The Captives Ch. 04

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The Overlords tells the Mother of his Dream.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 05/07/2013
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The Captives Chapter 4

The Overlords Dream

I came awake with a start, tense and sweaty, not precisely sure of my surroundings at first. I was not one to fear or show fear as I was the Overlord and fear made one weak and I must never show weakness. I feared this dream however, and, it was no dream, it was a memory.

"What is it?" whispered a small voice. I looked down at the woman snuggled in my arms as reality pushed away the remainder of sleep. I was surrounded by warmth, my daughter curled against my back, her daughter lying against her side, and her. I had come to think of her as my woman, but she, in truth, was my captive, as was her daughter. I was sure their fondest wish was to go home.

"You were twitching and moaning in your sleep. Rayne does that, but only during bad dreams," persisted the beauty in my arms.

"It was just a dream," I agreed somewhat more harshly than necessary. She blinked at the sting in my tone. She carefully and quietly began easing herself out from the warm nest of bodies toward the foot of the bed. "Where are you going?"

"Anywhere," came her terse reply as she reached the edge and slipped out to pad across the floor nude on bare feet. She appeared to be searching for something.

Although I was enjoying the view of her delectable body, I knew she was angry, and I knew it was at me. That idea bothered me. "What are you looking for?" I asked following her from the bed and striding toward her naked.

"My shirt."

"You mean my shirt," I couldn't help but point out, refraining from grinning.

"Fine, your shirt oh master," she bit back at me.

"You do not act like a proper captive, you know. If you do not be quiet you will wake the girls. If they awaken I will not have the privacy to take you where I wished." I watched her carefully regain control over herself. Her anger almost visibly lifting.

"Where did you wish to take me?"

"You will see," I answered.

"I can go no where in this state. Even your shirt does not cover me."

Understanding her need to cover her nudity, and, frankly, wishing to keep the sight of it to myself, I walked swiftly to a cabinet in the corner. Reaching in a bottom drawer I pulled out a shift similar to that which the girls had worn but in a deep green.

"I am surprised you did not uncover this yesterday," I commented teasingly, referring to her search of my room.

"I must have missed that drawer," she grudgingly admitted. "Was it hers?"

I knew she was referring to my Mistress. I could hear the dislike dripping from her tongue. "If it was?" I asked.

"Then I would rather remain naked and remain in this room."

Gritting my teeth and reeling in my patience, I responded heavily, "You will accompany me. That is not a choice, it is an order. Clothed or naked, that is up to you." She snatched the shift from my hands and quickly slipped it over her head. It fit her perfectly just as I had intended. I quickly pulled on a loose pair of trousers.

"Come," I ordered taking her hand and stepping into the hall beyond. I watched her reaction to her first taste of semi freedom in a while. She took a deep breath, but did not pull her hand from mine. I led her down the hall, the first rays of dawn just beginning to flood the windows.

We came to the tapestry depicting my Mistress in all her unholy glory. I did not stop but continued on not wishing to dwell upon her after my bout with the dream. My companion however had other ideas. She stopped dead in her tracks.

"That is her," she stated.

"Yes," I replied simply seeing no reason to hide the truth. If I kept her here any period of time she would have to know.

"Is there another way to get to wherever you are taking me?"

Seeing the fear in her eyes I was taken aback. She had not shown fear even during her capture but here she was afraid of a tapestry and a hallway? It made no sense but I had learned to not doubt things I did not understand. I changed course and chose another path. I saw immediate relief on her face.

"Come," I said quietly. And she came, her small hand nestled in mine.

We passed down the twisting hallways in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Upon reaching the kitchens, I paused briefly to grab fresh warm bread and some fruit. We exited through the kitchen door and passed quickly through the gardens and orchards while nibbling our stolen treat.

It was quite a distance to the spot I had planned to take her. I half expected her to tire and complain from the pace or the distance. She kept up with my long legged pace however and when I glanced at her there was a grin upon her face. Such an odd female.

We reached my goal in short time. Rounding a rocky outcropping, we entered a secluded glade. Trees draped in tangled vines grew wild here surrounding a smooth pond. The rays of the rising sun showed through the canopy in beams. I took a deep breath feeling the freedom and peacefulness of this place.

"Where are we?" my captive whispered in a hushed, almost reverent tone.

"This is one of my favorite places," I responded. "I rarely have time to come here but it calms me when I do"

"I can understand why," she said. "This place is God's blessed. It's is a place of safe haven." She seemed almost trance-like.

"What do you say?"

"The God's have blessed this place. It is a place of peace and safety for all creatures, animal, magical, and human. It is no wonder you feel it's calming effect when you come here."

"And how do you know this Lady?"

"I can feel it. It is not so dissimilar to the glade where you captured us."

"Come lady and sit," I said leading her to a large rock. She settled herself and I sat next to her. "Tell me of your feelings. Are you magical?"

"I will make you a bargain Overlord. I will explain if first you tell me your name. Please?" She looked pleased with herself at the possibility of getting her way. Little did she know that it pleased me if she have my name upon her lips.

"Would you like to know what my Mistress called me, or the name that I have given myself, small one?"

"I am not small!" she retorted indignantly.

Refraining from laughing at the look upon her face I replied, "You are compared to me, lady. My mistress called me 426. Eventually I claimed a name. Even she began to use it. It is Styrian. In your language it means..."

"Storm," she finished for me. "You are called Storm?" she seemed to pale some.

"Yes, why?"

"It's nothing. Your Mistress called you a number?" she looked horrified.

"Yes," I answered. "I was her 426th attempt at successfully procreating a female child." Her mouth dropped open in shock at my admission. "Close your mouth," I ordered. "Tell me your name."

Still reeling she quickly replied, "Blanca. It means..."

"White," I continued for her. "Why white?"

"Because of the latent powers that run in my family. The feelings I get. I hide them but can not ignore them. I felt that hall inside held evil. I could not take that path. It would have undesired results. I feel the holiness of this place. I feel the goodness in you. I feel that Rayne and I are safe."

"You are a witch? A white witch, dame blanche?"

"You might say that. I am just me. And I felt you were very troubled this morning. Just as I feel when Rayne needs me, I know that you do. Tell me your dream. It will help. I can help."

"Fine, but it is not actually a dream. I am reliving a memory. My earliest memory, when I awakened in the presence of my Mistress."

"Your earliest memory is from when you were a grown man? That seems rather odd."

"If you wish to hear this you must remain quiet and allow me to continue until I am finished. Otherwise, I will not get it out"

"I promise,"she responded with head bowed.

I closed my eyes preparing myself to relive the memory for the second time in one day. I felt her lean into me. The feel of her pressed to my side oddly gave me the strength I needed to begin my tale.

"The dream is no dream. It is a memory. My earliest memory. I do not remember my childhood or growing to manhood. I remember coming awake in what looked like a dungeon. It was dark. The only light came from torches set into the wall. I could not move. I realized I was tied to a cross shaped structure. My arms were bound straight out from my body, my legs were spread wide. I was naked. When I began to struggle against my bonds I heard her for the first time. It was a chuckle of pure evil. The sound sent a chill through me and I ceased struggling."

"It was my Mistress, although I did not know it then. When she stepped into the faint light I could see her for the first time. She was a bit taller than you with waist length jet black hair tied back. She was wearing a skin tight sheath with slits which exposed her body indecently. It was her eyes which alarmed me though. They glared at me, almost as if she could see into my soul. It made me feel dirty, unclean. What she did to me though, it made me unclean."

"'You are number 426,' she said. 'You are my slave. You appear strong and free from imperfections. You will learn to obey me. You should fear me.' She circled around behind me as she spoke. I could feel her claw like nails trailing over my body. I shivered. 'You like that?' she asked. I did not, but I refused to answer her."

"'When I ask a direct question an immediate answer is expected. Now you shall be punished.' she said. She sounded happy. That moment is when I felt the whip for the first time. It stung as it wrapped around my ribs. When she moved in front of me I saw that she held a flog. It had many strands of leather which ended in knots that extended from a short handle."

"The look on her face said she had enjoyed whipping me. I made no sound. She let the flog fly again. It landed upon my thigh nearly unmanning me. She trailed her claws along the welts that had risen. I think they must have been tainted with something as they left burning pain in their wake. She whipped me over and over but that was not the worst of it."

I stopped talking briefly, steeling myself for the admission to come. I felt her hand upon my arm in reassurance though she remained silent as I'd requested. I took a deep breath.

"In between whips, she fondled me. She would stroke my cock until it was stiff and standing and kept telling me how she would use me. She used her mouth on me, sucking me until I involuntarily wanted to cum, then she would flog me again. It was a cycle. I don't know how long it went on, I just wanted it to end."

"When she finally released me from the bonds I had no strength left to fight. I was led to a stone table and tied down. She climbed over me and impaled herself upon my cock and rode me. She came many times as she used me this way. My will was no match for this. I came inside her. My essence pouring into her. This was her goal."

"'You are strong' she said. 'You will make a fine child for me, a strong one that I may mold to follow in my footsteps.' I felt dirty, ashamed, that I had allowed myself to be used this way. There seemed no way to resist her. She was the only person I saw for I don't know how long. She would flog me and rouse me until the time came when my cock would stand simply at the sight of the whip."

"She eventually let me roam the dungeon cell as long as I was cuffed and chained to the stone table. I hated and feared her yet I craved her presence and attention no matter how vile and dirty it made me feel. I still do not completely understand."

"Then the day came when she announced she had conceived a child of me. That is where the dream ends, but I feel you would have the rest of the story from me. I would have other uses for her now. She brought me from the dungeon and put me in with the soldiers. I vowed I would be in a place where I could assure that a child of mine would not be like her. I rose through the ranks rapidly and when the child was born and was a girl I was appointed her bodyguard. After all, who better to look after the welfare of a child besides her father."

"So you found a way to protect your daughter from her mother?"

"Yes. I carefully undid the evils my mistress tried to instill in Crystal. I taught her good and true things, taught her of nature and to defend herself with her skill not with magics."

"You are a good father."

"Maybe," he replied. "I just wish I could purge this dream. I will always remember the past that I have but I would not dream of it."

"I know a way," she told me quietly. "Your freedom and control were taken from you. You are a man of power, a mensch, a person of integrity and honor, it was demeaning. What if you were to be the one in control. Controlling a female for sexual satisfaction through bondage but not pain, for mutual gratification. It could help exercise your demons."

"I could not treat a woman that way."

"Not as your mistress did to you, not with pain and humiliation, but in mutual agreement. Twist what she did to you into something better, see what it could be. Don't let her be the ultimate winner. Don't let her remain in control of you for she still is. Break free of her hold so you can be happy."

"The woman would need to be a willing partner, understanding what would be happening. There are many who have offered themselves to me. I will need to choose carefully."

"You could choose me," she said so quietly I almost did not hear her.


"Yes," she replied. "You have been good to me so far, my instincts tell me to trust you. Plus you've told me basically what is to occur and it was my suggestion after all. The only thing I will insist upon is that we do not enter her lair. There is evil there, it would be bad for me to be there."

"How about here then? It is a place of peace you have said. What better spot to excise my demons?"

"Fine. Here. Now."

"Come then," I ordered her. I took her hand and helped her rise from the rock. Leading her over to a large tree I carefully removed her sheath and pushed her up against it. She gasped slightly as the rough bark abraded her soft skin. I grabbed down some vines and quickly tied each wrist to a limb stretching out to each side of the trunk. Then thrusting a leg between hers I parted her legs and looped a vine around each ankle making it so she could not close her legs.

She looked slightly uncomfortable but did not utter a complaint. I wished she would so that I could stop this now. I did not want to take this too far and worried that I would.

"You are my captive," I grated harshly at her. "You will follow my orders in all things. My most important order is that if I go to far or you become afraid or wish to stop this you must tell me. I will stop instantly. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but I trust you. It is you who must trust yourself now."

As usual, her words cut straight to the mark hitting home. I determined I would not hurt her. I could make this enjoyable for both of us. I walked a short way into the forest behind where she was tied looking for what I needed. I found a springy sapling and broke off a flexible branch.

Returning to where she was tied and waiting, I remained behind her. Wanting to feel her once more, I trailed my large hand down her bare arm raking gently with my nails. She shivered in response. It reminded me of the first touch of my Mistress upon my skin.

I took the branch and, taking care, whipped it around her ribs. It left a light pink welt that would fade quickly. I heard her suck in her breath and I was sure I had hurt her.

"Remember your promise, Blanca."

"I remember. Continue," she ordered brazenly.

At her impudent order I let my makeshift whip fly. It landed around her waist, thigh, and calves. She did not make a sound. I walked around to stand in front of her. Her eyes were slightly glazed, her nipples taut. I dragged the branch over her breasts and saw her shiver once more as a moan escaped her lips.

My mouth came down to claim her nipple with a gentle bite and hard suck. My cock was rapidly stiffening. I shed my trousers. I wanted her. I was not sure how long I could wait to have her. I wanted her to be ready, to be filled with desire yet I wanted to play out this game she had dared me into.

I transferred my mouth to her other nipple enjoying the moans she was making. Using the branch I whipped her sex exposed by her legs tied wide. Her head fell back and she groaned. I almost stopped thinking she was hurt but she had promised to tell me. I had to trust her and trust myself that I would not hurt her.

Reaching a hand down, I raked my nails carefully over her nether lips repeatedly. She was squirming against her bonds now. I let one finger slide inside to rub roughly at her folds. I was surprised to find that her pussy was soaking wet. She was as turned on by this as I was.

I would not last knowing she was ready for me. My cock was stiff and achingly hard. I quickly undid her bonds.

"Go to the rock," I ordered her. "Lean over and place your hands upon it. Spread your legs." I watched as she did as I'd ordered. The sight of her open and waiting had me behind her in a heartbeat. With a hand on the back of her neck I forced her head down. My other hand steadied her hip as I plunged my cock into her depths.

She was soft and wet and warm inside. Her hips rocked back to meet my thrusts. Keeping her head forced down against the rock I continued pounding into her relentlessly. I felt I was using her but her mewling, purring sounds told me she was going to cum. "Come now!" I ordered. Just as my cock exploded into her I felt her muscles clamp down on me. She screamed in ecstasy as I moaned at my release.

With my final few thrusts I was milked of my essence. I eased my cock from her and released my hold helping her to rise. She waivered on her feet once upright so I took her into my arms steadying her. She held tightly to me, her head nestled into my shoulder. I felt dampness against my chest.

I pulled her back from me and tilted her chin up so I could look at her. Her eyes were filled with tears.

"Lady, are you hurt," I asked in concern noticing an abrasion on her forehead probably from the rock I had pressed her against and noticing the welts from my makeshift whip.

"No, I am not hurt," she replied adamantly. "That was intense. It was so strong. So good. You must have felt it. You are no longer hurting either."

At her words I realized the truth in what she said. The roughness, the control, the domination had been enjoyed by both of us. It had enhanced our sexual experience. What my Mistress had done to me was a twisted version but there was nothing wrong with me for allowing it to cause me to get a cockstand or to cum.

"Blanca, my sweet little vixen, you are bewitching me," I stated pulling her back into my tight embrace. "You are mine."

"For as long as you wish it so," she replied, surprising me.


"We shall see. The future is not written."

"We should return," I stated although I had no wish to leave our haven. I reached out retrieving our clothes and handed her hers.

"Yes, we should," she agreed quickly dressing and taking my hand in her small one. I lead her all the way back not releasing my hold upon her.

Upon entering through the kitchen I asked the cook to have a meal sent to my room and, knowing the waywardness of my children, to have them found and told to report to my chambers also. After making my orders clear, Blanca and I proceeded through the halls to my rooms taking care to avoid the hallway housing my former Mistress's lair.

As I had suspected, my rooms were empty, neither Crystal nor Rayne were anywhere about. Assuming it would be some time before they were found and they, along with my son, chose to follow my request, I offered to take Blanca to the bathing chambers. She readily agreed which did not surprise me.

I escorted her into my private bathing room. It was slightly more elegant than the general one but most importantly feature a mirrored glass. I turned her toward it determined not to laugh. Her reaction was as I had expected. Hands flew to her snarled tresses half escaped from her previously immaculate braids as she immediately began trying to pull out the leaves tangled there.