The Love of My Life


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We were laughing so much that we were in stitches. As the movie finished I had gotten so worked up that I basically attacked Angie.

"Hey honey what the hell has gotten in to you?" she asked after she practically forced me of her.

"Make love to me I need to cum so badly that I can't stand it." I replied.

So she went to get the silk rope that I had used to tie her up earlier that afternoon. I had followed her back upstairs and she led me to the kitchen. She had me sit by the door going to the backyard and she bound my hands together and tied them to the door. I couldn't move my hands to save my life. I was completely at her mercy. Angie had to slide my dress down my body so that she could have access to my whole naked body. She was toying with me and it was driving me crazy. She was taking her sweet time. I thought that I was going to lose my sanity if she didn't start working on my problem soon. I would find a way to get out of the silk and make her get me off. She started to kiss me and was so sensuous and passionate. She moved to my neck and was licking and nibbling on it. Then she moved from my neck to my chest and breasts. She avoided my nipples and started down to my belly. She then went to my legs and kissed and licked down on leg and licked behind my knee and it sent a shiver up my spine and it felt good. She then went to my pussy. She teased me enough that she went full force on my clit. I could feel my orgasm building and I was close to going over the edge. When she felt my back start to rise she backed off. She would go to my thighs. Then after a few seconds she would return to my clit licking it sucking it into her mouth biting it. She would know when I was getting ready to lose control and ease off. She did this for what seemed like forever.

"Oh fuck. Just let me cum. Please I beg you. just let me cum already. This is torture."

She heard the desperate need in my voice and she felt me getting close and did not stop. When my climax hit it was hard. It felt like my whole body was twisting itself into a pretzel. I couldn't tell if I was dying or not. When I was coming back down I could feel myself slipping into darkness.

When I awoke I noticed that I was no longer on the kitchen floor. Angie had managed to get me onto the sofa in the living room.

"At least you know what I went through when I passed out." Angie said from next to the fireplace.

"How long was I out?"

"For nearly an hour. I thought that I had lost you."

"You won't lose me that easily." I said with my arms open.

She came over and laid next to me on the sofa and I wrapped my arms around her. My god that was the most wonderful orgasm I have ever had. As we laid there she asked me when I had to go back to work and I told her not worry that I didn't have to be there till Monday. She asked if I had to leave yet, seeing how it was Sunday, I told her that I could stay with her for the night but I would have to borrow the dress that I was wearing and I had to leave early.

I woke at seven thirty the following morning got showered and dressed. I kissed Angie on the forehead and left her a note that I would call her later in the day. Did I mention how sexy she was while she slept? Any way I got to work and about ten o' clock I figured that Angie would be up so I rang her house. The phone just kept ringing until her machine picked up. I left her a message.

"Hey Angie. It's me I just thought that I would call and see how you were doing. I guess I will try back later." and I hung up.

I tried back a few times that afternoon and there was still no answer. So I thought that I would try her restaurant and see if she was there.

"Thank you for calling Paradise Restaurant. This is Sophia speaking. How can I help you?"

"Hi Sophia. My name is Sonia. I was wandering if Angie was there?"

"Let me see Sonia, was it? Give me just a minute."

She put me on hold and I was there for a few moments. When Sophia finally returned she was kind of nervous sounding.

"She is Sonia but she is very busy at the moment. Would you like to leave her a message?"

"No. Thank you though. If you don't mind me asking, what is it that she is doing?"

"She is entertaining some clients. Would you like me to have her call you when she can?"

"Yes, please. Could you tell her that I really need to talk with her?"

"I sure can. Bye."

I wander why she wouldn't tell me about this meeting she had today. I would like to make plans with her to celebrate the promotion that I had just got. But I just can't seem to shake this feeling that I have. Seeing how it is almost four in the afternoon I think I will take the day rest of the day off and go and see Angie at the restaurant.

When I got to the restaurant I saw that there was no one in the parking lot except what I think were the employees. I wander what is going on. I walked up to the door and open them and go up to the Maitre'd. I asked if I could see Angie Smith and she said that she would be right back after getting my name. She came back and told me to follow her. She led me to her usual table and that Angie would be out in just a few minutes. When Angie finally came out she had a troubled look on her face and I could tell that she was very worried about something and looked like she wanted to cry. I got up and went to her and gave her a hug and guided her down to the bench.

"Hey baby. What's wrong? What happened?" I asked her when she was calmed down.

"It's Marcus. My parents found out that he was gay and apparently they said things that had really upset him. My parents and him were always real close. He called and told me that he needed to see me as soon as possible. So I got dressed and rushed here. By the time I got here there were police cars everywhere. I was really scared. I thought that we were robbed but then I saw an ambulance arrive and my heart sank. Marcus sounded odd over the phone when I talked to him. When I managed to get through the police line My heart just sank." She couldn't continue. She just broke down and I just pulled her to me. Holding her as close to me as possible. I didn't know what to say to her. I told her to stay where she was and that I would be right back. I went to the kitchen and I saw the remains of what happened. I had to turn around and leave before I got sick. I went to find one of the employees and asked for something that Angie could use as a handkerchief and for a bucket of cold water and some towels. I needed to clean her up. They brought the items I asked for and went back to whatever they were doing.

"Here you go baby. Do you want me to send everyone home?" I asked her and she just nodded. So I went to let everyone know that they were free to leave if they wanted to.

"Excuse me, but are you Angie's lover Sonia?" some one asked me.

"Yes I am. And who might you be?" I asked in turn.

"My name is Kendra. Nice to finally meet you. We all agreed after you asked for the towels and water that we would do our best to clean the kitchen."

"You will do no such thing. I have our parents coming and I am going to show them what they had done to their son and my brother." Angie said it with so much venom that everyone just stood back from her.

Angie's eye color had changed since I had left her. I was afraid that I might have lost her. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder pulling me back farther away from her. The look she had on her face scared me so much that I had to turn my back on her.

"We haven't seen her like this in years. Not since her parents disowned her. She was not near as angry then but enough so that her eyes were a bit lighter than they are now. Some one had bumped into her and she almost punched them if not for her brother. I would hate to see what she will do to her parents once they get here." Kendra told me in a barely audible whisper.

"They are going to feel every ounce of pain that they have ever caused me. If they live through the pain that they caused me then they will feel my wrath for what they caused my brother to do to himself. If any of you try to stop me then you will be no different than my parents."

Ok it is safe to say that if not for Kendra for holding me on my feet that I would have collapsed right to the floor. I was so scared that I was trembling from head to foot. When her parents arrived they were pissed off looking and according to Kendra they always look like that. I saw Angie lead them to the kitchen and then we heard a blood curdling scream. I told them to stay behind and wait at her booth as I ran to the kitchen. I saw a butcher knife in Angie's hand and her parents on the other side of the cook's counter keeping it between them and Angie. Angie had her back to me and did not know that I was in the kitchen. I walked up quietly behind her and grabbed both of her wrists and shook them so hard that I could have broken them. She dropped the knife and stood there fighting me.

"Angie stop. Please stop. I know that you are upset about your brother but it isn't worth it to do anything to your mom and dad. Though I know you harbor ill feelings for the way that they out cast you from the family. But that does not make this the right thing to do. I love you with all my heart and soul. You are my life. So will you please stop this for me?" I asked her with a desperate pleading in my voice. I was almost to tears. When I saw her reflection in the counter top I noticed that her eyes were back to their normal color and I turned her around and gave her a hug. "And as for the two of you. Do you notice the blood all over the counter? That is your son's blood. From what Angie told me and what I had pieced together you drove him to commit suicide. You will leave now and never come back." I finished to Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

"Oh Sonia. What was I going to do?" she asked completely bewildered.

"Let's leave this room and I will tell you everything with the help of your staff." I replied.

I led her back to the booth and the only one that I saw there was Kendra. As Angie sat down I slid in beside her and had her lean into my chest. Between me and Kendra we told Angie everything that she had said. I asked her what made her calm down.

"Did you mean what you said in the kitchen? About loving me with your heart and soul and that I am your life?" she asked me.

"Yes I did. I see that you heard what I said. Is that why you stopped fighting me?"

"I guess so. I think it was more of the fact that I heard something that I had never heard in your voice before. Were you desperate while you were pleading with me to stop?"

"Yes I was. I was afraid that I had lost you. I couldn't bear to think of my life with out you. Kendra where is every one?" I turned to her.

She told me that she told them to wait outside while the three of us talked. She said that she was also grateful to me for getting through to her. Angie was almost like a sister to her. I told her I didn't really know what I was going to do but when I saw the knife in her hand I had to do something.

"I was afraid that she would have done something that would seriously hurt her parents or worse herself."

"See Kendra I told you she was great." she said with a genuine smile.

"I see what you mean." Kendra said as she stood up and pulled me into a grateful hug which I returned.

I took Angie out to my car to take her home I told the staff that it was ok to go back in and clean the kitchen as best as they could.

When I got her home I took her up to her room and undressed her and laid her down and asked her if I could get her anything. She said that she needed to drink something and that she preferred something strong. I asked her if she had any liqueur in the kitchen and she said yes. I told her that I would be right back. I got her a glass of whiskey and she downed it in one go. she said thank you and asked if I would stay with her till she fell asleep. I said that I would love to. I crawled up beside her and put my arms around her to comfort her. About ten minutes later she was sleeping soundly. I went down to the living room and sat on the couch and just cried. I don't know how long I was crying but I know that it was a long time. I never heard Angie come down the stairs and the next thing that I know her arms were wrapped around me. I moved out from her grip and went around the couch and I just hugged her.

This time she led me back upstairs and had me slip out of my dress and laid me down on the bed with her. She just laid there like I did for her and we both fell asleep in each others arms. When we awoke the next morning we showered and dressed then went to the restaurant. I told her that we could wait but she said that she was going to close the restaurant till after the funeral. She said that her staff were like her family as well as her brother's. She had to call them all and let them know. I understood why she was doing this. She told me that all her employee's numbers were in her office there. When I pulled up I saw At least fifty cars in the parking lot. some I recognized from yesterday the others I did not know. When we got in to the restaurant we were over whelmed by all of her employees. They said that they put an announcement in the news that they would be closed for about two weeks at the minimum.

Angie gave them all her thanks and one by one they started to clean the place up including the kitchen. Angie led me to her office and said that she did not want to be disturbed for a little while. I knew that she wanted to cry so I went with her. I told her that if any one wanted to see her that I would take care of it for her while she gathered her wits and composer. I was now her second in command until she was able to get over the shock. But I knew that would be a while before that would happen.

The following week she held the funeral and the entire staff was there as well as her parents. Though they stayed clear of their daughter whether it was because she had a knife and was threatening to cut them or because they saw the look I gave them I don't know which but one thing was clear, they were scared of us. I knew that I should say something to them but I didn't know what. I was still mad at them for what they had done. I guess there is no use in crying over spilled milk. After the funeral Angie asked me what I was wanting to tell her that was so important on the day her brother had died. I told her that I had been promoted and she congratulated me. I told her not to worry about it. The only thing that mattered right now was how she was feeling.

"Come on Sonia. You mean to tell me that you don't want to celebrate your promotion?" she asked.

"Not until you feel up to it. Besides I don't feel much like celebrating right now any way." I said.

"Besides I have to tell you something. The staff came up with the idea that I should make you co-owner."

"What I know nothing about running a restaurant. How did they come up with that?" I asked bewildered.

"The funny thing is I agree with them. I watched how you took control for me while we were cleaning the place and getting everything ready to reopen. You did a wonderful job. But If you want to keep your current job that is fine but you would have to explain why you declined such a great offer though."

"If it means that much to you then I will put my notice in at work and take you up on your offer." my heart had found a little bit of peace finally.

"It would mean the world to me if you did. Also I wanted to ask if you wanted to live with me. You can keep your house and try to rent it out or you could out right sell it."

My heart was so elated that it felt like it would burst. I just had to hug and kiss her until she had to force me off of her. I told her that I would need a shower and change into something that would be more suitable. She said that would not be a problem. So when we got back to our house, our house I like the sound of that, I got in the shower. Then Angie decided to join me. This is the first time she had joined me in the shower. I was surprised to say the least. Then again she does have a good reason to. I am going to become a co-owner of her restaurant, I'm going to be living with her and all is right in the world. That's what you would expect me to say am I right? No. There is a little more to tell.

About a month after I moved in and Angie had made me legally co-owner her parents had stopped by the house. There were more scared of me than they were of Angie. I knew that the only way Angie would be comfortable was with me with her. So I called Paradise Restaurant and asked to talk to Kendra. She answered and I told her that Angie's parents were here at the house and before I could say anything else she told me that I was needed there and that she could handle it but if she needed me for something major that she would call me.

"Mom, dad what are you doing here?" Angie asked.

"We came to talk. We don't want to argue. Would it be ok if we could talk alone?" Her mom asked.

Angie looked to me and I said that I would be here for her if she needed me.

"I would be more at ease if Sonia could be here with me if that is ok with you."

Her dad spoke before her mom had a chance. "That's fine sweetheart. I want you to be comfortable enough seeing as this is your house. We got to thinking that after what happened with your brother God rest his soul. At the funeral the two of you were so cute together and I realized that who ever you choose to spend your life with, male or female, we would be ok with it. I know there were a lot of negative things said and the hostility between us was hard on all of us. We never told you how we found out that you preferred women over men." Her father started to falter and her mother took up the slack.

"We saw the way you looked at the girls in your senior class. As well as those that were at the mall when we would go. When we accused you of it you never denied it and it just confirmed what we thought. It upset us that you wouldn't talk to us. Then again we never really gave you the opportunity did we?" Her mom asked.

"No you did not. It hurt me so much that you just went off the handle the way you did. I went to go for a walk and you told me that if I left I was not welcomed back. I decided to leave any way to let you guys think and so I could think about things myself. When I tried to come back the door was locked. I had no key to get back in. I stayed with a friend of mine that night so I wouldn't get hurt. That night I realized that I was a lesbian. She made the first move and I did not stop her. I will skip the details but when I went home that following afternoon all my things were in the front yard."

"Where were your keys?" Her mom asked.

"In the house by the front door where I always left them. I was so hurt that I did not think to grab them."

"We should have looked. But like you we were hurt that you actually left."

"I don't want us to be so distant with one another. I am happy that you and Sonia had found each other. I really am. Sonia, we never thanked you for that night in the restaurant. I never seen her eyes that dark before. Neither of us had. She was a totally different person and you were able to get through to her. For that we thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

I was surprised that they were thanking me that all I could say was "Your welcome."

Angie's dad stood up and hugged Angie then came over to me and hugged me also. And he whispered "Welcome to the family." and I started to cry a little. Her mom followed after her dad, and Angie told me this afterwards, "I love you my precious baby girl." and she too was crying. She then came over and looked at me and smiled as she gave me a hug also. When all things are said and done the four of us headed to Paradise Restaurant for dinner. I had hired a chef to take over for Marcus. He was not as good as him but he was close. He had made my sampler plate and Angie's regular order and since her mom and dad didn't know what to get they ordered the same thing as me. We had Champagne with our meal. After I was done eating I excused myself saying that I needed to talk to Kendra and let the three of them get caught up on all the time the had missed over the years. When I got back I had Kendra with me to hide a surprise.