The Delinquent Spouse


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The shoes where another story. Trent's sister's shoes were just plain too small. However, his mother's shoes were only about a size larger than mine. I found a pair that went with the dress that I could live with -- if I kicked the shoes off half the time in the club, something not normally a problem. Trent even insisted that I wear one of his mother's emerald chokers -- I was uncomfortable with that, but he assured me that his mother wouldn't mind.

Trent dressed up nicely -- and I'd have to say that in my borrowed duds despite my homely face that I was indeed a "hot chick," and that we made a nice couple.

Several of Trent's friends met us at the dance club. It was a great time -- all three guys in our group danced with all four women -- until someone asked Trent about Jillian. It was obvious that that was a sore subject. As best I could tell Jillian was Trent's most recent ex, and she had dumped Trent not too long ago, and he was still hurting. It also was clear that there was a party the next night, Sunday, that Trent had wanted to attend but when he found out that Jillian would be at it he was balking.

I got Trent out of his funk by keeping him on the dance floor and commenting to him -- most made up, but some accurate -- about how all the ladies there were eyeing him and that he'd have no trouble finding a suitable replacement for Jillian.

We didn't leave for home until about 2 a. m. In the car Trent was pensive.

"Hey dude, spill the beans about this Jillian chick. Maybe my old woman ass can provide some worthwhile intel," I chuckled.

"You -- old -- not hardly," Trent mumbled. "You had the best body at the entire club," he mumbled some more.

"OK, maybe my hot body qualifies me to give you some advice, then; spill," I snickered.

Trent related a classic tale of woe. My response was kick ass.

"Sounds like she's not worth the trouble. Get your wimp ass out of the funk you're in, and go to that party tomorrow night -- I guess technically it's tonight since it's after midnight. It will do you a world of good," I said as I lightly punched his arm.

Trent looked at me, back at the road, at me, at the road, etc., for a good minute before he said "I'll go if you'll pretend to be my girlfriend. If she has any feeling left for me at all she'll be jealous."

"Uh, look, Trent; I'd like to help out. But how is someone thirty one with a homely face going to make her jealous?"

"First of all, you're homely only in your mind," he said -- not true but I appreciated the sentiment. "Secondly, you don't look thirty one. You look more like twenty three or twenty four, which would be the perfect age to make her jealous. Thirdly, you'll have the best body at the party, and she can't help but be jealous of that."

"Wow, are you deluded," I snickered. "You have been nice to me, though, so if you really want me to pretend to be your new squeeze, despite the fact that I don't think that it will work, I'll go with you. What's the dress?"

His eyes got big. "You could wear those Daisy Dukes and that halter top that you had on when I picked you up at the hotel," he sheepishly replied.

"Oh -- super casual and designed to display my assets, huh?" I laughed. "OK -- if it will help your love life I'm in."

Sunday we went to brunch, went bowling, took a walk around a lake, worked out again at the health club for two hours, and took a short nap before a light dinner. I had washed my Daisy Dukes and halter top, but was still unsure if they were appropriate. "Where is this party?" I asked.

"At Josh's parents' house -- you met him last night."

"You're sure that this is appropriate attire?" I inquired.

"Let's call Josh and his girlfriend Kaitlin to be sure," he said pulling out his cellphone.

Josh put me on the line with Kaitlin. I told her what Trent wanted me to wear. She laughed. "I'm sure all the guys will like it, and Jillian will hate it. You won't be out-of-place. Do it!"

So I did.


Josh's party at his parents' min-mansion was low key but nice. There were lots of people there, including Josh's Mom and Dad, who seemed to be cool with the whole thing. I told Trent to identify Jillian for me but not to introduce me to her. Jillian was definitely a hot chick, but the guy she was with seemed to me to be a dud compared to Trent.

Whenever Trent and I were within Jillian's field of vision, one of us would stroke the others' body and/or exchange a genuine mouth kiss. It was having the desired effect on Jillian since she seemed quite perturbed. However, it was having a bad effect on me. I liked body contact with Trent, and he was an excellent kisser. When he grabbed and squeezed one of my C-cup boobs just feet from Jillian I told myself that I couldn't blow the image for Trent by slapping his hand, so he got a really nice free feel -- and it sent a shiver down my spine, up my legs, and to my pussy.

Just before we left, Jillian approached Trent to talk to him. I made a point of walking over to her date while she did that and made some sexual double entendre statements to him to get him flustered. Trent came and got me and gave me a scorching kiss in front of Jillian just before we left.

Once we got in the car I laughed "Hey dude, you acted a little too real in there, didn't you. After all I'm not really your fuck buddy."

"More's the pity," he laughed back, and then put his hand on my knee. "You definitely were the hottest property there, Amy, and if I really had a relationship with you I wouldn't give a damn about Jillian. Comparing you two is like comparing a girl with a real woman," he snarled more than said -- and he wasn't smiling.

"Oh," was my intelligent response.

We drove in silence for a while with his hand still on my knee. At a stoplight he turned to me and asked "If I move my hand up your thigh are you going to give me a Kraw Maga whipping?"

My pussy was leaking. I knew that I was losing control, and in view of my last conversation with Bryce at that point I didn't really give a shit. "Don't be a fucking wimp," I grinned at him. His hand quickly moved up to my crotch.

Fortunately we avoided getting in a car accident as we drove back to the Peterson abode, but once we alighted from the car all bets were off. He picked me up like I weighed nothing and as we were trying to shove our tongues down each other's throats carried me into the living room, caroming into walls as we worked over each other's bodies with our hands.

I wasn't going to be able to wear my Daisy Dukes or halter top again after Trent got through with them -- he was too excited to carefully remove them, and before I knew it I was lying on the floor with just my running shoes on, my thighs wide apart, and grabbing the hair on his head as he tongue lashed my clit and finger fucked my pussy. After my screaming first orgasm he literally ripped his shirt off, dropped his drawers, and his cock started heading for my dripping wet pussy like a heat seeking missile after a jet.

You would think that a guy six seven, 230, would have a big thick cock; in Trent's case, you would be very right. I wasn't sure that that thing -- which looked to have almost a beer-can-like diameter -- was going to fit in my tight gripping pussy. Somehow he buried it within two thrusts, however, and it was off to the races. I pulsed my pc muscles with everything that I had as he powerfully stroked in and out. That might have been the fastest I ever came in my life, and he was only seconds behind, as he filled my chasm with spunk while he grunted like a pig and I screamed like a banshee.

I do believe that I was out-of-it for at least a few seconds. He continued to slowly work his still hard cock in and out as he emitted a continuous low groan, interrupted occasionally with a "Fuck yeah!"

When we finally separated and he rolled off Trent had a chagrined look on his face. "I'm really sorry for being so forceful, Amy; I'm usually a more considerate lover, but I couldn't help myself because your body is so fucking hot..."

I giggled. "Dude, I'm not complaining. That was one of the best -- maybe even the best -- fuck of my life. You really know how to use that weapon between your legs."

"Speaking of weapons, how in the hell were you able to milk my cock with your pussy?" he asked with a grin.

"Kegel exercises, my boy, Kegel exercises," I chuckled.

Then I passionately kissed him and with a diabolical grin said "Before the night is over I want that monster in all three of my orifices, and a titty fuck besides. You up for it?"

"If not I'll raid my Dad's medicine cabinet for some little blue pills," he grinned; then grimaced and groaned as I shinnied down his body and sucked his still ¾ hard cock to remove all of the juices.

We hydrated, he fucked me doggy in his bed, we went into the pool naked and he fucked my ass there as I held onto the side wall. We soaked in the hot tub for a while, and then went to my bedroom where I sucked him hard, lubed my boobs, and he gave me an awesome titty fuck. His cock was so big that I could tongue his meatus with every stroke, and after the first spurt hit my chin I sucked him dry.

He took a little blue pill, we fell asleep for a little while, and I awoke to him running his cock up my channel while we were in a spoon position. I know that we did some more fucking and sucking until it started turning light outside, but I was in an almost constant stage of orgasm and my mind is cloudy about exactly what happened.

Finally, about 11 a. m. on the Monday holiday we dragged our asses out of my bed.

By the time that we finished a grabby naked breakfast it was noon. When Trent looked at the clock he said "Oh shit -- I'm supposed to shoot some hoops with Randy at one o'clock, but I don't want to leave you."

"I can't believe that you have the energy to do any physical activity, but don't worry about me. I really need a nap. So what's the story with this Randy guy?"

"You met him at Josh's party. He's my oldest friend from grade school and High School. He's almost exactly my size, with red hair and what many women consider a cute face. He really -- and I mean really -- was attracted to you," Trent smiled.

"Oh," I said; and obviously I got kind of a faraway look on my face. I did remember Randy; he!

"What's with that look?" Trent chuckled.

"Uh...nothing," I mumbled, trying to stand up.

Trent grabbed my arm and pulled me onto his lap. "You've got a fantasy, don't you?" he rhetorically asked with a big shit-eating grin.

"What...hell no...what are you talking...uh...about," I stammered, obviously turning red.

"I can tell from the chagrined look on your face and the fact that you're blushing that you've never had a threesome but would like to try one," he chuckled as he pinched a quickly hardening nipple on my left tit.

"Stop it you animal before I make sure that you can never have kids," I growled, grabbing his nut sack.

"You're not going to hurt me because you want some more action today," he laughed. "Tell you what, I'll bring Randy by after 2:30 and you can decide then if you have an unfulfilled fantasy."

"Bastard," I snarled, as I broke away from him and cleaned the dishes off the table. I really, really wish that he hadn't brought up that subject, though, because he was making my already over-worked pussy tingle. As I finished cleaning up breakfast Trent went and got dressed in shorts, a T-shirt, and basketball shoes. I was still naked as he walked into the kitchen to say goodbye.

Trent grabbed me by both shoulders and planted a passionate kiss on me. Then with a half-smile he said "We'll be by between 2:30 and 3:00; we can either just have a beer together and he'll leave and you and I can resume last night's activities, or if you do have an MMF fantasy we can act on it then -- totally your call."

"What makes you think that I have any interest at all in an MMF?" I snarled.

"I don't know..." he teased, as he ran his hand onto my leaking pussy, then licked off his fingers and laughed.

"Asshole," I grumbled as I pushed him away and walked toward my room. He chuckled as he exited.

My mind was in turmoil. I had never cheated on Bryce before yet fucked a twenty one year old the entire previous night. Since I was sure Bryce and I were done, however, because I could no longer countenance his delinquency, I didn't really have any guilt about that and dismissed it. However, when my mind wandered to the possibility of an MMF I couldn't shake it. "You perverted little bitch," I griped to myself.

Consciously I made up my mind that I was NOT going to have an MMF; however, unconsciously I apparently had decided that I would based upon my activities after Trent left. I soaked in a hot tub, douched, did a modified colonic irrigation, rubbed creams all over my over-worked pussy and almost raw nipples, shaved my legs and crotch, changed the sheets on my bed, and then took a naked nap.

When I heard sounds coming from the first floor I got up, put on a shorty robe that was in the guest room, brushed my hair just so that I didn't look like a wild woman, and ambled downstairs.

"Hi Amy -- you remember Randy, don't you?" Trent chuckled when he saw me. Both he and Randy had eyes the size of baseballs as they stared at me in my shorty robe, obviously the only garment that I had on.

"Hi Randy," I replied with a smile. "Nice to see you again; did you guys have fun shooting hoops?"

"Yeah, it was nice," Randy replied. "We played a couple of other guys two on two and beat their asses -- but it really got me sweaty," he continued.

"Why don't we have a beer and then you two can shower and we'll think of something else to do with the afternoon," I chirped. If they weren't tenting their pants before, they were now.

We each popped open a can of suds. They downed theirs quickly although not so quickly that they didn't get peeks at my hairless pussy. I sipped mine. They were obviously getting flustered. "I'd like to get showered now," Randy mumbled in Trent's general direction.

"You use the one adjacent the exercise room downstairs while I use the one in my room," Trent gulped as he got another fleeting look at my pussy. "Towels are in the shower room, and you can just throw your sweaty clothes in the washing machine and we'll clean them before you leave."

They both shuffled out of the room with their flagpoles trying to escape their shorts.

I went outside by the pool, took my robe off, and lay naked on one of the lounge chairs, just out of the hot afternoon sun. I knew that the horny twenty one year olds would just follow their dicks and have no trouble finding me.

I was lightly dozing when I heard Trent's voice. "Hi, sexy -- you sure look good." I looked up -- both he and Randy were naked and sporting hard-on's so stiff that you could hang weights on them. Unfortunately, Randy's cock was slightly longer than Trent's and almost as thick -- that might restrict our MMF play because I didn't know how both would fit in my pussy and ass at the same time.

"Hi guys," I chirped in reply. "Say, I really could use a massage -- do you think that you two could help?" I devilishly inquired.

"Uh...sure," Trent grinned. "Where?"

"Let's go up to my room," I said, holding out my hand for Trent to help me up.

They were gentlemen as they walked with me to my bedroom -- that is if gentlemen put their hands on a woman's tits and ass as she's walking. "Boy you guys are handsy," I giggled as we walked up the stairs.

I flopped down on my bed, face down. "One of you massage my left half, the other my right half, and once you're done I'll flip over for a frontal massage," I chortled.

I'm not sure that their hand movements over my body would technically qualify as a massage, but whatever they were doing felt good, and my sexual excitement was quickly going over-the-top. Once I flipped over the "massage" didn't last much longer. Randy was sucking my left tit while fingering my pussy and Trent was sucking my right tit while fingering my asshole. After a quick climax, I temporarily pushed them away, and grabbed some lube on the bedside table.

"Who gets the back door?" I asked with a grin.

"Me," said Trent as he grabbed the lube out of my hand.

I pushed Randy onto his back on the bed, sucked his cock for a few seconds just to make sure that it was to my liking, while massaging his balls, and then slowly mounted him. I shinnied back and forth, he twisted and lightly bucked, and within a minute his cock was completely engulfed by my moist pussy. We both groaned in pleasure but didn't make any fucking movements, as I lay my head on his chest, which tilted my ass up in the air.

"It needs to be higher," Trent grumbled as he started lubing my asshole. He lifted Randy's ass -- and me along with it -- off the bed and put two firm pillows underneath it. Then he lubed my pucker hole up good, first with one finger, then two, then three. As he started inserting his cock I felt like I was going to burst I was so full.

Trent was slow and deliberate, taking a good minute or more for each centimeter of penetration. There was some pain, but less than I expected, especially since Randy's cock felt so good in my cunt. Eventually Trent was balls deep, at which point he and Randy both started slowly pumping, Trent moving out while Randy bucked up, and Trent moving in when Randy relaxed.

For the first couple of minutes I just moaned and sighed as my crotch orifices were getting reamed, a truly wonderful sensation. Then I started turning my pussy into the tight gripping organ that I was especially proud of, and after the release of each pussy contraction squeezed my sphincter as best that I could. This resulted in deep pleasure groans from both of the guys, and soon they completely went out of sync, and I followed. There was random stroking, squeezing, and swearing until all of a sudden Randy exploded into my pussy triggering a massive orgasm in me which caused me to clamp down on the cocks in both orifices. This was shortly followed by a loud grunt from Trent as he unloaded in my asshole and a second orgasm overlaid my first one. I passed out.

When I regained cognizance I was on my back on the bed with the guys on either side of me with concerned looks on their faces.

"Are you OK Amy?" Trent asked as he caressed my face.

"Uh...yeah...uh...fuck yeah," I mumbled. I tried to regain control of my fried nerve endings, and started to smile. That got a return smile from each of them.

"That was fucking awesome," I moaned. Then I reached and grabbed each of their cocks. "However, having two of these monsters in at the same time was too much for my poor little body. Shit, why couldn't one of you at least have a normal sized dick?"

"Sorry," they chuckled in unison.

We showered together in the large shower stall in the master bedroom, making sure to clean all mating parts thoroughly. Then we got a snack and hydrated, and then moved on to another bed in another one of the guest rooms since the recently changed sheets in my room were now soaked with sweat and other bodily fluids.

In the second guest bedroom I sucked Randy's cock while Trent fucked me doggy. I had to stop sucking once he ejaculated into my pussy. Then Randy quickly took Trent's place and Trent presented me with his cock slimy with our combined fluids which I eagerly started cleaning off with my mouth. I had Trent's cock clean by the time that Randy rocketed gobs of cum into my pulsating pussy, and I collapsed on the bed while Randy continued to slowly reciprocate in me.

Our fuck fest lasted into the evening. There were no more real three ways but both of them fucked my pussy and tits individually, and Randy fucked my ass. The last fuck before Randy left was him fucking my pussy while I was on his lap with my thighs around his torso as we were face-to-face. I looked over at Trent and I do believe that the look on his face could only be described as a jealous one. I smiled inwardly at that.