The Cupid Effect Ch. 09


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"You are a fucking legend Poindexter." My phone started ringing seemingly on queue and I had one of the girls retrieve it. The display told me it was my uncle and I found it kind of odd that he would call during my school day.

"What's up Uncle Joe?" I watched three girls licking my cum off of each other's faces feeling a tinge of revulsion.

"Where are you Dexter?" He sounded angry and that worried me because he was not known to be a rational man when pissed.

"At school; where are you?"

"I'm sitting right in front of the school and have been sitting here for at least forty-five minutes waiting for you to come out." My blood ran cold as I checked my phone and realized that I'd been banging half of the volleyball team missing my last two classes. I was in deep shit and looked around realizing that more girls had gathered and probably watched the whole affair take place. I noticed goofy smiles on more than one of their faces. I began pulling on my clothing much to the dismay of some hopefuls that were in a state of half dress and began working my way through the crowd.

"Hey you don't have to run off; the party's just getting started." Some skinny brunette was trying to grab at my shirt as I batted her hand away and someone roughly grabbed at waist of my pants scratching me a bit in the process. Things were starting to get out of hand as a mob of teenage girls crowded in on me pulling and tugging at my clothing. Someone had reached in clawing at my cock and ended up tearing my pocket opening up the pants seam at my thigh.

"We want some of that fucking dick too motherfucker!!" One of the cheerleaders was standing on top of a locker room bench looking over the crowd while steadying herself by holding a light fixture. Another set of well-manicured nails cut into my cheek drawing blood and I began screaming at the top of my lungs. Everywhere I turned there was a female face or body part advancing on me with the force of a battering ram. My heart was pounding a mile a minute in my chest and my body was shaking with fear of the possibility that I might be torn apart by the women. I considered myself to be in a fight or flight scenario and shoved the first girl in front of me sending her and a number of others behind her sprawling. The locker room suddenly became quiet as the women there slowly backed away looking at me in a strange manner.

"I-I'm sorry about that; didn't mean to hurt anybody." One of the teens who'd been directly behind the girl I pushed had a bloody nose and a weird smile on her face. Another teen with skinned knees from her fall was visibly masturbating and groping one of her breasts through her blouse. Heidi was still nude and stood silently staring at me while two of her friends were licking the remaining cum from her body. Some Asian girl joined them licking along her abdomen as she cradled her friend's heads.

"Suh-Sorry about all-of this..." I was overwhelmed and bolted from the locker room hitting the double doors of the gymnasium. I was weaving in between all of the cars in the school parking lot when I was suddenly struck in the back of the head by something hard cold and metallic. I slammed into the pavement and figured that Tad Remington was on the rampage again when I rolled over to find myself looking into the face of some middle-aged woman and down the barrel of a thirty-eight.

"P-PUH POINDEXTER SNOGRASS-RIGHT?!!" She was a crazy mixture of anger and grief as she stood there shakily pointing a pistol at my face. I was frozen in fear and afraid to move not wanting to be blown away by an apparent psycho.

"THAT'S YOUR FUCKING NAME ISN'T IT? ANSWER ME YOU BASTARD!!" I had no clue who the fuck was standing before me as I nervously shook my head while squinting not wanting to see the moment when my life would end.

"Huh, well it's so nice to actually meet the little shit who stole my fucking life away!" I had no clue who she was and didn't see any way out of my situation.

"Sorry." The crazy woman chuckled at my apology and jerked the gun in my direction nearly firing it.

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO I AM DO YOU BOY?!!" I nervously shook my head agreeing with her that I didn't know who my apparent executioner was.

"I-I'm Deborah fucked my wife asshole." Nurse Kim's face immediately popped into my head as I recalled fucking her in the school infirmary and inadvertently messing up her marriage. She was a lesbian and my condition had caused her to deny her basic nature making her excited enough to have sex with me.


"Is that all you can say with your pathetic little mouth after you ruined my marriage you witless fucking twit? You're the supposed stud that made my wife forsake her FUCKING VOWS FOR A PIECE OF COCK?!! I should blow your fucking head off for that you a matter of fact that's a great idea!!" She got this crazed smile as she took two authoritative steps in my direction and pressed the gun to my temple. I wanted to cry out but was afraid she'd blow my brains all over the crowded parking lot.

"Pull it out." She motioned wildly towards my pants with the weapon.

"L-Look ma'am you really don't want to do this." I was on my knees with both of my hands raised trying to look as non-threatening as possible.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT I WANT ASSHOLE; GET YOUR FUCKING COCK OUT!!" I quickly fumbled with my pants fishing out my cock unsure of what would happen next. I didn't know if my ability would work on a lesbian and really wasn't keen on finding out. For all intents and purposes I believed Deborah was going to shoot my penis off.

"Puh-Please don't shoot me ma'am, it really was an accident sleeping with your wife and all. I didn't mean it at all and I'm REALLY SORRY!!" I knew what I had to lose but I begged anyway.

"You don't accidentally fall on a fucking dick Poindexter; my wife didn't tell me it was an accident boy!! All she does is cry and apologize for wanting more of-THAT FUCKING THING between your legs!! Well I'm going to help you get it under control when I BLOW IT OFF!!" She immediately clicked the hammer back on the pistol.

"PLEASE DON'T SHOOT ME; I'LL DO ANYTHING!!" My thin frame was quaking with fear as I tearfully pleaded with Deborah Kim.

"Play with it."


"You heard me asshole; jerk your fuck stick or take a bullet in the scrotum." The icy demand sent chills down my spine as I began tugging on my surprisingly erect cock like my life depended on it. My cock was wet and sticky with precum actively leaking from the engorged reddened mushroom head. In moments thick veins could be seen on the surface of my joint as Deborah's eyes widened in disbelief that I could even get it up considering what was at stake.

"You're a sick fucking degenerate Poindexter; you know that?!" She was wearing a business suit which looked slightly disheveled as if she'd worn it for days and her face was a twisted mask of emotion.

"Yes ma'am I'm sick, I can't help want happens when women get around me." I kept jerking and trying to talk to her. I recalled reading somewhere that it was harder for people to hurt you if they perceived some sort of personal connection.

"Is that right huh?"

"Yes ma'am I have a problem and I-I was just trying to get Nurse Kim to help me out with it when..." I didn't want to finish that sentence figuring that it would put the angry lesbian over the edge. Even under the threat of violence I couldn't help but check her out and this made me feel even more ashamed and upset that I couldn't control myself. Deborah Kim appeared to be in her mid-forties with a medium build offset by her stern looking features and a spiky brownish pixie-style haircut. I was pretty sure she was the "man" in the relationship.


"This ma'am." I shrugged my shoulders and motioned towards my cock closing my eyes tightly waiting to be killed or at least castrated by handgun but instead she'd started laughing maniacally.

"Oh is that right you little bitch? Well I've got something you can help me out with!!" she grabbed a fistful of my hair and jerked me painfully forward into the material of her pencil skirt. My senses seemed to be particularly heightened and I could distinctly make out a womanly smell I'd become all too familiar with over the past few days.

"What's that ma'am?" I knew full well what was about to happen but didn't want to push my luck deciding to let Deborah take the lead. She didn't speak so much as she used her free hand to pull her skirt up exposing her panties which were at eye level with my face.

"PUT YOUR DAMN HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK!!" I quickly interlocked my hands behind my back as she pulled the grey cotton material to the side exposing her visibly wet snatch. I looked up at her in disbelief that I was going to be made to go down on her out in the open in the middle of a parking lot and instantly recalled what I'd threatened to do to Tiffany earlier in the day. She was dripping wet and that was no surprise as I lightly touched her engorged clit with the tip of my tongue. I repeated this action two more times before I felt her nails digging into the back of my skull drawing me up into her furry snatch.

"Suck me like you made my wife suck your freakish cock; lick me good enough and I might only shoot off one of your fucking balls." Panic returned in full force as Deborah began to hump my face doing her best to hold the weapon steady. I was worried that the weapon would go off and tears started to run down my face.

"Don't cry Poindexter; it's like bobbing for apples fucker; snack on that pussy like a man you little bitch." She was getting off on the power of being behind the trigger and I didn't know what would happen if or after she came. Deborah Kim seemed intent on physically hurting me in some way to make up for the grief of finding out that her wife had sex with a high school student. I began to run my palm along my cock hoping against odds that she would be overcome by the effects of the Androstenone-X in my system before she could pull the trigger.

"Fuck you're not bad at giving head you fucking geek; too bad you're a degenerate low life." Her essence was permeating the air mixing with my own enhanced scent and I noticed her face beginning to glisten with sweat and starting to flush crimson.

"I'm sorry I'm such a degenerate ma'am and you're right to be mad at me but this is kind of fucked up." She was getting into the sensations provided by my probing tongue and I continued stroking trying to ramp up the pheromones that would eventually spike the pleasure centers in her brain.

"What's fucked up is seducing an innocent little flower like my Grace and leaving her addicted to your cock with no relief." I nodded in agreement continuing to do my best to make her cum. Deborah was sweating profusely and I could see that her blouse was nearly transparent from perspiration.

"Oh shit you might just come out of this alive geek; although you're probably going to be a fucking eunuch when I'm done with you." She sounded crazed and delirious as she tapped the weapon against my skull.

"PLEASE DON"T SHOOT MY BALLS OFF!!" I continued begging wondering if I should make a run for it before deciding against it because she would've clipped me before I'd even got three feet.

"But I'm only trying to help you Poindexter and you should be thanking me because I'm doing you a fucking favor!! Little boys shouldn't have such HUGE FUCKING COCKS and that's the problem Poindexter because you can't CONTROL IT, CAN'T KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS! So I say we do a little whittling on that cucumber of yours and get it down to a manageable size right kid?" I leaned back as she shoved the weapon into my face again nearly breaking my nose.

"WHO TOLD YOU TO STOP?!!" Even though there was a gun pointed in my face I'd had enough and stood up with my hands raised high above my head.

"I'm going to walk away Mrs. Kim."

"I'VE GOT THE FUCKING GUN AND I'LL KILL YOU ASSHOLE!!" I took a tentative step backwards never averting my gaze from hers.

"I said I was sorry ma'am and nothing else is going to make you feel any better. Nothing's going to change what happened and I honestly believe you're a good person who won't shoot someone in cold blood." I took a few more steps back getting a little more space between us.

"I'LL DO IT, I'LL BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!" I was edging near an SUV with the intention of when I heard the hammer click on the weapon and just went for it with my junk hanging out and all.

"MOTHERFUCKER!!" The next sound that filled my ears was the deafening report of the weapon as it was discharged and then everything went black.


Kelsey Taylor sat on a bench outside the principal's office with a handful of tissues in her fist struggling to get her emotions under control. She'd been so inconsolable after fighting with Dexter that Ms. Holland and Norma had delicately asked her out of the office so that they could continue exploring their burgeoning desire for one another. The beautiful blonde had been set upon by many potential suitors but had turned them all away as her mind began to wander. She thought of her short lived triumph in science lab and wondered how she was able to come up with the answer to the equation Mr. Finkle had put up on the board in an obvious attempt to embarrass her. Kelsey couldn't fathom how the answer had popped right into her head and it almost hurt to think about it. She slowly got up from the bench playing back the events of the day including her blow up with Dexter chaffing at how he'd made her feel insignificant. Less than a month before he'd been caught trying to get an up-skirt pic of her panties and been thoroughly humiliated.

That was before he'd fucked her harder and more intensely than anyone in her young life making her addicted to the feel of his thick organ and the sweet, syrupy taste of his cum. Kelsey honestly couldn't get enough of the stuff and it was what was fueling her feud with her former best friend Tiffany St. Claire. The girls had become fast friends after the blonde made the cheerleading squad and formed a perfect tandem in the hallways of their high school becoming the most sought after women on campus. Unfortunately after hooking up with Dexter she'd been so confused and distraught that she'd unwittingly revealed too much about the nasty tryst with the geek capturing her friend's interest. Once Tiffany had a taste of what Dexter was offering she'd become hooked as well and instantly belligerent towards her best friend. Kelsey chaffed at the memory of Tiffany's false words recalling how she tried to comfort her with assurances that the geek had probably dosed her with something before all but disappearing the following day. Kelsey had blown her friend's phone up only to find out that Dexter had been snatched and sequestered in Tiffany's home for the afternoon.

"Yeah I've GOT'EM and you LOST HIM bitch; I gonna FUCK him so HARD he'll never look at your STUPID FACE ever again!! We've been fucking all day and you know what- I didn't even use protection!!" Tiffany's words echoed in her memory making her shiver with rage and anger. She'd made her way to the house and bested her best friend mentally and physically proving herself to be the true "Alpha-Female" and deserving of Dexter's magnificent cock. The threesome that followed had awakened something primal in the core of her being; something that she was eager to explore. Days later she'd had another opportunity to tap into that wildness taking the school's vice principal and transforming her into a slobbering, pathetic gimp. It was at this time that she believed a deeper connection had been formed between Dexter and herself.

"Boy was I wrong." She leaned back on the bench as more tears ran along her cheeks. She noticed a few guys staring in her direction and flipped them the bird before getting up and shambling off down the hall. Kelsey found herself standing in front of the school library.

"Can I uhm, like get a book?" The student clerk shot her a snarky look.


I awoke in a hospital bed looking directly at my Uncle and feeling disoriented with a pounding headache. The last thing I remembered was the loud report of gunfire and everything going black thinking that I was dead. What had started out as a shitty day with me in the dumps over Agnes and my ill-conceived continued revenge against Brian had ended horrifically. I was drenched in perspiration and thirsty looking around to see that I had the room all to myself.

"How are you doing Dexter?" He sounded concerned but had a strained look on his face that gave me pause. My mind instantly shot back to Deborah Kim firing a weapon at me realizing that an explosion of some sort followed the report of the weapon. I found a few cuts on the right side of my face and broken down for a few moments realizing how lucky I'd been.

"She's in jail; that crazy woman that tried to shoot you." Uncle Joe seemed to know what I was thinking filling in the blanks about how Deborah's single fired shot had hit the side mirror on an SUV contributing to the slight cuts on the side of my face. Apparently the same mob of girls that had nearly torn me apart in the locker room happened to be my saviors as well. Deborah had taken the worst of it as the throng of teen girls attacked and beat her senseless before security intervened.

"Am I okay?" I felt like I'd run a marathon and was barely able to move in contrast to the way I'd felt earlier after multiple hook ups with several different women throughout the day.

"I don't know anymore, you tell me." He was being evasive and putting me on edge.

"I've been having some problems and things have kind of gotten out of hand." It was the understatement of the year and we both knew it.

"You know, the paramedics had a hell of a time getting you into their wagon what with all of the concerned girls interfering and all. You'd think they were transporting fucking Elvis. Cops even had to cuff a few of 'em before things got settled Dexter. What in the hell is going on with you and all of these women Dexter?" I was a mixture of emotion as I struggled to explain things to my Uncle hoping against all hope that he wouldn't be disappointed in me but I just couldn't find the words to explain my actions.

"Doctors say there's something kind of weird about your blood; this all happening because of the chemical shit that Kelsey girl tossed in your face?" He seemed to have a grasp of the situation and I felt like an even bigger asshole than before for underestimating him.

"It stimulates the pleasure centers of the female brain making me uhm; making me...fuck."

"It makes you fuck?" He ignored the fact that I'd cursed and scratched his head not realizing that I'd just drawn a blank. Everything just sort of stopped and my rational mind was going white as I struggled to form rational coherent speech slurring my words and drooling while tremors rocked my body. My uncle ran to the door shouting for the doctors as I passed out again.


I awoke in what appeared to be a different room as a group of doctors stood around my bed taking to one another. I couldn't understand what they were saying and became immediately alarmed attempting to sit up and discovering that my wrists had been secured with heavy restraints. My uncle was there at my bedside sporting a severe five o'clock shadow letting me know that I'd likely been out for over twenty-four hours. He was arguing with one of the doctors before noticing that I was awake and alerting them. His words came out as complete gibberish and I began yanking at the restraints trying to free myself before being injected with a sedative. It was like being trapped in your own body and screaming for help but nobody could hear. I began to silently cry realizing that I was probably going to be stuck in this condition for the rest of my life. There were some charts nearby that appeared to be showing an x-ray of my brain noticing some of the grooves missing. There were never more than three doctors attending me at all times and all male.