The Descending of Jessica Ch. 13


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Everyone hugged me goodnight. And most gave me advice on how to get better.

Carolyn whispered, "Thanks, I love you," just loudly enough for everyone to hear.

Brent held my arm gently as we went upstairs. Once there, the magnitude of the organization needed hit me. Boxes of books and clothes practically filled our room and surrounded the walnut four post king sized bed I was so anxious to slide into. Although at least the bed had been made, probably by Donna, sometime during the day. I had placed our linens in a hall closet upstairs so they were easy to find. Brat tore through boxes looking for something to read me to sleep to and found "The Perks of Being a Wallflower," but I deemed that too adult for a twelve year old and switched her to "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." I was shocked that she was not familiar with Twain, but I guess her education was about common for a sixth grader these days. I would not have known Twain at that age, either.

"Can I pick out something for you to wear tonight?" Brent asked.

"Brent! Sarah's here!" I exclaimed.

"I know," he said as he held out some comfy flannel pj's, a grin on his face that told me I had just been punked again. We kissed and I went to the bathroom to change. I sent Brat to her room to switch into pj's, wash her face, and brush her teeth. She was back before I came out, so I suspect her hygiene was a bit rushed and lacking. But, whatever. It was not worth arguing about and she had made some effort to work with me on respecting my authority as her guardian for the night.

We crawled under the cover. Brent tucked me in and gave me a nice long kiss good night, while Princess Bratface made belching noises. Then he returned to the raucous gathering down stairs. Sarah opened the book and began to read. She had some trouble with words due to Twain's use of the colloquial phrases and words. And several times I had to help her out, but she did just fine. She was offended by his use of the "N" word, and her offense made me proud. But I explained his history, and the history of the time, enough so that she understood he wasn't being racist. He was just pointing out what a racist place antebellum Missouri was.

A few chapters in, though, we began talking more about the book instead of reading it. Huck runs wild so much Sarah wondered where his parents were. This gave me a chance to explain that before they had the foster system, that is what happened to kids. Huck's mother was gone, and his father a drunk. But he was rich, so Tom's family took him in.

"So they just want him for the money?" she asked.

"No, they love him. You find that out later. Plus, Tom is just as rich so they don't really need his money. But, he probably had it easier money wise than most people his age at the time. And probably better than you and me before the Andersons took us in. Huck just didn't care about money, he cared about running wild."

"Do you ever worry about them?" Brat asked, closing the book.

"Who? Ron and Allison? Of course! We always worry about the people we love. But they are in great health and they're not old. I think they are only in their 40's. They don't drink, really, or do drugs. They should be just fine for a long, long, time."

"Do you know... Well, do you know if they have had any other kids?"

"Nope. Just you, me, and Brent. Why, darling?" I said, knowing that they had taken in a few emergency placements. But those kids were never supposed to stay more than a day or two until a family member came to get them, usually from out of state, and mentioning that to Sarah would have just muddied the water and confused her.

"Nothing. I was just wondering," she said in a near whisper as she stared off into space.

"You're wondering if they ever sent anyone back to the home, aren't you?" I asked softly.


"I did, too. I went through I think four different foster families before them. And my mom would either get me back, or they would decide I was too much trouble and send me back to the group home. It always made me feel like, 'What is wrong with me? Why don't people like me?' and make me think that maybe I didn't deserve to be loved. Then, one day, I was at the home and they came by and introduced themselves. And a few hours later, I was at their house. I had my own bed, my own room, and a big brother that seemed okay, even if he did need a haircut, smelled sweaty and was too much of a jock for me. He cleaned up okay, though, and was good enough at math to get me through Algebra. In truth, he kinda grew on me." I smiled. "And that was my forever home. Do they still call it that? A 'forever home?'" I asked.

"Yeah, or a 'permanent home' or 'permanent placement.'Why did Miss Donna not keep you?"

"Well, she has had some rough times in her life, and made some bad choices, but don't you worry about that. We're family again now. But so are Ron and Allison. She always loved me, she just couldn't take care of me. But what you need to know is that now you have a forever home, too. Ron and Allison love you very, very, much. And so do Brent and I. So, if anyone ever tries to take you back to the home, they have to fight all of us to do it. Understand? And if Ron and Allison should ever not be able to keep you, which isn't going to happen, but even if it did, you would live with me and Brent. Understand? You don't have to be afraid of going back ever again." I said. "You're not going back there. Ever."

Brat didn't say anything, she just hugged and would not let go. We fell asleep with her arms around my neck. Sometime later, Brent laid on the other side of me, kissed me goodnight again, and fell into slumber himself.

This probably paints a nice picture of domestic bliss, but that overlooks that I was under orders to drink two quarts of water in the afternoon, had a gigantic bag of saline solution hooked to me via IV earlier, and drank two more in the evening. Even though I was dehydrated earlier, I would spend this night getting up every couple of hours to go pee. So Brent had no more fallen asleep than I needed to crawl over him, waking him up with him pleasantly wondering why I was atop him, and getting to the bathroom as quickly as I could. After that, Brat slept between us so I could get out quicker.

Sometime around 3 am, I awoke again. The fluids had done wonders to clear the pressure and that slushy feeling out of my ear and my balance had returned. Unfortunately, so had my fever and the Tylenol was downstairs. I snuck out of bed, and though groggy, walked just fine and crept down the stairs with no problem. Since I could hear better now, and heard what sounded like conversation coming from the front room, I entered the kitchen through the dining room rather than going up the hall to the front of the house as I really didn't want to answer a lot of questions about what I was doing downstairs and how I felt. I flicked on the light, found the pills, filled my water bottle, and washed two down quickly. Then I heard conversation again from the front room and figured I might as well say 'Hi' while I was up. I flipped the light off and opened the door to find Amber in the dim light riding atop - I think - Reg. It's rather hard to identify a guy you just met earlier in the day from the bottom of his feet and his cock glistening with fuck juice from a high school friend. She rode up and down his shaft as they both groaned. The conversation I had heard was him muttering, "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," and her replying much the same.

Her red hair was flailing all over the place while their bodies thrashed around. His cock looked thick and long. Not as big as Brent's, but impressive nonetheless given my limited experience in such matters. It was clear that both were about to erupt and had no idea I was there. I considered staying to watch, but decided, well, that I'm not that big of a pervert! Had I not been somewhat surprised by the scene I wouldn't have watched the few seconds that I did.

I pulled the door shut and crept back up the stairs. I'm not a voyeur, but had to admit that seeing other people have sex was a turn on. I had seen Trisha with her several paramours in our dorm last fall, but that was always irritating due to what I perceived as the invasion of my space and her inconsideration. This was different. And since it was live it was better than any porn I had seen on the internet. I had innocently happened upon Reg and Amber and could choose to stay or not. Although I chose not to, I admit there was some moisture down there then and I was a little turned on as my mind wandered to the last time Brent and I had sex with me on top. It had been a while, and I would need to cure that soon. But not that night, I remembered. Brent would never go for it with me having been in the hospital less than twelve hours earlier. And, of course, Brat was still in our bed. I climbed in and went to sleep.

I did not sleep well as several times more I had to awaken to rush to the bathroom through the dark maze of boxes in our room, and each time thought about checking on the folks downstairs, but didn't.

Sometime around eight Brent was hovering over me saying "Wake up sleepy head!" in a voice much too chipper for that early.

"Ughhgrblil" which is as close as I could get to saying "good morning" at that moment, and I rolled over and went back to sleep.

"Come on, honey. Wake up. Carolyn has fixed breakfast for you! Time to get up and get moving!"

"Erblabh.. I slept horrible!" I murmured and tried to sleep again.

"Good morning, sugar! And happy birthday!"

"Shit," I thought. I had forgotten that again. I was now startled awake.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"About nine. I've been trying to wake you up every half hour for an hour now. How do you feel? Did you really sleep bad?"

"I feel... uh, sleepy. I had to get up every half hour to pee. Remind me to drink all that water earlier," I said as I lay there waking up. "Where is Sarah?"

"She's in the shower, Allison just got here. You hungry?"

"I feel, well, good. Sleepy, but good. I can hear you okay. I'm not about to throw up, and I feel, well, warm and cozy all over. Thats good, right?"

"Yeah, I think so. We'll take your temperature in a bit to make sure. Come on, Carolyn put breakfast in the oven to keep it warm," he smiled.

"Are you always going to be this chipper when you wake up before me?" I asked with a smile.

"Yep. Seeing you beside me makes me happy, and being happy makes me sound chipper," he replied with a smile.

"Well, I'm glad about that. But I suspect it will get annoying." I grinned as I lifted myself from bed.

"Well! I love you too!" He laughed.

"Oh, I love you! I'm stupid crazy in love with you! I just show it differently at eight in the morning!" I grinned.

"Its nine, honey." He grinned.

I was running late so I barely had time to say 'Good morning' to everyone, wolf down breakfast, which was delicious, dive through the shower, do my make up and jump into a conservative, but form fitting, knee length sweater dress in dark red, black hose, and matching low heels. Everyone was in a hurry so instead of wearing my hair up as I had planned, I just pulled it back and put it in an dark green scrunchie. I looked cute, and pretty, if I do say so myself. Brent seemed happy with the look based on the smile as he walked in the room for the umpteenth time to check on me, before scolding me to drink more water and again checking that I both felt okay and had taken my meds. Finally, we took my temperature. It was normal, so that was good.

With that, we were off and arrived at church just a few minutes before the service began. Brent and I rode alone, him driving of course, and Brat rode with Ron, Allison, and the Watsons. Donna rode with Carolyn and met us there while her brothers rode with Trish and Amber, all of whom seemed very tired this morning. The church's sign had been changed to read "Congratulations Jessica and Brent," which was nice, I guess, but Donna was quick to remind me that it was still acceptable to call me "Jessica" if she wanted to since the church clearly thought that was my name. I didn't really mind. I was just used to being known as Jessie.

It occurred to me at that moment that I began being known as Jessie when I had moved to the Andersons. And then because that was what Brent had called me since the day we first met. I suppose that was why I preferred it. And that should have been a clue over the last couple of years as to how I had felt about my now husband all that time. Oh well, too late to worry about a sign now that everyone had read it. And if Donna wanted to call me by the name she had given me, it really wasn't my right to tell her not to. I could just smile and be glad she had lived through all her trials to call me anything at all.

We took up a pew towards the back. Sarah demanded to sit between Ron and Allison rather than with Brent and me, causing Allison to both smile and give me a knowing and appreciative glance upon Sarah voicing her demand. I just smiled back. I had not had the opportunity in the rush to talk to Allison and tell her about the conversation with Sarah. But from her behavior she just knew that I had, and we both knew it had worked. Princess Bratface was clingy and emotionally needy still, but too adorable for any of that to annoy anyone. And she was clinging to Allison and Ron with happiness exuding from her, rather than fear.

The service was blessedly short. Following the usual prayer, songs, reading, etcetera, the minister gave a short sermon about the dangers of bearing false witness through gossip and repeating rumors that they did not know if there was any truth behind. It too was short, I imagine because the NFL playoffs were on that afternoon, or because it was cold and dreary and everyone just wanted to go home.

Finally, during announcements, the Pastor noted that many in the church had prayed for my recovery following the wreck. He announced that I was recovered from my injuries, out of the hospital at last, and back at church today. He continued that Brent, being a smart young man, decided to not wait another day to marry me, and that I had accepted and then introduced us as a married couple. Finally, to those offended that they had not gotten an invitation, he said that we had a small ceremony for family and would be having a church wedding in the spring and that everyone should continue to pray for us as we begin this great adventure in life.

One more song, one more closing prayer and we were out. The Pastor stopped at our pew as the acolytes led him out and asked us to join him at the doors of the church shaking peoples hands as they left. Which meant for the next half hour we stood and greeted folks. Some we knew well. Others we met for the first time. Finally one old prude announced loud enough for all to hear that all this time she thought we were brother and sister. That gave me a chance to explain, again, loud enough for all to hear, that no we were not although Ron and Allison had been kind enough to take us both in when we were in need. Hopefully, that would put an end to that nonsense. But I doubted it. There were several churches in our small town and I wasn't about to visit all of them just to quell the gossips.

"I am so glad that's over!" I exclaimed as I climbed into the truck with Brent's assistance.

"I know what you mean," Brent said when he got in. "That was, well, uncomfortable to say the least. Who was that bitch, anyway?"

"No idea. Probably just a nosy old prude that thinks everyone should be more like her and lives in fear that someone, somewhere, is actually happy." I grinned. We couldn't get out of there fast enough.

"I love you, Brent," I said as we drove out of the parking lot.

"I love you, too. It really feels like we're married now, doesn't it? I mean, I know that sounds like, well, like I thought this was not real or something, that's not what I mean, I..."

"I understand. It feels like we're almost caught up to where we should be. Our marriage is public knowledge now. Announced to the world. Except..." I didn't finish my sentence as we drove off and towards the interstate to meet up with everyone at a restaurant I liked for my birthday.

"Except what, honey?" He finally bit on the bait I had put in the water.

"Except, well, I always figured when when we got married we would make love every night, morning and evening and we've been married for eight days now, and we've only done it once. Brent, this afternoon I need you to fuck me 24 times. Its the only way we'll ever catch up." I grinned.

"Not until you're better. But then, yeah, I'll do my best, Mrs. Anderson!"

"Well, if we take it easy it will be okay. I feel a lot better today. So maybe just once or twice? I don't want you to get any further behind on your husband duties." I grinned.

"We'll see. Dr. Riley was happy you got some exercise the night before last, wasn't he?" Brent grinned.

"Why, yes, he was!" I laughed, "And he did refer to it as 'exercise' didn't he? If people don't exercise they get out of shape and grow big fat butts. You don't want me to get a big fat butt do you Brent? You always talk about how nice my butt is. If you really loved me you would make sure I get enough exercise so my butt doesn't get big. You love me, don't you?"

"You can rationalize anything can't you?" Brent laughed.

"It's a talent." I grinned.

"Are you always horny?" He smirked.

"It's a gift." I giggled.

We went to one of my favorite places; an Asian place on the west side of town where there is usually a wait for tables. But apparently Ron, Allison or Donna had called in a reservation so we were seated immediately in a private dining area. Lunch was wonderful and, in keeping with Dr. Riley's instructions, I drank tons of fluids with it. I felt like I was going to slosh when I walked.

Since my birthday is so close to Christmas, and since Ron and Allison spoiled all their kids rotten, gifts were difficult to select. So it was all gift cards for clothing stores, except for one from Donna for my favorite book seller. Carolyn had stayed up baking and decorating a cake. I was beginning to wonder if there was anything she couldn't do. The restaurant was happy to serve it to us, and the wait staff sang their version of "Happy Birthday" to me, which I, like everyone else in the world, always hate.

"So what are you going to do this afternoon?" Sarah asked.

"Well, you saw all the boxes. I guess I'm going to put away books and clothes. How about you?"

"Ha!" Brent scoffed, "We didn't let you lift a finger yesterday and you ended up in the ER. You really think you're going to get to do any physical labor today?"

"Well, it's got to be done!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I can do it. Why don't you just relax?"

"Yeah, why not kick back, watch the game," Reg said, I think hoping that by doing so it would give Kevin and he more time with Amber and Trish.

"Uhhh, 'cause I don't care who wins but I do care about my books and clothing?" I grinned.

"Seriously Jessica, you need to take it easy. Don't make me call Dr. Riley," Donna said with a smile.

"Yeah, about that. He seemed to know you pretty well, Mom. Is there something we need to talk about?" I giggled.

"Well, maybe later. Not right now," she replied, totally busted, as everyone smirked. "But Brent is right. Why don't you go shopping and let him do that stuff. Or just put it off until later in the week?"

"Because I start school, and it needs to be done?"

"I start school, too!" Princess Brat exclaimed, clearly implying that my first priority should be spending time with her.

"And you aren't even registered. You have to fill out your schedule card first. So we can do that, too," Carolyn offered.

"Okay, okay! I shall live in a maze of boxes, tripping in the dark, stubbing my toes and perhaps breaking my neck. You guys win. Sarah, why don't us girls go hit the bookstore, then you can help Carolyn and me fill out my paperwork?"