The Crusader Ch. 08


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Rollie followed the injured man until he stopped at a convenience store. The man went inside and returned with some bandages and was trying to clean and bandage a cut high on his cheek and one over his left eye.

"Let me give you a hand," Rollie said as he walked up to the man. "Looks like that guard got in a couple of good shots.

At first the man was suspicious but Rollie's open manner and smile calmed him. As Rollie bandaged the cuts, he said, "Hell there was two of them." Then he chuckled. "As big as they were it only took one though."

"What were you trying to do?" Tully asked.

"I'm Ted Summers; my daughter, Sally, is living at the church or commune or cult or whatever you call it. I wanted to talk to her and try to get her to come home." He shook his head. "Guess the church doesn't want visitors."

Rollie patted the man on the shoulder and said "Hang in there buddy. Maybe a new day is coming." He and Tully went back to the van and drove to Rollie's apartment.

Those guards are ex Special Forces," Tully said as entered Rollie's.

"Special Forces?"

"Or Marine Recon. They've had training." Tully scratched his head and asked, "Now why would a church hire ex military for guards? I mean any security company could guard the compound. So, why Special Forces?"

"Maybe they're just trying to find God in their own way."

"The only God that type worship is Mars."


"The Roman God of War."

"It's nice to see how much smarter you've become hanging around me Tully."

"Isn't you that's made me smarter, it's Jessica."

"What's Jessica?" She asked as she came down the hallway, into the living room, and kissed Rollie hello.

"Tully says the reason he's gotten smarter is because of you," Rollie answered with a grin.

Jessica walked over to Tully. "Mama's little boy is doing good," she said patting him on the shoulder.

He nodded and smiled at her; she meant almost as much to him as to Rollie. "We saw something interesting today," Tully told her. "A man named Ted Summers tried to get into the church compound to see his daughter, her name is Sally; He didn't have much success."

Rollie explained to Jessica what they had seen and what Summers had told them later. "He even said he was afraid that Jeremiah would send his daughter to another location now that he pushed to get in to see her."

"Makes me glad I didn't try to talk to Roxy about coming home," Jessica said. Laughing at the surprised looks on her man's face, she added, "Oh by the way, did I forget to mention I saw Roxy today?"

"Where? When? How" Rollie asked in surprise.

"I've been going to different city centers while you've been at the compound. I found Roxy today at the Creve Coeur city hall." She held up her hand before Rollie or Tully could ask the question. "There she was, handing out pamphlets and asking for money."

"Does she want to come home?" Tully asked.

"I couldn't ask her because there was a young man standing with her." Jessica looked at Rollie and said, "I didn't want to alert them to our interest in her."

"Good thinking Jess," Rollie replied. "The last thing we want is for Jeremiah to send her away; we might never find her then. We'll be there when Roxy shows up tomorrow. Between Tully and I, I think we can deal with a couple of the disciples."

"Won't work," Jessica answered. "They never send the novices to the same place two days in a row. Roxy was able to tell me that without alerting the man with her."

"What are you planning Jess? What's going on in that devious mind of yours? " Rollie's question was delivered with an "Oh No" laugh and a grin.

"I've got to hear this," Tully said.

"Well...I hope to convince them that I'm a disillusioned, grieving widow with a lot of money and I'm interested in finding a refuge from the world at least until I get over my husband's death." She chuckled. "The young man standing with Roxy was very interested, especially when I mentioned the money, and told me that an elder, Brother Samuel by name, would be happy to meet with me, so I set up an appointment. I'm going to meet him at the coffee shop across from City Hall at 10 in a couple of days." Jessica gave Rollie and Tully an almost evil grin. "I'm going to show an interest in joining the Church of the One World and hope to be invited into their compound; at least for a tour anyway."

"And then what?"

"I can make contact with Roxy; I'll see if she wants to come home and let you two know. If possible you guys can meet us and take both of us home. If not we can get Frank Wends and the police involved." Jessica smiled, proud of her idea. "I told the young man that I'd feel better if there was a woman at the meeting. I didn't mention Roxy but I smiled at her when he agreed to have one of the Sisters at the meeting."

"If they do have Roxy there, we'll be close by and we can talk to her," Rollie said.

"We'll have an intervention and innocent church members, elders or security be damned; if she wants to leave we'll bring her with us," Tully added with conviction. "No matter who's with her, I'll take Roxy home."

"I set the meeting for two days away on purpose," Jessica continued. Turning to Tully she asked, "Just in case Roxy's not there, can you get Ricky to set up an identity for me that will back my story about being a rich widow? I'm sure Jeremiah or one of his people will check me out before they offer me a place in the church."

"Sure, I'll call him right now," Tully answered and took out his cell phone. Walking out onto the patio, he made the call.

"What did you mean a place in the church Jess?" Rollie asked; but he had a pretty good idea what his lady had planned.

"Well...I thought that I might have to become a Sister of the Church of the One World to get to see Roxy."

"No Jess, no. It could be dangerous," Rollie protested. "I won't let you do it."

"Really?" Jessica said putting her hands on her hips and facing Rollie. "When did you become the one that decides that I can do or not do something that might have a little risk involved?"

She looks like Super Girl, Rollie thought. All she needs is a cape. He took Jessica's hands and pulled her close to him. "When I fell in love with you Jess; that's when I became the one that protects you."

Jessica gave a small nod, leaned into Rollie, and kissed him. "I know Rollie, but I'm a big girl now. I think I can outwit some self proclaimed Messiah. Please, I'm part of Chambers and Associates too and I want to help Vicky and Roxy."

"She makes a lot of sense, if you ask me," Tully said coming back inside from the patio. "Ricky is giving you an identity as we speak, Jessica. He's using this address, setting up false bank accounts, and planting stories about the untimely death of your husband. Oh, by the way, your name is Jessica Tully, widow of Bill Tully, a prominent real estate broker." He grinned at Rollie and Jessica. "I think it has a nice ring to it, don't you?"

Rollie stared at Jessica as he held her and after several seconds, he sighed and nodded his head. "You told Vicky there was no stopping Tully and me; I guess there's no stopping you either." He gave her a quick kiss and asked, "Okay, what's the plan."


Jessica was a little nervous as she entered the "City Hall Coffee Shop". A dark haired man rose from his seat at a back table to greet her. His face was pocked marked and his complexion was pasty white. As he stood, she could see that he was three or four inches over six feet and very thin. The young man that had been standing next to Roxy was with him as was a woman about Jessica's age.

"Mrs. Tully, I'm Brother Samuel," he introduced himself and his companions. "I'm an elder of the Church of the One World. You've already met Brother Michael and this is Sister Sarah."

"Mrs. Jessica Tully," she answered and shook Samuel's hand. She was using a put on somewhat snooty accent mostly heard in the high brow society of the northeast part of the country.

"Please sit down Mrs. Tully. Would you like coffee?"

"I prefer tea please."

"Michael, tea for Mrs. Tully and myself."

Brother Michael jumped to comply with Samuel's orders. He soon brought two cups, two small pitchers of hot water, and a selection of several types of tea bags. Michael and Sarah already had coffee in front of them.

"So different from the continent, so American" Jessica remarked.

"You mean Europe?" Samuel asked. "Have you spent much time there?"

"Just some summer trips, you know. When my late husband and I spent two months in England we became used to the way tea is served there." Jessica busied herself fixing her tea.

"And what can our church do to help you Mrs. Tully? I understand from Michael here that you're looking for sanctuary."

"Actually it was the young lady who was with him that I mostly talked to. I'd rather hoped she would be here today."

"Sister Roxanne had other duties to attend to this morning," Samuel replied.

"I see. Well to answer your question, I would like someplace to collect my thoughts for a few months. Mr. Tully, my late husband, always protected me from the, shall we say, the ugliness of the world. Without him I'm at a bit of a loss."

"The Church of the One World can offer you a safe haven Mrs. Tully. It's possible that you could live with us in our compound." Samuel paused and added, "Of course a donation from you would help cover expenses and pave the way for other believers to enjoy the same place of tranquility.'

"Of course; even as sheltered as I've been, I know that money is a necessary evil. How much would be appropriate?"

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need," Samuel quoted.

"Sounds sort of like something that a Marxist would say," Jessica replied.

Samuel stared at Jessica for a few seconds. In spite of her appearance, this woman is no air head, he thought. I'll have to be careful with this one.

"All it means is that you can give or donate what you can afford or what you feel you should." Samuel smiled. "Of course worldly goods only keep you attached to, what you called, the ugliness of society."

"I'd like to meet your leader, Father Jeremiah I think you said, before I make a decision," Jessica answered. "And I'd like to talk to some other women within your church, no offense Sister Sarah. Perhaps that young lady I talked to the other day. Was it Roxanne you said? She and I seemed to connect."

"I'm sorry; Father Jeremiah doesn't leave the peace of our compound very often."

"Father Jeremiah will just have to make an exception in my case. If you and your church expect me to divest myself of some of my worldly goods, I want to make sure where the money is going and how it will be used." Jessica stood and offered a card to Samuel. "Here is my cell number; give me a call if your Father Jeremiah would like to meet." She started to leave but stopped and turned back after a few steps. "Just don't take too long; there are other sanctuaries that I can investigate."

"Damn, it's like I thought. She's no empty headed socialite," Samuel said out loud after Jessica walked away. "Come on Michael and Sarah, we've got to talk to Father Jeremiah."


"Ricky just called and said someone's been doing a computer scan of Jessica's nom de plume," Tully told Rollie and Jessica the next afternoon.

"Is that identity going to stand up to scrutiny?" Rollie asked.

"Don't worry; Ricky's the best there is," Tully answered. "He told me he made Mrs. Tully sort of an eccentric. She gives money to all kinds of charities; Save the Whales, Greenpeace, and the American Historical Society, just to name a few. If Jeremiah's the scam artist we think, he won't be able to resist trying for Jessica's money."

Jessica had given Samuel the number to a prepaid cell phone and that phone rang as if on command. "Jessica Tully," she answered. "Of course Father Jeremiah." Those words grabbed Rollie and Tully's attention. "Eleven would be fine." After a few seconds of listening she said, "I'm looking forward to meeting you too. See you tomorrow."

"Yes," Jessica said giving a fist pump. Turning to Rollie she said, "We've got the bastard. I'll meet him tomorrow and he promised to have Roxy with him."


"Same coffee shop as before."


"Mrs. Tully, I'm Jeremiah Sullivan. The faithful of the church call me Father Jeremiah."

Jessica looked at the man as she shook his hand and sat down. Sullivan was about six feet 3, with a strong slender build. His hair was almost white and worn fashionably long over his ears and his shirt collar. He's a handsome devil, Jessica thought. With that deep voice and his good looks, I can see where young women, and even young men, would be taken in by him. That two thousand dollar custom made suit doesn't hurt his image either.

"You know Brother Samuel and Sister Sarah from your last meeting," Sullivan continued. "How may the Church of the One World help you through this trying time?"

"I want a place to, oh I guess, to getting away from it all; sort of a safe haven as Samuel called it." Sullivan started to respond but Jessica held up her hand to stop him. "But...I'm not some naïve, grief stricken widow, Mr. Sullivan. I plan to provide to monetary consideration to whoever provides this haven."

"If I may ask, why someone like us and not just a secluded retreat."

"That's a good question. I'm capable, monetarily, to go or do whatever I want, but all my life I've helped worthwhile organizations. I thought that joining someplace like your church would allow me to find a place for myself and help others at the same time."

"I'm certain we can do both things for you," Sullivan replied. He quickly hid the look of greed in his eyes.

"But I expect certain things and one of those would be to meet and talk with members of your church before I commit any money. And that means talking to someone I, well know is a little strong, but someone I've at least talked to before; like your Sister Roxanne." Turning her head toward Samuel, she said, "I told you that I'd like for Roxanne to be here. Why isn't she?"

"She had other duties today," Sullivan answered. "Is there any particular reason for your interest in Sister Roxanne?"

"Not really. It's just that I talked to her, along with Michael, the first time and we seem to connect somewhat," Jessica answered. "She's new to the order from what she said and I'd like to get her opinion on the church." I have to be careful not to put too much emphasis on Roxy or we might never see her, she thought silently. "I have close to 250 thousand dollars available for a charity and I want to make sure it goes to a worthy cause."

Sullivan studied Jessica for several seconds. "May I suggest you come back to the compound with us for a tour? I will make sure Sister Roxanne is available if it will make you feel better. I'm sure you will see that we can be that worthy cause."

"I have an appointment with my investment counselor, I'll have to call and reschedule." Jessica took out the special cell phone and made a call. "It's Mrs. Tully, Mr. Chambers. I'm going to take a tour this morning of the property we talked about. Could we reschedule our meeting for later today? Yes, I'll call and let you know when. Thank you Mr. Chambers." Turning she said, "Lead on Mr. Sullivan, I'll follow in my own vehicle."

"Father Jeremiah, please," Sullivan suggested.

"Not just yet Mr. Sullivan, not just yet."

"I'll ride with you to show the way so you won't get lost," Sullivan said. "We can talk more during the drive."

"Fine," Jessica answered. She nodded and led him to a Cadillac CTS-V coupe. Sullivan knew the sporty car had a list price of over 60 thousand dollars but what he didn't know was that it had been 'borrowed' from the police impound lot. It had been confiscated from a local drug dealer and made available to Rollie by his friend Detective Frank Wend of the St. Louis Police Department. The call she made had been to Rollie; she didn't want him and Tully to come storming in when she left with Sullivan.

Jessica followed 'Father Jeremiah's' directions and they stopped in front of one of the gates into the compound within 20 minutes. Driving through the huge wrought iron gate she stopped in front of the largest of the houses that Jeremiah pointed to.

"This is our meeting place and our center for worship. It also holds our offices, our communal kitchen and dining room," he said.

"Where do your people sleep?"

"Those houses across the way are the dormitories," he answered pointing to the large brick and stone buildings. "The men are housed on the first floor and the women on the second. Those are the closest to our place of worship."

"Would I be expected to live with the women? I mean I'm not used to having to share a room or a bath with anyone." Jessica's face showed displeasure at the idea.

"I'm sure we can find accommodations suitable for a woman of your stature," Jeremiah smoothly replied. "Let's take a tour of the complete compound," he suggested and pointed to a golf cart designed for carrying passengers.

As they rode, Jeremiah pointed out the features of the property. "As you can see, we are surrounded by high stone walls which keep the world at bay as we organize our ministry. There are only two entrances to the compound," he said motioning to the two iron gates. "We have people on the gates 24/7 to keep out, shall we say, undesirables."

"How many members do you have Father Jeremiah?"

The man noticed the change from Mr. Sullivan to Father Jeremiah and smiled. Got you, he thought. "We have six novices as we call them, just starting out on the path to enlightenment. There are also twenty five full members, four elders, and myself." He gave Jessica a self effacing smile. "We are small in number but mighty in our beliefs."

As they arrived back in front of the large house, Jessica got out of the golf cart and faced Jeremiah. "I would like to meet some of the members if I could."

"I thought you might, so I have a few waiting for us in the meeting hall, including Sister Roxanne."

Preceded by Father Jeremiah into the meeting hall, Jessica saw approximately ten people in front of a low stage area. Most were seated but three young women knelt at the front of the group. Jessica looked at Jeremiah with an unspoken question.

"Those seated are full members," he answered. "And the ones kneeling are novices."

That must be a type of altar, Jessica thought, looking at the raised area. Although I don't see a crucifix, a cross, or statues; in fact there's nothing of a religious nature. Makes me wonder if good ole Father Jeremiah is really a man of God, or just a scam artist. Jessica smiled to herself, guess I know the answer to that question, she thought.

Jeremiah introduced Jessica to the seated members, but they were just a sea of faces and names to her. The only ones she really paid attention to were the novices.

"This is Novice Sally, Novice Gretchen, and you know young Sister Roxanne," Jeremiah said as he paraded the young women in front of Jessica.

Jessica nodded. "I like to talk with you in more depth after I talk to the other members. Will you be able to wait for me?"

"They will be here when you're ready to speak with them Mrs. Tully," Jeremiah answered for the girls. His look at the novices made it plain that they were to make themselves available.

Jessica spent about twenty minutes talking to the people of the congregation. The women outnumbered the men two to one. Each of the church members talked about how wonderful the church, the compound, and Father Jeremiah were. Sounds like a real sales pitch to me, Jessica thought.

She returned to the novices trying to think of a way to get Roxy alone, away from prying eyes and ears. "Roxanne, is that your name, would you show me to the bathroom? I'm afraid I drank too much coffee at the meeting with Father Jeremiah."