The Housekeepers


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"There was a risk that the state would seize us and you kept that from us?"

Tom was close to panic. Julie's face was heating up and she was ready to let rip.

"What kind of fucking father are you?"

Tom fought to appear calm, his heart pounding. If his voice cracked he was gone.

"You met the case officer the day your mother died."

"Heaps of people came here... we don't recall meeting a case officer, do we kids?"

The twins said no and moved to stand behind Julie who now had her shoulders squared and looked ready to step forward.

"The case officer Mrs Lucas told me at our second meeting she'd probably accept our situation is I employed a housekeeper."

Ada said, "So that's why we had to have a housekeeper instead of doing what we wanted and that was to share jobs?"

"Yeah," said Julie and Tommy added his yeah.

"This new candidate is Mrs Lucas' younger sister but how much younger I have no idea. Kids please give me a break. I'm only a guy attempting to do his best for the family."

"Tell him we think he's okay," Ada ordered.

Julie said, ""Despite your shortcomings we think you are okay."

Tom was reaching the conclusion it was now Ada who called the shots in moments of crisis. Tommy kept his mouth shut and Julie provided the muscle. Why the fuck did the authorities believe these kids needed mothering or at least some kind of partial substitute?

"Yeah I'll say it again, you're okay dad," Julie said coming forward. Tom flinched as she grabbed him and kissed him.

"Would one of you pour me a whisky, straight," Tom said.

Tommy moved to fetch it but his twin called, "No way will I allow potential wards of the state touch alcohol. Think what the authorities will say to that transgression even if we deny we ever drink the stuff? And daddy we don't want you breathing the smell of booze over our candidate and for fuck sake do your hair and wear a tie; a jacket can be optional."

Julie and Tommy looked startled. To their knowledge it was the first time their father had heard Ada use the F-word.

"Yes Ada," Tom replied politely. "I think we all should be on our best form. I never realized you guys wanted a younger, I mean a much younger housekeeper. This candidate might be as young as thirty but that's just a guess."

"You never asked us," Ada said. "I suggest you don't get carried away thinking thirty is not old but it's a huge improvement on the age of housekeepers we've had until now with three of them being older than grandma."

"Why is this candidate not married?" Julie demanded.

Her father said, a little uncomfortably, "She is but her husband is divorcing her."


Tom said he was unable to elaborate.

"Omigod, she's been screwing around. I like her already," Julie beamed.

"Yeah," said Tommy.

"Shut up Tommy," Ada said. "You are not supposed to know about things like that at your tender age."


Everyone was dressed semi-formal with the house looking very tidy.

At 5:31 Julie looked at the wall clock in the family room and said mournfully, "She's decided not to come, finding out we have an elderly father."

Tom rolled his eyes and suddenly the outside door was flung open and in walked a great-looking redhead, face full of uncovered freckles and apparently not wearing a bra and in tight shorts and scuffs.

"Hi folk, catch kid," she said, tossing a big bottle of coke at Tommy. She dropped a parcel on to the table and said. "I've fetched some hot fries. Any chance of a wine? I don't want us sitting round like mutants wonder what the fuck we were about."

The family boggled. Boggled hugely. For the first time since the death, sunshine appeared to be filling the house.

Julie beamed and said, "Hi, I'm Julie. You must be the most unsuitable housekeeper in creation for teenagers like us. You are very, very welcome."

"Yeah," said Tommy, his father not noticing his son staring at Mrs Lusk's tits.

"Hi I'm Tom the father. These are the twins Ada and Tommy."

"Hi guys. You only look like brother and sister to me."

"Are you musical?" Tommy asked, arriving with a bottle of red wine and two glasses.

"Yes I guess so. I sing quite well, play the guitar and can make do on the piano.'

The wine bottle crashed on to the glass table and Tommy stared at the visitor, his jaw hanging open.

"Have I said something wrong or have I mentally over-challenged you?"

"M-may I s-sit by you?" Tommy asked.

"Yes," said the new housekeeper although the decision had yet to be announced. "You are a strange kid," she said, pulling him into her breast and tousling his blonde hair."

"You have freckles," Ada said jealously.

"Oh how wonderfully observant you are darling but don't fret, you'll get your share of hugs and kisses. You kids appear to be doing so well so soon after the calamitous loss of your dear mother. Like fucks up at times but then we know life must go on, don't we? I guess you have tried hard to be the surrogate mother Julie?"

"Sort of I suppose but Ada appears to have taken over that role. Why do you allow your facial freckles to display?"

"Because I've decided they are part of me so why should I hide them, but I do smother make-up over them when I dress up."

"Will you teach me about make-up and body care... my girlfriends give me different opinions."

"Yes dear. Do you shave?"

"Yes," Julie said without hesitation and keeping her eyes fixed on the visitor.

"Good girl," Dianne said. "This is lovely wine."

"Why have you twice used the F-word?" Ada asked.

"It's a ploy darling although I must confess to being a little foul-mouthed. I wished to be open with you, to show I'm human and vulnerable but am a happy person, all rolled into one. The aim was to make a very favorable impression."

"You are hired," Julie said. "Dad will negotiate. "Ada?"

"Yes I think you will be a great role model Mrs Lusk."

"Oh what sweet thing to say darling. You all must call me Dianne."

Julie called Tommy.

"Yes, Dianne is into music."


"Thank you for consulting me Julie. In this decision I'm behind you kids 101 percent."

"Will there be any problem if I choose to sleep with your father?"

"I was hoping that would be a logical step," Julie said. "The kids and I have already discussed this as a possibility."

"Yes," said Ada. "Now that I've met you I'd like you to fit into the very core of our family. Are you noisy in bed?"

"Yes, if the mood takes me."

"That's okay. The parental bedroom is well separated from ours, probably for that very reason."

"How old are you Ada?"


"God when I was fifteen I couldn't think like that with such maturity. I did nothing much but look at boys and giggle."

"You appear to have survived coming through the teenage crisis very well Dianne. In fact I pick you to be very engaging, very fluent, very courageous and absolutely charming."

"Omigod, how old did you say you were?"

"Mom's death appears to have accelerated Ada into maturity," Julie said, "But then she's always been a brain."

There was a moment's silence as everyone sipped their drink and reflected.

Dianne stood and held out her hand and said to Julie, "Come darling, show me the run of the kitchen and help me with dinner. You already are growing into a sexy lady but you must also possess the other attributes males require and Number One of the list is being a superb cook. Great female cooks who look the sexiest mostly end up with the best men. It's how life works."

"Fetch my two cases from the car please Tommy and make sure it's locked," Dianne said. "My outgoing husband would dearly love to repossess it."

Tommy came running back in with the two bags and a make-up kit. "Omigod, Dianne drives a near-new Mercedes coupe."

"I thought she would drive something like that," Ada said. "Our new housekeeper is all style. Be careful with her daddy."

Tom gulped down wine.

* * *

The kids had disappeared for the night. Dianne said, pushing away her empty coffee cup, "I'm very comfortable in my bedroom. You have a lovely home and maintain it well. When would you like me to move into your bedroom?"

Tom hesitated in replying.

"Don't be afraid. If you don't wish me to sleep with you or have sex with me just say so. I won't be offended or walk out on you."

"I-I can't understand why you are being so forward about this."

"Would you accept that I absolutely love having sex?"

That response washed away Tom's uncertainty and he grinned. "God you are great."

"I'm only playing at being me; no deception is involved and I'll be frank with you. Thelma told me you are driving her crazy with desire because you appeared to be having mental sex with her on the last two occasions you guys met."

"Oh God."

"It's okay, she does try very hard to be a good girl. I'm quite happy to lose the struggle and I doubt if I'll ever change and that means longer term I'll be unsuitable for you because you have a big conservative streak in you. But we are talking about here and now. Thelma dropped the hint about me being available because it solves two problems in one hit. My reputation has taken a bit of a hit and many of my friends are grappling with the thought that I have been the Scarlet Woman in respect of my imminent divorce. Thelma knows I can't keep my nose out of the sex trough and thought if I could settle in with you we'd both get the sex and affection we both need and none of my friends would be aware where I was or what I was doing."

"Thelma is a good organizer."

"Actually she's a wonderful woman and you are probably a better mate for her that her husband is because Ralph wears his feelings deep and has difficulty in emoting, even with their kids."

"You have strong impressions about me after only knowing me for five hours."

"Thelma has talked to me long and often about you. I reached the point of thinking about you when working my dildo when alone at nights."

"Oh you poor darling."

"Thank you Tom, I find that very encouraging."

She stood up and was reaching for the cups when Tom said, "Leave those. Just stretch out over me and let's begin a little intimacy."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes but only for a little warm up."

"I'd like that. What should I take off?"


Dianne went over and closed the door and returned, wetting her lips. She slowly lowered fully over Tom, working his legs between hers, as if hoping to feel something promising.

"This is a lovely way to get to know one another sexually," she said. "That's if we are to go that far."

"We appear capable," he grinned.

She smiled and lowered her lips on to his.

They kissed at length and he stroked her face. She lifted a little to make herself more accessible but no effort was made to touch her breasts, disappointing her no doubt. She finally sighed and kissed him fully and rose to leave.

"Thanks, that was lovely. I'm sorry..."

"Hush, I'm prepared to be patient. In the meantime Mr Dildo awaits me."

"Do you find that a good substitute?"

"It's better than nothing."

"I'm glad you are prepared to substitute as my wife. You have made an amazing impact on the kids already. You will be so good for us and I hope we return in kind."

"Thelma is correct... you do say lovely things."

Next morning when alone in the house, Dianne called her sister.

"Hi, I'm living in Brook Terrace, with one foot in the door."

"Oh I'm delighted about that. I believe he'll take a day or two to thaw and then act and perhaps a day after that will be up your butt."

"Oh bring it on," Dianne huffed, squeezing a breast.

"We kissed quite a bit last nigh but nothing more than that. I'm amazed how well you described him and his ways and yet you have only spent a little time with him. You've fallen for him haven't you?"

"Dianne don't and please, please don't mention that suspicion to him."

"Suspicion. Ha! Actually I think he has an obsession with your big tits. He's not attempted to touch mine."

"You have a great pair darling. Just give him time. I wish I were there to listen in on the 'Meet the family' interview last night. I assume you were your inimitable self and blew asunder their intentions of conducting a formal interval."

"Yes, it went my way. Actually there was no evidence of dysfunctionality if there is such a word."

"There isn't but I said say he was too well in control of himself to head a dysfunctional family."

"Well now you have confirmation. How can I get him to have sex?"

"God you of all people asking me that! The one word of advice I offer is patience. He has a dick not being used for its secondary purpose and will be acutely away of that, especially when seeing your boobs flopping about. I hope you took my advice about not wearing a bra?"

"Yes I didn't wear one and didn't pack any but there was an unfortunate side effect: the little guy was staring at them."

"At his age he'll be more interested in sighting your pussy."


"Its only a preordained part of growing up darling, nothing to worry about."

"Oh the kids brought up the subject; they have no problem with me sleeping with their father, or so they said."

"Well that's something. If you can't lay him I bet no other woman can."

"Except you Thelma but it appears you have yet to discover what a hot bitch you really are."

* * *

Thelma recoiled slightly in shock from her phone when her sister cut the call. Never in her life until now had it been even remotely suggested she was a hot bitch. Thelma was unsure of exactly what that meant but she had a fair idea... Definition: one who likes her cunt pounded without particularly worrying who was doing the pounding. She agreed with the first bit but rejected the second part of that definition because it could not possible apply to her.

She was well aware her capacity for sex had never been fully exploited and sex at home was now reduced to infrequent and unimaginative and not particularly enthusiastic bouts of ... well enough of that. If Dianne had not given her a vibrator and three sizes of butt plugs and taught her the techniques she would have probably gone mad in chronic frustration.

It was so unfair of Alex to treat her sexual need with such arrogant indifference. God if the kids had been well into their teens she would have considering leaving him and looked for a loving guy who liked using his cock. Dianne needed sex too and she hoped Tom wasn't another of those guys who had a window-dressing attitude towards sex. She doubted that he was because she'd seen passion flickering. Guys who were lackadaisical about fucking usually also lacked the ability to be generated by inner passion. Perhaps after Dianne finished with Tom she'd try him out for herself, perhaps only for a couple of times. Yes, why not. Oh yeah?

Thelma sighed. She had been tempted to tell Dianne to walk in nude on Tom within fifteen minutes of him going off to bed and to grab his dick, whether soft of not, and say something like, "Hi honey, look what I have got to put around this little man... er or perhaps this big man."

Oh hell who was she to advise her younger sister who probably had more fucks in a year that she'd had in her lifetime. And that's why she wouldn't advise her except to call for patience. Dianne would know when available pussy was around that men would go for it, sooner rather than later. God why couldn't her husband think like that? Thelma was tempted to slink off home and bash herself with her vibrator. But instead she returned to writing up reports.

* * *

Dianne practically had an orgasm that evening when stretched out over Tom she lifted and he actually grabbed hold of a boob. He just held on to it without squeezing or moving a finger on to a nipple. Elated she reached down and felt... oh shit, practically nothing. Just a limp sausage.

A little despondent she remained on hold, wishing, and gradually her wish was granted. She felt his dick in her hand, under his pants of course, beginning to inflate. Obviously his blood was pumping, even if Tom wasn't.

It appeared to grow into more than a handy size and that discovery sent Dianne into near palpitations. She was so happy and of course he spoilt it by yawning and announcing, "Time for me to amble off to bed. I have talks with representatives of a major client company in the morning."

God business was far more important than fucking, wasn't it? She felt like crying. In bed Dianne felt so frustrated she attempted to experiment and for the first time got an inch of the dildo hanging out of her pussy under and up into her asshole. She thought she ought to feel disgusted but the physical triumph of her endeavor wouldn't allow her to demean her achievement. She then though about having Tom's cock up her butt and suddenly found she managed to shove in another inch of dildo. She made a note to buy a longer one.

The next morning she was cleaning Julie's bedroom and found the computer had not been closed down. Dianne brought it out of sleep mode and found Julie had been working on her diary. She spent almost an hour reading it and found that at eighteen Julie was bemoaning she was still a virgin.

Early that evening when the twins had begun their homework but as usual Julie was frittering away time and would plow into her work after dinner, Dianne went to her room and closed the door.

"May we talk?"


"Intimately, about you?"

"I'm not gay."

"I'm glad about that. Now don't get mad but you left your computer on this morning and being a nosy bitch I read your diary."

"You nosy bitch," Julie said, getting off her bed. "I ought to whack you across the nose."

"I suggest you don't try."

"What will you hit back."

"More than that, I'll probably knock you through the wall."

"Tough are we?"

"So you're still a virgin and fret about being that way?""

"You read my diary."

"We've been through that darling and you threatened to hit me. May we move on?"

"Like what?"

"If you really want to be fucked you have to focus on being fucked. The first thing is to choose a guy you think who'll fuck you and don't make the mistake of aiming too high in appeal. Then you let him know you are available but you must never, never pester him for it otherwise you can say goodbye to that guy and if he talks you'll get a bad reputation."

"Is that all?"

"Yes but take care about your own safety."

"I have more or less tried doing what you have said."

"With focus?"

"Um I can't remember."

"Darling if you want something bad enough you'll get it."

Julie took on a naughty look. "Are you and dad fucking yet?"

Dianne replied, "We are talking about you Julie.""

"Goodness, you have real focus, don't you?"

"It is acquired darling and is useful for almost everything you do in life."

Julie hugged and kissed Dianne and said it had been lovely that Dianne had chosen to discuss things like that."

"Show my your pussy Julie."

"I-I said I'm not gay."

"This is nothing to do with that. I want to see what the guy you want to seduce you will see."

"God it's so hairy. I thought you said you shaved."

"I do, my armpits and legs."

"Well cleaning up around pussy won't add too much to maintenance. When we get some time alone in the house I'll shave and clip you so that you look damn attractive down here and after that you'll know what to do by way of maintenance."

"Oh thanks. I'll be ever so grateful."

Their relationship really developed from that day for the three months Dianne would remain with the family.

That evening before Dianne stretched out over Tom she unzipped him and pulled out his dick. That was fairly easy to do because he was semi-erect.

They kissed and tonight she thought she detected greater enthusiasm although nothing of note eventuated between then and when they missed and departed for their beds.

Dianne gave him fifteen minutes and then went nude to his bedroom and closed the door.