The Corrupted Forest Ch. 06

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Lust Sprites and Milfs, who can resist?
9.8k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/19/2015
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This Story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright (c) 2019 by Yshomatsu

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The Fae in this story were influenced by GigglingGoblin. If you like my stories and you haven't read hers yet, I highly recommend you do. It would mean the world to me if you left a comment when you finish reading. Even just a "I liked it" goes a long way. Hope you enjoy.


The temperature plummeted once the sun went down. Bao Hardfal found the three of them shelter before it became too dark to travel. Nothing too fancy, just some ranger tricks with the shrubberies, two trees, and some vines. The non slithering, out to fuck you kind.

When the air got too cold, they huddled up for warmth. Chorfazi and Bao laid back to back and Neshis curled up in front of her mentor.

The ranger stayed awake as long as he could, keeping an ear on forest. Normally there's animal and bird songs at night. However, ever since they entered the forest they hadn't seen or heard any beasts. Perhaps they were avoiding all the changes going on.

The only thing Bao knew was that it bugged him. Earlier while they were making camp Chorfazi told him what the monks had seen at the lay line. The most troubling news he had heard since he watched the knight walk to his death.

A demon had taken up residence in the sacred waters. The guardians were supposed to protect the waters. Yet, by the sounds of it Enorim had been corrupted and the great Magus betrayed and murdered.

That information along with what he had discovered during his conversation with a cat girl determined everything was changing. She said she was one of the few able to resist the 'new queen' that he assumed was the demon.

The fae had always been flirty with humans they met. Some more controlling than others. But now it sounded like they were being remade by the succubus. Most of them now hungry for human essence. At least that's how he interpreted it all.

Chorfazi mentioned making it to safety and then splitting up. Bao would warn the king while the monks sought out their kin. Those familiar with this type of situation.

He had given the monk a confused look at that. Apparently, the monks have been fighting supernatural forces for over a hundred years. And here Bao thought the fae were the strangest creatures on the planet.

Turns out the fae were ancient enemies of the supernatural. Well looks like they've switched sides on humanity.

At some point his eyes had gotten heavy and he drifted off to sleep. He was having a pleasant dream of visiting a brothel. With a woman laying beside him, rubbing her rear against him.

He stirred, opening an eye. Darkness greeted him. It wasn't dawn yet. He smiled, wiggling his waist against the plump ass pressing against him. He had plenty of time to return to the dream. With a sigh he closed his eye and felt himself drift.

A hand pulled his own tighter, until he grasped at a firm breast. He hadn't quite fallen asleep though. The movement snapped him out of his daze. He hadn't been dreaming after all. Or his dream had been influenced at the very least.

Bao's eyes snapped open. He still couldn't see anything, but he willed his eyes to adjust. The bum got more insistent, rubbing against him in harder, little circles. He could also feel Chorfazi behind him, snoring.

He moved his hand up the woman's chest until he felt, a belt.

"Neshis!" He hissed, trying not to wake her mentor. That'd be too embarrassing. Then again the monk would most likely believe him when he said he didn't start it. Nes had been acting strange ever since the ranger freed both monks from a planet-vine like woman.

Her pale white skin was slowly tinting red. As if she was suffering from sun burn. However, it was happening everywhere, even under her robe.

"Neshis stop," he heard her pout but obey. She pressed her ass against him but stopped rolling her hips. Then she squeezed and he gasped in a silent moan.

At some point she had lowered his pants and his throbbing erection slid between her cheeks. Luckily, he wasn't in a position for her to initiate sex though.

She turned to look over her shoulder with a mischievous smirk. Her green eyes had taken on a hint of red also, glowing softly. The sight unnerved him. He had always found her attractive, but something was seriously wrong with her.

Bao opened his mouth to cry out, her hand shot to his lips, silencing him. So, he kicked backwards but hit nothing but air. Chorfazi had rolled away!

Neshis had to be possessed. Wasn't that something a demon could do? The ranger didn't know. He was way out of his liege here. She rolled him onto his back and straddled his waist.

He moaned into her hand as her nether lips pressed against his dick. It took all his willpower not to submit, reaching up, grabbing her wrist with both hands. No matter how much he pulled he couldn't budge her hand.

With the enchanted belt around her neck she had to obey. He just had to get a word out. Not that it had really helped earlier. He should have said more than stop. That only seemed to make her stop her actions at that very moment. Good to know, a little late though.

She leaned over him, her chest flushed red and swaying, side to side, distracting him. Her nipples were hard and leaking white liquid. Suddenly he felt thirsty, despite himself.

Her glowing eyes caught his attention. "Shh, stop fighting this. I've wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you."

Her voice had this strange undertone to it. Bao found it oddly alluring. As if it spoke another language to his body while she spoke to his mind. It didn't make sense when he tried to rationalize it. His body reacted non the less, twitching against her slick folds.

Deep down he knew what she said wasn't true. At least not the way she now implied. Something inside of her was changing just like the cat girl spoke of. She was infected, that was all.

He needed to resist even though on a base level he wanted nothing more than to give in.

"Doesn't this feel nice?" Her eye lashes fluttered, drawing his gaze deeper. The red glow intensified, pulsing slowly. The world faded away, all that remained was the red glow, consuming his every thought.

"Stare into my eyes... fall deeply for me. That's right, take a deep breath."

He obeyed, breathing in her scent, his body tingled. Watching her eyes felt good. She promised it would feel better the longer he stared.

He felt a tight warmth encase his cock that sent pleasure straight to his brain. She hadn't lied, it felt amazing to stare into her glowing eyes.

Neshis leaned down further, rocking her hips against his. She removed her hand and smiled as he didn't cry out. His eyes had glazed over as he smiled back at her, lazily. She took his lips passionately. The red glow filled his vision.

Pulsating faster as she fluttered her lashes at him. He drifted down, down... down into calm surrender.


Bao woke with a start. Beams of sunlight were filtering in through the tree's canopy. He stared off at the plants surrounding him. A warm back pressed against his. The ranger glanced down not sure what he had expected to find. His clothing was all in place.

He felt warm and content. The remnants of a pleasant dream made him smile. However, he couldn't recall it. He sat up and stretched, glancing back, stomach growling.

Neshis was still curled up in her mentor's arms. Chorfazi snored with a sort of rhythm. Had Bao looked closer he might have noticed something wet lingering on the monk's lips.

He let out a sigh, deciding they needed a few more moments rest. Now would be a good time to forage for breakfast, as his stomach growled again.

Neshis' eye peeked slightly as he gathered his things and left. A smile forming on her lips.


Chorfazi slowly woke up, feeling the warmth of his student pressed against him. His groggy eyes blinked as he tried to catch his bearings. She had his hands around her, pressed against the swells of her breasts. Had they gotten bigger?

He felt moisture against his palms, and he found himself licking his lips, suddenly parched. Neshis rolled around, sensing him awake. Her robe was loose and revealing. The monk looked down and gulped.

Her pale white skin had a red flush to it. He couldn't stop himself from watching her cleavage as it swelled with each breath. A red glow slowly covered his gaze and he found himself relaxing.


He nibbled on his lower lip, finding himself nodding. Her warm hand slid around his neck, softly pulling him.

"This isn't..."

"Be a good boy and drink for me," chorfazi's body shivered, the scent of milk overwhelming him. Why did he crave it so much?

With an eagerness he couldn't comprehend he stuck his tongue out and flicked against her teat. Then he let out a sound he'd never heard himself make as he whimpered at the taste. He needed it, lips latching on and sucking, clinging onto her, like his life depended on it.

"That's right, drink up my sweet boy."

Her voice reverberated into his mind. Nothing made sense anymore, but it didn't matter. The spicy milk hit him hard and he couldn't stop himself. He cupped her breast with one hand and pulled her closer with his other. He felt good, really good. He had woken up cold and shivering, now a warmth spread throughout his chest.

Neshis rubbed her fingers soothingly against the back of his head. She didn't understand what was happening to her. While they slept, she had been busy giving in to new desires. The belt around her neck was restricting but it was surprising what she had accomplished while the two men slept. New primal instincts drove her actions now. The old Neshis had been reborn filled with lust and the need to be suckled.

"Doesn't it fell good to listen to me? Don't I make you feel good?" She whispered into his ear, taking his lobe between her lips. He moaned as she nibbled and pulled on his ear.

A part of him tried to resist. It knew he should have been the one giving commands. However, it really did feel good to listen to her. He never knew he needed to suckle before, but it felt so safe to do so.

Nes rubbed the collared belt around her neck. She needed it taken off. Her body was changing, and it stifled her transformation, slowing it. Her mind didn't understand but she knew, somehow... it needed to go.

"Do you think you could do something for me?"

Chorfazi nodded as he switched nipples at her direction. She smiled sweetly down at him. Her red glowing eyes reflecting in his.

"I need you to remove..."

A stick snapped outside their shelter. Damn it she had been so close. The ranger returned too soon. Did she have enough time for one last request? Her instinct told her not to risk it. With an annoyed look she kissed her mentor's forehead, "it can wait, sleeeep now baby."

The monk's eyes crossed as her eyes flashed, consuming his vision brightly. The world drifted away. His eyes rolled back and closed while his body went limp in her arms. Neshis gently lowered him onto the ground. Then she pulled her robe over her shoulders. The ranger crouched low to enter the shelter he had crafted then night before.

"Hey, you're awake."

"Hmm," she replied softly, glancing over her shoulder. The red glow from her eyes distracted him for a moment. Something about it felt familiar. There was also a potent scent on the air he couldn't quite place.

"Want something to eat? I gathered berries and some water."

She accepted them as he sat down in front of her. They sat in silence for a moment before Bao couldn't resist asking. "Your skin looks redder today, what's happening to you?"

He glanced down and noticed two wet spots forming on her robes. He gulped realizing what that scent was, his loins twitched. He felt his cheeks flush in embarrassment when she smirked, catching him looking. He quickly looks away.

"Something truly amazing is happening to me."

Bao blinked; her voice sent shivers down his spine. "Right, I'm sure." His mouth tasted like cotton balls suddenly as he studied the ground.

Nes angled her head, cupping her covered breasts, drawing his gaze back to her chest. "See something you like?"

His throat itched as he licked his lips, feeling parched. Instead of answering he grabbed a water skin and took a large swig.

"It's ok to stare. Makes you feel good, right?"

He stopped himself mid nod. Something felt off, like his body craved to listen. She pinched her nipples then teased at the hem of her robe, revealing more flesh.

"Keep watching, don't think about it," she purred, stopping when her blood red areola peeked out. The ranger gulped, still thirsty somehow. A part of him knew he shouldn't be letting her do this. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to object.

Her breasts looked so inviting. He couldn't explain it. Thoughts were struggling to form as he watched her take deep breaths.

"Come closer," her words echoed in his head as he leaned forward. Eyes locked on her right teat as she pulled the robe to the side. Her hard nipple catching his full attention.

He craved the taste of her milk and couldn't understand why. He kept thinking about that dream he had, breasts in his face, milk on his tongue. His eyes were glazed over, mere inches from her. The scent drove him wild... but this close... he took a deep breath and swooned.

All he had to do was speak one word and she'd have to stop seducing him. One word... that's... all... "Please?"

Neshis' smile grew wider, her pearl white teeth were slightly sharper than before.

"Good boy, drink," she said, biting her lower lip. Bao closed to distance, latching on and suckling. Milk danced on his tongue as his body relaxed. The sensation felt right, like it soothed his needs and desires.

She rubbed the back of his head. Pleased with how easy both of her boys were to tease and seduce. She just needed to get the accursed belt off her neck.

After several minutes she made him switch nipples and decided it was time. "Baby, you would do anything for my milk, right?"

He mumbled a yes that made her quiver with triumphant bliss.

"I need you to remove this stifling collar."

He blinked, looking up at her with devotion. His hands slid up her body, spending shivers down her spine. His fingers fiddled with the latch. She moaned knowing her release was at hand.

A strong bolt of electric shock ran through her body. Bao cried out in surprised pain, his hand numb. The jolt ran through her body, out her nipple. The ranger flew backwards, body convulsing.

By the time he sat up his eyes were clear and confused. The taste of milk on his lips made his dick twitch.

"Wh-What just happened?" He questioned the shaking woman before him. She looked upset and pouted; arms wrapped around her exposed chest.

Chorfazi woke with a start as the blast echoed around the small plant shelter. The ranger glanced at the monk, eyes wide, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

Neshis sat in the corner, a breast out and leaking. Both men looked at the milk dripped slowly down her body.

"Cover yourself girl!" Her mentor spat out. She obeyed with a pout, a mischief glint still on her eyes. That red glow shimmered softly as if waiting for the right moment to pulse.

"Chor, we need to go before we lose ourselves." The ranger said, straitening out his leather armor. "She is up to something."

"I agree." The monk felt his body tingle as he took a deep breath. Already he could feel himself long to embrace his student. He shook those thoughts out of his head.

The night before they had traveled north along side the green mist. They had discussed simply running for the forest's edge. Ultimately, they decided against it. With the plant lady hunting them they thought it would be best not to take the most obvious route.

"We've lingered long enough. Gather your things. We make a break for the forest's borders at haste." Bao said as he watched Nes press her tits together. His pants felt much tighter than earlier when he was out foraging for food.

They left the makeshift shelter and stood before the wall of green, dense mist. Nes stood between the nervous men, a hand on each of their lower backs. Her fingers ran circles along their clothing, spending shivers up their spines, and twitches between their legs.

She might listen to commands, but she was becoming increasingly difficult. Not to mention she looked excited to enter the mist. A playful glint on her eyes, smirk on her lips.

Neshis had always kept her red hair tied in a bun before. Now though, she let it down, a wild mess, and brighter than ever. She kept humming. A sound both men couldn't find themselves to ignore, or ask her to stop. Their heads felt heavy, and dizzy. The world before them tilting to and fro.

Her singsong voice made their minds fuzzy. They couldn't concentrate on the words she mumbled. But they had to press onward. Something depended on it, right?

"Well, it's now or never," Chorfazi said with a squeak as Nes' hand lower, grabbing his ass. He turned to look at her, noticing two bumps forming on her temples. He gulped as she smiled at him, licking her lips. He felt himself want to lean into her embrace, returning the smile.

The belt around her neck was steaming. As if struggling to hold back her new gifts.

They stepped into the mist together as Nes gave them both a slight push. Their lungs filled with corrupted air. The monk coughed as the ranger sagged against Neshis, eyes glazed over. She held him close, taking deep breaths with pleasant sighs.

The plan had been to run for it. Yet, they stood there, three steps into the mist. Chorfazi swayed, side to side. He struggled to remember what he needed to do. Vaguely recalling it was important.

"Breathe deeply my pets," Nes purred, her robes slipped off her shoulders, pooling at her feet. Both men's gaze locked onto her large breasts, thirsty and desperate.

Chorfazi watched as Bao took one nipple between his lips, suckling boldly. When had they fallen into her spell? He stared uncertain of himself. A great need pulled at his soul. His body ached for more milk. While his heart broke, saddened by the change in his student.

She tilted her head, smiling at him. "What's wrong, not thirsty baby?"

It didn't even sound like Nes anymore. Her voice was much sultrier. With an undertone that screamed sex appeal. He felt his robes tent as he stared at her, breath shallow and quick.

"It's ok to watch," she said, pinching her free nipple. "You were so easy to hypnotize while you slept. Almost like deep down you've always wanted me."

She brought her wet finger to his lips, rubbing them, leaving behind a line of milk. His body trembled as he licked his lips, eyes fluttering. Then he looked up at her glowing orbs. They were flashing now. Each flash filled his mind with more fog. So... easy... to watch.

"Relax, breathe, watch as you fall deeper, drop deeper. You can't think about anything but the taste of me... you want more don't you?"

He whimpered and stepped towards her.

"That's right, come to me."

Chorfazi couldn't help it, her teat called out to him. He leaned down; eyes locked on her hard nub. His body ached for more of the mind-numbing liquid. His eyes glazed over as he breathed in her potent musk.