The Hard Body's Continuing Education Ch. 04


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On the next hole, Cori found herself distracted by the fact that her tits were sticking out -- they seemed to interfere with her swing and she sliced the ball far off into the woods. Miles had a nice drive down the middle of the fairway, but three-putted and their lead was cut to one stroke.

Miles instructed Cori to "distract them" and she proceeded to do her best, stretching, bending over, sighing or giggling, adjusting her leg warmers, taking long, slow drinks of her beer, sucking on the bottle neck as she tilted her head back so they could watch her swallow. All her tricks helped a little, as both Victor and Sam duffed shots, their concentration clearly broken by a flash of skin or particularly sexy pose. At one point, Cori sat down by the tee box, pretending to be tired and resting while they all teed off. But, as Sam prepared to strike the ball, she began a slow, sensuous crawl over to the golf court, giving him a perfect view of her ass and pussy. He shanked the shot and didn't even cart.

After seven holes, Cori and Miles led by three strokes and Cori felt good about their chances. Miles was really good and she had actually made one nice putt that helped them gain a stroke. As they finished the hole, they realized another foursome was waiting on them, so Miles signaled that they would let them play through. "Better put these away for a minute," Miles said, helping Cori stuff her tits back inside the jacket, leaving the top buttoned and the bottom of the zipper in tact so that her tits were mashed together uncomfortably, a mass of cleavage visible in the opening in the jacket. "Don't know what kind of guys these are. If it's a bunch of old fogies, you're liable to give them a heart attack."

"They'd die happy," Victor said. It was a sweet comment that Cori could tell he meant as a genuine compliment.

"Thank you," she said, surprised at how much she appreciated those few kind words. She supposed it was more how he said it -- like he really meant it instead of the cocky, sarcastic tones these guys usually used -- than what he said.

They waited by the side of the green as the other foursome approached, chipping onto the green and greeting them as they walked up. They weren't old geezers on the verge of heart attack, but clean-cut young men in their mid-twenties and early 30s.

"We heard there was a woman on the course today," one said, nodding toward Cori.

"Fine addition to the view, if you don't mind my saying," another added, glancing toward Sam, Victor and Miles to make sure he wasn't crossing any boundaries.

"What do you boys do for a living?" Victor asked.

"We're all in sales for MedCorp," one bragged. "We earned this trip for being top sellers."

"Really?" Miles said, doing his best to sound impressed. "Well, I think top sales people deserve lots of perks. Nice trips, nice bonuses, fine women."

"I couldn't agree more," one of the guys said, looking at Cori. "Looks like one of you earned a pretty nice perk yourself."

"Indeed," Miles bragged. "Being a CEO of the largest bank in the eastern U.S. does tend to have certain benefits. Say, you guys ever play miniature golf?" Cori knew what was coming. She wasn't exactly surprised. Miles wasn't impressed by these cocky young men and wanted to put them in their place. What better way than to show them what kind of control he had over Cori, tease them and send them on their way with unused hard-ons.

"I did years ago," one of the guys said. "But I think big boy golf is more my speed. Mini golf is probably good for you ol' timers. Easier on those knee and hip replacements."

Miles, Victor and Sam all looked at each other, their eyes sending unspoken agreements that it was time to take these punks down a notch. Cori wasn't sure exactly what the plan was, but it was obvious that her men didn't like these guys and were going to use her to teach them a lesson. They couldn't tell her the plan, but she was in tune enough that she felt she could follow their lead.

"Well, I think you'll find our version of mini golf to be plenty big boy," Miles said. "In fact, I'm willing to bet you can't handle it."

"How much?" one punk asked.

"How much you boys have? Did your get an advance on your allowance from your dads this month?" Sam jeered.

The young challengers huddled up and counted their money. "One thousand dollars," one announced.

"Done," Miles said.

"What do mean, done? We don't even know what the bet is, yet."

"Ever been to one of those mini golf courses where they have the animals and windmills and stuff you have to hit around?" Miles said, talking to them like they were fifth graders.


"Well, we're going to set up our own mini golf course hole with two obstacles -- you have to hit between a pony's legs and past a pendulum. From 20 feet away. You each get one shot and I assure you a hole-in-one is possible. In fact, I'll demonstrate. Then, you each take a shot. If any one of you make it, you win the cash. If not, you pay up."

"Let's see the obstacle."

Miles looked up the course and saw that no one else was coming. Good, they had time. It made sense -- it was the afternoon now. Most guys preferred to play in the morning or evening when it was cooler. But it was a pleasant day, mid-80s and a nice breeze, so it wasn't uncomfortable for any of them except Cori, whose tits were still being mashed by the jacket.

"Cori," Miles said and she moved forward without further instruction. She knelt down on all fours over the hole like before, but Miles had her move forward so her belly was over the hole, taking her tits out of the equation as an obstacle. She didn't get it. All they had to do was shoot between her legs? It seemed like that would be an easy shot; they could bank the ball off her legs and it would funnel right to the hole. And what was this about a pony? That's when she saw Sam approaching with an object she had seen in pictures, but never had used on her. It was a small but plug with a bunch of leather straps sticking out of it. When put in her ass, it would look like she had a horse's tail. He must have had it in the gym bag on the back of the golf cart. Cori wondered what else might be in there.

"Holy shit," one of the guys said. "Are you going to put that up her ass?"

"No," Sam said, surprising the young men and Cori. "You are." He handed it to the guy and waved his hand toward Cori, inviting him to have at her.

He stepped forward, knelt down next to her and said, "Wait, what about lubrication?"

"She provides her own -- mouth and pussy," Miles said.

"Got it." The guy put the plug into Cori's mouth and watched her suck. She put on her usual show, imagining it was a hard cock in her mouth, sucking it and licking at it, circling her tongue around it. But she was also slobbering all over it -- she knew where this thing was going next and she wanted it to be as wet as possible. The guy started rubbing her pussy with his left hand, warming it up, teasing her clit and stroking her lips until he felt her getting moist. Then, he pulled the plug out of her mouth and pushed it gently into her pussy, twisting it around and jabbing at her cunt with the three-inch plug.

Finally, he pulled it out and held it up for all to see the juice and saliva that now coated it.

"Get your fingers wet and then wet her asshole a little first," Miles said. Cori felt two fingers enter her pussy, sliding around inside her, rubbing her pussy walls. "That's enough," Miles said. The guy spread her ass cheeks and rubbed his fingers around the rim of her asshole, applying her pussy juice to the puckered entryway. Then, he pressed the wet butt plug against her asshole and gently pushed until she opened up, the plug sliding slowly but easily into her asshole. Once it was all the way in, he let go of her ass cheeks which closed tightly around the plug, leaving the leather tail to hang obscenely out of her.

It was long enough that it touched the ground and one of the punks objected, "Hey, that's not fair. That's a blockade."

"Shut up," Victor said coldly. He stepped forward and tied a cord around the ends of the tail, holding them together. Then, he wrapped the end of the tail around a golf ball, tying the tail around the ball. The end result was that the tail was now considerably shorter and hung about an inch off the ground. It now also had a ball on the end of it which could be swung back and forth like a pendulum. "See?" Victor said.

"All right, start the pendulum," Miles said, stepping off 20 paces and dropping the ball directly behind Cori. Victor pulled the ball up and let it drop. It barely cleared her leg before sweeping across just above the ground and flipping up past the other leg where a kneeling Sam caught it and sent it back. Victor and Sam played catch this way while Miles lined up his putt and tapped it toward the holes -- the two on Cori he could see and the one in the ground between her legs that he couldn't. It passed smoothly between her legs, narrowly missing the pendulum and sank perfectly into the hole.

"Easy as that," Miles said smugly.

"Hmmph," one of the boys smirked, acting unimpressed. "Big deal. I was all-state in high school and these three all played in college. I think we can handle a mid-range putt on a flat green."

"Hold on," one of his co-horts said. "They can just wait and drop the ball and knock ours out when it comes through."

"Yeah, that's not fair."

"Good point," Miles acknowledged. "How about this? Just before you're ready to putt, we give the ball a good swing to get it going. Then, Cori will just have to wag her tail like a little puppy dog to keep it going. Believe me, she's got plenty of wag in that tail. She can't see you guys, so she won't know if she's hitting your ball or not."

"Fair enough."

One by one, the young men stepped up and took their shots. Cori wiggled her ass as best she could, trying to keep that pendulum going, knowing that the movement likely had a dual effect of distracting the guys. While she was far from arrogant about it, she knew she had a nice ass and that the sight of a tight, swaying ass was tough for guys to ignore. Just the slightest distraction could be enough to keep them from making their putts.

The first one actually hit one of her heels and the next hit the inside of her right knee and came to a stop against her left thigh.

"Don't worry, I got this," the next said.

"Sure about that are you?" Miles asked.

"Absolutely. I fuck hot bitches like this all the time. It takes more than a cunt to distract me."

"All right, then, how about a little side wager? One of us gets to put our cocks in her mouth after this shot. You hit, she's yours. You miss, she's mine."

"Now that's a deal. Bet you're going to hate watching your bitch choke on my foot-long and then call out my name when you're fucking her tonight with your two-incher."

Sure enough, the punk hit a perfect shot. Cori could tell from the look on Sam's face that it might have a chance to go in. She twitched her hips back and forth rapidly, then felt the slight vibration in her ass as the ball of her tail smacked against the golf ball, stopping it in its tracks.

Miles smiled, unzipped his shorts and presented his thick seven-incher, waving it around before offering to Cori, who sucked him into her mouth for the second time that day.

"Since you're such a pro," Sam said to the last guy, "I'm sure you won't mind if my friend continues with his blowjob while you take your shot."

"Fuck no," the guy said. "Long as I get my turn after I make this."

"Deal," Miles said. He watched the kid get ready for his shot. He started grunting as he fucked Cori's face and Cori picked up what he was saying over and over, "arch, arch". She took the lead and arched her back, making her ass stick up even higher, her curves more apparent, her tits pop out even more. Miles took his cock out and put his hand under chin, forcing her head up, further exaggerating the arch of her back as he bounced his balls on forehead, then dropped them into her mouth.

She was shaking her ass, arching her back, sucking Miles' balls. What else could she do to distract the golfer? She started making choking and slobbering sounds as she worked on Miles' cock and balls, then moaned and groaned as if she were about to cum. One of those moans was well-timed, coming just as he hit the ball. His head snapped up a moment too early as her heard what sounded like a woman in orgasm and he topped the ball. It was right on line, but hit too softly, it stopped three inches shy of the hole.

"Too bad," Miles laughed. "Pay up and move on."

Sam collected the money and one of the guys went over to take a picture of Cori and another tried to grab her ass. But Victor stepped in between. "You lose, gentlemen," he said. "Now drag your shriveled up dicks to the next hole. Cori only plays with big boy golfers, you know. Come back when you learn a little about respect."

"Fuck you and that ugly bitch," one of the guys sputtered, furious that he had lost his money and been shown up by a group of rich old guys. He slung his club into a pond and stormed to the next hole with his buddies.

Cori could tell they were gone, but couldn't see it for herself. All she could see right now was Miles' belly as his cock continued to fill her mouth, his balls slapping rhythmically against her chin now as she settled into a steady beat, quickly working toward his orgasm. Victor and Sam sat back on their cart, drinking a beer and watching the show. Two more beer girls drove up, their mouths agape at the x-rated scene playing out on the seventh hole.

"Um, you guys need a beer?" one of the girls laughed uncomfortably.

"Sure," Sam said. "Got any water? She might want to rinse her mouth out in a few minutes, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I don't mind swallowing," the other girl said, batting her eyes at Sam suggestively. "But I know some girls just can't handle it. I'll do anything for my man."

"And his money," Victor said, dismissing the gold digger. "He'd seen plenty of her type around here. Pretty but too dumb and too shallow to know what it was all about. Not like Cori. In the short time he'd been around her, he realized she was several steps ahead of these girls. Sexy as hell, yes, but also mature and smart and intuitive. That's why she was so fun to play with. She understood what they wanted and was happy to give to them for fair payback. It was all about understanding your assets and liabilities and the laws of supply and demand. Everything -- including sex -- came down to business sense. Cori had it and these particular beer girls didn't.

The girls stayed until Miles came, watching Cori swallow every drop, licking her lips hungrily. She had heard what the little bitch had said about her not knowing how to take care of her man. Cori was generally very friendly with other girls and seldom jealous or judgmental. But that bitch's comment had pissed her off and, much like Miles, Victor and Sam had been with the other golfers, Cori wanted to put her in her place. None of these guys was Cori's boyfriend, but that girl didn't know that. She had no right to try to steal them from her or to try to insinuate that she was a better cocksucker. Cori purposely let a drop of cum seep onto her chin, then, staring at the sorority girl on the golf cart, stuck out her tongue and lapped it up, finishing with a swallow.

"Any questions?" she asked. Her male companions howled in delight as the sorority sisters acted offended and sped off, sputtering about stupid sluts.

"Way to go, Cori," Victor high-fived her, then slapped her on the ass like two football players congratulating each other. "You really put them in their place."

"Thanks," Cori beamed. "You guys did the same with those guys. I'm just glad that last shot fell short. That was close."

"I wasn't worried," Miles said honestly. "Punks like that never get the best of you. Just like those girls. You shouldn't worry about them."

"I don't usually let stuff like that bother me," Cori said, taking a big drink of water to wash down the remnants of cum in her mouth. "I just don't like to be judged. People judge me all the time. They think I'm stupid because of how I look or I'm a slut because of how I dress. You guys judged me the other day. I know. That's why I was rude to you. But as much as I hate that, I hate people thinking their better than me. That bitch had no right to think she was better than me. You don't have to like me or agree with how I live my life, but I deserve and demand to be respected."

It was one of the most frank speeches Cori had ever made, one of the most self-aware. And it looked ridiculous coming from a girl standing in the middle of a golf course, half-naked, a tail hanging out of her ass, cum drying on her lips and surrounded by three men twice her age. But she felt it strongly. She said it and, she could tell that they heard her.

"I respect any girl that can suck cock like that," Miles said.

"You don't have to worry about what people think of you. Men love and women hate you. You might as well get used to it," Sam said.

Their comments weren't exactly the comfort and support and level of maturity Cori was hoping for, but Victor seemed to get it.

"Listen," he said slowly, "you are the hottest girl I've ever seen. Honestly. But don't ever let that define you. Use it to your advantage to make your life better. You're using it now for someone else and I bet you've done that a lot in your life. That's nice. It's sweet. But people will disrespect you and take advantage of you."

Cori thought of her step-dad and his cohorts. Victor was so right.

"Hell, we're taking advantage of you now," Victor continued. "And there's no chance we're not going to keep doing it today and tomorrow. Sorry, you're too hot and that's just the way it is. But don't let your whole life be a series of these types of bargains and deals. If you're willing to use your body like you are now, you can do a lot of things. But don't sell yourself short and settle for a sugar daddy or end up taking tips from a beer cart. Think big. Because, in 15 years when you're the hottest milf in town, you're going to want something more. You're smart enough, so don't every get down on yourself. Stay tough like you are now. It will all be worth it some day. And keep having fun. Sex is supposed to be fun and your attitude is perfect."

"Thank you so much," Cori said, their eyes connecting. She glanced and realized that Miles and Sam were already setting up on the next tee. They hadn't realized the seriousness of this exchange to Cori. But there was Victor, right with her. She didn't feel any romantic connection to him or anything like that, but she felt a connection. Maybe it was almost father-like -- an elder who seemed to truly understand and respect her, even if he did have every intention of fucking her five or six different ways in the next day and a half. Ben at the shop had been like a big brother. John had been like a grandfather, even though he wasn't that old. And Ty had been the party friend. Her step-dad had been a jerk, Crisp a near rapist and Tony a savior. Gerald was sweet and harmless. But no one had been like a father to her. Maybe he hadn't been yesterday and maybe he wouldn't be tomorrow, but right then, in that moment, Victor had been the best father she had ever had. She didn't know how to tell him that, so they walked silently toward the next green, ready to continue.

She could see by the gleam in his eye that Sam already had an idea. He had moved on from the encounters with the guys and the beer girls. His mind remained focus on one thing -- Cori and her body and, more specifically, how to show it off for his own amusement. Miles seemed to be of a like mind and was certainly in good spirits, thanks to the incomparable feeling of having received two world-class blowjobs in the past couple of hours -- both in front of a jealous audience.
