The Key to Las Vegas Ch. 01

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The Seven Year Itch.
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I stopped at the entrance to the driveway, jumped out, and opened the mailbox. Once again, I shook my head at the realization that paper mail, like the house phone, is pretty much a relic of the 20th Century.

I glanced at the short pile of paper as I entered my home office. I could tell that we were approaching another election, of some sort, by the multiple pamphlets telling me to "Vote for Bill NoGoodNik for City Council" or "Jim Dewey, previously of the famous law firm of Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe" who was running for district attorney. The political advertising I dropped into the trash can but kept the Costco membership renewal notice and a reminder that my property taxes were due in two months -- and a hand-addressed light purple envelope. An unusual 3 x 5 size, I flipped it over to glance at the backside. I would have expected perhaps it would contain a Christmas card except that it wasn't the Christmas season. It was hand addressed to just Joe and Angie, with no last name, with our address, but had no return address or name or other markings. The postmark was local, so I kept the enigmatic envelope with the taxes and insurance envelopes and just dropped them all on the desk for the moment.

It was later that evening when I returned to the office, now with a few minutes to spare, and opened the mail. I was still looking at the unfolded, handwritten, letter that I found inside, along with two small business-size cards which, other than being blue, were blank and otherwise totally unremarkable, when Angie walked in. She asked what was with the purple letter and I just handed it to her.

Dear Joe and Angie,

Sorry about the enigmatic touch to this letter -- for reasons which will soon become clear, we wish at this time to remain anonymous. You may suspect exactly who we are, however, unless you agree on how to proceed, as we will soon explain, we will never admit who we are to you.

We are part of the same group that you are, the Dinky Daters, which narrows this down to 20 couples. You have found out, exactly as we did when we first joined that group, that allowing yourselves to date others has been good for your marriage.

We were in a rut, beginning to take our spouse for granted. Sometimes we found ourselves wishing we could do things occasionally without our spouse, just as we had before we were committed to each other, particularly if we'd argued - and arguments that were driving us apart seemed to be coming more often. Nearly every one of the 10 couples that started in Dinky Daters, now expanded to 20, were all at about that same point in our marriages. All of us had been married for 5 to 10 years, mostly happily, but many of us were experiencing the proverbial "seven-year itch." Not wanting to cheat on our spouse, but remembering old boyfriends and girlfriends and how much -- fun -- we'd had with others.

Dinky Dating has returned that first married spark to most of our marriages. I know that we both look forward to our monthly get-together and an evening of some hot sex with each other when we get home. You two were actually as conservative as the rest of us, to begin with (most of us have been in this a lot longer,) but after you realized it was fun to get aroused and go home to your spouse and find him or her as hot to trot as you were, you opened up a bit more with your dates, just as we did. Before we were married, or committed exclusively to each other, when we were dating, a 'first date' often included kissing, petting, and fondling. We know personally from both of us having dated both of you, that you often now include light petting and kissing in virtually every date also.

I say virtually, as we also know there are at least 6 of the 20 couples that have not participated this way and never will. They're always the first to go home after we recongregate after our dates, the couples themselves remain hands off, and even a thank you kiss is perfunctory. When the impromptu swimming party occurred, all but one of those couples had already left, and although that remaining couple went skinny dipping in the dark along with everyone else, they were still not as playful with others as the rest of us had been.

While we've never had sex with another couple, in our lovemaking after our dates, we've often fantasized about what it would be like to carry our petting further, even to the point of having sex with others, such as yourselves. Yes, we fantasized about making love with the two of you, and that made it just that much hotter. And, the more we discussed it, the more we realized we were willing and downright eager, to do this.

We've never stepped out of our marriage before, but have agreed that if we both do, with each other's blessing, it is a mutually agreed upon step. But, also in never having done this before and proposing such a thing to you, we know we are taking the risk that we could be offending you, by proposing something that you are not at all interested in. We do not in the least want to drive you away, we're perfectly happy to keep you as friends as you are, thus the need for initial secrecy.

In this day and age of electronic tracing, if you're ever online it's easy for those in the know to figure out who you are, (and we do know that some of our group are true computer whizzes) and because of this -- you're getting this old-fashioned, handwritten, anonymous, letter with a simple signaling device.

If you are offended by this, please understand that you will never be approached again. You will never hear from us in this manner and, hopefully, you will never find out who precisely we are so that you don't need to act differently around us. We will not act differently around you, and if you ever mention it to anyone, we will deny having any knowledge that this happened or what you are asking about.

Know that you must agree to this as a mutual decision. Although we expect that you will talk this over and decide that you want to do this, it's possible that one or the other of you might not be comfortable admitting or denying it, to your spouse. Consequently, we have provided two blue, otherwise non-descript 3 x 5 cards which allow you to both signal to us separately whether you are willing to take this step.

If this is something you're not interested in, throw these into the trash, destroy the letter, and you'll never hear from us again.

If this is something that you are interested in, believe me when we both say we're really excited about this. There is one card for each of you, and you must both respond, or you'll never hear from us. You've got one week to respond, if we don't see your cards where described before next Friday, you'll never hear from us again.

Joe - put your card in the left corner of the dash in your car. Leave it there for one week and we'll get the signal when you're unaware. Angie, when you put your "out to lunch" sign on your desk every day, slip the card underneath and visible to anyone walking by, and we'll get the message when you least expect it.

We're so hoping you agree to join us. If you do, we'll get back to you in a few days.

I waited while Angie read it. I watched her reaction as she turned it over to read the back side as being handwritten, it was quite lengthy. Turning it back, she started again and then when she finished a second time, she looked at me. "Do you think this is real?"

For some reason, I did. Sure, it could have been an elaborate joke, someone trying to pull our proverbial leg, but with no explainable reason for my feeling, I was sure that it was real.


There was room just across the street from the provided address. I easily parallel parked, shutting off the engine and glancing over to Angie. "Ready?"

"Do you think we'll know anyone?" she asked, reaching for the handle but not yet opening the door.

"I would think so, but it's hard to say," I answered, flipping my latch which prompted her to open her door and step out at the same time.

I waited as she walked around the car toward me and then reached out a hand to my wife of six years, holding her hand as we walked across the street.

I had always thought that Angie was a real catch. Although shorter than anyone else in my family at exactly 4 feet, 11 inches tall, she had a fireball personality, and everybody loved her when they met her.

I suppose I was like most men that met her: it was her breasts that first caught my attention. She wasn't actually all that busty, when I eventually checked the label on her bra, I found she only wore a 30 C, but on her tiny body, she appeared more well-endowed. She had a bottom that filled out the bottom end of a bikini as well as her breasts filled out the top -- and it was easy to see heads turn when she walked by.

Sexually, until recently, we had always seemed to be in sync. Our first date had been an impromptu group affair, and when I sensed that she was as intrigued by me as I was by her -- I asked her out the next day. She readily accepted, and on our second date, our first "real" date, we ended the evening with a walk along the beach in the dunes. Half a mile down the beach on a warm summer night, shoes in one hand, her hand in my other, when she said, "Wanna go swimming?" it didn't take a brain surgeon to know she was talking about right here, right now, and before I even had time to think about it she'd stripped her clothes off running naked ahead of me into the water.

Being pint-sized as she was (I often joked that she was small enough that I could keep her in my hip pocket) it was easy to catch her and lift her into my arms. Her arms went around my neck, and at least one of my arms was under her, holding her, while my other hand fondled her breasts and our mouths fought each other for supremacy. I would have fucked her standing there in the water, but she wasn't having that. When I tried to lift into her, she reached down and pushed my erection aside, leaving no doubt that we weren't going to have sex, or at least we weren't going to fuck. After perhaps 10 minutes in the cool water, she pulled away from me, grabbed my hand and we headed for shore.

When we arrived at our clothes, I stepped up behind her and reached around two-handed. "Like my ladies, do ya?" She giggled as I filled my hands with her gorgeous tits.

"Uhm, I do," I said, her nipples between my fingers.

"You boys always do," she giggled, leaning back against me and the erection nestling into her naked bottom. "Joey?" she whimpered moments later, her body shivering to my assault on her nipples.

"Hmm?" I answered, leaning down, and nuzzling beside her ear, slipping one hand from a breast down her belly. She caught my hand, stopping me before I reached her pussy.

"Do you want sex?" She asked in what I later learned was her everyday no-nonsense, say it like it is, manner.

I'd never had a girlfriend be quite so easily forward before and after she pushed my cock away in the water, it caught me by surprise. Did I want to have sex with her? Hell yes, I wanted to have sex with her, but all I said was, "Yes."

"I won't fuck on a first date..." she said, her hand reaching back between us for the first time to grip my erection which had been pushing into her backside, "but if you're any good at eating pussy you might be able to talk me into sucking your cock. And if you ask me out again tomorrow on a second date you might get lucky."

"Hmm." I harrumphed, understanding the tease, before saying, "Isn't this our second date?"

"Yesterday doesn't count."

I said nothing more, just spun her in place to face me and lowered her body to our clothes. Her wetness wasn't all from the lake and she thought I was good enough at eating pussy that she did indeed return the oral favor. Our second date started and ended at my apartment. It started in the living room and ended the next morning in my bed, never having left.

The part that flabbergasted me about this was that the 'first' date, our 'group' date, was with a college-age church group that we were both part of. Although I'd dated several church-going girls before, and had even gotten laid by a couple of them after a few dates, for the most part -- church girls had always seemed to be in the "good girls don't" category. First dates, if you got along, maybe you could kiss them. A couple more dates, and maybe feel them up. Even though you could sense and feel their arousal; feel their nipples harden to your touch and their body heat go up -- seldom would they let you into their pants that early. Go together for a while and -- maybe -- a guy could get inside her dress but usually hands were there to fend you away. I always liked dresses and skirts as even though they 'covered', they still gave easy access to pussy. They wouldn't always let you get into their panties at first, but it wasn't unusual to be able to jill them off through their panties and, while they sometimes wouldn't admit their ultimate arousal, their wet panties almost always gave them away. Some would give a hand job in return, and I'll admit several told me that my cock was the first they'd ever handled - but a blowjob at the end of a first date? I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.

And, as I said, the next day on our second date -- Angie and I did indeed fuck. No holding back, just pure sexual bliss. Mentally we meshed with each other from the start, or at least we did back then.

We were married the following summer, a year before we graduated from college, and now, here we were walking into a "young marrieds" group at the church we'd started attending when our new jobs had mandated that we move from our old city.


Perhaps it was the proverbial 7-year itch.

Perhaps it was that we'd found there was more to being married than just outstanding sex, but for whatever reason, I knew for some reason Angie and I weren't quite as close as we had been for the last 6 years. Could it be that we were taking each other for granted? Could it be that our closeness had just eroded over time? Were we drifting away from each other? The "head-over-heals I would do anything to be with you" of year one had just eroded a bit every year. If our mutual attraction had been 100% at year 1, and then dropped off just 10% per year, a barely noticeable reduction in attraction year-to-year, by year 7 our mutual attraction would have been substantially eroded. I didn't know, but knew we needed something.

"What do you think about trying out a group of young married people?" Angie had asked as we were on the way home from church a few weeks before. She had the bulletin in her hand and had been reading it. "Dinky Dating Couples" she read aloud that the group was called, and the following enticing explanation that it was a group of young married couples, "Dual Income, No Kids" that double-dated together. To the opera, to the movies, to the zoo, water skiing, snow skiing -- all the kinds of things that young married couples with kids often couldn't afford, but dual incomes with no kids could -- but also simpler, less expensive, things too.

The instructions for tonight had been to "be hungry and dress for a first date." Getting these instructions seemed a bit enigmatic -- Angie and I had been married for almost 7 years and I had to laugh as our first date had included getting naked and skinny dipping at the dunes, followed by oral sex on the beach. "Do you remember our first date?" I whispered to Angie, rolling towards her in bed that night when she'd read the email to me from her phone.

"How could I forget?" she giggled, setting her phone aside and reaching across my body to pull me closer. "You were the first boy to go down on me before I went down on him."

"Really?" I said, slipping a hand under her nightie and onto her breast.

"Yes," she cooed with pleasure at my fingers rolling her nipple, "really."

"On a first date?" I asked. Although we'd talked about our past lovers, I'd never specifically ascertained whether she had sex with any of them on a first date. Sure, I had with her, but no other woman had ever allowed me any further than just feeling her up on our first date.


"Really?" I said again, remembering how surprised I was that a good 'church girl' had put out on a first date, even if it was just oral. And now hearing she'd done that with others? I know she had with me, but it was really our second date, and we had more than just hit it off by then, as observed by our marriage a year later. We had talked about our past experiences before, but I guess I had never realized that perhaps sometimes she had sucked someone else's cock on a "first date."

"Yes, really. It's not like we were having sex or anything. I never fucked anyone on a first date."

"A blowjob? That's not sex?"

"No, that's just a little foreplay. Nothing wrong with that."

Her hand slipped down our bodies to grip my cock, which admittedly had grown harder, both from the discussion and my fondling of her delectable breasts. While I knew she claimed to have told me about all her previous 'lovers,' the ones she had 'fucked' as she had said, I'd never really discussed what she had done with others whom she hadn't 'fucked'. I know that with me on my dates, I always thought I was lucky to get a kiss and really lucky if they didn't mind me feeling them up on a first date. If we had hit it off, on a second date it was foregone that I was trying to feel bare skin, and if I was lucky -- perhaps some oral sex. I always found it better to offer to go down, or just do it on the girl first, than to ask her to go down on me: giving always got better results than begging. Sometimes we might have sex on a second date, but it was a mixed bag with that result in that I never ended up having a long-term relationship with someone that fucked me on our second date -- except for Angie.

"I was the first to ever go down on you first?" I asked, "Why was that?"

"If I hadn't told you that night that if you wanted a blow job you had to do me first, would you have?"

I could have answered with an "Of course", but when I thought about it, I realized there had been many times when my girls had sucked me off and, at best, I'd fingered them off and probably hadn't satisfied them at all a few times. Begrudgingly I said, "I don't know... maybe?" The old adage popped into my mind: A stiff dick has no conscious. Even as I said 'maybe', I knew there was a better chance it was: 'maybe not'.

"Probably not," she corrected, rephrasing my response. "I'll bet I'd sucked a dozen cocks where I never had the favor returned. I really liked you and wanted to do you, but I didn't want to be left hanging either."

"I'm glad you did," I agreed, "a man with a hard cock has a one-track mind...."

I wasn't hinting as I said that, but whether I was or not, I think she took it that way. "Anybody has a one-track mind when we're horny," she answered, pushing the sheet away and moving her face down to my cock. "You've got such a nice one, too," she said just before taking me in her mouth.

"Uhmm, you do that so well," I said a few moments later as she did her best to pleasure me. "Don't finish me," I added a few moments later, "I want to fuck."

"Not until you eat me first," she giggled, pulling her mouth off, and holding my cock upright.



I glanced over to my wife as we walked across the street toward the home. That she was gorgeous was just something that I'd repeatedly told her over the last 7 years. That she was sexy was beyond doubt, but that she had dressed sexy for me, for this, what we thought was supposed to be a replica of our 'first date', there also was no doubt.

I'd walked in on her as she was getting ready, still in her skimpy thong underwear and lacy see-through black bra before she'd put on her blouse and pants. She'd giggled back at me, telling me to 'stop it' when I'd sidled up behind her and filled my hands with her breasts but had also pushed her naked bottom back against me. She had made no physical effort to stop me, and moments later when I slipped her bra cups down to expose her breasts and tweak both nipples while pulling myself up to her backside, her words were "You better stop that or we're going to be late." When I nuzzled in under her ear, which normally turns her into a firecracker of lust, she reached behind her bottom and squeezed my crotch, and said, "Let's save this for later when we have lots of time."