thing she needed was for any one of them to start getting cranky about the others.

Going to the phone, Selma called up room service and had them send up a bottle of their very best champagne. "After all," she told her executive assistant with a big smile, "we have something to celebrate!"

The next couple of hours were spent sprawled comfortably together on the couch as they drank a very fine champagne, congratulating each other for a job well done and just generally patting themselves on the back. It soon became clear which of them wasn't used to drinking this much though and Selma watched in amusement as her tipsy assistant began regaling her with all kinds of intimate, personal stories that she never would have shared otherwise.

The business executive listened as the other woman complained about how difficult it was to keep going sometimes when her husband was more interested in the ball game on TV and in having her make sure she got home in time every day to put his supper on the table on time than he was in whether or not she succeeded or found any fulfillment in her career. Selma really couldn't have cared less about the younger woman's husband of course, but she had to figure that a little trouble at home would help put this young woman into her bed.

A little later, when Stephanie was a bit more thoroughly sloshed, she started talking about the flight over from the States and that stewardess in particular. Her attraction to other women was one of Stephanie's most closely guarded secrets and she had never talked to any of her friends or family about it, but she freely shared the information with Selma. The girl was trying to make a point about how much she loved her husband and would never do anything to hurt him or their relationship, but all her boss heard was that she was even less likely to resist when she finally put the moves on her.

Stephanie tried to segue the point she was making about not betraying one's spouse into an argument that Selma should not go to that meeting with Melinda the next day. She tried to make it sound as if she just didn't approve of the British woman cheating on her husband, but in came out sounding more like jealousy.

"You're right, of course," Selma said with a grin. "Melinda does want to get laid tomorrow. Remember that she invited the both of us though. You can rest assured that her husband won't be there and so it seems to me that she's interested in a threesome."

Stephanie's mouth fell open. This was something she had not thought of.

"The business world can be a very difficult one for a woman, my dear. There are still plenty of men who think we should be back home barefoot and pregnant," she informed the younger woman. "We have to be three times better than a man just to be considered his equal! If you really want to succeed, you have to be prepared to make use of all of your assets and not hamper yourself with a lot of restrictions. If someone finds you attractive and will give you what you want in exchange for some time in your pants, then why not let them throw a quick fuck into you?"

Stephanie just sat still and listened to the lesson her boss was teaching her. There were all kinds of rules and regulations that said that men and women were equals and that she shouldn't have to put out for anybody to succeed, but the assistant had been working long enough by then to know that there were ways to get around any law and that those who were in power knew all of the loopholes. If someone came on to her, her first instinct would always have been to call it sexual harassment and complain to their superiors, but now Selma was sitting here telling her that it was okay to be used as someone's sex toy so long as she got something out of it too.

"Besides, it's kind of like what almost happened between you and that flight attendant," Selma continued. "It's surprisingly easy to get laid on company time without your husband or anyone else ever knowing about it. Most of the people who will want to fuck you are married too and so you can be sure they won't be gossiping or spreading rumors about you."

Taking the girl's champagne glass from her, Selma put them both down on a conveniently placed table and then slid a little closer to her. "Discretion is the key though. Since he probably has even more to lose than you, it's pretty easy to get away with fucking the boss. On the other hand, if you start putting out for some hunk down in the mail room, he's got a lot less incentive to keep his mouth shut about it. What I'm saying is that no matter how much more appealing that young stud in the mail room might be than those crotchety old geezers up on the company's board of directors, if you truly value your career and your marriage and want to keep them both, you will be very picky about who you fuck."

A heavy silence fell over the room then as the business woman let her executive assistant digest what she had just been told. Stephanie wasn't foolish enough to think that her boss had gotten as far as she had simply because she was willing to open her legs, but she also had to believe that someone who was as successful as her had to know what they were talking about.

With a soft smile on her lips, Selma reached up then to lightly brush the back of her hand across the younger woman's cheek. Stephanie could not resist leaning into the feather-light caress and her eyes rose to find her bosses. "Nobody's going to make you do anything you don't want to, but you're never going to be able to get ahead in this business until you decide to make use of all the tools at your disposal." She slid even closer to her and asked, "Will you come along tomorrow and help me . . . entertain Mrs. Lincoln?"

Stephanie just gazed deeply into the other woman's eyes for a long moment, her heart pounding so loudly that she almost didn't hear the question. All thoughts of her husband back home were now forgotten as she became lost in the other woman's presence. "But I've never been with a woman before," she whimpered breathlessly, "I wouldn't even know what to do."

"Don't you worry about that," Selma told her. "Tonight, I'm going to give you a few lessons." She leaned in close, hesitated very briefly to see if her assistant would shy away, and then kissed her lips lingeringly.

Stephanie was only too eager to return the kiss, leaning forward herself to make it even firmer and her mouth opening to make it even deeper. The women would spend the next half-hour or so just like this, leaning into each other and sharing long, hungry kisses of sweet exploration. Well aware that they had all night and did not need to fear being disturbed by anyone, they took their time and just enjoyed themselves.

The younger woman's body felt as if it had been supercharged. She hadn't felt this good in years - not since she and Jack were still courting and just starting to realize how much they loved each other. That thought ignited an ember of doubt in the girl's mind about whether or not she should be doing this, but for the time being it was being drowned out by all the wondrous sensations that Selma was giving her.

Selma's hand had remained to cradle the side of the younger woman's face as she kissed her, but now it started to drift down her throat in a very obvious direction. Stephanie knew where it was going and so she threw back her shoulders and pushed out her firm bosom for her boss to take hold of. Once that wandering hand had cupped a pert breast, the thumb flicking back and forth across the erect and very sensitive nipple, the passion of their kissing seemed to increase tenfold and deep moans of pleasure started to bubble up from the backs of their throats.

That tiny ember of doubt flickered gently, growing just a little stronger as an image of how happy both she and Jack had been at their wedding flashed unbidden through her mind. The years of marriage that followed hadn't all been perfectly happy to be sure, but they had always before somehow managed to work through all of those rough patches. This wasn't the first time she had ever argued with her husband and it almost certainly wouldn't be the last, but did it really justify her cheating on him like this? All of this flashed through her mind, but once again was swamped and buried under all of the more pleasurable sensations that Selma was giving her.

Selma's other hand came to rest on Stephanie's knee and started to slowly glide upwards towards that most intimate of places. The girl gasped and spread her legs apart to let that hand go wherever it liked, astonished to realize that she was already so aroused that she might have an orgasm without even having to take any of her clothes off.

That flickering ember flared a little brighter within the girl as her conscious continued to argue with her. In today's world, surely it was possible for a woman to get ahead without having to prostitute herself for any man or woman. In the long run, wouldn't it be far more satisfying to know that she had earned her success through hard work rather than by fucking her way to the top?

Real doubts about what she was doing were now starting to filter through at long last, but it wasn't until she felt Selma's hand get a firm grip on her crotch, taking possession of something that rightfully belonged to her husband alone, that she pushed herself free of the older woman with a regretful whimper.

Selma hid her annoyance as the girl retreated, realizing that she had pushed her a little too far a little too soon. "Is something wrong, Stephanie?" she asked innocently but in a voice made deep and throaty with the emotion the other woman had unleashed in her.