The It Girl Ch. 02


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Alan slapped him on the shoulder. "So unsupportive."

"I'm going to hop on a freight train and become a travelling hobo," said Rainey.

"Well, I'm going to eat sleep and breathe hockey over there," said Davis, who had received an athletic scholarship for a northeastern school. "And maybe some classes. No time to think about theatre."

"Hey, you didn't think about it while you were doing it," said Cassie. "Remember that time you walked into a beam in the middle of Assassins?"

"Yeah, and I kept singing just fine," Davis countered.

Everyone laughed, and things broke up into a melee of old stories and familiar banter. Even Sara got into it, smiling and laying into Bianca about her weakness for a certain British boy band. It was good to see that the earlier awkwardness between them wouldn't keep either for having a good time.

The source of that easygoingness was likely the bottles of red wine on the coffee table. Ms. Bright poured a healthy glass and handed it to Cassie. "Corrupting a minor, Miss S?" said Cassie.

"In Italy, your parents would have been giving you wine for years now," said Ms. Bright. "Besides which, you're eighteen, right? Not my fault this country has a barbaric drinking age." She gave that last phrase the little theatrical trill she was so fond of.

Cassie took the glass of wine and rolled the liquid around a bit. "Well, when in Rome..."


Time somehow snuck away from them. One moment Cassie's hair was still dripping with rainwater, and the next thing she knew it was midnight and she was trying to find the feeling in her legs while Alan and Riley quietly said their goodbyes at the door. Sara was passed out on the ottoman next to her. and everyone else had already left. Rain was still coming down in sheets outside.

Her teacher shut the door after Alan and Riley and came back to look at Cassie. "Hey, Miz... miz..." What was her name again? Cassie couldn't remember. How silly.

"I think I let you have too much," she said.

Cassie waved a dismissive hand. "Nah. I'm good." She tried to get up again, but her feet were refusing to cooperate, and she slipped back down onto the couch.

"Give me your parents' phone number," the teacher said. "I'll call them and get you a ride home."

The thought of confronting the shrill voices of Mindy and Charlotte in this state made Cassie cringe. "Nah, I'll stay here. For a little bit."

What's-her-name laughed. "Probably best I don't give you back to your parents in this state. You can stay in the guest room tonight. Still, we should let them know."

After a bit of a struggle, Cassie took the phone out of her pocket and offered it to her teacher. "They're in here. Just text 'Dad'. Or 'Charlotte', if you want. Definitely no one else!" She laughed, and she wasn't sure why.

Ms. Bright went away with the phone. Ms. Bright. That was her name. Why couldn't she remember it earlier? She had certainly made enough jokes during her first drama class. Ms. Bright lights up the room. Ms. Bright makes all her students bright. Cassie snorted at the memory.

Before she could ruminate further, the teacher in question was back. "All right Cassie. You're heading to the guest bedroom. No delays and no arguments." She sounded almost like Cassie's mom.

"Or what?" said Cassie.

"You don't want to test me," said Ms. Bright. She wrapped her arm around Cassie's shoulders and pulled her up to her feet. As she helped the groggy Cassie upstairs, it was halfway between an intimate embrace and a submission hold.

"What about Sara?" Cassie said.

Ms. Bright guided her to a small, spartan bedroom at the end of the hall. "I think we'll just leave her on the couch for now. If she wakes up, she can have my bed. I've already contacted her parents and they're okay with her staying the night. For some reason, parents tend to trust me."

"Oh." Well, that certainly seemed to answer her questions. Cassie sat down on the twin bed on the edge of the room. It was nice and soft, and she instantly had a desire to not move from here for several hours. "G'night."

But Ms. Bright didn't turn out the light. She stood by the switch, tapping her toes. "Aren't you forgetting something, Cassie?"

Cassie tried to think, but it was difficult – it was as if a great cloud had settled inside her skull. "What is it, Miz B?"

"You're still wearing my dress," she said. "I'd like it back now, Cassie."

That was right – she had borrowed everything she was wearing from her teacher earlier in the night. And she had to return what she borrowed. That was logical. Cassie pulled the baggy dress over her head and handed it to Ms. Bright. She was completely naked in front of her former teacher, but she thought that they were both mature enough not to make a big stink about it.

"Thank you," said Ms. Bright, sounding distant. "I will... your clothes will be dry by tomorrow morning."

If Cassie didn't know better, she would think that Ms. Bright was checking her out. It did look like her eyes were tilted down at the dark triangle between Cassie's pale legs. But that was probably just the booze talking. No way Miz B would act like that.

Cassie collapsed onto the bed. There were no sheets, but it was a hot night anyways. "G'night, Miz."

"Good night, Cassie. Sweet dreams."


Cassie woke up in a cold sweat with her head swimming. Well, swimming probably wasn't the right metaphor. Drowning was more like it. Before she could process her nudity or the strange bed she was in, there was vomit surging up her throat, intent on making it out. Casssie stumbled out of bed, trying to find her footing. The toilet. She needed to find a toilet.

Miraculously, the bathroom of this strange house was right outside the door. Slipping across a tile floor that felt like a skating rink, Cassie made it to the toilet rim just as last night's dinner, the stray remains of lunch, and entirely too much wine came out of her mouth in an orangish-brown slurry. After four heaves, she had emptied her stomach and suddenly had a clear head.

Cassie flushed the puke away and gargled a glass of water to get the nasty taste out of her mouth. The whole situation – being naked in Ms. Bright's house because her old teacher had insisted on taking her clothes away before she went to bed – seemed very strange to her. But it wasn't like Ms. S had taken advantage of her condition to make any sexual advances. Cassie knew that she was gay, but she had never known her to do anything inappropriate. Very strange indeed.

She went back to the guest bedroom and lay down, hoping that she could get to sleep and that sanity would be restored by the morning sun. Before she knew it, however, she felt a weight on the end of the bed and a warm body next to her.

Confused, Cassie reached for a bedsheet to cover her naked body, but there were no sheets to be found. "Ms. Bright?"

"It's me." Sara. In the light from the hall, Cassie could make out her curvy body and the outline of her close-cropped brown hair. And here Cassie was, naked in front of her again.

She decided to act casual, rolling over to hide her front. "What is it, Sara?"

There were her lips, wet on Cassie's neck, and the comfortable feeling of Sara's plush, big-spoon body wrapping around her. "I want you, Cass."

Cassie groaned, halfway between lust and frustration. "Sara... we've talked about this."

"I know you're not going to be my wife," Sara said ,desperation in her voice. "But... I want your body. Just for tonight. Isn't that what you wanted? No strings attached?"

She shouldn't do this. Cassie was sober enough to do that, that Sara couldn't have really turned from a needy girlfriend to a carefree fuck-buddy while she was gone for the weekend. This would only get Sara more stuck on her, increase the headgams between the two of them. No to mention how strange But there were Sara's warm breasts pressed up against her back, her strong hands running down her belly. She remembered those nights where Sara would fuck her senseless, desperately driving forward with her hands as if trying to mine love. It was a memory that ultimately proved impossible to resist.

Cassie took Sara's encroaching hand by the wrist and guided it down to the delta between her legs. She shivered at the first touch of Sara's calloused fingertips against the soft flesh of her pussy lips. Sara nuzzled against her armpit as she snaked another arm around to grab Cassie's breasts. Her grip was rough and her fingers greedy, but there was something Cassie liked in that roughness. She enjoyed the idea of being hungered for.

Her ex-girlfriend was now rubbing two fingers against the hood of Cassie's clitoris, inviting her most sensitive part to come out and play. Cassie groaned and slung her left leg over Sara's thigh, giving her easier access. She tried to erase all logic from her mind, just letting the moment take her. Strangely, there was a hot tingling sensation on her back, but she tried to ignore that in favour of the warm pleasure coming from her pussy.

Sara was kissing and nibbling on Cassie neck as she mauled her breasts with that strong grip that Cassie had always found so sexy. Her fingers slipped down to probe her ex's pussy lips. Cassie gasped involuntarily as Sara carefully but forcefully tucked two fingers inside her. Sara's breath was hot on her neck. "Do you like that?" Cassie had to grunt affirmatively.

With an athlete's grunt, Sara began finger-fucking Cassie in earnest. Cassie grabbed onto the bed's headboard to brace herself as Sara's digits thrust into her, like a white-hot knife that carried pleasure instead of pain. Her calloused thumb began circling Cassie's clit, rolling it smoothly as her fingers stretched and probed her inner depths. Sara put her whole arm into the thrusts of her fingers, and the force rattled through Cassie and made music inside her brain.

Sara was coaxing something powerful and liquid out of her. She took one of Cassie's nipples in her mouth and gently bit down on it, forcing Cassie to arch her back in pleasure. If only this could never stop. But the pounding rhythm of Sara's fingers, curling in just the right way to drive her crazy, was rapidly approaching its end.

Cassie came to a shuddering climax, gushing all over Sara's digits. She had to bite her lip to keep from crying out and waking Ms. Bright. Sara kept a firm grip on Cassie as she thrashed against her and kept thrusting those magic fingers until her ex had come back from the hills of pleasure.

"Was that good?" Sara whispered.

"You know it was good," said Cassie. She found herself breaking out into an uncontrollable smile. "Now roll over and let me do you."

Sara shook her head. "Don't worry. Tonight is all about you, Cass."

That was what she always said. It was uncomfortable being in a relationship who clearly loved you being more than you loved them. Sometimes Cassie had succumbed to Sara's selflessness, sinking into the mattress as her then-girlfriend brought her to a long series of orgasms. But tonight, she wanted to things to be a little more reciprocal.

Cassie wrapped her legs around one of Sara's meaty thighs. The knotted muscle pressed up against her sopping pussy. Propping herself off the bed with her hands, Cassie slid her cunt up against Sara's legs, enjoying a jolt of sensation. At the same time she pressed her own thigh up against Sara's wet snatch, inviting her to enjoy the same pleasures.

Sara didn't say anything, but just fell into the same rhythm that Cassie had set. The two girls found themselvs in a delicate dance of humping, twisting and gyrating into each others' pelvises. It was a blunt pleasure, but far from yearning for penetration Cassie just rubbed her clit up and down Sara's leg faster and harder. Sara was always quiet and slow to admit her own pleasure, but from her shallow breathing and occasional unstoppable gasp she was definitely enjoying herself.

Cassie thrust herself forward, wrapping her arms around her ex. She pressed her body to Sara's, breasts to breasts, cheek to cheek, tongue to ear. Sara had her hands clenched around Cassie's ass and was using her strength to drive her up and down with ever-greater force. Cassie could feel the other girl's hot breath on her neck, and welcomed her release.

With a deep grunt, Sara shuddered against Cassie's body, clawing into the smaller girl in order to keep herself from tumbling off the bed. There was joy in her orgasm, a release of pleasure from a woman who usually forbid it for herself, and obvious pleasure in her thrust against Cassie's warm cunt. She was close herself.

Just as she drove herself into a frenzy along Sara's thigh, Cassie saw her. Standing in the doorway, in a dark bedrobe, was Ms. Bright, watching on with a kindly smile. Cassie opened her mouth to say something, but all that came out was a scream of orgasm. Whiteness overtook her vision as pleasure exploded within her.

By the time shad come down from that rush, the doorframe was empty again. Cassie supposed she had just imagined Ms. Bright – one of those strange confusing moments of incongruous sexual fantasy. It was just her and Sara, sweaty bodies wrapped around each other, both girls smiling ear to ear.


To say breakfast the next morning was awkward would be an understatement. It was bad enough that all Ms. Bright had was dry granola to chew on. Cassie and Sara hadn't said a word to each other since waking up in the same bed and hurriedly putting their clothes on. Neither was sure what their relationship was now, or what the other wanted it to be. On top of that, Cassie was constantly wondering just what Ms. Bright's intentions had been last night. Had it really been her watching them.

"Well," their teacher said. "That was certainly a lovely party last night, wasn't it?"

"Lots of fun," said Cassie drily.

"It was good seeing everyone again," said Sara. "Maybe the last time we'll all be together." Cassie wondered if that was a message for her, or if she was just reading too much into things.

"Oh, I'm sure it won't be," said Ms. Bright. "Maybe we can have a meeting like this next Christmas, when you all are home from college."

Cassie stepped outside to call for a ride. On the other end of the line, Charlotte complained a bit about having to pick her up, but ultimately agreed to do it. As soon as Cassie hung up, Sara was there, standing in the doorway.

"Cass, about last night..."

"You don't have to—"

"It didn't mean anything," Sara said. "It was, you know... I was drunk."

"Does it have to be meaningless?"

Sara seemed confused but intrigued. "Do you want to..."

"I've told you, Sara. I don't want to be a couple, but that doesn't mean we have to be strangers. We can be friends. Friends who, you know, play around a bit."

"But I want more than that."

Cassie gave Sara an impromptu hug. "Well, I can't give you any more. I'm sorry. But call me any time you're feeling lonely, and I'll see what I can do."

Sara nodded. "I think I'm just going to walk home. See you... see you around."

Shortly after she left, Charlotte pulled up. Cassie loaded her bike into the trunk of the car and hopped in the driver's seat.

"You know, you should really let us know when you're going to stay overnight someplace," said Charlotte.

Cassie bristled at the 'us', but decided to play nice. "Sorry, but it was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing. Because of the storm, and all. By the way... I'm sorry about the other day. I didn't need to be such a bitch."

"It's okay," Charlotte said. "Mindy was being a bit of a B too. You two really should try to get along. I think you have more in common than you realize."

Cassie laughed. "We live in the same house, and that's about it."

They were quiet for a little while. The storm had left a nice day in its wake – bright sunlight reflecting off viridian leaves, clear blue sky, kids playing in the street and singing pop songs with garbled lyrics. It was the kind of day that instantly lifted Cassie out of whatever funk she was in. After all, who was she to complain when three girls had thrown themselves at her in the past forty-eight hours?

"You know," Cassie said, thinking out loud. "I don't think this summer is going to be so bad after all."

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Randee1958Randee1958over 6 years ago
Can't get enuff.

Loving this story. Good entertainment.

syreatadivasyreatadivaover 8 years ago
Good story

I feel bad for Sara but I've been there myself. When you love someone that don't feel the same about you. Then again, I can see where Cassie is coming from because she's young. She's clearly not ready for a relationship with anyone and I think she's in "hiding" too about her sexuality so we see that dynamic coming through.

I hope that she goes beyond the expectations of being "It Girl" and be true to herself whatever that is. Good story and I can't for more of the series.

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