The Corrupted Forest Ch. 02

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A team attempts to find the missing guardians.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/19/2015
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The King's Quest

Sunlight shone through the large forest canopy like heavenly beams. A lone ranger stood below in a state of panic.

The man had entered the forest with a full squad, six in total. He had been their guide. The one that 'knew' the forest. But nothing reminded him of the land he loved.

Things had changed and it wasn't the trees themselves. The air carried a think aroma he had never smelled before. Three days they had traveled before entering the vast green canopy, now shrouded in green mist.

Everything went downhill the moment they stepped within. One by one his comrades vanished without a trace.

The ranger took pride in his skills and it wasn't easy to admit he couldn't find any tracks. It appeared as if each person disappeared right where they stood. He felt like the forest covered up their tracks somehow.

The worst part that made the ranger feel the most concerned, no wildlife. The forest should be teeming with it. Not even a single bird sang among the trees. The awkward silence made the hairs on his neck stick up. It felt like he was being watched by something dangerous. Something all other animals were avoiding.

The thick air made his leather stick uncomfortably to his sweating skin. When the first person went missing everyone thought the woman had simply wandered off. The panic attacks began after the third person went missing. That was the moment he truly knew things were bad. Their party members weren't simply wandering off.

Each breath he took made his head spin. He couldn't remember their names—or even his own—or their faces. He felt like he had been drugged. The corners of his vision blurred as his heartbeat raced; the painful pounding echoed in his ears.

Get a grip on yourself! He kept repeating in his head to no avail.

A branch snapping caused him to spin around. He reacted fast and stumbled before catching himself.

His eyes were staring at a scene so alien he could hardly believe it. Scattered among the large oak trees were these green pods. All of them were small except one, massively overgrown plant-like pod. It looked like it was almost ready to hatch. If you thought of it like a plant seed, or egg.

Even with his mind spinning, he knew he had never seen anything of their like in all his years as a scout. Quickly the ranger took cover behind a massive decaying, fallen trunk. The rotting trunk laid along another massive tree. This one living and thriving however, its roots were thick. He peeked cautiously over the rotting bark.

The closest pod pulsed, and a gooey hiss echoed as it slowly opened. A cloud of thick green mist bellowed out before a discharge of pink liquid flowed out into the grass.

The ranger saw leather and bits of metal flow out along with the bight liquid. The leather appeared mixed with a pale substance covered in fine black hairs. The clump fell out and tumbled towards him. He took a step back as the pale substance continued to roll until he could see the resemblance of a face.

Horror grasped his racing heart as movement drew his gaze upward.

His heart skipped a beat. He forgot all about the discarded hallow skin at his feet with a face.

A pale green skinned woman stretched within the opening pod. The ranger's gaze traveled up her smooth legs to wide hips. Her thighs were pressed together hiding view of her pussy as he gulped and licked his suddenly dry lips.

She had a tight midsection with small hints of defined muscles. Her delicate hands caressed her skin as his eyes followed them up her body to the swell of her bosom. He groaned—quickly covering his mouth with his hand—as she squeezed those luscious melons. Her pale green hands tweaked darker green nipples.

So, captivated with her beauty he hardly noticed all the vines wrapped around her, or the flowers in her hair. The pod continued to open until it appeared like a giant flower with a goddess growing out of it. Everything below her thighs we within the flower pod.

He almost took a step forward as a sweet scent reached his nose. Rustling of leaves snapped him out of the daze, distracting him. Then an armored figure moved into sight. Smooth, polished metal plates reflected sunlight as the man moved. Even his helmet appeared polished and glimmering in the light.

The ranger stood up, mouth open, pointing a finger; trying to remember the man's name. Then the green skinned woman turned her head from the newcomer towards the rising ranger.

His eyes opened wide as he cried out with a hushed yelp, dropping back behind cover.

The armored man kept walking towards the open pod, stepping onto the discarded flesh. A squash, and crunch broke the trance, causing the bulky man to blink repeatably. The ranger watched as his lost comrade's face registered the sounds source. The woman smiled, a wicked, sinister smile.

That's when the ranger noticed her face from his perch behind the fallen tree.

The angles of her bone structure were too sharp to be human. She had the look of a predator, hungry for her next meal. Emerald eyes sparkled as she beckoned the armored man forward with her hands.

The smell the ranger had noticed earlier tripled in potency since the pod opened. It entered his nostrils and flooded his system with lust like he'd never felt before. He had only been slightly aware of the ache between his legs before, but now it consumed his thoughts, threatening to overwhelm him.

The woman sighed with a sexy pout distracting him from his moment of clarity. He once again almost took a step forward; member twitched painfully as he struggled with his belt.

Luckily the woman wasn't focused on him. Otherwise he would have stripped off his pants before running into her embrace. The other man acted upon the fantasy that plagued the ranger's mind.

Watching safely from his perch excited the ranger's body. Had he been of clear mind he would have known the excitement came from the potent pheromones.

A small part of him struggled to recall the armored man's name.Why couldn't he remember?

"Yes, that's it, come to me," she practically moaned out. One of her hands outstretched towards the man, angling her fingers in a come hither motion. The armored man visibly shivered and stopped moving. His eyes closed as he breathed in deep.

The pink, almost invisible vapor floating around him entered his nostrils. The veins on his neck pulsed with a pink tint, traveling down his body. When the pheromones reached his heart, his irises tinted pink. Like little lightning bolts firing off within the iris.

He stared at the plant woman with unnatural admiration as she tilted her head and smiled.

"mmhmmm, that's right, come inside with me, feed me."

The ranger stared from the safety of his hiding spot. A scent on the air put him on the verge of sneezing. Yet, he held it off as best he could. He couldn't take his eyes off the green woman as she caressed her body in an enticing manner. A stray lock of dark green hair fell before her eyes. She tilted her head and puffed at it, blowing the hair off to the side.

The armored man appeared to be having trouble moving. It looked like small vines were creeping up his legs, restricting him. Though, he didn't seem to notice. His veins pulsed, sweat running down his face.

Vines around the woman's torso arched up, pressing her breasts together. She pouted, "Having trouble there handsome?"

He groaned, desperate, eager to approach her. The flowers in her hair bloomed as her eyes flashed bright green. The pheromones wafting off her flowed like an aura. A swirling pink aura that accentuated her curves. It gave her a godly appearance. To anyone watching she would appear to be the most beautiful woman they'd ever seen.

The armored man's breathing was proof to that. He reached out, longing to close the distance. The vines were around his waist now, inside his shirt and climbing, tickling his abs. The man tried to restrain from laughing, to no avail. He broke out in a fit of giggles. His arms tried to swat them away, and he would have fallen, if not for the vines keeping him upright. They had a slimy feel to them, leaving his skin tingling and warm.

"What do you want to do to me, my sweet?" She asked with a smirk, head tilted to the side. He struggled to reply. The pink lightning fired more often with each deep breath he took, breathing shallow, and desperate.

"Do you want me?" Her eyes widened as she grinned, his reaction was instantaneous, nodding and groaning. The vines were wrapping lightly around his neck now. He felt their touch like a loving caress.

"Then come to me," she reached out with both hands, did another come hither and placed them palm up at her mouth, and blew. The aura of pheromones flowed towards him like a crashing wave on a sandy beach. The cloud washed over him lighting his lust to new heights. His blood boiled with it, driving him crazy.

More vines entered his armored pants, snapping their straps, ripping the fabric. The new tendrils left with pieces of his clothing and armor. His legs were tingling something fierce and it felt like the sensations were building in his crotch. With his mind completely compromised he tried to take another step. This time the slimy vines loosened just enough for him to get a little closer. They were squeezing his muscles, undulating and slithering around him, like a deep tissue massage.

It felt like his heartbeat could be felt along his entire body as they mimicked the pumping. Though, no vine came into contact with his groin. They purposely avoided touching his throbbing dick. He was left aching and desperate for her touch. The pheromones fueled his lust as the vines made his body more sensitive. The serpent like tendrils—now wrapped around his arms—kept him from reaching down. Despite is every attempt to relieve some pressure.

More of the pheromones filled the air. Thick and musky, it began to smell like an orgy was taking place. The ranger started to take deep breaths, feeling lightheaded and giggly. His throat was dry, felt like cottonmouth, as he licked his lips, fingers pulling at his leathers.

He tried to stand but found himself stuck. It was as if the tree he hid behind had somehow wrapped around him. When in truth he had just pinched himself between two of its large roots. His mind was too clouded to realize that though. So, he simply struggled to stand. Frustrated and annoyed he started to fiddle with the straps to his armor. If he could just get free and run to his goddess!

The next time he looked up with smoky eyes the armored man was much closer to her. Jealously raged in his heart, snarling silently at the man. He had seen her first damn it! Why wouldn't his straps come loose! In his anger he took deeper breaths of tainted air. The effect on his body made me clumsier, and twitchy. His eyes were starting to itch, unbearably.

The good news—not that he could notice—was that he wasn't close enough for the pheromones to have a more permanent effect on him. His eyes were glassy and unfocused, but not flashing pink, yet.

He struggled with the straps as he groaned in frustration. Then she started talking again and he had to strain to hear her whispered seduction.

"If you want me, come and get me," the green skinned goddess sang, cupping her breasts and bouncing them. The half-armored man was too far gone to really notice as he pushed forward. The vines let him take small steps.

"What a big morsel you are my dear. You'll feed me well in the months to come. Oh, how I can't wait to hold you in my arms. To soak you in my nectar, and feast."

The ranger managed to unsnap his leather vest. Not that it helped any since it was his feet that were trapped. Doh! He groaned when he still couldn't move. The pheromones were really going to his head now.

He watched the scene before him with pouting lips.

The other man gladly stepped closer to the open pod. Now naked from the waist down. The strange woman moaned in delight before leaning back. The act caused the vine bound man to step into the pod. Green arms wrapped around the man, squeezing him into her embrace.

The ranger's clouded mind cleared almost instantly. All because the moment the other man stepped within; the pod began to close; pheromones began to dissipate. He stood back up and scratched his head. Just before the pod fully closed, he saw that beautiful face lean to the side, lips closing on the man's neck. Bright emerald eyes flashed up at the ranger as her lips curled upwards.

For just a moment before the pod fully closed the ranger's body tingled, loins throbbed, as they made eye contact.

The clarity hit him like a ton of stones. He had just stayed hidden as one of his comrades walked into certain death. The ranger rushed forward and pounded on the closed pod's outer shell, screaming.


Ir Shodrug's clouded mind could only think of pleasure as he wrapped his armored arms around the green skinned goddess. The giant pod began to close but he didn't seem to care. The woman pressed herself against him hard. She wrapped her own arms around him and squeezed.

He didn't even remember removing his armored pants. However, he knew they were gone when his hardon touched the woman's skin.

Warmth spread throughout his loins; his member angled up between the two of them, trapped between their bodies. This mysterious woman completely captivated him. Each time his thoughts attempted to climb through the thick clouds she would sway her hips. The pressure coursing through his veins sent shivers up his spine.

A wet, warm fluid tickled at his feet. The woman sighed a sultry moan as she leaned back against the pod walls. All the while pulling him close; bringing her mouth into the gap between his shoulder guards and helmet, sucking on his neck. The pauldrons raised up to protect that gap from swinging blades. However, it did nothing to stop this woman from pressing her lips against his skin.

Her soft, moist lips made his head spin. Then there were the sounds she made; the moans of a goddess, caused him to fall deeper into her spell. When the pod walls closed, he could of swore he heard feint screams, warnings. Followed by pounding, but he no longer cared.

Nothing mattered but getting more of this woman touching his body. As if reading his mind, the woman began to rip apart the remaining plates of his armor. He groaned loudly as she continued rocking against him. The angry pole trapped between their bodies throbbed as per-cum seeped out the tip.

Warm liquid began to slowly fill the enclosed pod, up to his ankles. It caused a type of aphrodisiac tingling to spread to every piece of flesh within it.

When the last piece of armor fell to the pod's floor with a splash she tore at his clothing, exposing his hairy chest. She moaned as she ran her fingers up his flesh, lightly scratching, pinching his nipples, then continuing upwards.

With his upper body now bare the young Alraune grabbed his helmet and violently tore it off him. The chin strap snapped. It hurt as his head protection flung from his scalp. A pain that didn't last long when her dark green lips met his. An odd taste filled his mouth. It reminded him of thick, sweet honey. The liquid flowed to the back of his throat before he eagerly shallowed.

Lust instantly surged throughout his body. His glazed eyes opened wide as her tongue massaged his own. Nothing else mattered, he had to fuck this woman. He had to fuck now!

He pulled back only to be blocked by the thick walls of the pod. It had closed in tight around them. The woman giggled wickedly as he struggled in vain, scratching his back with her sharp nails.

The pinkish liquid rose up higher. Ir Shodrug's knees buckled as the pink substance met them. All the while she kept rubbing her midsection against the knight. Further infuriating him.

The woman ended her 'kiss' and smiled at her struggling prey. He tried to open his mouth and urge her to fuck him, but he couldn't. The thick, sticky honey tasting sap kept him from forming words. He sounded like desperate mumbler.

A mischievous glint entered the woman's eyes as her lips curled up. Ir didn't know how he could make out her facial expression, but it caused his lust clouded mind to feel a shiver of terror.

Never did she cease rubbing up against him. The liquid began to do more than tingle. He felt a slight painful burning sensation, melting his body hair, before his skin went numb. It wasn't the sort of numb you'd expect since the hair on his legs melted away. The numbness felt pleasant and brought a calmness to his legs. The liquid continued to rise up, reaching his upper thighs.

She never spoke, just rubbed against him while glaring into his eyes. At some point his body began humping against her. The pleasure began to overwhelm his system again. His clouded mind refused to give into the brief terror he felt, and the lust continued to surge within him. Overwhelming his nerves, white sparks flashed in his vision.

The liquid had reached his throbbing cock. Pleasure like he had never felt before coursed through his veins. His balls tightened as he screamed at the top of his lungs. Body shaking with an earth-shattering climax. His goddess held him tight, nails digging deep into the flesh of his back.

Mischievous laughter was the last thing he heard before his over stimulated body climaxed and blacked out.


...four days earlier...

Bao Hardfal adjusted his ranger's leathers as he walked under a raised gate. He looked up with striking blue eyes as the cloudless blue sky came into view. It was a decent day, just warm enough. He raised a hand and slicked back his shoulder length black hair.

The massive castle never ceased to amaze him each time he visited the great Saelmere Citadel. The greatest city on the eastern border of the known world. Self proclaimed by the King Leroic of course.

The ranger stared up at four broad, square towers that pierced the sky. They're connected by fortified; thick walls made of dark grey stone.

Simple windows are scattered generously across the walls in an asymmetric pattern, along with holes of various sizes for archers. Catapults and other artillery sat on top of each tower.

A sizable gate with broad metal doors, a regular draw bridge over a moat guards the only entrance to the castle built at the edge of the shoreline. It's the only way in, at least to those unfamiliar with the castle and its surroundings.

From personal experience Bao had to admit he couldn't name a better fortification.

Today the ranger strolled into the castle without any interruptions. A private gathering had been called and the guards let him through the gates the moment he stepped onto the drawl bridge.

The grand hall appeared to be empty compared to his normal visits. This time the king sat upon his throne with only a single knight standing at his side. Bao Hardfal looked at King Leroic Lalzion with respect and admiration. He had been given his father's legacy when the elderly mad passed away shortly after a great war.

The stories Bao's parents told frightened him as a boy. Their tales were of tragic times before the elderly king united the eastern lands under one banner. Young Leroic came upon the throne during a time of troubled peace. Respecting his father's dying wish Leroic spent his entire live withholding that peace.

Two others faced the king. One had the form fitting robes of a priest; her curves drew his eye momentarily. The other had her hair tied up in a ponytail, her leather armor had crude patch work scattered about it. She also had a lute strapped to her back, marking her as a bard. At least Bao assumed it did.

Bao slowly made is way to them. All the while wondering what a bard, priest and ranger were needed for. The thought of working alongside women didn't faze him in the least. All he cared about during a mission was respect and trust. When working as a team it didn't matter if the person next to you was a hulking barbarian or a delicate priest if you trusted and worked together. The strangest groupings of individuals could do wondrous things together.