The Fishing Trip


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And, as we just lay there staring at each other in the gloom, my eyes were getting more used to it. I could see his face quite clearly, despite the light being off. I gave him a shy smile which he returned. Although we didn't say anything there was a closeness and it was actually quite nice, just me and my mate. Of course Jerry had to change all that.

"I'm dead horny," he said with a wry smile. "I couldn't half do with a wank."

"Well, go to the bathroom, then." I said rather more firmly than I meant to.

"What, that dump. No thanks. Anyway, why should I? What difference would that make? You'd still know what I was doing."

"That's true," I admitted. "but that's beside the point, what do you mean, you're horny?"

"Dunno. I just am. Maybe it's because it's been two days since I last had a wank and, if a man of my virility doesn't come at least once a day... well, I've got needs."

"A man of your virility!" I mocked. "A randy horn dog, that's what you are. So, let me see if I've understood this correctly. You're saying you've got to knock one off every day or you get uncontrollable urges? Gee thanks, that makes me feel really safe."

"Ooh, listen to Mr High-and-mighty. You're no different. Are you telling me that you couldn't do with a wank, right now?" he asked. "I'll give any odds you like that you knock one off every night, just like the rest of us."

"Well, yeah but...."

"But what?" Jerry demanded

"It wouldn't feel right, not with you here."

"But you want to, don't you? Come on, admit it." I could hear the chuckle in Jerry's voice.

"Yeah, OK, I'll admit that, if you weren't here...."

"Have you got at stiffy?"

"Jerry! Really! What a thing to ask. That's private."

"Yeah, but have you?"

"A bit," I admitted sheepishly, for, to tell the truth, all this talk of wanking had got to me and, Jerry was right, I did like to knock one off practically every night.

"Mine's like a flagpole. Look!" and, with that, he pulled down the duvet and proudly demonstrated his erection.

"For fuck's sake, Jerry, put it away."

"Why? I like having it out. The duvet was just getting in the way of things, not allowing me room to move. Poor you, all snagged up in your boxers."

He held his prick with the tips of his fingers and very gently stroked it up and down. He wasn't exactly wanking but, there again, he wasn't exactly not wanking. I stared, transfixed.

"Come on, Tom," he urged, "it's not as if it's gay or anything, not unless we touch each other."

"You want me to..."

"No, I don't want you to do anything. I'm just saying that, if you're as horny as I am, and I'll bet my bottom dollar that you are, then you'll want to do something about it. I've got mine out and, if you want to give yours a little playtime instead of knotting it up in your boxers then I'm not going to complain about it. I mean, do you mind me having a little wank? Does it bother you that much, really?" he asked with sudden intensity.

I looked across, well, to be truthful I continued to look across as I had been fascinated by the sight of his prick ever since he had hauled it out. Did I mind? Did it bother me. I felt it ought to. There was something acutely uncomfortable about all this, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. On the other hand Jerry was being quite reasonable, well, by Jerry's standards. What is more, by this point I really did need a wank and the thought of going to the bathroom, with all the derision this would entail, did not appeal. Rather reluctantly, I pushed down the covers. The bulge in my boxers showed exactly how horny I was and, with a feeling of 'in for a penny, in for a pound', I pushed them down and took them off. I lay back down, and, taking my cue from Jerry, stroked my prick matching his gentle rhythm. And there we were, the two of us, lying side by side in the moonlight, gently stroking ourselves.

"That's better. Tell me this doesn't feel good," he said.

"It's a bit...," I struggled to put my misgivings into words. This was not the sort of thing you would tell people about, it wasn't going to feature in my tales of the holiday, but, yes, it did feel good, really good. Well, wanking always feels good but somehow it's better if you share. I mean, it's not as if we're gay or anything, not unless we touch each other. I turned my head towards him to find that he was already looking at me. He smiled and I smiled back. There were a whole herd of elephants in the room but right then I couldn't give a damn. My gentle stroking had already built into something rather more urgent, but then, so had Jerry's.

"It's more fun with two, isn't it?" he said, gently.

I wasn't sure if 'fun' was exactly the word I would have used but, yeah, it added something to be doing this with someone else and, let's face it, Jerry was the only person I could possibly have done this with.

"Let's try and come at the same time," he suggested


"Please, let's try to come together, to come at the same time. It will be better, I promise you."

"How will it be better?" I wasn't so sure but then I wasn't so sure about any of this.

"It will, trust me."

"OK, I'll try but I'm not sure how."

"If one of us gets close then they hold back and wait for the other one."

Much as I thought that this was just another of Jerry's crazy ideas there was something about it that appealed and, in order to make it work, we kept having to tell the other one whether we were getting close or not. If it was strange having a wank with another person it was doubly strange telling them how you were getting on.

"I'm getting close," I admitted after a while.

"So am I. Just a bit more, just a little bit more."

"I'm not sure I can. Jerry, I can't hold back much longer."

"Please, Tommy, nearly there, please... please... oh my god... oh yes!"

And knowing that he was coming pushed me over the edge. I'd been matching him, my fist pounding as frantically as his, and seeing his spunk fly from his prick was one of the most exciting things I had ever witnessed. It felt so right that my spunk should explode from me at the same time. Great gobbets of come shot all over my chest, reaching as high as my shoulders. I'd seldom come like that; it was like the best wank I had ever had.

And then it was all over and we were giggling together like little schoolgirls.

"See, I told you it would be good," Jerry said. "Better than sneaking off to the bathroom and doing it on your own."

"I need to get cleaned up. I've got spunk all over me. I daren't sit up."

"Yeah, me too. Hang on a sec." He reached over the side of the bed and returned with a piece of cloth in his hand. He wiped himself down before handing the cloth to me. As I dabbed my chest I realised what it was I was using.

"Jerry! These are your boxers!"

"Don't worry, I'll put on clean in the morning." For some reason we found this hilariously funny. Once we were wiped down we went to the bathroom to do a more thorough job and, shortly after, were back in bed together. We lay side by side facing each other.

"Are you OK?", Jerry asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"No reason, no reason at all. Goodnight captain."

And with that we went off to sleep.


The next morning Jerry woke me with coffee in bed. As I sat up and took the mug from him I noticed that he was still naked.

"For fuck's sake, Jerry, put some clothes on," I protested.

"Why? After all, there really is nothing you haven't seen before and I like letting it all hang out. Now, come on, we want to get out on the water before too long."

As I supped my coffee he tidied the cottage. I don't know whether he meant to leave the bedroom door open or not but he certainly didn't get dressed and I couldn't help but watch. Inevitably he noticed.

"You could get up and help," he called out, "or at least get that lazy butt of yours out of bed."

"I'll be up in a minute," I called back.

Jerry came and stood in the bedroom doorway.

"You mean you'll get up as soon as you get rid of your early morning stiffy," he said. "Come on, Tom, I thought we'd got past all that." He reached forward, grabbed the duvet and whipped it off the bed to reveal that, yes, I was standing proud.


"What? Were you going to lie there all day waiting for me to disappear so you could knock one off. Bathroom, now! We want to be out on the water within an hour and I want some breakfast before we go."

"OK, OK, god, you sound like my mother." And, with my stiff prick flopping about in front of me I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

As I shaved I stared at myself in the mirror. All this being naked around Jerry, let alone having a wank at the same time, was taking a bit of getting used to but, once I did, it made life a lot easier. We were stuck together in this shack of a cottage and forced to share a bed so false modesty just got in the way.

By mid morning we were out on the water. I found a good spot, maybe half a mile out to sea and where I could drop anchor in thirty metres of water. Then, out went the fishing lines and we sat back and waited. The sun beat down, there was a gentle swell and the fish weren't biting. Probably we were in the wrong place but I couldn't be arsed to do anything about it.

"Come on, let's go for a swim," Jerry suggested suddenly.

"What here? We haven't got our swimming trunks with us."

"So, who's going to see us. We're in the middle of nowhere and there's no one else about. Let's skinny-dip."

"You're just looking for an excuse to get your keks off," I half joked.

"And what's so bad about that? Come on, let it all hang out for a change."

"Well, first off I want to check we can get back in the boat." The man overboard drills that I had been through on the RYA course had impressed on me the difficulty of getting up into a boat from the water. "You dive in and prove you can get back on board with no help and then I'll join you."

"God you're a wuss!" Jerry complained but he peeled off his clothes, folded them neatly and put them in the locker and, thirty seconds later, was diving over the stern.

"Come on!" he shouted. "It's great."

"Show me that you can get back in the boat. Not over the side, dummy, you'll have us over. Climb over the stern and watch out for the outboard."

It was harder than he thought it would be but, with a bit of puffing and blowing, he managed to climb over the stern and back into the boat. He came over to me dripping everywhere.

"Right, I've kept my part of the bargain. Are you getting undressed or do I have to throw you in fully clothed," Jerry said.

"OK, OK, I'm stripping off!" I replied as I took off my tee shirt. "Seriously though, give me one moment to unship the outboard. That will make it easier to get back in again."

"I'll do that," he said, and, while I got undressed, he undid the wingnuts that held the outboard and shipped it under the stern seat. Then, splash, splash, the two of us were over the side and in the water. Quite whether it was 'great' or not was a different matter. It was much colder than I expected and it took quite a while to get used to it. All the while Jerry was mucking around, splashing me, diving underneath me and pushing me under so, of course, I had to get my own back. In the end exhaustion got to us and we clambered back into the boat.

There was no point in getting dressed again until we were dry and, of course, we had no towels but, by lying full length along the bottom of the boat, we could get out of the wind and have the full benefit of the sun upon our bodies and, for a while, it was really nice just to lay there and get our breath back.

"Why does cold water make your prick shrivel up?" Jerry asked after a while.

"Dunno. Why do you ask?"

"It's just... well, look at it. A newborn baby has one bigger than that."

"I thought that was your normal size," I joshed.

"I'm bigger than you."

"No you're not."

"Prove it," he demanded. "Go on. I know you've got a tape measure in your fishing box. Get it out and we'll measure up. The loser buys the pints tonight."

Although I wasn't that certain I would win that wasn't the sort of challenge I could ignore so I scrabbled around in my fishing box and fetched out the tape measure. When I turned back, Jerry had got his fist around his prick and was playing with himself.

"Hey, that's not fair!" I protested.

"What! You've got to measure when it's hard. It's meaningless when it's soft. Anyway, where are we measuring from?"

"From here to here," I said as I demonstrated, lying on my back, holding my prick vertical and measuring along from my stomach to the tip.

"But you're pulling on it," he complained. "You're stretching it out. You could add two centimetres like that. If we're going to be fair I'll have to measure yours and you'll have to measure mine."

"For fucks sake, all this over the length of our pricks."

"Chicken! Chicken! Cluck, cluck, cluck!"

"OK. Seeing as how you're ready I'll measure you first. But no interfering. Lie back and put your hands behind your head."

I tried to be matter of fact about it but, as he lay back, he looked open and vulnerable and his prick looked just fine, strong and hard against his tummy. I felt it twitch as I took it in my hand and I knew that this was getting to Jerry as much as it was getting to me. I even gave it a couple of strokes to make it as hard as possible. After all, I didn't want to give Jerry any excuses.

"Fifteen point seven centimetres," I announced when I was happy I'd got a fair measurement.

"OK, your turn," Jerry said sitting up and turning towards me.

"But I'm not ready," I protested.

"Excuses, excuses," Jerry replied. "Now, lie down and put your hands behind your head in the same way I had."

With a sigh I handed him the tape measure and lay down. I knew he would win like this. I was nowhere near hard.

"Hmm.... You're not really ready, are you," he said as he took my prick in his fingers. "If I measure you like this you'll just winge about how it wasn't fair. Let's see if we can get it a bit harder." He stroked my prick up and down, watching it intently. No one had ever touched my prick except me, no one had ever done anything like this and I was completely unprepared for how good it would feel. He'd hardly completed the first stroke before I was as hard as I had ever been.

"That's better but I think we can get it a little harder," his hand kept working at my prick. "I don't want you crying foul. What do you say?"

Could it get any harder? I very much doubted it but, at that point, my prick was in charge, not my brain and there was only one possible answer.

"I think we might try to get it a bit harder." My voice sounded strained and squeaky.

"OK, then. I don't want to be accused of cheating."

He turned his attention back to my prick and it was out of this world. When I do it for myself it's all frantic and furious but he was slow and gentle. The biggest thing was the way all these fantastic feelings that I had coming from my prick were completely out of my control. Especially with my hands behind my neck I couldn't make him go faster or slower, softer or harder. If I made even the smallest twitch with my groin he would know what was going on and that would shatter the pretence that we were just getting my prick ready to be measured. All I could do was surrender, surrender to the exquisite... the fantastic... the amazing...

"How are we doing," Jerry asked, a sparkle in his eye. "Shall I stop now?"

"No! No! Just a little.... Oh! My! God!"

He didn't miss a beat as I came and great gobs of spunk shot out of the end of my prick. Indeed, he kept on going as if he wanted to pump me dry and, in the end, he only stopped when I croaked 'enough, enough' because I could finally take no more.

"Oops! I forgot to measure you," he said with a laugh. "Now we'll never know, well, not unless we do it all again."

"No, it's OK, I've had enough," I gasped. I looked at him, trying to work out what he was thinking. We'd just been mucking around and I'd gone and ruined it all by coming. However, judging by the smile on his face, he didn't seem to mind. In fact he looked like he had quite enjoyed making me come. I didn't know what to make of it.

"I need to get cleaned up. I'm all sticky," I said as soon as I had got my breath back and, indeed, I had spunk everywhere. I stood up and, before it had time to drip all over the boat, dived off over the side and back into the sea. It felt wonderful. I felt so alive, so refreshed, so amazing.

Jerry dived in as well and surfaced next to me.

"Are you OK?" he asked.

"I'm fi...," I had just enough time to say before he put his hands on my shoulders and, once again, I was in for a ducking.

Much later, as we made our way, putt, putt, putt, through the early evening swell back towards Brodick and fish and chips I felt I had never had such a good day, even if we hadn't caught a bite from start to finish. Oh, there were masses of unanswered questions about how I felt about all this, about how Jerry felt about all this, but, for the moment, they could all go hang.

The day had drained us so we didn't stop long in Brodick and it was quite early by the time we got back to the cottage. Even so we still skipped our usual can of McEwans and went straight to bed. Jerry used the bathroom first and was waiting for me when I got to the bedroom. As I got undressed I thought for a moment about keeping my boxers on but, well, after everything we'd been through, it seemed a bit prissy so I stripped completely, turned out the light and got in under the duvet. I looked at Jerry and there was one thing that was bugging me.

"Jerry," I started after we'd settled down. "About what happened in the boat...."

"What about it?" He rolled towards me so that we were face to face.

"It... it seems a bit unfair."

"Oh, and what exactly was unfair about it?"

"Well, you wanked me off but I never returned the favour," I explained.

"I didn't exactly wank you off," he replied. "I was just getting you hard so that we could get an accurate measurement of your tiny penis. Anyway, what of it?"

"It's just that, well, you were saying how you needed to come every day and you haven't yet today; not unless you've knocked one off while I wasn't watching. I got to come out on the boat but you didn't and that doesn't seem fair."

"Is this some excuse because you want to wank me off?" Jerry asked with a chuckle.

"No! No, of course not! It just doesn't seem fair, that's all." Was I trying to convince him or myself. Who knows, I'm sure that I didn't. I certainly wasn't going to admit to myself any other reasons I might have had. But, for all that I was deep in denial, what I really wanted was to see what it was like the other way around. To be the one doing the wanking rather than the one being wanked.

"If you put it like that," Jerry replied, "how can I say no?"

I snuggled up to him and, as I suspected, when I reached down under the duvet for his prick, there were no boxers in the way. He was also already quite stiff. He must have really meant that stuff about needing to come every day. Taking my cue from what he had done back in the boat, I held his prick with the tips of my fingers and started with slow gentle stroking. He tugged off the duvet and threw it on the floor. Then he didn't seem to know what to do with his hands so I ordered him to put them behind his head, just as he had made me do in the boat. And that brought to mind the helplessness, the lack of control, that I had felt.

"I want you to imagine you're tied up and can't move," I suggested.

Jerry just looked at me but, even in the half light, I could see his eyes twinkle.

"Tied up? How would you do that?" he asked. "Spreadeagled, like this?" He stretched out his arms and legs towards the corners of the bed.