The Catastrophic Swap


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"Jesus." He said

"What? Oh, your wife again. Are you for real?" Rose laughter came through the wall followed by a loud moan of deep lust.

Adam tried to remember when was the last time he made her sing that song, and couldn't.

"Tell her to pipe down."

"She can't."

"I'm going outside to get some fresh air. You can stay and listen if you like."


Liam was getting his first tea-bag experience ever. He pinned it a little higher than the time he made an Israeli time record at the Eilat Iron Man triathlon.

His left nut sack was bobbing in and out of Rose's mouth, and she didn't let the other feel neglected, playing with it gently. One hand was rubbing his cock, wetting the shaft with a mischievous lick. Her mouth opened wide and she vacuumed the large sack again. He felt her tongue running happy circles on his skin.



Her tongue brushed a particularly sensitive spot along the backside of his sack and elicited a quiet shudder from him. She licked the same spot again and his moan played some strings that hoarded dust through the years. She felt powerful and sexy.

"It's funny." He said.

She raised her blue eyes, but didn't let go of his balls.

"I mean, for someone who wants me to say things like lady-garden, instead of, you know. I didn't expect you to be so... You're just wow."

Rose rolled his sack in her mouth, blew it out, and vacuumed his other nut sack.

"Not that I'm complaining, my reproduction parts are the happiest ever."

Rose spit out his nut. "Using ugly words hints at rotten upbringing. A total turn off for me."

"I'm not complaining."

"I'm a little quirky like that and I also like to suck balls and blow that donkey size cock of yours. Shoot me, fuck me."


"There's no contradiction. By the way, I do hope you'll return a favor and do that muff diving trick again later."

"Did you just used the word-?"

"Cock? Muff diving?"

"Rotten upbringing and a total turn off?"

"When a woman uses these words it's sexy, not dirty or gross," she said.

"You're a cynic."

"No, I'm a hypocrite, there's a difference."


"And stop with that Mother-Theresa act of yours; it's only tea-bagging."

"Kind of wild and unorthodox in my book."

"You're gonna love the next chapter, then." She dived back down and lifted his balls. For a second he felt her tongue on his scrotum, then it went lower and Liam opened his eyes wide. Her tongue licked his anus once, twice, thrice, then slithered inside his hole and wiggled happily.

"Oh." He pinned it above the Tea-Bagging experience.


Rose was quiet again, and Adam found he could inhale and exhale almost normally. He tried to imagine Michelle naked, he tried to imagine Rihanna naked; he even tried to imagine pink elephants jumping, naked. The third elephant's huge cock got jammed in the fence he was jumping over.


The silent was just as hard as the moaning. What were they doing? Were they taking a bath together? Maybe sharing a joke, or worse, a loving kiss?

This Liam, what did he know about him? The man was a swinger, a womanizer. Must be worth something in the sack if he made Rose squeal like that. Goddam him and his gold-digger wife of his.

He went to the bathroom, went out, and then in again. He had to know. Slowly he walked to the back and attached his ear to the wall separating the room.


Maybe they were sleeping?

With his arms around her maybe? Maybe they were spooning after their long sweaty shag, sharing the wisps of their ecstasy and the aftermath's intimacy?


No, wait, there was something. A giggle. Yep. She was giggling, and Liam throaty laugh answered. Why was she giggling?

"Fucking slut."


Rose was indeed spooning into Liam's hard body, but there was no aftermath's bliss, things were on full steam.

Her cunt stretched around his cock, deliciously hot and wet, as Liam proceeded to insert more of his dick into her from behind. He could hear her breathing, and feel her body shudder, as more of him filled her. Conqueror and conquered.

He moved around her body, still etched inside her and turned her face towards his. They shared a hot lovers' kiss. Liam went south and sucked on her breast. Rose moaned.

"Your tits are a work of art."

She giggled.

"I like your tattoo." He licked the small blueprint of a winged cat under her breast. "Catwings?"

"I'm impressed. You're the first one who got it right."

"Well, you do love Le Guin."

"Adam asked me why I went for a Pokémon tattoo," She giggled, and Liam answered with a throaty laughter. A slow thrust followed; her giggle turned into a sigh and a shiver rippled from her core to her head and toes.

"You're so big."

"I'll go slower."



"No, I want it harder."


She nodded with a shudder and spooned hard into him, impaling her soft sheath further. "Faster."

With a grunt, he thrust himself hard into her. She screamed as he impaled her. She was throbbing a bit. The pounding started immediately.



"Much faster!"


"No talking, nerd! Harder!"

His cock penetrated her, stretching her around while his body pinned her frame to the cabin's wall. She had started to grunt with each inward thrust, a low guttural sound which was matched by his own panting as he pounded her pussy.

He lowered his head to her and could not help but lick her ear before whispering, "This is the most incredible sex I have ever had."

Rose heart soared. She was Indiana Rose. She was Superwoman.

They moved together in a harmony that seemed to transcend boundaries. She was him and he was her for a few long moments as his rhythm blended into her and made something greater. He thrust and she moved to meet him, he withdrew and she pulled back, moving her hips in an endless cycle of forward-back, forward-back... The room became overcrowded with wet skin on wet skin slapping, grunts, sighs, and the occasional high squeal from Rose.

An infinite loop of pleasure.

Her cunt walls started to spasm around his cock, deliciously stimulating it, followed by a hot gush of a wet substance around his hard member. Then her whole body started to shake and spasm around him. Rose climbed to a crescendo; her orgasm escaped her throat with a horny cat like growls.






She locked her hand around his neck and pulled his lips to her. She moaned and then shouted her orgasm into his mouth.

Liam thrust a few more times then she felt him flood her tunnel with hot sperm. Her walls contracted and milked his stiffness and she kept pounding backward a few more times after he stopped. She left her hand locked around his neck and her lips on his.

After an orgasm she usually wanted to get herself cleaned. Not this time. She didn't let him pull back; each time he tried she pushed her ass back into him. Her arm kept him in place and she kept kissing him, nuzzling him, and cooing like an over happy dove.

"Wow, I-"



There was a science fiction book she read once about two scientists that had created a watch that could freeze a single minute in time. They never pushed the button, because they were never certain that a single moment was the peak. There was always a better experience, something more exciting around the bend. If she had that button right now, she would have pushed it.

She glowed from within. Liam tried to separate but she wouldn't let him. His cock had grown softer inside her folds, but that too felt good.

"Hey." He huffed.

Rose nuzzled him, then kissed him deeply.

"I just—"

She silenced him with another kiss.

"I just wanna—"

She sucked in his lip and gave it a bite before he could finish the sentence.

"Ouch, I just-"

She licked his forehead and tasted sweat.

"I just wanna—"

"I just wanna pretend, Liam. This isn't really happening, it's some amazing dream I'm having and I don't want to wake up. So don't talk, just let me dream."


Reality has a tendency to ruin dreams. A mobile rang somewhere and Liam reached for it.

"It's your husband."

"I don't wanna talk to him."

"What do you mean?"

Rose pushed him and he went out of her folds with a plop. She slowly stood up. "I'm taking a shower. I don't have the energy to listen to him right now."

"Want me to? What should I say?"



A moan chased Adam out of the room and into the cooling afternoon air. A wind picked up from the Golan Heights, and brought with it scents of summer and a Syrian civil war.

Maybe we'll have a war soon and they'll call on Liam for some commando mission where he'll fuck up and get himself killed or maimed. Adam had a childish wishful thinking moment. What if they call me and I get killed, then Liam gets to fuck my wife whenever he likes?

Stop imagining, idiot, it's your fault.

He walked around the oak tree; his foot got caught in a root and he fell, face down in the grass.


Where is that bitch Michelle anyway?

He found her near the Jacuzzi; she wasn't alone. Arik, the owner's son was there too, leaning against the Jacuzzi's fence, looking smugger than he appeared this morning. A blond girl, about eleven years old, trotted on top a magnificent roan between the fence and the cabins. Arik and the little girl had too many facial similarities, to be considered anything else than siblings.

"Don't pull so hard, Naomi." Arik talked to the little girl but his face and smile were all for Michelle. "The bit is taking her mouth apart."

"She won't listen otherwise." The girl gave another tag on the reins.

"You're hurting her."

"Am not. She's being a stupid on purpose."

"Maybe you need to be gentler?"

"Maybe we need bury you under the oak tree and we'll come only once to visit you like we did when Mr. Marbles died." The girl pulled out her tongue.

"What the fuck?"

"You said fuck." She gave a high leprechaun laugh and kicked her horse to a fast gallop.

"Kids. I'm sorry that you had to watch that. My sister has just entered puberty."

"That's okay." Michelle was all smiles, "I have three at home, and sometimes wish I could hang them out to dry with the laundry."

"Three kids? Get out of here. You look like a kid yourself."

"Get out of here yourself, you kiss ass. How old you think I am?"


Michelle gave her fake laugh.

"If you're going to claim a day older than twenty five, I'll call you a liar."

Michelle laughed and leaned forward, 'accidently' touching his arm. "You have been riding horses long?"

"I was born on a horse; nothing to it. Naomi too. She just needs to learn that she can get with kindness and gentleness far more than with cruelty and impatience. Especially with a filly like Petra. She's gentle, I broke her in."

"So you like to ride fillies, eh?"

"I know how to ride mares, too," Arik winked.

"I bet you do."

"A filly can be skittish, you know. A mare has more experience and style."

"Yeah, a hot sweaty ride is one of life's treats."

"Good cardio, anyway."

"The best."

"We're talking horses, right?" Arik winked again. Tall, broad, handsome, TV star kind of smile, and twelve tons of youthful cockiness. Adam was willing to bet he was riding a generous share of the neighborhood's fillies, overconfidence being a turn on at that age and all.

They didn't hear him approaching on the soft grass, so Adam gave an intruding cough.

"Oh, Alex, where did you come from?" Arik turned. If he was embarrassed about being caught with his flirting hand inside the cookie jar, then his face didn't show any trace of it.

"It's Adam."

"Adam, sorry. Your wife just asked me if there's a good place to hit, well I was in the army for three weeks, but my homies told me there's a banging new place that just popped on—"

"My wife?"

Arik turned back to Michelle, a bit confused with Adam's response. At that moment Adam's real wife hit a high note, and it flew like an overjoyed cupid into the air. Three heads turned as one to the cabin. Another moan of passion escaped.

"Not being cheeky, total respect man, but could you perhaps ask your friend discreetly to have that wild cat lower the volume just a bit? Not that I'm bothered, but I have other guests here on the weekend. You alright, man?"


"Anyway there's a banging new place up above Golan Beach, and Friday night they have a show and—"

"You mean a restaurant?"

"Huh? Well yeah, your wife said she's so hungry she can chew a horse, and asked for some pointers -"


"You have another wife?"

"No, yeah, I mean, we, I mean I forgot all about the restaurant. Good thinking. Let's call them. I'm really hungry too." Anything to make them stop.


Liam opened the shower's door; he pressed on her back and kissed her neck.

"What did he want?"

"They want to go out for dinner. Some fancy new restaurant above Golan Beach."

"What did you say?"

"I, well, yeah. He's your husband."

Rose leaned her forehead on the shower's door. The water drizzled down her body, dripping from her crotch.

"Are you okay?"

"Sure, just been a long day, lots of ups and downs."

"You want me to tell them you went to bed?"

"No. I just need a moment."


"No, don't go."


"Just, you know..."

"Sure." He enveloped her in his arms and Rose leaned her head on his shoulder and big chest. It felt good, far too good than it should have and it made her cry. Because her life wasn't a science fiction book and not what was promised. People married without love. People swapped. People hurt the ones that loved them. She didn't lay her head because she felt tired, she laid her head because she felt like a volcano. She hoped that Liam's unlimited ability to contain and his gentle caring, might help her tame down the lava. It did; at least for a while.


I know that many men and even women are afraid and angry when women do speak, because in this barbaric society, when women speak truly they speak subversively - they can't help it: if you're underneath, if you're kept down, you break out, you subvert. We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains.

Ursula K. Le Guin

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To be continued...

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diegotoadstickerdiegotoadsticker7 months ago

And so like too many others, was never finished. Wish hadn’t started it. And I agree, Adam was written to be incredibly not liked

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

1st half promising, 2nd half, Femdom agitprop, disappointing.

EastCoaster1EastCoaster1over 1 year ago

Looking forward to the next part...

...gave this one a 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The dialog is different and entertaining no doubt. While Adam is not at Michelle's level in terms of an unlikeable character, the story would be better in my opinion if he wasn't so gung ho about the swap. I do wonder why a man blessed with a wife like Rose who is incredibly smart, works hard at her health, is beautiful, orgasms every time from just vaginal intercourse, and has only been with her husband would ever consider a swap. That's incomprehensible to me. Biggest issue is that it's left unfinished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

These people, fictional though they may be, were dumber than stumps. To add insult to injury, this story is unfinished. 0 stars

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Stupid story about stupid shallow people.

What a bunch of dopes.

They deserve each other and the misery coming their way.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ha. This story sure does attract a lot of comments from puritanical lunatics and women-haters. Their rants are always funny.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Outcome not a surprise, but still sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Probably the best story I have read on literotica about swapping, hope there is a continuation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very well done. Best swapping story I've read, not that I read many. (Not my bailiwick, and the ones I do read need to have an orientation other than straight eroticism.) 5*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Dialogue is impossible without an occasional character name thrown in to clarify. Three stars.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Sounds more like a cheating whore than swapping.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The story deteriorated quickly when it shifted to all that Israeli crap. KISS,as in keep it simple,stupid. (Won’t read any continuation!I’ll just assume Rose dumped Adam for Donkey Dick.🙄)

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