The College's New Assistant Pt. 12


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"How much for this one?" He called out to Miss White.

"Hahaha," Miss White laughed, "Oh I'm sorry Sir, but that is not for auction today."

"That's a damn shame! I would love this for my girlfriend! She'll have to settle for the skirt I guess," He lamented. He asked for his cane back from Yumi and tried to get up off his knees. It's not easy for a 160kg man to do. He put his weight on the cane but his grip slipped and he lurched forward planting his sweat face square into Yumi's pretty pussy covering. Yumi squealed, then apologised and asked for someone to help the man. The Dean jogged over to the her and heaved the man to his feet. He wasn't so sure the man accidentally slipped at all, and thought he was purposefully pushing his face into her tight pussy.

"Oooh ahh thank you Dean!" the man said, "I'm not as agile as I used to be back in Uni!"

"Haha that's ok Jim, lay off the fish and chips a bit, mate!" The Dean said patting him on the back, "Thanks for helping my College, I'll remember this. Please Yumi, thank Jim for his contribution."

Yumi was still shook up from having her crotch mauled by the rotund man, but she knew her place was to do anything she could for the College.

"Thank you so much Sir! Very kind!" Yumi said bouncing on her toes.

The man just smiled at her sleazy manner and said "My pleasure, baby." He slowly waddled off to his seat licking his lips trying to taste Yumi's essence. Now Yumi stood in her demi bra, chrome sequinned loincloth, stockings and heels. Almost completely exposed becoming hotter by the minute. It had been 15 minutes since her pussy vibrator started moving, and now she felt it go to level two. She started involuntarily moving her hips in small circles. She tried to disguise her arousal by moving her hands and doing a slow dance.

"Do we have any music for Yumi?" Miss White asked the technician responsible for audio and lighting at the auction, "She looks like she wants to dance again!" The audience chuckled at this as the technician looked on his laptop for some music to play. "I'm serious, can we just put on some R&B in the background, just a low volume please." He nodded and started Spotify then went to his favourite R&B playlist. The auditorium was filled with Ginuwine's "Pony". Yumi heard it and continued dancing with more abandon.

"Thank you Paul," Miss White said, "Now up for auction, Yumi's shoes and stockings. Pure silk stockings and the shoes are genuine Louboutins, retailing at £250. Let's start the bidding at £200 then." Five women shot their numbered paddles in the air. Quickly bids were being called out, increasing by £20 each time. Soon the shoes and stockings were fetching £340. The shoes Yumi wore were actually fairly rare and the wealthy women knew it. Yumi was feeling the R&B now, her parents had never listened to such music, preferring to listen to Japanese classical artists. Yumi loved the strong beat and the high vocals. She had never really listened to this sort of music as she associated it with the slutty girls who generally made fun of and excluded her. The music spoke to her body and made her want to gyrate more. The men and boys in the audience had noticed her more provocative dancing and supported her with cheers and whistles.

"430, do I have 450?" Miss White asked.

"465!" A young woman who was a partner in a law firm called out. She had been trying to buy these shoes online but had no luck so far. She was determined to win.

"465! can I get 480? Anyone for 480?" Miss White asked.

"490!" The man in the white suit called out.

" 490 from the man in the white suit, can anyone do better? Do I hear 500?" Miss White asked.

"£600!" The lawyer shouted out. The man in white chuckled and shook his head. He decided not to get between a woman and her shoes.

"600! Any more? Sir would you like these beautiful shoes from our beautiful model?" Miss White tried to pull him back into bidding. He shook his head again. "600, first call for 600... second call for £600... it's a good deal for these shoes, anyone else? Third and final call for 600... sold! To the woman in glasses in the second row! Please come and get your new shoes and stockings!" Miss White was overjoyed she had sold the shoes and stockings for around double the retail value. The woman could hardly contain her excitement walking with a bounce in her step onto the stage. She knelt down in front of Yumi's vulva and lifted her left foot. She slipped off the shoe, admiring it for a moment before moving to the right one. She looked at Yumi's delicate toes painted with bright red nail polish. She had the same size feet as Yumi, but the sexy student's feet looked much more alluring than her own.

She now turned her attention to the stockings. They began just two inches below Yumi's weeping entry. She slid her hands up either side of Yumi's left leg feeling the smooth silk under her palms. Yumi exhaled deeply, enjoying the soft hands rubbing her. The lawyer brushed Yumi's labia with the back of her hand and pushed up the sequinned loincloth to expose part of her pussy to any keen observers in the audience. Slowly she roll down the stocking being careful not to catch her fingernails on the fabric. She placed the rolled up stocking in the left shoe. She did the same with the other leg, causing Yumi again hasten her breathing, enjoying the woman's gentle touch. Yumi's whole pussy was coated in a thin sheen of nectar. She longed for release.

"Thanks for the shoes pretty girl!" The woman said and kissed Yumi on the forehead before returning to her seat. Yumi stood swaying to R&B in front of 500 people, more than half of them horny men, clad only in a six by four inch covering over her bald pussy and a demi bra that only just held her nipples in. It was an amazing sight. As little as she was wearing, the auction was not over. She still had one more item to go.

"the next item for auction won't be a weekend with Yumi as your 'slave'," Miss White said making air quotes with her fingers. The crowd murmured disapproval, "Don't worry, we will get to it, but the next item for auction is this lacy demi bra, suited for the more adventurous woman. Maybe one of your wives would like it, gentlemen? Who will give me £80?"

"100!" came the call from a well-off student.

"Oh, no mucking about there Shaun!" Miss White said.

"120!", said the student seated next to Shaun, his best friend Tyson. Shaun was surprised by his friend's bid, but given the sale price of the other items Yumi wore he knew that neither of them would likely win anyway, so he held no animosity.

"150!" Shaun countered.

"Are you going to let you friend win Yumi's bra? Remember, you get to remove it yourself..." Miss White teased the boy.

"Of course I won't," Tyson barked back, "£200!" Tyson looked proud of himself, although he secretly didn't want to win, he could afford it, only just, but it was a bit of a waste of money he thought.

"Hmm... I'd love to win, but it's too rich for my blood mate!" Shaun said slapping his friend on the back.

"First call for 200... surely someone else wants this bra?" Miss White asked incredulously.

"Second call for 200... any-" Miss White started when she was interrupted.

"300!" The man in the Hawaiian shirt called out.

"Make it 350," The man in the white suit called out.

"How about 375?" The man in the Hawaiian shirt countered.

"Great! 375 to Jim," Miss White said, "Any more gentlemen, and ladies, of course.."

"£400!" The white suited man replied.

"£500!" Jim shouted.

"675!" Mr Murphy entered the bidding.

"Thank you Mr Murphy! The bid is £675. All for a very good cause, supporting one of the finest Colleges in England. Who really wants this bra?" Miss White asked the audience. The auditorium was silent except for the quiet background music "Blurred Lines" by Pharrell Williams, Yumi was still gyrating to the song.

"No more bids? 675... first call... 675.. second call... 6-" Miss White was ready to call it.

"£750!!" Isaac, who was a tech multi millionaire, shouted.

"Thank you Mr Feinstein. 750, can anyone do better?" Miss White asked, "750, first call... 750, second call... 750, no more bids? Seven fiiifty... final call... 750 sold! To Mr Feinstein. Please come and get your garment."

Isaac clapped his hands together and jumped out of his seat. He leapt to the stage and fell in love with Yumi.

"Oh my, you are a very, very pretty thing," He whispered into Yumi's ear.

"Thank you Sir, I hope you happy with purchase," She replied in a cute and quiet way.

"Absolutely! Let me undo this sweetie," He said grabbing the clasp in the front and pushing them together. It actually took a little effort to squashed her huge breasts together more than they already were mashed up against each other. Yumi's massive mounds bounced apart, her bra flicked to her sides and fell down to her elbows. Her breasts topped with the chrome-plated metal caps stood at attention defying gravity. They were now 32F.

"Wow, magnificent!" Isaac said putting his hands under her breasts and lifting them gently, "What are these?" He said sas he pulled on the chrome posts sticking out of the centre of her nipple covers.

"Ahhh!" Yumi exclaimed, her nipples still super sensitive, "They cover nipples, not allow to show here Sir!"

"I love it! Very pretty! My oh my, you are so beautiful!" Isaac was completely besotted with her, "May I kiss you?"

Yumi looked at Miss White and the Dean for directions. The Dean walked over to see what was happening as he was out of earshot of the conversation.

"What's the matter Yumi?" He asked quietly. Their conversation was hushed.

"I wanted to give her a little kiss, she's so beautiful!" Isaac gushed.

"Yumi, don't you think a man who contributed so much money to our College deserves it?" He said giving Yumi a stern look.

"Ahh, Sir?" Yumi looked unsure but when the Dean raised his eyebrow she knew what was expected. She was here to benefit the College after all. She was owned by the College and the Dean had her power of Attorney, "Ahh ok Sir" she replied and leaned in, pushing her metal nipple covers into Isaac's chest and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. As she tried to pull away, Isaac held the back of her head and sucked on her lips longer. After a few seconds he let her go.

"Thank you Yumi, you've made my month!" Mr Feinstein left the practically naked girl sitting back on his chair and taking a few surreptitious sniffs of his new bra.

"We have now reached the last auction item for tonight. A weekend with the lovely student you see before you. She will go with you from 9pm tonight until 9pm Sunday. What do you think that is worth? Remember, what she does is up to Yumi's discretion," Miss White said as she gave a sly glance to Dean Roberts, of course Yumi would have to agree to most requests, "But she must obey orders such as cleaning, cooking, running errands and the like. Let's start at £600. Do I have 600?" Half of the men in the first three rows put their paddles in the air. Within one minute the bid was £2,750. Yumi kept gyrating on the stage. She had already won the auction and she felt a pang of pride that she was so desired. Her total was almost £5,000 and it didn't look like bidding would soon end. The Dean had told a few of his friends that Yumi would definitely submit to their requests for sex, so with that in mind the punters bid.

"Do I hear 3,000?" Miss White asked.

"3,500!" The man in the white suit shouted. As soon as the words left his mouth another bid came.

"4,000!" It was from a well-dressed Japanese man. He was in England for some meetings in London before he returned to Tokyo.

"Great! Thank you Tanaka-san! Anyone else want to challenge? A beautiful woman doing your washing and cleaning you house for the weekend must be worth more than this!" Miss White joked, again looking at the Dean and this time winking.

"Fifty-five hundred!" Mr Murphy shouted quickly followed by Isaac Feinstein.

"£6,000!" Isaac was on the phone at the time, talking to his accountant. Apparently he had some troubles with cash flow recently, as his money was tied up in purchase orders, "I can go to what??" he spoke into the phone.

"£6,250" the man in the white suit said calmly.

"£7,500" Tanaka-san followed.

"7,500, is that all? Don't let this item slip away, she is a great housecleaner, I have it on good authority!" Miss White said, "She is also skilled at ironing and makes for an extremely polite server."

"£8,000!" Isaac shouted then aggressively whispered into the phone, "Look Alan, I don't really care to be honest!"

"Ten.. thousand," Tanaka-san said slowly. The audience grew quiet.

"£10,000... this is more like it. Still, not too much for a good cause and great company is it? Anyone care to bid more?" Miss White said.

Isaac Feinstein swore at his phone and hung up. Unfortunately he had received bad news about his finances and would not be able to bid anymore.

"£10,250" Mr Murphy bid the minimum increment.

Mr Tanaka looked at him and smiled and said calmly, "£15,000"

The rest of the men wanted to win her and some didn't know about the secret conditions of the auction. Mr Tananka did. Nobody else wanted to bid now however. They figured a high priced escort would be just as good as Yumi. In their minds it wasn't worth £15,000 to fuck a smoking hot babe, even if it was for a "good cause". However, Tanaka-san had some deals to close and he knew a girl like Yumi would be perfect in swaying negotiations. Negotiations worth millions, so the cost to him was negligible.

"£15,000 from Tanaka-san!! Can anyone better that bid?" Miss White waited a few seconds then continued, "First call, 15,000... second call.. 15,000... third and final call... 15,000 for a weekend with Yumi.. no more bids?? Sold! To Mr Tanaka for £15,000! Please come and collect your prize."

There was a huge round of applause, cheering and whistling after Miss White's hand slammed on the podium.

"Thank you everybody for a great auction, I'm just getting the tally now.." Miss White looked over at the Dean who had been keeping track of the sales. He walked over and whispered in her ear. She spoke into the microphone again, "We have raised £35,220 for the College! This is a great effort and will allow us to continue to improve our teaching! Thank you and goodnight."

Mr Tanaka walked to the stage taking slow deliberate steps. Miss White stopped him before he walked to Yumi.

"Tanaka-san, we have a unique leash for 'slave' Yumi," She said unravelling the chains for Yumi, "Come with me, I'll show you how it works." Yumi had stopped dancing as the music had been turned right down but she was slightly twitching at the stimulation of the exciter charm. Suddenly it switched off. Yumi pouted. This teasing was so incredibly frustrating.

"Yumi this is Mr Tanaka. You should call him Tanaka-ue. Look at me, telling you about Japanese!" Miss White laughed, "Ok, let's get these connected." Miss White showed Tanaka-san how to clip the chains to her nipple caps and down to her exciter charm. She moved the loincloth aside when she did this, giving Tanaka-san a clear view of her sweet quim. She had rivulets of glistening juices running down the first few inches of her thighs. He unconsciously nodded thinking about all the things she would do for him, and others, this weekend. Yumi knew that adding "ue" (pronounced "ooo eh") to the end of someone's name denoted a person of a much higher status than the speaker. He had paid £15,000 for her so naturally he was a very important person. Yumi knew she must do her best to satisfy his whims and wishes.

"And then finally, there is the lead which gets attached to these two rings here," Miss White said clipping the end of the thin lead through the two rings in the middle of the chains near her belly button. She then handed the other end which had a three inch ring on it. Tanaka-san put his first two fingers through it and lightly shook it.

"Iieeee yaaah!" Yumi shrieked.

"Ahh subarashii! Kore wa tanoshii desu yo!" Mr Tanaka told Yumi he was having fun.

"Hai, sou desu... Tanaka-ue," Yumi replied agreeing with him. She knew that was the response he wanted.

"Ok, let's go," Mr Tanaka said.

"Ahh sorry Tanaka-san, terribly sorry, but we need to do a final debrief with Yumi first before you take her. It's 8pm now, I promise we will have her back to you before 9pm. If you'd like to come with me, I've prepared some snacks for you and your assistant. We also have some 18 year old Yamasaki for you."

"It is no matter, thank you for your hospitality. I am pleased to join you," Mr Tanaka said and gave a small bow. Miss White handed the lead to the Dean and both parties went separate ways. Miss White to the library and Dean Roberts and Yumi to his office. Yumi was careful to keep up with the Dean as she felt every shake of the chain pull on her nipples and her excited nub. She had not come for a long time, almost two weeks. Every time she was teased it was driving her mad. Little did she know that the NLP she had been receiving was also limiting her ability to come. She needed permission to come now.They walked into the Dean's office and the Dean led Yumi through the bathroom and the massage room to Yumi's room. As they enter Yumi feels her vibrator start. The Dean had switched it on with the remote in his pocket. It was at level three.

"Ooohh oooohh aaahh! OoOOoh!" Yumi cried out. After 30 seconds of watching Yumi squirm, shaking her chains in the process which just amplified the sensations that were rattling her body, the Dean switched off the exciter charm.

"Hello Yumi, I haven't spoken with you for a while," The Dean began, "I've missed you! Have you missed me?"

"Ahh yes Sir, I do," Yumi responded.

"Do you really mean that?" He pressed.

Yumi searched her feelings. She really did miss him. He was very important to her. She just wanted to make him happy because in turn, she would be happy. She wouldn't be pleasured unless the Dean was satisfied.

"Yes Sir, I really do. You make me happy. Please Sir, want to come, so long time no coming!" Yumi begged.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. But I told you, you would lose your virginity to whomever won you in the auction. Is that what you would like Yumi-chan?" He asked her.

Yumi really didn't want to lose her virginity to the 50 year old Japanese man. Losing it to a stranger sounded revolting to her. She wanted the Dean's beautiful eight inch cock in her pretty vagina. At this point she would do just about anything to avoid being fucked by Tanaka-san first.

"Nooo Sir! Please, no want him take my virginity!!" Yumi pleaded.

"What do you want then? Because in less than one hour I have to give you to him. And you know, he paid a lot of money to the College. And as the College's Assistant it is your duty to do what is good for the College. That means keeping our donors happy, Yumi-chan," The Dean explained to her.

"Please Sir... ca-can can take my vir virginity?" Yumi felt so depraved asking him to take her virginity, but she felt as though she was obeying her desire, and that was the correct thing to do. She needed to fully embrace her sexuality.

"Hmm.. I'm not sure. No I don't think I will. What will you do for me?" The Dean said trying to feign disinterest. He just wanted to push Yumi to her limit. Almost two weeks of no orgasms after having a few a day, she must be going crazy. He turned on the vibrator again.

"Sir please -ahh- no!! I want -oohhh, ahh- you take me! Aaahh ooOOh! Please, what can I -oohh- do?? Please Sir!" Yumi was shouting now and bouncing on her bed she was seated on. She still had the chains attached and the lead was on the ground in between her legs.

"You want me to fuck you Yumi-chan? Is that it?" The Dean said again delighting in her sexual anguish.

"YESS!! I -aaahhh! I want YOU to FUCK ME SIR!!" she was yelling and twitching wildly now. The Dean had upped the level one more. Normally this would be enough for her to come, but she had the thought embedded now that she couldn't unless the Dean, or a nominated party, said she could.