The House Guest

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My best friend’s wife and two daughters prove too tempting.
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The House Guest

I'm not a good man. I've never hidden the fact. My girlfriend found out when she caught me fucking her niece. But she should have known, because she first fucked me while I was seeing her best friend. With a track record like that I'm hardly likely to turn down the opportunity to screw a sexy 24 year-old with an arse you could eat with whipped cream. Trouble is, she was not only my girlfriend but my landlady and my boss. She was a successful publisher and we lived together in her palatial London apartment where I would write crappy copy for her crappy magazines and try really hard not to bring too many girls home when she was in the office. I didn't succeed. I'm pretty sure she knew - with my history she couldn't have been oblivious - but after her sister's kid popped over for 'a chat' and stayed a little too long, I found myself homeless and unemployed.

Which is how I found myself at the door to the family home of my old friend, Dom. Now, there we had a problem. Not with Dom. Me and him had known each other for decades, since the first day of college, and were as tight as can be. The problem was I had also known his wife since then and she had pretty much hated me the whole time.

It's not hard to understand why. I literally salivated over Carrie each time we met. I became a dribbling buffoon who could not tear his eyes away from her tits. No, that's wrong. I could not tear my eyes away from any bit of her. And every square inch made me want to cum in my pants. When I first saw her in halls of residence, heading for the showers with a towel straining to wrap around her, suspended on preposterously perfect breasts, showing off those long, slender legs almost all the way to her juicy round butt, I got a hard-on which has never quite subsided.

But where else could I go? I can't blame anyone for not wanting me hanging around. Like I say, I'm not a good man.

Dom couldn't have been sweeter. 'Sure, you can stay. We have a basement room with its own shower. You can hang out there as long as you like. Come straight over.' So I did.

Me and Dom had a drinking relationship, never happier than in a grubby pub, putting the world to rights over a couple of pints. The last time I had seen him with his family his two girls were 6 and 4, cute as kittens and just as playful. That was a while ago. Fifteen years to be exact. Fifteen years can change a girl.

Imogen opened the door when I rang the bell and the sight of her made my jaw hit the floor. She was the image of her mother, long blonde hair, blue eyes, silky skin, full lips, breasts struggling to be contained by her sweatshirt and, if her legs weren't quite as long as Carrie's, they still led up to an illegally round arse smuggled into her gym shorts. 'Uncle Dick!' she exclaimed, with a broad, open smile, throwing her arms around me and planting a chaste kiss on my cheek.

'Imogen?' I ventured. 'You've grown.' Yes, I was that dumb.

'Come on in,' she chirped. 'Everybody's here.'

She led the way into the large kitchen diner at the heart of the house. I followed behind, trying not to stare too intently at her shapely, athletic bottom. I remembered Dom had said about her studying Physical Education at the local college and envied the jocks who got to train behind her while they were doing stretching exercises.

'Dad. He's here.'

Dom was behind the kitchen counter and came around to give me a handshake and hug. It felt a little awkward as we're not exactly hugging buddies. But we were in his home and I guess he wanted to make me feel welcome. The welcome was not so touchy-feely from Carrie who appeared from another room.

'Hello, Dick,' she said with an icy edge to her voice. 'So you're staying for a day or two.' She was as lovely as ever. Though her hair was cropped quite short now and slightly darker than the corn blonde of her college years, it perfectly framed the unadorned beauty of her face. And despite the rather baggy, unflattering running clothes she was wearing you could tell she still had a body to make a eunuch grow a new pair.

'Stay as long as you like, Dick,' said Dom with a warm laugh. 'You know Carrie. She's afraid you'll be dragging me to the pub every five minutes. Chance'd be a fine thing with my schedule.'

'Hi Carrie. Long time,' I stammered, trying to hide my naked desire with a false coolness. 'I mean it's been a long time, not that I'm staying a long time. As soon as I get back on my feet. Sooner. I really appreciate you putting me up.'

'Of course we'll put you up. You're a dear friend of the family.'

The voice came from another doorway. I turned and saw whom I assumed was the younger daughter, Bethan. Like her sister she'd done a bit of growing. She had her mother's legs, which she proudly showed off in a tight skirt that barely covered her bum. She was also not afraid to display her tits in a push-up bra poorly hidden behind a thin blouse unbuttoned practically to her navel. And while her breasts were not as impressive as the other females in the family, they still looked as if a man could feast on them for a good couple of hours. Her hair was dyed black, cropped spiky and short and she wore thick, dark make-up. She looked ripe and ready to fuck as she sashayed slowly over and planted a sloppy wet kiss on my face, hugging me like we were long-lost friends.

Carrie interrupted her. 'Okay, you can let him loose now.' I was disappointed but mighty relieved when she did. 'Beth's going through her slutty phase at the moment.' She said it with a laugh but there was no humour in her eyes, particularly not in the look she shot me.

'Beth, darling, do you think that outfit's entirely appropriate to greet guests?' Dom was trying to save his wife by being a prude - which he wasn't.

'Oh, daddy, I'm going to a party. This is what girls my age wear. I'm sure that even mummy had a slutty phase.' Both Dom and I cracked up at that.

'Let me tell you your mother was never a...' Carrie's glare cut me off. 'What I mean is... Beth, you look absolutely lovely. You'll wow all the boys.'

'See, mummy,' said Beth with a glint in her eye she shone directly at me. 'You'd ask me out, wouldn't you, Uncle Dick?' This was a minefield I was determined to avoid so I shut up.

Dom came to my rescue. 'Let me show you the basement, Dick. Carrie's going to put on some food.'

The basement contained a large bed, a small table and little else, apart from a shower room and toilet. That was fine by me. I didn't need anything else. I had a mission: find a job and get out of this place before those three sex dolls drove me insane. Dom was my best friend. My only friend left these days. I had to be on my best behaviour. Carrie was his wife and Immie and Beth his young daughters. I showered, my hand found my cock hard and I tried my very best not to think of them as I sprayed cum over the shower tray.

After dinner, Dom apologised for not taking me to the pub but work was crazy at the moment. He was putting together some major financial deal and was having to fly to New York, Singapore, Abu Dhabi and, in between, work long hours in the London office doing whatever it was he did. It was good, I said, as I shouldn't be distracted from my aim: to get out of their hair as soon as possible. I was well into my 40s, I shouldn't be crashing at my mate's place like a student. Carrie agreed with me a little too readily. She had changed from her exercise clothes into a denim dress that buttoned up at the front and strained to contain her fabulous tits. I had to try really hard not to stare at the gapping which revealed a plain white bra cradling those bountiful mounds.

Thankfully the girls were out, so I didn't have the added distraction of young flesh parading itself around the place. Imogen was with her long-term boyfriend, Greg, while Beth was at her party. I imagined her driving the boys crazy in her micro skirt and sit-up-and-beg bra. I wondered if it was an act and she was as frigid as her mother. Okay, not frigid, she screwed Dom. She just wouldn't screw me.

Back in college I was beside myself with lust for her, but she cold-shouldered me. And when I found out she was seeing my mate, Dom, I went a little crazy. In some pathetic show of retaliation I fucked every girl who was willing and a few more who were less than willing but could take a little persuasion. I haven't stopped fucking since. In all honesty, I think I fuck so much because I couldn't fuck Carrie. Who could blame her for hating me? God, I had trouble to sleeping with myself.

I behaved. The days passed and I stayed out of everybody's way. Though the youngest, Beth, would frequently walk about the house in various states of undress, Carrie's wary eye would warn me away from even thinking about looking. And Immie was hardly any better. Although always covered up in sports clothes, her athletic body was constantly stretching, contorting, lithely bending and flexing, even doing the most mundane task. So I mainly tried to keep to my room and check the internet for jobs.

Things could get a little awkward when I was asked to eat with the family, as the youngster would be very flirty and ask deliberately outrageous questions. Did I think men preferred slutty girls or uptight types? What did I think of a girl sleeping with a boy on a first date? Why was it all right for a boy to play the field but not a girl? As Dom was there when I was invited up, he'd enjoy my discomfort, but Immie would tut and roll her eyes at her sister and Carrie would sharply tell her that those questions were not appropriate for the family table. Needless to say, I wasn't asked to dinner when Dom was away.

He had meetings in the States for a few days so I kept a low profile. Things were working out, I was managing to keep away from Carrie and the girls and was even getting the odd interview for work. In fact I had an interview the next day and so was taking a shower and thinking I was soon going to be out of harm's way. Coming naked out of the shower, I was rubbing my head with a towel when I heard a voice: 'Not as big as I was expecting.' Panicked, I pulled the towel from my face and hurriedly covered my embarrassment. There in the bed, covered with a duvet, but seemingly in a state of undress underneath, lay 19 year-old Bethan.

'From what mummy said I expected you to have a huge cock. It's not so big. Although I might have to have another look.'

I tied the towel around my waist and tried to look in control. 'Look, Bethan, you can't be here. You're my friend's kid. If your mother found out you were in here...'

'Would you prefer it if my mother were here? I've seen you look at her. I know I haven't got as nice titties, but they're not so bad, are they?' With that, she lowered the duvet to show off her naked breasts. They were definitely not so bad. Pert and full, they were as much of a handful as she was. The nipples, succulent brown cherries at the centre of perfectly round, rosy aureolae, demanded to be bitten.

'Bethan, for God's sake. Please. You have to go.' I stood next to the bed and tried to look commanding and determined.

'But Uncle Dick, if I get out of bed you'll see me naked.' She drew aside the duvet and I struggled to keep my eyes away from her shaved pussy just peeking between her thighs.

'Bethan. I can't do this.'

'You might say that, but something tells me you're telling porky pies.' Her hand reached out and caressed the bulge in my towel where my cock, with a mind of its own, was getting ready for action.

'Beth...' I implored, half-heartedly.

Her hands determinedly loosened the towel and it fell to the floor. My cock sprang up to look her squarely in the eye. 'Now that's a bit more like it. I was starting to think the tales of wicked Uncle Dick were a myth.'

'You'd better be able to do something else with that mouth other than just talk,' I said, a little too snidely. She didn't care. She cupped my balls in one hand, held my arse with the other and slid her lips firmly over my shaft. Her head bobbed back and forth with a degree of expertise and after working my cock with mouth, tongue and lips for a little while the young girl looked up at me and asked, 'Is that nice?'

Is there a female alive who doesn't want to know if you're enjoying her blowjob? It is one of the stupider questions out there. I put my hand on the back of her head and pushed her mouth back down onto my cock, thrusting my hips into her face. It was nice. It was very nice.

With all the built up tension of living around that much sweet pussy I quickly felt my balls tensing, so I pulled out of Beth's mouth and flipped her over onto her front. She lay there with her legs apart, her pretty peach pouting at me, her juicy arse looking ripe and ready. She raised it slightly so I could get a good look. And it was good. I went down on my knees, stuck my face between her thighs and inhaled the aroma. I struggle to think of anything better than the heady, honeyed scent of young cunt... Of course I can - the taste of young cunt. I grabbed her hips, pinning her to the bed and licked her all the way from her clit, through her slit and her bum cleft. It tasted delicious. So much so, I went back for more.

I gobbled greedily at her sex, sticking my tongue deep inside her, sucking up the juice then teasing her clit. I bit her arse and probed her anus feeling it tighten on my tongue as she groaned with pleasure. It might have been a bit rough for a teenage girl, but I'd been a walking hard-on for a week now and needed to take out some of my frustration. And she didn't seem to mind. On the contrary, she wriggled about in delight, squealing and gasping. I concentrated on her clit for a while, determined to bring her to orgasm and she didn't hold back. She started to writhe and moan, then she bucked wildly, pushing her salty-sweet pussy against my face.

'Yes! Yes! Fuck, yes!'

She came so loud I was sure she'd wake the neighbours, let alone her family upstairs. When she climbed down off the wall I asked her if she could keep it down a little. She turned over and looked down at me.

'Mummy and Immie have both gone to bed early. You can't hear a thing up there. Besides, you shouldn't be so good with that tongue of yours if you want me to be quiet. So, wicked Uncle Dick, are you just as good with your cock?'

I kissed her clit then moved up her body, kissing all the way until I reached her full, young breasts. I ran my tongue around her nipples and teased her vulva with the tip of my dick.

'Put it in. Fuck me. Fuck me, dammit.'

But I was in no hurry. I ran my cock along the length of her gash.

'Now you weren't too nice about him earlier. He doesn't like being called small.'

'I didn't call him small. I just said he wasn't the monster I'd been expecting. Can you just fuck me already?'

She tried reaching down to guide me inside, but I pinned her arms down, biting hard on her breasts and letting her have just the tip inside her.

'You may have to ask him nicely,' I teased, her papilla between my teeth.

'Ow!' she said, not too convincingly.

'Do you want me to stop?' I asked

'Fuck no. I want more.' Then sarcastically, 'Please.''

'More what?

'More of everything. Please. Pretty please. More cock. More fucking. More biting. More sex!'

I let her have it. I drove my cock inside her, making sure it ground against her clit. As I did, I grabbed her arse cheeks and bit down hard on her tits. She gasped with unbounded gratification mixed with delicious pain. Gradually I sped up, pounding her pussy as she thrashed about. I kept devouring her luscious breasts while my dick rammed into her, but it was like fucking a wild cat. The art of fucking, I've found, is trying to discover the route to please your partner. All women enjoy sex in different ways and you just have to experiment until you hit on the right method. It was clear that Beth liked to be in charge and so I rolled over onto my back and allowed her to climb on top.

From then on I hardly had to do anything apart from count my lucky stars and stare admiringly at this delicious young body, perky orbs bouncing up and down as she rode my willing boy. There was a tensing in my balls and shaft as I felt myself about to come. I tried to think of something else as I wanted the satisfaction of this moment to last, but Beth started to scream as she experienced another orgasm. It was all too thrilling, a 19-year old beauty sliding up and down my rod, her face a picture of ecstasy, my balls were ready to explode. I tried to pull out from under her, but she clamped her pussy lips tight.

'Come inside me. Fill me up. Fill me with your cum.'

So I did. Bang. I kept pumping and I kept coming. I came so hard I expected jizz to shoot out of her ears. At last, with a gasp, Beth fell onto my chest and hugged me tight with arms and legs while the last of my cum oozed inside her.

We lay there for a while, both breathing hard. She occasionally looked up at me and smiled a greedy smile. A thought occurred to me:

'We haven't even kissed.'

'You're such an old man.'

Beth slid down my body and stared at my limp dick. She stroked it and kissed it, trying to coax more life out of it.

'You're right. I am an old man. There's going to be nothing happening down there for a while.'

'I don't mind,' she chirped. 'I like looking at it. And other things.' With that, she slipped the sad lad into her mouth and sucked out the any last juices. She licked her lips and looked up at me with a coquettish bat of her dark eyelashes. 'So, do you want to fuck my mother?' She could hardly fail to notice the slight flicker of life in my old boy as she was holding it softly in her hand.

'Stop that. Your mother is my best friend's wife.'

'And I'm his innocent young daughter. That didn't stop you banging my brains out. Hey, I don't mind. I think you should want to fuck my mother. I think all men should want to fuck my mother. She's fucking gorgeous. If I was a man I'd want to fuck her. Come on. I don't mind.'

'You mother hates me. It's a long story.'

'I didn't ask if she wanted to fuck you, I asked if you wanted to fuck her. I think I'd like to watch. She has such great tits. I'd like to see you stick your big dick in between her fantastic tits. Would you like me to watch while you fuck mummy?'

She knew what she was doing. There were signs of life. She noticed.

'That's a bit more like it,' she said as she wrapped her lips around my rapidly stiffening rod.

'You're a filthy bitch,' I said, laughing. She giggled as she gave my shaft a good cleaning. I edged around until I was able to grab her legs then stuck my face in her mound, licking and sucking like a starving man. We 69d vigorously for what seemed like ages, she'd try to go on top, then I'd roll her over, then she'd gain the upper hand. It was fun. And when she'd come again I let her have my load in her mouth. She swallowed and sucked and gulped down every last drop.

After we had lain with our heads between each other's legs for a while, me contentedly inhaling her tangy smell, her softly kissing my limp member, Beth sat up suddenly.

'I have to go to bed. It would be just my luck for my mother to try and wake me up for work in the morning.' She hurriedly pulled on the knickers and vest lying next to the bed and without a word she headed for the door. Just as she was about to open the door however she paused, turned around and ran back to me, planting a big sloppy kiss on my cunt-soaked lips.

'See you soon, Uncle Dick.'

And with that she skipped out of the room, leaving me with a satisfied but sore cock and not a hope of sleep. Needless to say I didn't kill at the interview.

She really was a filthy bitch. Over the next few nights Bethan came down to my room for every kind of sex imaginable. She tied me up - she liked that. I spanked her, really hard - she liked that as well. She asked me to fuck her in the arse, come over her face, impale her anus with various implements while I pounded her pussy, piss in her vagina. Seriously. After a fucking I went to take a leak, but as soon as I stood over the bowl I felt her standing behind me, reaching around and taking hold of my cock. She watched the steaming jet and passed a hand through the stream. 'That's hot. I'd like to feel that inside me.' So the next day I let her feel it. We both laughed a storm as she waddled to the bathroom trying to keep my piss inside her.