The Hired Gun Ch. 07


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Other than beating her senseless with an ironing cord, her mother could've cared less more invested in a new boyfriend already moving into their home. He was long, lean with a deep chocolate complexion that matched her own, but more importantly covertly interested in his girlfriend's daughter after laying eyes on her. Her mother would have none of it regarding her daughter's attempts to inform her of a few inappropriate moments, even beating her for trying to tempt said boyfriend. Martha dealt with the shit which escalated over weeks culminating with an invasion of her bedroom at three in the morning.

The eighteen year old was awakened from a deep slumber finding his head between her thighs with her maiden head breached afterward while her mother lay passed out in the living room from excessive drinking. This misanthrope Woody was well endowed fucking her especially hard until the crack of dawn before slinking off leaving a conflicted young woman staring up at the ceiling. This unemployed creep left the apartment and hopped on a bus for parts unknown right after taking Martha's innocence.

Her mother was incorrigible for weeks afterward wondering what she did to run him off, eventually blaming Martha who knew better than to tell her emotionally unstable mother the truth of the matter. Their relationship got worse and her behavior at school matched the strife she was experiencing at home until she was pulled from class one day. Her mother ended up hospitalized from substance abuse leaving Martha in the foster care system for months until she made a full recovery.

Her mother reappeared in her life seemingly in a better state of mind and determined to make things work with her troubled daughter. Life was better for a while but went into a brief relapse when her mother moved a new boyfriend into the home. It was supposed to be for economic reasons with them both being coworkers and friends first but blossomed into a legitimate romance over time. Martha was weary of this guy, but eventually warmed up to him after watching their interactions as a couple. He doted on her financially, but kept a safe distance so much so, that her mother begged her to give the guy a chance. She worked up a careful friendship with this incidental step-father, eventually softening.

Then her first cousin Georgia appeared in this newfound family's life.

Nothing would be the same again.

Taken in after her own mother had taken ill enough to be relegated to a nursing home; Georgia changed the energy in the home almost immediately. Formerly in her own home, this barely twentysomething had been kept in check with an iron fist, belt and anything that could be used to keep her in line, but now Georgia was experiencing a new level of freedom with barely any restrictions. At first, she kept up appearances wearing the old church lady dresses her mother demanded she cover up with, until her aunt decided to upgrade her wardrobe which put her adult figure and hyper curves right out front of the world at large on a regular basis. Much of the focus seemed to shift to Georgia leaving Martha outside.

This escalated into a fight when the "parents" were out enjoying a stay at a nearby motel. Martha was soundly defeated in a standup brawl with her older cousin, several times over the weekend until she relented when offered a kitchen knife as an equalizer by her criminally unfazed cousin. The girls found a common bond and troublesome friendship which bled into their high school life. Georgia was enrolled there to finish up her schooling after her mother fudged some details during her mid-year admission. Martha found her popularity soaring with her cousin at her side, but Georgia had other ideas.

This noxious misanthrope liked being a big fish in a small pond using her cousin as a clueless dupe for some criminal shenanigans or as cover for her own salacious activities. Martha was indoctrinated before she even realized what was happening in exquisite detail as she discovered her cousin liked selling her body for money. It happened one afternoon when Martha noticed her cousin in the school yard with a boy, she'd beaten up recently. They were talking in heated tone as she watched from the second floor window of study hall and she decided to follow them cutting class as well.

She peered into a window watching the exchange of money before Georgia got naked getting on her hands and knees after yanking down the hapless dupe's pants. Martha lost it watching for a few moment incensed that her cousin was using her bed in the room they shared. It was that reason for her sudden intrusion and that frenzied interruption which ended up with her joining in on the debauchery. Georgia never made any bones about her malicious nature, but now she was irrevocably involved becoming an overt bully collecting "taxes" from that customer, payment letting him fuck her, too.

Her second time was a paid threesome working as a prostitute.

The guilt was almost insurmountable, but Georgia stayed in her shadow counseling and teaching her the way of the streets. Her older cousin's reasoning was that no man would ever wife them up because of their facial looks but would always use their incredible bodies as sex toys if allowed. Martha was still on the fence about lying to her parents until Georgia decided to prove her point incensed at her reticence to fully engage and share the darkness with her. She disappeared from school one day intriguing Martha to follow where she made a horrific discovery.

Georgia was having a tempestuous affair with her stepfather.

She busted them going at it in the living room like rabid animals fully naked. The shock was so sudden that Martha nearly swooned, but ended up scrapping with her step father when he tried to stop her from falling onto the floor. Georgia reveled in the chaos finding it funny watching Martha swinging for the fences with her fists and anything else she could get her hands on before breaking down sobbing as he begged forgiveness, kowtowing at her feet. Georgia interjected employing street politics emptying out the man's wallet plunking the cash into Martha's palm. She was made to understand her cousin's world view and chided into accepting her stepfather as another weak mark led around by his dick.

Georgia's influence engulfed her whole as she found herself sitting on the couch half naked from the waist down with a scared man, she formally respected, eating her and apologizing with her devious cousin laughing at both of them. They had their way with him in what would become a sporadic habit on and off again over the years. Later in the middle of the night, Georgia confessed that her own mother was a prostitute behind closed doors which led to her hospitalization and later interment in a nursing home. She told Martha that other female relatives pressed her into taking Georgia into her home; and that what they'd done was simply the family business.

She said they would do a lot more and live better, more luxurious lifestyles than their predecessors.

Her cousin's influence would've been complete if her suspicious mother hadn't cornered Martha on a rare mother daughter shopping spree lightly interrogating the conflicted young woman. After much frank talk and coercion, Martha gave up everything to her mother including the night she lost her virginity to that former boyfriend, Woody. She was promptly dropped off at an aunt's while her mother sped back to the house catching Georgia in the act with her man. Martha was at her aunt's for a month.

Georgia was sent back to the streets where she belonged with little more than the clothes on her back.

The cousins wouldn't meet again for nearly fifteen years.

She wouldn't return alone.

"Aw yeah, I like riding a big piece of meat boy! Like fucking on black cock, banging pretty ass niggas like you! Aw shit you better than the other one cause you fit up in my snatch like a key in a motherfucking lock! Don't move, Jaquan boy!! I wanna do all the work! I wanna please this BBC! Don't move! Aw shit!"

Martha was soulfully fucking the stuffing out of him in her favorite position, cowgirl. She was sitting upright a bit hunched over so that she could palm his defined muscular chest and use her thumbs on his nipples. He was a sculpted masterpiece right out of her dreams after being imprinted by her unfortunate first experience. It was ironic in that the classmate she'd been enamored with also had a similar appearance. The popular school athlete lost to time had made her feel like a fool toying with her emotions and body, before fumbling the ball metaphorically. She was ready to give her first time to her unrequited love until he asked her to put a paper bag on her head. Later that night, Woody invaded her bedroom revealing an unrequited lust that would not be denied. He took her for a night until dawn.


Her nails raked his pecs and abdomen on the way up her own defined gym built and maintained abs, eventually cupping the undersides of her small breasts, pinching her nipples. For a decade and change, Martha kept her phenomenal figure under wraps out of necessity, but mostly out of shame as her relationship with her mother never recovered. In lieu of everything that happened, her mother's new confidant in life became her bottle until she passed from kidney failure a few years prior. This caused Martha to toughen up as she adopted a mostly nihilistic world view becoming a true "Boss Bitch."

Jaquan was just holding on for dear life letting her get everything she wanted enjoying the ride. This late fortysomething was a physical masterpiece honed to perfection in the gym from the neck down. There was no getting past her smoldering mean mug which for some reason made most liken her to a fictional twin sister of Morgan Freeman slathered in deep dark chocolate. Well, her perennial expression if nothing else. Her surly unruly toxic demeanor ran off most suitors as intended; probably too well in hindsight as her dry social life propelled her on a girl's trip to Jamaica and a fateful hookup with a yardie packing a rod. That raft became a floating love nest as she was epically plowed by a man doing his job.

She flew back home with Babbette in her belly.

"Aw yeah baby boy!! Ain't had nothing this good since Jamaica! I LIKES THIS!! I love the way it feels in my stomach, Bruh!! You getting all the right motherfucking parts, nigga! Just lay there and let a bitch put all of this on you!! I wanna empty them big ass balls you got and then I'm gonna make your fucking day, bruh!! You gonna come back round here looking in my motherfucking windows at night and you know what? I'M GONNA OPEN THAT WINDOW AND LET YOU COME IN!! I'M GONNA OPEN THAT FUCKING WINDOW AND LET YOU COME IN AND GET ALL OF THIS PUSSY!! ALL NIGHT LONG!! AW YEAH BABY!!"

He knew she was talking more to herself than him specifically, speaking sex addled streams of rough thuggish consciousness. Jaquan recognized the behavior remembering his own moment taking the virginity of the woman who would come to be known in the future as "Infamous baby mamma #2" to family and a close knit circle of friends in their collective lives. She became the monster he created returning karma to him making Jaquan drink from that cup by the bucketload. He understood Martha.

"You said you fucked another old bitch today but that don't mean shit to me! You could fuck a hundred old bitches before you made it to my bed and it still wouldn't mean shit, bruh! Your dick gon get rock hard every motherfucking time, nigga! AHM ALMOST THERE BRUH!! AHM BOUT TO CUM!! JAQUAN!!"

Martha's thickened muscular thighs locked wedging his together tightly as a series of tremors rocked the whole of her body in waves. She stiffened upright clawing at her breasts pinching and distending her rubbery nipples yowling like a raspy sounding alley cat. Her powerful cheeks inverted hard enough to create these inverted dimples on each facing away from Jaquan's face. A shudder ran through Martha's frame making it feel as if she were bending his cock right above the base. It lasted a few minutes with both grunting and squealing as she held the posture biting into her lower lip. Then it was over.

Something snapped and unlocked, making her hips and buttocks an independent rolling and popping blur of motion. This broke the dam as his prick was taken on a ride blasting rope after rope of ejaculate into her hungry snatch. Jaquan groaned shoving her down on his prick, then went after her dense buns.

"Aw yeah baby; give me all that nut; fill me up Jaquan and get your reward." Her hips kept rotating like a hood version of a belly dancer. The return of a much more experienced Georgia later in her life brought with it, a resumed mentorship between women now in their forties, early fifties. Martha learned well.

"Reward?" Jaquan arched up as much he could underneath her pushing his cock tightly against her slit.

"Yeah boy; I told you I'm gonna give you the best day of your life and I'm gonna make you forget all about that other bitch you fucked today, baby boy. In fact, I'm gonna make you forget about all those hoes, my nigga; but first I'm gonna let you wax this big black ass of mine before I put you in the mix."

"Huh, I don't understand." Jaquan was feeling it everywhere but kept wedging himself against her cunt.

"Shush, be quiet while I get this cock ready, pretty ass nigga." She rolled her hips somehow dislodging his throbbing twelve inches. It was slathered in their intermingled juices in a frothy mix.

Martha dismounted like she was getting off of a horse with an infectious energy about her person that told him she was more than able to keep it up for a night and a day. His day started off with a sound defeat and drubbing as the object of his eye rebuffed him with style and criminal grace. He found solace in the arms of a fellow online talent which eventually led him here to this house and Martha, blessed.

"Fuck, your pussy tight as fuck." Jaquan mumbled pumping his hips driving the underside of his glazed prick along her slit rubbing up an enticing friction. Martha pushed a finger against his lips, coming close.

"Hey boy; look at my face and tell me what you see." The original question returned slightly modified.

Before he even realized it himself, Jaquan was kissing her passionately with a hand palming the back of her head like a basketball. His actions had been instinctual, undertaken with little to no conscious thought as they made out wantonly with her butt methodically rolling and grinding on his cock trapped between their bodies. The humanoid rottweiler aesthetic didn't matter as he closed his eyes tightly enjoying the dual sensations of her huge densely packed butt and sensual hungry kissing for a while. There was this weird feeling, some sort of intuition as his tightly shut eyes started to squint open.

A face.

A damn evil looking face was peering at him with scary looking beady eyes through a wealth of long stringy wet looking salt and pepper wealth of shoulder length curls. It was sticking its head through the interior window above the love seat as he blinked profusely trying to clear his watering eyes. Martha's head twisted as she angled her head using her tongue to wrestle with his own, blocking his view. Jaquan twisted and turned wanting to see the witch-like face again. Martha cupped his cheeks licking his lips.

Nothing was there when he got the view again.

"Now I want you to wax this ass for me; then you're gonna get your reward, baby." Her tone was still masculine sounding, but playfully girlish as well. Martha took him whole between her blackened lips carefully sucking and coaxing him back to a respectable hardness. She cupped and massaged his balls running her fingers on his taint as she worked him into a throbbing, almost painful hardness, stopping.

"Come on, get down here behind me and get this big ass you been wanting since I let you up in here."

He watched Martha climb down on all fours coming level with his side with the deepest arch she could manifest in her lower back. This made her butt look phenomenal in a side view, rich dark chocolate. Jaquan was feeling it all over looking at her profile laying on his back on the loveseat with his legs dangling over the other arm. She didn't say or do anything else other than looking at him without further sound. They stared at one another before he slowly got down behind Martha finding a staggering view.

Looking at this thick packed butt from behind which resembled two boulders tightly wedged together collectively approximating an acute pear shaped at the bottom of her waist, sent jolts to his package. Her undercuff was impossibly deep overlapping the top of her defined thighs. From any angle her butt was completely round, and cement thickened. The deep arch in her back caused her flower to part a sliver, even after being run through with twelve thick certified inches, thirteen point five earlier.

"Ah, aw...OW!! OW!! OW!!" His abused and over used prick stung as he softly pressed its crown against her tight opening managing only the tip. He'd been run through and treated like a two dollar whore by this woman after another equally thick mature stunted on him, angry at her cheating husband. While she cheated in the worst way, herself. Martha was on another level, making him wish Esther hadn't happened so that he could've enjoyed this incredible body even more. This was all because of Andre.

Andre 13.5 and his stupid ass Nintendo Switch.

"OOOWW!! Ouch!! Fuck!! Ouch!! Aw shit! Aw shit you so fucking tight! OW!! AW SHIT!! OW!! BABY!!" Martha took the initiative popping that arch deeper like she'd been taught decades earlier bucking backwards taking those twelve inches completely with a sustained animalistic snarl due to her own velvety insides being pushed to the extreme earlier by a tall, moderately dark handsome simpleton with a thirteen point five inch rod in his pants. He'd taken her to the limit in the ultimate disrespect as a dig at her more experienced older cousin who couldn't have cared less before sexually trashing him again.

His hands grabbed her juicy thighs digging big manly fingers into the skintight creases formed when Martha went on all fours for doggy style. Jaquan pretty much remained stationary letting Martha do the work starting slowly after the initial shock of having a fleshy cinder block shoved into his pelvis. There was barely any give with minimal motion ripples as she fucked herself on the business end of his cock. She added a roll of the hips working in some pronounced twerking, taking him over the edge five minutes in. He was so blasted, he nearly fell backwards, barely having time to aim at her dense cakes.

Three ropes of watery cum splashed across Martha's thick ass, the epitome of junk in the trunk.

He stayed there on his knees looking at his sparse handiwork, eyes fluttering vision blurring.

"Aw baby boy, I know you probably wanted to really cream me up; but there's gonna be other times Jaquan...huh?" Martha rocked back and forth on her hands and knees gradually looking over her shoulder still full of energy.

Jaquan was asleep on his knees.

"Told you I was gonna turn you out." Martha replied with a half smirk and a chortle.

Jaquan was barely conscious, eyes fluttering becoming heavier as some invisible hand forced them closed, tightly shut as Martha's huge cemented badonkadunk greeted him with a wet smack. He was almost delirious from the exertion having been with two thick matures over the last few hours. Right before he drifted, there was the loud slamming of what was obviously the front door to the home.

"Mi buy FOOD OH an mi HAVING A bredren OVER; OH mi GOD MAMMA; wah di FUCK THIS?!!" Some women happened upon the scene with explosive results, but Jaquan was too far gone.