The Genie Who Wanted to Be a Girl


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She felt the conflict within her. Her chain meant to her that she was a genie... more precisely,that she was not a girl. Were she to break the token, it would mean her end; were her master to break it, however, her thoughts trailed off, uncertain, into the unknown. Approaching him timidly, she asked to keep her chain about her waist, please, since all genies had to wear one all the time.

Raising her eyes to him for his response, she felt him draw her to him, and then his warm hand taking her sensitive little mons into his palm, feeling immediately the thrill of his taking possession of her, claiming her with his masculine hold of her, and unable to keep from gasping at the thrill and holding onto him. He ignited her passions as had no one ever before, passions of which she had no inkling whatever, and his hand felt wonderful there, holding her firmly. Her head was whirling and she felt dizzy, feeling his strong hand lifting her, pressing between her legs and into her, thrilling her... it was a sensation new and unexpected, but she was delighted at her master's attention.

"You are a beautiful young lady, Babe. I'm glad you're mine. I like having a cute and loveable genie for a companion.Maybe I can get you to be my girl!" Then he kissed her again.

"Let's get ready, Babe." It needed some determination, actually quite a bit of determination, to let one activity go and get on with the other, and her face told him she had wanted yet more of his attention. "It's time for dinner."

Her master had said it again... that he would like her to be a girl;his girl. How did a genie manage such a task? She would do it in an instant, if she only knew.

The shoes felt funny on her feet, and walking was strange at first, but the gown, in a dark blue silk, felt utterly luxurious. He helped her tighten the ribbons behind and noticed how her creation draped the material over her pert breasts, leaving her free and thrusting. She enjoyed the soft swish of the material around her legs as she turned to him, and, as her master looked at her, she felt like a princess.

Which was precisely his intent, and he sensed, judging from her sparkling blues eyes, that he had succeeded.

Her heart still in a whirl, she took his arm and he led her into the most amazing evening in her experience. He let her know that he wanted other men to see her this evening, other men and other ladies, see that she was his lady and companion. He told her that she was the most beautiful lady in the world to him, and the two different words left a question in her mind. As they road to dinner she had to ask. What was the difference between a girl and a lady?

He thought about that, about his own interpretation of the words. His description was not that clear to her, and she thought it seemed not that clear to him. She concluded that, from what her master said, they were almost the same. Was a lady more than a girl? He had already called her his lady this evening, and now more than once. If he wanted her to be a lady, whatever that was, why had he not said so?

"A lady is always a girl," he added, having thought this through a little. "Not all girls can be ladies, though. They have to want to be their very best, to be generous and kind, quick to serve others, creative, understanding, loving, cheerful....

"But she is still a girl; beautiful, fun, passionate, responsive, playful, adventurous. Does that help any?"

Well, she thought to herself, that his explanation helped... some. She could remember all those big words, but she didn't yet know for sure exactly what they meant. It was clear that she could not be a lady without being a girl.Lady was like a higher rank thangirl, but she was still a girl in any case. Tonight, she recalled, she would get to seeladies. Her excitement knew no bounds, even if she did not know how to give her master what he wanted.

Had he been less persuasive as a leader she perhaps would have felt less secure. He did lead her though, and she felt his leadership as were it his command to her, and she followed him, trusting him to care for her, even as some things terrified her. Virtually everything in the world was new and strange. He called it the officers club, though until they got there that name meant nothing. It was not as glorious as the palace where she had served once, but much warmer and more inviting. There were candles everywhere, and people... men and women... together... eating dinner, and there was soft music, and people 'dancing' in a place in front of everybody.

At their table she found a bright red rose bud on her plate. Why? What was happening to her? She sensed the flower was from him, her master, but could not yet grasp his message. Did a man give flowers to a girl or a lady to make her happy? They did make her happy, of course, but why did he do that? She felt strange tingling in her... in her heart, and a warm moisture where he had held her earlier. He had said he loved her... what did that word mean, really?

There were so many interesting things to see. At the next table over was a woman, a little older, she thought, with a man in a blue uniform – not white like her master's – who took her hand and led her to the place where people 'danced.' Others joined them, seeming to enjoy the music and, she thought, those ladies were not afraid of the men. They were dressed very prettily, and smiled, and spoke easily to the men they were with, and did not act like slaves at all. Something was drastically wrong with her training. It had not been realistic at all. She was not yet entirely sure what she could do about that, but her master had told her he wanted her to be 'his girl,' and she had not yet figured out how to do that. Now he was showing her what otherladies were like, and she was enthralled with the cheerful and pleasant atmosphere, and the friendliness of the people around her, and even the food.

The food was an experience all its own. Firstly, there were ice cubes in her water glass,her very own water glass. She had heard of ice, but never seen it, and only the Great Pasha ever had ice, and at great expense. Now she had her own ice, in her very own glass. Unthinkable extravagance for a fourth rate genie, and a grand gesture by her master!

On her plate were a magnificent assortment of things all new to her, perhaps the kinds of things served to the Great Pasha, but she had never seen such, let alone tasted something so exotic. He said the 'fish' was 'Swordfish' and it tasted yummy beyond belief. She ate a little of the salad, with a tangy dressing, and sampled the vegetables and the rice... the rice, at least, she recognized, but rice at school never tasted like this rice! Never!

Until the very moment he asked her, extending his hand to her as he rose, she had not imagined that she would go out there to 'dance' like those other ladies. She had not the slightest idea how they did that. Like before, she just followed her master, trusting him, and for a moment they stood listening to the music. He held her close, and she felt his rhythmic movements, and then it just seemed to come to her and she followed him, one step at a time, feeling the music and enjoying the fun of being with him in this new adventure.

They met two other couples at the club after dinner. They were friends of her master, in uniforms just like his, and they too had ladies with them. Her master introduced her ashis lady, Brianna, and, like the other two, she nodded and shook hands, and hoped she would not do or say something stupid. The one lady wore a huge gem around her neck and commented on the attractive little jug in her master's hand. He made some response, and the lady was happy. The other lady seemed to have a lot of paint on her face, and she didn't understand why. After a few moments, they all said good bye and her master lead her away.

As much as she had enjoyed the dinner and dancing with her master, the excitement and stimulation had worn her out. Half way to the car she began to falter, her legs weakening beneath her. Her master, she noticed with pleasure, was very alert to her needs, but it surprised her when he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the car.Her master was carrying her... in his arms... what she had never imagined.

"Can I," she begged softly in her tiny voice, knowing she had to go back, "keep my dress and shoes, My Master? And my hairbrush?"

Her feminine request was sweetness to him like warm honey in the comb. "Of course, My Darling Girl, they are yours to keep forever." The matter was yet beyond his perception, but when in one's entire life there are no gifts, and no expectation of any, the smallest bestowal becomes an incalculable treasure.

She knew, however, that she could take nothing with her. "Will you keep them for me until you call for me again?"

"Such a delicate entreaty from a most beautiful lady is my honor to fulfill, and with great pleasure. They shall await your return, My Darling."

She smiled for him, hearing and noticing his words clearly, and rested her head on his shoulder, but she was fading fast now as he set her on the seat, and she leaned against him, holding on to his arm and not wanting to leave him. "Thank you, My Master, for a fun time, and for your gifts."

He knew she was hanging on, but it was time. He would gladly have kept with him, but knew it had to be and that she would not go unless he commanded. "Good night, Lady of my life. Sleep tight. Back you go now!"


He put the stopper back in place and held her in his hands, full of wonder and amazement. Her blue silk gown lay empty and limp on the seat, her shoes, ankle ribbons untied and one tipped on its side, on the carpet below. Her sudden absence after such a delightful time together, left him... left his heart bereft and lonely as he stood there looking at her dress on the seat.

We were off, he thought to himself. "We?" How quickly one's thinking begins to adjust to exciting developments. She was a delightful girl... well, a girlgenie. He didn't quite understand what to do with her, but having her close as a companion was a thrill all its own.

Like everything else in life, all things have to be balanced. He had thirty days leave enroute, and that plus travel time meant he didn't have to report in to school for another 36 days at least. He wanted time to find an apartment before starting his studies, say, two weeks, and he already had some leads and contacts, but his conclusion was that there was no great rush to get across the country. He figured he'd push hard to get to Omaha. Very nice visiting officer quarters for a song there at Offutt AFB, ditto for Francis E. Warren at Cheyenne, then Hill field in Ogden, and NAS Fallon near Reno.

How to handle affairs with Brianna was a big consideration. Her endurance was limited to a few hours at the most, and he was studying each event with her to determine what made it longer or shorter. He also decided that he was going to teach her to be his... well, what was the right name for her... his "playmate." Her nudity with him was a tremendous draw and wanted to enjoy her more than he had thus far. He wanted to play with her... play with her body.

No time to get started like the present. Halfway down the Bluegrass Parkway he had his plan laid out in his mind: breasts now, pussy and orgasm in Omaha. There was no particular reason for matching her progress with him to their movement across the country, just a convenient measurement.

He felt a little crazy getting this plan in motion. All he had to do was tell her, command her, and she would do it. But that wasn't just what he wanted. He wanted to have be receptive and desire his attention and love making as much as he wanted her. You can't just tell her to like you playing with her breasts and expect her to enjoy it. Was this a problem, though? Thinking back, when he had fondled her in the commissary parking lot, she was clearly surprised, but seemed to enjoy his attention. Making out on the bed... submissive, yielding, responsive... no reluctance... just innocent and youthful wonder at the excitement. And then, when she had kissed him back once, and then looked at him with those big blue eyes, twinkling and bright, waiting to see if what she had done was all right... how should interpret that other than an invitation to continue?

Fine. That's a wrap. Continue he would.

Whoosh! "Hello, My Master," she said cheerfully, looking at him with adoring eyes as she wiggled a little on the seat, "do you..." she let her voice trail off casually as the blue silk fell away and only continued when he turned his eyes from the road again to look at her, "have a wish for me?"

Did he ever!

Hello, Brianna, my sweet, desirable young lady, yes, I do have a wish for you." She was waiting patiently, excited to have a way to please him. "My wish if for you... for you to give yourself to me to love and to fondle and play with, and make you happy. I want you to know that to me you have the most perfect body... the most beautiful breasts, to touch and caress and fondle.... Do you understand me?"

She was quiet and the look in her eyes was serious, even if yet a hint of playfulness remained. "My Master, I am your genie, to command as you wish. I belong to you, and only to you... and each time you have touched me..." he voice began to tremble a little and he could hear her trying to hold on to her composure, "when you held me in your hands on the ship that first time, and when kissed me on the bed, and... and held me in your hand before you dressed me...and... you teach me," there were velvet-soft little tears down her rosy cheeks, "about wonderful things... I'm yours and want to be forever, My Master." She remained sitting there before him, unsure what she should do or say further, but she loved being with him and hoped he would teach her more exciting things, and hold her and, well, everything that he had said, even though she didn't understand it all.

As she had been speaking he had slowed for the off ramp and pulled up into a little dirt side road between some trees and stopped. "My dearest Brianna...," he thought her beautiful beyond imagining, and pulled her into his arms to cuddle her tenderly and sooth her feelings. She seemed to relish his embrace and cuddled closer, and her trembling ceased after a while.

"I want to... Genies don't get to wish anything ever, but I want very much, My Master, to be your girl." There was a desperate, hopeful, yearning plea in those words. "I can't figure out yet how to become a girl for you."

"My dearest are a genie, my genie, and a very skilful genie... you are a friend, a companion, a sweetheart... and someday you will be a girl and... my girl, and my lady." The reassurance of her place with him was like turning on the lights in her world, and she smiled shyly in his arms. "And this is what my girl," he started a tender stroke with a fingertip to whisk a little tear away from her cheek, and kissed her lightly, "likes me to do with her." His fingertip traced her chin, and neck, and the curve of her shoulder, and finally - as he had not done before with her – cruised up the swell of her one breast slowly, gently, swooping down below and lifting her a little, and causing her to gasp and moan softly, and finally circling her tiny nipple.

She was so anxious to be his that normal restraints were long since set aside, even had there been any. She cried out in anticipation and desire, not knowing really what she wanted, but that... that he should do it, whatever he would. He leaned over to her breast and kissed her, seeing the pleasure and surprise wash over her as she watched him. With his tongue, he played with her nipple, licking, tweaking, stirring her insides into a boiling cauldron of tension and delight and confusion, and, not hurrying but enjoying the process and wanting her to enjoy it with him, continued to stoke the fires higher with his licks and kisses. This was all new to her, outside of teachings, training, and experience; but it was unutterably wonderful... and she was soaring higher and higher, with nothing on which to hold save her master... higher and still higher... and then, when he took her into his mouth and she could feel him sucking on her, her world exploded into a million brilliant lights and she felt she could hardly breathe.

The entire experience was sweet and tender and exciting beyond words, and she felt wonderfully safe and secure and embraced by... a feeling of absolute pleasure. Amid all else, was the feeling that he wanted her to be right where she was, secure in his arms. He wanted her, her master, for sure. As she thought about that, the emotional fog of orgasm gradually clearing, she could feel his hand on her bottom, holding her. No body had ever touched her bottom; certainly no man... it felt to her as exactly what he intended it to be. He claimed her as his, and she wanted to be just that.

"I want to caress you, and your pretty breasts, each time I call for you, Brianna. Will you enjoy me doing that?" What did he really expect her to say?

Brianna didn't feel like a genie... she didn't know what she felt like. She didn't know because she was a genie, and genies normally don't know how girls feel, how intense and sweet can be the pleasures of love and passion. But she knew she liked it, she liked it very much. And he had said that's what he would do to a girl, and to her were she his girl. She had to figure this out, she determined to herself anew. How does a genie become a girl?

What neither she nor her master understood was that such momentous events in the existence of genies automatically generated an entry in there service record, a simple symbol in the right column, denoting advanced emotional involvement with a human. Kissing and sexual arousal generated entries of a less severe nature, but by the time they got to Omaha there was a series of little symbols on her record.

All the way across Missouri they talked about the girls she had seen at the commissary parking lot and the ice cream stand and other places. When she became a girl, would she get to wear pretty clothes to? Would she get to have more than one silk gown to wear to go places with him? Maybe a yellow one? Yellow was a pretty color, she said. Feeling more secure with him after her orgasm, she opened up and was more anxious to ask questions. At the gas pump he showed he the engine and described a bit about how they work. Simple things amazed and fascinated her: window glass, concrete and asphalt, the radio, and all the gadgets in the car... windshield wipers, the heater and air conditioner and the fan.

Before she got too tired she wanted him to hold her again. They had just crossed the Iowa line when she laid down on the seat, her head on his leg and snuggled up to the seat back. He held one breast and she cooed contentedly, holding his hand to her. He had suggested that she might try and sleep a little. It was part of his plan to learn more about genies. Did genies sleep? If she could sleep, would the rest revive her strength? Ok, simple questions, but questions for which there were no answers. She rested, but she never really did sleep. How could she? With her master's hand holding her breast and keeping the thrill of his attention coursing through her, sleep... what ever that was... remained impossible.

Half way across Iowa he sent her back to her jug.

At Offut the housing office assigned him a three room senior officer's suite. No complaints there. Wonderful! He had been thinking all across Iowa as he drove, letting her rest up well in her jug, that when he called her forth this evening he would introduce another change.

It had been a very warm day and the room was not chilly. After getting settled briefly, he sat down on the big sofa, her little jug in hand, and eased the stopper out.