The Hell in Your Eyes Ch. 05


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Glancing at the door, Jack turned to crinkle his eyebrows at her. "You watch too many movies." Slipping the key into the lock, he turned the handle, and pushed the door open.

It was Sam's first time in a hotel, but it didn't look all that different than the ones she had seen on television. The room held a large king sized bed that was bracketed by end tables. Placed upon both were tall, white lamps.

Off to one side sat a blue, plush recliner with an ottoman. Beside it was a long table that held a coffee maker, styrofoam cups, and a tray that held creamer, packets of sugar, and tiny red straws to stir it with.

A few feet from the end of the bed was a wide bureau that held a fairly large box television set, and beneath it on a shelf sat a dvd player with a row of dvds. There was a closed door beside it, and Sam assumed that it led into the bathroom.

"Home sweet home," Jack announced, and threw himself onto the bed so that he was sprawled out upon it.

When Sam stayed where she was, and continued to look around, Jack held his hand out to her. "Come here," he said softly.

Approaching the bed slowly, she took his hand. Pulling on it until she was forced to bend over, he lifted her beneath her arms, and slid her up his body until she was laying on top of him.

Once she was draped across his chest, he lifted his hands to cradle her face so that he could kiss her. Pausing for the briefest moment, she kissed him back.

When he released her mouth, he placed his palm in the center of her back, and rubbed it absentmindedly. "I want you to take a shower with me," he said before biting his lip.

Sam's eyes were wide as she looked down at him. "Okay," she said slowly.

He ran the tips of his fingers through the hair near her temple, and pushed it away from her face while he gazed up at her. "You have the prettiest eyes that I've ever seen in my entire life," he breathed as he looked at them.

Sam wasn't sure what to say to that, but she didn't need to worry about it because Jack quickly followed it with a light smack on her bottom. "Lets go," he said with a grin. "I want you naked, and the sooner the better."

Pushing against his chest, she lifted herself off of him so that she was standing beside the bed. Sitting up, Jack quickly stood, and led her to the bathroom door. Opening it, he blindly felt along the wall until he found the light switch before entering the room.

Sam stood hesitantly in the doorway feeling a little unsure. When he turned around to look at her, the heat in his dark eyes made her heart beat a little faster.

"It's okay," he whispered.

Taking a step forward, he leaned down to gently kiss her mouth before reaching to pull his shirt over his head. Once it was off, he let it slip from his hand, and bent to kiss her again.

His fingers reached between them, and deftly opened her jeans while his tongue came out to press her mouth wider. When her tongue met his, he let out a harsh breath before breaking away to bend his knees, and pull her jeans down her legs.

They slid down easily, and Sam stepped out of them as he reached up to slowly peel her panties off of her until they too were on the floor. When she stood before him naked from the waist down, he reached out to grasp onto her hips, and pulled her forward so that he could press his lips to her stomach. It made Sam gasp as she looked down at his dark head.

Peering up at her, his fingers trailed down the back of her thighs until his hands lightly rested against the crease of her knees. Their eyes met, and Sam's breath hitched within her chest. He looked primal. Bare chested at her feet, his face shadowed with stubble. His dark gaze was inflamed as he looked into her eyes.

Sam did something that she had never done in the entire time they had known one another. She reached out to touch him of her own accord. Lifting her hand, she slipped her fingers into his dark hair to feel it. It was soft to the touch, and made Jack close his eyes momentarily as she did it.

Rising to his feet, he slid his hands up her slight frame until his palms were gripping her waist, then took her mouth with urgency. Grasping onto the hem of her thin shirt, he quickly disposed of it before finding her mouth again. The clasp of her bra easily fell away beneath his fingers. Once she was completely bare, he pulled her against his body, and gripped her bottom in his hands.

When he pulled back slightly to look down at her, Sam was panting. "Stay right here," he told her softly.

Releasing her, he stepped towards the shower, pulled the curtain back, and reached to turn on the water. When it was blasting out of the faucet, he pulled the lever for the shower spray, and turned to look at her where she stood.

His ardent gaze roamed over her in appreciation for a moment, and a small smile touched his lips. His fingers popped open the button to his pants, and he unzipped them. With the help of his fingers, they slid down his muscular legs, and his stiffened length came into view as he lightly kicked them to the side.

Once he was free of them, he stepped towards Sam, and sought out her mouth once more. Lifting her into the air, he pulled her against him so that her legs were wrapped around his waist.

Startled, her fingers immediately lifted to his shoulders, and she gripped him with her legs to keep from falling. A low sound of arousal escaped his throat, and went directly into her mouth.

Turning, he walked them across the bathroom, and stepped into the shower without breaking the heated contact. When the hot water hit them, his urgency increased, and he opened his lips wider to deepen the kiss while he pressed her into the shower wall.

Sam's fingers dug into him as an incoherent sound emerged from her throat. Groaning again, he reached down to grip himself so that he could guide his aching cock to her opening. Once he had found it, he roughly clasped onto her thigh, and slammed inside of her.

Sam broke away from his lips as a loud cry escaped her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head while he buried his face against her neck, and began thrusting deep. His movements were steady as he pounded between her thighs, and Sam cried out again when his mouth began aggressively sucking at her neck.

"Oh God," she panted beneath him.

He was relentless as his hips drove her soft bottom into the tiled wall behind her, and Sam moaned again and again while she held on for dear life. "Jack," she gasped. "Please, Jack!"

His name on her lips made his mouth grow slack against her skin as the intensity shot through him. A rough exclamation of breath left him, and his thrusts turned into jerks as he began to shake.

"I'm going to fucking cum," he gasped against her ear. With a final surge, a growl roared out of him, and he buried himself all the way to the hilt.

When it was over, his entire frame shuddered. Releasing her legs, he lifted a hand to the side of her face, and pressed her head against his.

"God, I love that," he moaned against her. Slipping his arm around her back, he pulled her into him before dropping his lips to her shoulder, and kissing the skin there.

Sam was still panting breathlessly from the ordeal, and could only nod in response. When Jack lifted his head, and met her wide gaze, he smiled.

"Turn around, and put your hands on the wall," he told her softly.

Confused, Sam did as he asked, and gasped when he leaned his weight into her. Bending his dark head, he took her earlobe into his mouth then ran his palm up the back of her thigh, over her bottom, and along her spine. Sam jerked, and gasped again in response.

"I'm going to make you cum," he whispered darkly into her ear. Sliding his fingers between her legs, Jack ran them teasingly over her wet slit making her whimper. Slipping his other hand between her body and the wall, he gripped her nipple between his fingers, and pinched it lightly.

"You are so fucking hot," he ground out as he rubbed his cheek against hers. Plucking at her breast, his fingers rode high until they were pressed against her clit. He began to massage it in slow circles while his hips pushed into her.

"I came inside of you," he rasped against her skin. Pulling his fingers back along her folds, he pushed two deep inside of her. Sam mewled in response, and her fingers dug into the wall. "Here," he whispered against her. "Where it's hot, and wet, and tight. Did you like that?" Jack asked roughly.

Sam whimpered, and nodded. "Good girl," he breathed. He began flexing his fingers inside of her, rubbing the inner walls with the pads of his fingertips, and Sam cried out as her legs almost gave out beneath her.

She began to tremble against him, and he increased the pace of his strokes. "Oh God! Oh God! Please!" she pleaded in agony.

"I love it when you beg me," he told her. "Beg me, Sam. Tell me what you want."

He began swirling his wrist in circles as he moved inside of her, and unable to help the need that was coursing through her, Sam began grinding herself against his hand. With a low pitched moan, she fisted her hands against the wall.

"I need it," she gasped. "Please, Jack. I need you."

Releasing her nipple, he tilted her chin so that he could reach her mouth. When he took it with his own, he slipped his fingers from her in order to press them against her clit once more.

He furiously began to rub the sensitive nub causing her to jerk, and cry out against his lips. Slamming his hips into her bottom, he massaged her in fast, hard circles until finally she stiffened against him, and began to shudder. His fingers grew soaked as she spasmed, and throbbed beneath his hand.

"That's better," he sighed in satisfaction. Turning her to face him, he lifted her off of her feet, and brought her to eye level so that he could kiss her mouth. Sam was grateful that he did. Her legs were about to give out beneath her.

When he tilted his head back, there was a self satisfied smirk on his lips. "I should have left you hanging after that salt trick you pulled," he said in amusement. "But I didn't want you to suffer."

Gazing into his smug face, Sam took a deep breath, and unceremoniously dropped her head to his shoulder. She was exhausted. It made Jack grin as he squeezed her. "Wore you out, huh?" he asked with a chuckle.

Sam nodded weakly against him, making him laugh again. "We'll go lay down in a minute," he told her. "I want to wash you first."

Setting her back down on her feet, Jack turned them until the spray of water was hitting them directly. It felt warm and soothing as it pelted against her skin. Reaching up to the shower caddy, he lifted the bottle of shampoo, and popped open the cap to squirt some of the soap into his hand.

"Get your hair wet," he ordered gently.

Leaning forward, Sam slipped her head beneath the spray of water until it covered her completely. After a moment, she straightened, and lifted her fingers to wipe the water from her eyes.

Jack quickly began rubbing the soap into her dark hair. Once he had built up a lather, he began massaging her scalp which caused Sam to close her eyes with pleasure.

Why are you being so nice?" she sighed. "It's very unlike you."

Pausing in his ministrations, seconds ticked by before he finally turned her to face him. "Tilt your head back," he urged.

Obeying, Sam arched her neck until her head dipped beneath the water. Jack began casually running his fingers through her hair as it rinsed her off. When he was done, Sam lifted her head, and rubbed her eyes again before looking at him.

His expression was pensive as he regarded her. "I don't want you to hate me anymore," he finally told her. "I know that you do, and it bothers me. I don't like it."

Sam was taken aback by his response. His dark eyes actually seemed pained. "You threatened to hurt my family," she whispered.

He nodded regretfully, before looking away for a moment. When his gaze returned to hers it had a stubborn quality to it.

"You were going to run from me. I didn't know any other way to make you stay." His expression hardened, but the fierce look in his eyes quickly dissipated when he observed the anguish that was reflected in her own. "I wasn't really going to hurt them," he assured her quietly.

Sam's mouth parted in dismay. "So, if I had run, you wouldn't have done anything?"

A small smile tilted Jack's lips as his gaze lowered in consternation. When he finally lifted his head, he seemed amused. "Well, not to them, but there's no way I would have let you go. I would have thought of something."

Sam let out a breath of frustration. "Did it ever occur to you, Jack... That we could have avoided all of this craziness, if instead of yanking me into your car like a serial killer, you just walked up to me, and started talking to me like a normal person?"

Jack snorted. "And said what? Hi! I'm old enough to be your dad, but I think you're really hot. Wanna fuck?"

Sam curled her lip as a sound of disgust emerged from her throat.

"That wouldn't have worked anyways, Sam. This," he said while twirling his finger in a circle, "is barely legal. Even if you hadn't laughed in my face, I can't just walk up to high schoolers, and ask them on a date. It's frowned upon in our community." he informed her while raising a condescending brow. "I knew I wanted you. I knew I couldn't have you. I found a way."

Lifting his hands, he cupped her face, and gazed down at her as if willing her to understand. "You're mine now. I don't regret doing it."

Sam bit her lip as she looked up at his impassioned face. "You hurt me."

Jack winced slightly at the accusation. "I know. I got carried away. It's difficult to control myself when I'm around you. I'm trying." Sliding his thumb over her jaw in a gentle caress, his brows furrowed. "Don't hate me," he pleaded.

Sam's chest felt tight as she looked into his dark eyes. Without her hatred, she had nothing else to hold onto. He was trying to take this from her as well. She wasn't sure if she could let go of it. She wasn't sure if she wanted to. She had absolutely no control in any of this, but she could control that.

Tears pooled in her eyes as she glared at him. "You kidnapped me! You raped me!" she cried as she began to shake. "I thought you were going to kill me! I thought I was going to die!"

Lifting her hands, she fisted them against his bare chest while tears began to trickle down her face. Her chest shuddered, and heaved as she began to sob. He looked completely lost as she raged at him then fell apart.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. He tried to swallow, and it was difficult. "Sam, I'm sorry."

Pulling her to him, he pressed her against his chest as his hand lifted to the back of her head to cradle it. Another sob left Sam, and she pounded her fist against him. Burying her face in the crook of his shoulder, she began to cry.

Her entire frame shook with the power of her anguish. He just stood still, and held her. His arms crushing her to him in an attempt to soothe her.

When she began to quiet, he reached down, and shut off the water. Scooping her into his arms, he left the bathroom. Reaching the side of the bed, he set her down, and pulled the comforter back until the crisp, white sheets were exposed.

Lifting her into his arms once more, he placed her in the middle of the bed, and crawled in beside her before covering both of them with the blanket.

Wrapping his strong arms around her smaller frame, he pulled her against him, and rested his chin lightly on the top of her head. Sam drew in a ragged breath before it slowly shuddered out of her. Neither of them spoke.

Her small fist rested in the center of his chest beside her head, and after a moment she wilted against him. For an endless amount of time they stayed in that position, and then Sam's eyes closed as she began to drift.

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crankenheimercrankenheimeralmost 2 years ago

What a chapter this was and what a story this, it just gets better, well done.

ConstantlyWritesConstantlyWritesalmost 2 years ago

Ring of Fire was by Johnny Cash and I would like to sue Jack for spreading this misinformation

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
hauntingly good

im getting into these so much im wishing it was a novel and i could buy a copy,the characters have real depth and it sort of seems to be stockholm syndrome merged with an s and m love story,it really is a beautifully written piece, movie rights lol

Niki526Niki526almost 9 years ago
Love love love

This chapter, this is definitely the turning point in the story, the shower scene had me like oh my god... your writing is insane, thank you for sharing this incredible story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Hands down the best story on this website. I'M in love with this story. And I read A LOT of stories on here and none of them gets me like this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Neither one of them dried off lol

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimover 9 years ago


You and me both

FA_JFFA_JFover 9 years ago

Jack being all sweet is completely in character. Very common for flaming psychos to be a sociable and caring until thwarted in some way then they go full on berserker. The mayhem is followed by the sincere apology coupled with 'see what you made me do'...rinse and repeat.

Sam...a bit Stockholmy and a bit basic resignation to the requirements for survival. She's been feeling out in what ways and how far she can push back. However, I never care for any story pulling the 'I'll say or do anything to cum because you have driven me beyond control' bit. Eye rolling in a not so good way. If it is clear she is only appeasing him it's one thing, magic cocking it is another.

Overall this story enthralls like the blood car wreck at the side of the road. You want to move away and want to stop and stare.

I'm in the HEA camp. By which I mean his emasculation and exsanguination.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Aw, hell.

Unfortunately, Sam is displaying signs of Stockholm Syndrome. I could go I to detail about it, but for more information, I suggest you do a search on Patty Hurst. Although Sam hasn't been locked away (like Patty), her fear of retribution if she did try to run, is keeping her a virtural prisoner. This is going to get bad, and soon... (I was going to sign in to post my comment, but I can't remember my userID...*sigh*)

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
keep it coming

Great chapter. But taking her to a restaurant on what is basically their first date is too bland. Have Jack do something less conventional - but not prepare a picnic. That's been done to death. I'm sure Jack can come up with something.

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