The Journey Ch. 03


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Jealousy burned the insides of my guts into ashes.

Joanna, the redhead, poured wine and passed us the glasses. While we sipped, Hans -- the Netherlander slid closer to us.

"You are beautiful," he said to mom, his eyes mellow and high, and frank in appreciation. "Just like those temple sculptures."

"Thanks," mom cooed.

I looked at her. She seemed to be enjoying the attention.

"Is that your wife?" she asked, pointing to one of the Dutchwomen.

"Travelling companion, not wife, how did you know?"

"The way you look at each other," mom said. "Familiar, bored, and domesticated."

Hans lifted his eyebrows.

"Your companion is young," he said, looking at me. "And looks like you. A relative?"

"He's my soul-mate, and my son," mom said.

"Soul-mate and son, interesting," Hans said, his brow furrowed in confusion. "What does that mean?"

"Anyone who understands you is a soul-mate. By that definition, we are soul-mates."

Then she turned towards me and kissed me lightly on the lips.

Ricardo, who had disappeared into the kitchen, came back, carrying two trayfuls of assorted snacks, which he placed strategically, so that everyone could access them.

"Ah, madre and sonny fill comfortable in our company, I see," he said with a wicked grin. "I think you are now ready to play the game now?"

"Which game?" mom asked.

"This!" Ricardo said, pointing towards the board that had a dice which the people were playing.

"Okay!" mom said enthusiastically.

"We begin the game again, ladies and gentlemen?" Ricardo asked.

The crowd took their pieces off the board and gave us a mild applause and clapped, as welcoming players in the Olympics. We were given our pieces, and we lined them with the other pieces at the big square that said 'start'. Ricardo then set the seating arrangement. I was placed between Nora and Joanna, and mom was placed between Ricardo and Hans. I wasn't too happy about that, but I consoled myself that the blonde and the redhead I was placed between were hot.

They passed the pot around, and mom took a lungful, like an old pro. She saw me staring and winked, smiling conspiratorially. She wasn't quite as motherly and innocent as I had assumed her to be all my life.

Then the game began. For the first ten minutes, nothing happened. All pieced landed at uneventful squares. The Egyptian woman's piece landed on a square that said, 'announce your bra size if you are a woman, and the size of your brief if you are a man.'

"32C," she said with a laugh.

The game went on, and after a mild kiss and then a revelation of panty size, Nora's piece stopped at 'Flash your breasts.'

She lifted her t-shirt and flashed her braless books. Small brown aureole stared at everyone, though I would guess she would be almost as big as mom. Everyone clapped appreciatively and Hans blew the boobies a kiss.

Ricardo rolled his dice and his piece stopped at a square that said, 'Remove your panties / brief and show your pussy / cock.' The ladies clapped in delight and he smiled wickedly.

"Help me, cara. I want to show my best," he said to Nora, who put her hand over his crotch and rubbed it for a minute among much hilarity and laughter.

Then Ricardo stood up and removed his pyjamas, and out sprang a large cock that was longer than my wrist, and had a bulbous, snakelike head. The women gasped and mom watched it in a daze. He turned slightly and their eyes met, and mom's face turned red. Ricardo's cock wasn't more than six inches away from her head. For a moment I thought she would faint with lust and dizziness.

He bent a little and mom took a lustful whiff. My cock danced at the scene and jealousy was killing me.

Next it was mom's turn and her dice-roll took her to the square which said, 'flash your panties'. She smiled coyly, stood up slowly, lifted her short skirt, and did a little jig. She thrust slightly towards Ricardo, who took out the tip of his tongue and wiggled it a little, and mom grinded her hips a little and giggled. Eevryone clapped at the show, but I didn't. Lust and rage overtook me at the same time.

After Joanna's turn, it was my turn to roll the dice, and my piece stopped at exactly the same place as Ricardo's -- 'Remove your panties / brief and show your pussy / cock.'

I smiled at Ricardo and he smiled back at me, a challenge in his eyes.

"Nora, maybe he needs help," mom said.

Nora touched my crotch and gasped.

"No, he doesn't, Nina. Your son doesn't need any help!"

I stood up and wiggled in imitation of a dance as I slid my jean down, and my cock sprang out. It was slightly longer than Ricardo's and almost as his, but the golf-ball sized glans that glistened with pre-cum was where I scored heavily. My cock pointed towards the ceiling fan, and his had hardly managed to stay straight. There was no dispute whose cock held more power.

The women in the room gasped audibly, and I grinned balefully.

"M-may I touch it?" Joanna asked.

"Yessssss," I said, grinning.

"Oh-my-god!" she said as she held the slippery pre-cum coated cock. "Its ....... Gigantic."

I looked at mom, who looked at me transfixed, unbreathing. She wasn't smiling. Ricardo's strained smile was already slipping off his face, and I mentally pumped my fist.

"Can I, uh hold it?" the Moroccan woman asked.

"Please!" I said, jutting my cock towards her, making it dance.

All the women touched it, Nora even smelled it, but just as she was about to kiss it, mom intervened.

"I think it's time to get on with the game," she said. In that Hans and Ricardo whole-heartedly agreed.

The game got underway again. The initial, slow-moving players got their pieces through the breast-baring and panty / bra size revelations and then it reached the fastest moving pieces.

'Give the player to your left a fellatio or cunnilingus,' it said to Hans wife. To the left of her was the Morroccan woman, and the Duchwoman wrinkled her nose in distaste.

"We need more men in this game," she said, laughing. GThe rest of the players booed, and she relented.

"Ok, ok, I'll do it," she said.

The Moroccan removed her panty, also not very happy with it, and grimaced as the Dutchwoman's tongue touched her hairy, brown pussy. The rest of us cheered her on.

"Not as bad as I thought,: the Dutchwoman said, after a few seconds.

The Moroccan woman pulled up her panties and shorts and sat down, relieved.

Mom's turn came. 'The player to your right gets to keep any one of your underwear he or she chooses.'

Hans brightened.

"Remove your panties," he said to mom.

Mom looked at him pleadingly.

"Game rules," Hans said, "I need your panties."

Mom stood up and removed her panties disdainfully, threw it at Hans, and smoothed down her skirt as she sat down. Hans touched the wet gusset of the panties, and held it out for everyone to see.

"Wet," he said, and brought it to his nose and smelled them. "And smells delicious, just the way I like it."

The women groaned.

"Playing with our pussies is ok, but we don't like people touching our clothes," the Egyptian woman said.

"Yeah," Joanna said. "That's perverted."

"Well, I need a toilet break," Hans said, winking at mom. "Be right back."

Ricardo's turn was next. 'Take any one player of your choice to a private place and do what you want to him or her.' It announced.

Ricardo crooked a finger at mom as he stood up. He went towards one of the bedrooms, where mom followed him, and the gathering broke out in whistles and catcalls.

"Fuck her good, Ricardo," Hans said, and grinned at me.

The room closed and the cheers died down. Since the game could not be played while Ricardo was enacting his 'instruction', everyone smoked pot, and drank wine.

When they came out, both were perspiring and looked flushed and breathless, and everyone cheered them except me. Mom was smiling and so was Ricardo.

"How was it, Ricardo, you lucky dog," Hans said. "I only got the panties and you got the real thing."

Mom looked at me for about a micro-second as she sat down, and then she cast down her eyes. I could have killed her with my eyes had she looked at me long enough.

Next was Hans' wife's turn. The dice brought her piece to a square which said, 'Cunnilingus or Fellatio for you! Choose any partner.'

She looked at Ricardo first, and then she looked at me. I guess she saw it in my eyes, because she stood, pulled her panties down where she had been sitting, and came towards me.

"It's only fair that he gets my pussy, isn't it, dear Hans," she said, without taking his eyes off me. "You took his mother's panties, and he didn't like it."

I looked at Hans and smiled and he smiled back, unoffended.

"Go ahead," he said. "It's old pussy, much used and abused."

"So is the pussy that you jerked off to," I said, "I like these pussies. They are the best."

And then I held his wife's buttocks and slurped at her pussy with my tongue. I winked at Hans and his smile was no longer as complacent. I looked at my mom's unsmiling eyes and gave her a wink as well.

"Lie down, Greta," I said to Hans' wife. "I need to give you the loving you deserve."

She crossed over and lay down. I massaged her legs and nibbled my way up, skipped her pussy and nibbled and bit my teetch gently of her beautiful, smooth skin towards her navel. Suddenly I lunged at her shaved pussy and kissed it roughly. She groaned.

I licked the lips of her pussy and titillated her clitoris into action. Middle-aged women have prominent clitorises, unlike younger women, and they take time to be stimulated. When it stood slightly, I beat it with my tongue till it had a full erection.

"Unhhhhhhhh, mijn God!" Greta said.

"Oh, my god, I could come right here," a husky female voice said from behind me.

"He's good," it was the Moroccan. "Probably the best among pussy eaters."

I rubbed the entire pussy with my tongue repeatedly, pressing my chest against her hips, and then the tongue slid down to the nether regions of her pussy, gliding over her anus. Greta twitched like a dying woman and then gave a low, heavy, throaty groan that sounded like an animal.

"I have come, mijn God! Now if only you could fuck me," she said after she had calmed.

I grinned.

"You might just get your wish," I said, smiling as I lunged for her panties and pulled it on her.

I looked at mom, who was looking at me with an expression that was a cross between sadness and fury.

My dice rolled and brought my piece at a square that read 'Take any two players of your choice to a private place and do what you want to them.'

I grinned at Nora, the blonde, and Joanna, the redhead -- Ricardo's women -- and beckoned them towards the bedroom Ricardo had used with mom. Cheers broke out as the women followed me, though mom wasn't enthused.

I closed the door and removed my clothes, and the women didn't waste their time either. They were naked as soon as I was. I lifted Nora and lay her on the bed in a 69 position, and I made Joanna sit on the bedstead. I straddled Nora, who took my cock in her mouth, while I worshipped Joanna's body with my tongue, starting with her breasts. I worked my way down to her navel, biting and tonguing down to her pussy, while Nora sucked at my glans for all it was worth, and then slathering my balls and anus with her tongue.

Then Nora slid up under me, and took my penis in her wet, overflowing pussy. She clawed at my neck till my head was level with her face, and devoured my lips with hers. I rammed her with my cock and she writhed under me, while Joanna caught my hair and brought my face back to her quivering pussy. My lower body moved, filling Nora's surprisingly tight pussy, while my tongue brought Joanna to an orgasm.

Both women orgasmed at the same time, but I did not, because the only woman with whom I wanted to orgasm was outside this room.

When I made to pull my jeans on, Joanna stopped me.

"Not yet! I haven't had your gorgeous cock in me yet," she said, keeping her hand on mine.

"And you have to clean my pussy with your tongue too!" Nora said.

Both looked at each other and giggled.

I plunged my still-hard cock into Joanna, while Nora sat on the bedstead, and I gave her the 'tongue-treatment'.

After we were finished, there was an applause waiting outside.

"Twenty minutes," Hans said. "That must be a record."

"I thought he'd be a great fuck. How do you feel?" Greta asked Nora.

"Sore," she said. "And he hasn't come yet."

"Well, there's hope for me then, right handsome?" Greta asked me.

"Well, I am through for the night," Hans said, and stood up.

"Me too," Ricardo said, standing up and walking to the refrigerator.

"Well, I guess we can continue with only one man left behind," the Egyptian beauty said, looking at me. "If you are up to it, that is."

"Always up!" I grinned as I took my place on the carpet.

Mom stood up from the sofa she'd been sitting on.

"I don't think so, Bobby, we have an early start tomorrow," mom said, and pulled at my arm to make me stand.

"Why don't you go and rest, mom?" I said, jerking her arm off. I was angry at the bitch. "I'll return to the room once I am through with the game."

"Yeah, and we need to change seats," Shawna, the only woman who hadn't been fucked or licked yet said. "I'll sit to Bobby's right or left."

"Well ......" mom began, but Ricardo interrupted her, walking back from the fridge with a bottle of water.

"Why don't you rest here, while Bobby finishes his game?" Ricardo said to her.

"We have to go, we do have an early start tomorrow," mom replied.

"I am told that you think men our age aren't good lovers," Ricardo said and winked. "I could change your view if you wanted."

"No thanks," Mom said abruptly and looked at me.

I lifted her eyebrows.

"You -- you didn't?" I asked incredulously.

Mom stared at me coldly.

"No I DIDN'T fuck him, if that is what you wanted to know," she said, "And I'm leaving. The door will be open if you plan on coming back."

And she stormed out.

I sat there dumbly looking at the door.

"Ok, my turn," Shawna said chirpily and rolled the dice.

I stood up.

"I .... I better go," I said to the ladies seated.

"Thanks for the party, man," I said to Ricardo, proffering my hand. He shook it vigorously and winked.

"Go," he whispered, his breath smelling of wine, "Have fun."

I walked out towards the elevator, but it had just left the floor. I took the stairs and ran to our floor, six floors down and reached the room before mom had arrived.

After a while I heard her muffled footsteps on the carpet as she turned from the elevator lobby towards the corridor. When she saw me, she stopped.

"What took you so long?" I asked with a cheeky grin. "I've been waiting here since ages."

She walked towards the door coldly and opened the door. I shut and locked it after I entered. Mom took off the shoes she was wearing. The next to go was the t-shirt, beneath which there was no bra, and the next to go was the mini-skirt, beneath which there was no panty. Hans would probably sleep with the panty pressed to his cheek.

Then she calmly walked to the bathroom, and didn't close the door. After a while, I heard the typical shushing sound of urine passing through a vagina. I threw my jean and t-shirt on the floor and stood watching the bathroom door.

When she came out, she stood at the bathroom door, staring at me coldly.

"What are those briefs for?" she asked edgily. "Lose them, motherfucker."

I went towards her and kissed her on the lips softly and she responded. We bit each other's moths, lips and tongues softly and then our kissing grew more urgent, hungry.

"You take my brief's off, mother of this fucker," I said.

She bent down and pulled my underwear off.

"Wash your damn cock first, and your mouth too," she said. "You smell of vagina all over your body. Wash that stink off before you touch me with your tongue or cock."

I did.

When I went to bed, she was lying with her legs parted, one foot over the other. I took out a moisturizer and started with her foot, like yesterday.

"Ahhhh, just what I need," she said.

I massaged her feet, her calves, and her thighs. Her slit was overflowing with juices and dried cunt juices had stained the region around -- the result of an exciting evening.

"You need some cleaning too," I said.

Just as she started to get up, I pushed her back. I'll do it.

Then I licked her away the whitish stains around the slit. I licked all around the slit, but not on it, then going upwards to the navel, while my hand continually worked on the region between the knee and the top of her thighs.

"Umhhhh," Mom whispered, and squirmed.

When I licked her slit, she finally came, and all the juices that had been gathering in the entire evening filled my mouth.

"Ahhhhhh. Oh. My. God."

The bulbous head of my cock entered her vagina at the same time as I went down on her breasts. I bit, licked and rubbed on her breasts with my nose, while my cock plunged her depths, and came out again, and again, and again. My hands caressed her from where her slit began, up to the waist, and further up to her breasts and then took her face in my palms while the my hips moved mechanically.

Then I kissed her tenderly.

It was the beginning of a long night, which lasted an eternity, but it wasn't long enough.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 1 year ago

Nina (mother) not worth the time nor effort. She is jealous. She lacks self-awareness, self-confidence. She can not stand competition. She is not mature. Jealousy is to be expected from an 18 years old son.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

The mom's pov isnt written and that makes her seem jealous and possessive and 'slitty'. Disappointed with this. A giant cocktease. Involving other people deepens their relationship? Fuck no

ComletmelickyouComletmelickyouabout 5 years ago
Good story

The only thing I did not like was how his mum behaved at party she wanted to go for some sexy fun with the new guys but when the son starts having fun she gets the hump if you don’t like watching your partner playing with someone else at party after you already played you should not go to them sort of party’s

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Next chapter is must please damn it's so interesting

Please write the next chapter please

taboo_lovertaboo_loverover 10 years ago
Really bad cock teasing

This story series felt like really bad cock teasing that didn't increase the story quality, it was just frustrating. You stopped their sex a few times and when it finally happened you give it, what 3-4 lines? The last story felt like a really bad premature ejaculation. Read from other authors how to describe sex scenes.

You described mom as a slut, first with that young Italian guy and then when she pushed her son into coming to a party with the old Italian guy and dressing like a slut for it...she clearly wanted to fuck him. So why would she get mad and moralize to her son later?

Also and I especially emphasize this...WHAT to fuck was she doing in the room with that old creep (they came out smiling, flushed and she was ashamed and couldn't look at her son) if they weren't fucking?? Oh please give as a convincing explanation?? You haven't thought this thru haven't you? (don't tell me they made out)

You clearly have a fetish for jealousy but you didn't incorporate it well into your stories. You had a few good moments like horny aunts and his mom desperate for a man - you could have made them all molest and force him to fuck them (That would be worth reading). Also you mentioned that his cock was huge but you haven't used it to well in the story (like cock worshiping making his mom compare him to his father, maybe even cuckolding him)

You appear to have potential and this is your first story but it was bad, especially the sex parts (and after all this is an erotic site). I give you 2 stars max.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great stuff!

This is an absolutely great twist! I love it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
so disappointing

Instead of a progression and extension of the two finally coming together you have to debase the relationship by having them attend a group party and publicly demean and humiliate each other. A waste of a good build up and our time!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

And these are the three parts of this.. 'soap'?

Damn... what a shit!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

will the story continue??

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 11 years ago
nicely done

I am glad Nina didn't fuck the oily Italian Ricardo, and glad he did fuck the two young women Nora and Joanna and lick Greta the older woman's pussy in front of his mom.

It's about time Nina was given some of the shit she has been giving her son.

She should know by now that Bobby can get any woman he wants, and that she isn't the only woman around that can have her son if she doesn't take care of his sexual needs.

Now that Bobby has fucked Nina, I hope that he becomes the dominant partner and takes control of his mother's sex life. No more teasing from Nina and she welcomes her son's cock into her body anytime he wants her.

Thanks for the read...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
What happened?

This is just a repeat of chapter 2! I was looking forward to chapter 3 :(

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