The Magic Remote Ch. 04

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Henry starts to get used to his new family.
8.2k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 08/20/2023
Created 10/25/2022
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When I woke up, I expected to find June next to me, but the bed was empty. I panicked for a second before I heard some splashing coming from outside. Peering through the window, I saw two people swimming freestyle in the pool. I breathed a sigh of relief. Piper and June were still at my house, which meant they still believed they were my family.

I checked my phone. It was 8 am. Class wasn't until the afternoon, and yoga with Mom wasn't until ten. Laying back in bed, I wondered if Mom still wanted to do yoga with me. Now that Piper was here, the two of them could do yoga together.

My legs ached. All the training I had done at water polo practice yesterday had killed my thighs. I knew it would go away with time, but that didn't mean I couldn't complain about it. Judging from the sounds coming from the pool, June didn't seem to be feeling sore at all. Though she had been doing water polo longer than I had.

I thought about last night. As much as I had wanted stuff like that to happen, I hadn't expected it to happen so soon. June wasn't the type of person I expected to start masturbating next to her brother. Well, to be fair, I wasn't her real brother, but I guess that didn't matter. In her mind, I was her brother. That still didn't answer the question: was last night because of the remote or because of her?

Closing my eyes, I tried to fall back asleep. I was still feeling exhausted from everything that had happened yesterday. Hell, everything that had happened since I got the remote. That day when I accidentally bought it seemed so long ago.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, that I missed Piper and June getting out of the pool. As quietly as she could, June slipped into the room. She had a towel covering her swimsuit so she didn't drip water everywhere. As she searched through the closet for her clothes, I wondered if she was going to change in front of me. My cock grew in size as I eagerly waited to see what she would do.

Once she had grabbed everything she needed, she left. I sighed. Of course she was going to take a shower. Rather than get up, I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep. I would have succeeded, had there not been a knock on the door.

"Henry?" asked Mom through the door. "Are you awake?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

There was a brief pause. "Are we still on for yoga?"

My muscles ached. "Yeah, I'll be out in a bit."

Once I had built up the courage to get out of bed, I forced myself to the kitchen. As I passed by the bathroom, I heard the sound of the water running and two voices humming. Wait, two? After making sure that no one else was around, I stood by the bathroom door and listened closely. It sounded like Piper and June humming some popular song I had heard on the radio.

Before I could think about it, I knocked on the door. The humming stopped. "Yes?" asked Piper, though it could have been June. It was hard to hear through the door.

"Sorry, did I leave my phone in there?" I knew that June had seen me sleeping, which meant she knew I hadn't taken a shower yet. Still, I had to think of some excuse.

"I don't know. The door's unlocked if you need to check," said Piper.

My heart stopped. Had I really heard that right? After checking again to make sure I was alone, I opened the door. Steam hit my face as I stepped inside. On the floor were two sets of swimsuits, confirming both of the Larsons were taking a shower. Due to the position of the shower at the end of the bathroom, neither of them could see me.

"Do you see it?" asked Piper. June had now resumed her humming. Neither of them seemed to care that I was in the room with them. Not even Mom was that open, and she had raised me. I was so glad I had bought that remote.

I pretended to look around. Piper and June had stacked their clothes neatly on the counter. It was hard to tell which pile belonged to who. Both piles had a matching set of bra and panties placed on top. A green cotton set was on the right, and a red polyester set on the left.

"Uh, no I don't, sorry," I replied.

"I thought I saw it next to your computer," said June, confirming beyond a doubt she was in the shower.

"Okay," I replied nervously. "I'll go check."

"Let me know if you need help finding it, sweetie," said Piper.

"For sure, thanks," I said as I closed the door.

My mind raced as I walked to the kitchen. Dr. Larson and June showered together. Right now, they were wet and naked next to each other. The shower wasn't that big, with only enough room for one person to stand under the water comfortably. That meant they were close to each other, really close. Had they always been like that, or was that the remote's doing? I hadn't told them to act like that. All I had done was give them false memories.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I almost walked into Mom. Catching myself at the last second, I mumbled an apology.

"Don't worry about it," she said smiling. "It's still early, but would you like to start now?"

I nodded. Mom wore the same yoga clothes she had worn yesterday, except instead of a blue hoodie she wore a red t-shirt. It wasn't anymore revealing than the hoodie, beyond the fact I could see a bit more of the shape of her breasts.

Surprisingly, yoga wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been. Mom and I started with the same pose we had done last time, the pose with the chair. According to the book, it was called 'Down Dog on a Chair.' Mom grabbed onto the chair and started to walk back. Holding her hips, I helped guide her back. Like last time, her ass pushed against my groin as I helped her back.

"You know, Henry," she said as she bent over all the way. "I really enjoyed our yoga sessions yesterday."

Her ass pushed up against my groin as she struggled to hold the pose. I took a small step back to save face. "Yeah, me too Mom. It's good to spend some time with you."

She grunted as she pushed her ass out more. "Mmm, yes it is."

I felt my erection grow as she pushed back against me. If I backed up again it would look weird and she might turn around. If I didn't back up she would feel my penis rubbing against her behind. Deciding that looking weird would be better than looking like a pervert, I let go of Mom and feigned a cough.

"Are you okay, Henry?" asked Mom, still holding the pose.

"Yeah, sorry. Didn't want to cough on you."

"Okay. Can you grab onto my hips again? I want to see if I can straighten my back out more."

I took a deep breath. "Yeah, sure Mom."

With my help, she seemed to hold the pose for longer, which didn't help my erection. After counting to ten, both of us relaxed and switched to a different pose. I was glad Mom hadn't mentioned my erection, but another part of me wished she would. Either way, if I really wanted to, I could use the remote to get some relief. The fact that it was so easy almost scared me. Almost.

While we were in the middle of the tree pose, Piper walked in on us. Mom didn't seem to mind as she continued the pose without issue. I was struggling to hide my erection. Glancing at the two of us, Piper smiled. "Looks like you two are having fun. Sorry I can't join you."

"Don't worry about it, dear. Have fun at work," said Mom.

Piper waved as she headed out the door. June hurried after her. "Bye, Mom," said June as she ran.

"Bye, June. Have a good day at school," Mom called out after her.

"Why's June going to school so early?" I asked Mom. I doubted Mom would know, but I was curious what her response would be.

Mom switched to the chair pose, which was really more of a squat. "Her first class of the day starts at 9."

"Ah," I replied, switching my pose with her. Now that the two of us were alone, I couldn't help but stare at her body. She looked so good in her yoga outfit. A thin sheen of sweat covered her body. During the chair pose, her pants had ridden up into her ass crack, showing two perfect globes.

I couldn't take it anymore.

"Wow! It sure is hot in here, I think I need to go take a cold shower," I said quickly walking to the bathroom.

"But we just got started," Mom called after me.

"Sorry, Mom, but it's just too hot for exercise today!"

I shut the door behind me and took a deep breath. It was only the second day of yoga and I was already breaking. Stripping off my clothes, I jumped into the shower and let the cold water run over me. There was no way I could handle this for any more time. I had to call it quits.

Mom would be upset, that was for sure, but there was no way around it. I told myself I wouldn't use the remote to have sex with her again, but being this close to her was making it very difficult. At least Piper and June could help her. The water helped calm me down and clear my head. I couldn't tell Mom what was going on, so I'd just have to lie until she got tired of asking. It hurt to do, but it was the easiest option.

I hid in my room until it was time to go to class. Mom was gone when I came out of my room. Grabbing the remote, I walked to my car. Part of me was angry that I was so scared of being intimate with Mom, another part was scared of what I was turning into. She was my mother, the Larsons were innocent people whose lives I had changed forever. How far was I willing to go to feel good?

Mom had said that she wanted to have sex with me that first day I had used the remote. Were those her real feelings, or was it because of the remote's influence? I didn't know. All I knew was that there were two paths in front of me. Either I used the remote freely, or I didn't. As I pulled into the college parking lot, I still hadn't decided which path to travel down.

Dr. Carter's class didn't give me the answer I was seeking. Today, she wore a brightly colored blouse and jeans. I thought about using the remote to make her teach naked, but I was still scared. That fear made it hard to concentrate.

Even though Dr. Carter had been sending me sexy photos every day, she didn't act any differently toward me. Today, she lectured on the first colonists to arrive in the Americas. I spent the entire class doodling in my notebook. As she lectured, she walked around the classroom and looked over everyone's notes. When she got to mine, she frowned, but continued lecturing.

At least I didn't have to worry about failing the class.

"Are you alright, Henry?" whispered June.

I glanced at her. She had stopped taking notes and was now watching me out of the corner of her eyes. "Yeah, just tired."

June didn't bother me for the rest of class, but I could tell she was still worried. I wondered what was going through her head. For me, we had only met for the first time on Monday. For her, we had grown up together. Did she really care for me, or was that the remote again? I wished I was the kind of person who didn't worry about this stuff.

Instead of doodling, I spent the rest of class watching June. Every time Dr. Carter got close, June blushed and tried to avoid eye contact. Was it because of the pictures she had seen? Had June always acted like that?

My mind was still a tornado of thoughts when class ended. Instead of getting up, I stayed seated at my desk. Life was easy, but that didn't mean I was happy. Why wasn't I happy? Why couldn't I accept that everything was going to be okay?

June tapped me on the shoulder. "Are you coming to practice?"

Water polo practice. At least my aching muscles could provide a decent distraction. "Yeah, you go on ahead. I'll catch up."

June frowned. "No."

"No?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"No. I don't know what's got you down, but I'm not going to leave you like this. Either we go together or not at all." June stood up, extending her hand toward me.

Smiling, I grabbed her hand and let her pull me up. Was this what having a sister was like? "Whatever you say."

Hand-in-hand, we walked to the pool. I felt a moment of panic as I held hands with my sister in public, but then I remembered no one else knew. Even if they knew June, they wouldn't know we were siblings. Yet. The only problem was that my hand started to sweat the longer I held June's hand.

"Sorry," I said, trying to pull my hand away so I could wipe the sweat.

June shook her head and tightened her grip. "Don't apologize, I don't mind."

"You don't?"

She shrugged. "Well... Okay, it's kind of gross. But you're my brother. There isn't a thing I wouldn't do for you."

June looked at me and smiled, making my heart skip a beat. She didn't seem sad about losing her old life. She was ignorant of what she had lost, but she was happy. The happy idiot was a common trope, but I had never thought about it before. Why would June be upset? As far as she knew, her life had always been like this.

Was she happier than her old life? Mom enjoyed having sex with me, she had told me as much. Without the remote, that never would have happened. If I could use the remote to make people happy, and make myself happy, then what was the problem? I laughed. Was it really that simple?

"There's that smile," said June, swinging our arms in a playful manner. We walked like that the entire trip to the pool.

Once we were on the pool deck, June and I went our separate ways. June glanced back at me before she entered the women's changing room. "Let me know if you need another pick-me-up."

For now, the changing rooms were separated by gender. After my revelation, I made a plan to change that. But that would have to wait until after practice. Once I was stripped down to only a speedo, I walked confidently onto the pool deck. There was nothing that could get me down. Oh how foolish I was...

Practice was hell. I was still sore from yesterday and was still struggling with keeping up the rest of the team. Piper, or in this case Coach Larson, didn't seem to care. She treated me like the rest of the team, which was quite harsh. We swam so many laps my mind turned into mush. I couldn't think about anything other than breathing and moving forward.

By the time Piper paired us up for passing practice, I could barely stay afloat. The rest of the team seemed to be fine, not one of them showing any signs of fatigue. Was I really that out of shape? June tried to help me, but there was only so much she could do.

"Does it get easier?" I asked June as I tossed her the ball.

"Kind of." June caught the ball and passed it back in one smooth motion.

"Kind of?" I wasn't as smooth as June, but I did manage to catch it and throw it back.

"You'll get used to it," she said as she jumped out of the water to catch my pass which I had thrown too high.

"I hope so," I replied, completely missing the ball as June gave me an easy pass.

"Henry, use your legs!" yelled Piper.

"Yes, coach." Groaning, I tried to kick my legs faster so I could get more of my body out of the water. It helped a bit, but it hurt a ton.

By the time practice was over, I could barely move. I cursed myself for agreeing to do this. Even if it was nice seeing my teammates in their hot swimsuits, the pain wasn't worth it. Aaron had always told me to exercise, but I never did. This was my punishment for not listening to him.

I grabbed onto the edge of the pool and tried to catch my breath. The rest of the team had already left to get changed. They seemed so happy, so full of energy. I hated them in that moment. June swam up behind me. "You okay?"

"I'm going to die."

She laughed. "You'll be fine. Right, Mama?"

Piper walked over, staring down at me with an amused expression. "Sorry, Henry, but I've got to get you ready for the real thing."

I groaned. "Maybe I'm not cut out for this..."

"Of course, you are. You're my son," said Piper. "Give it more time."

June rubbed my back gently. "Do you need me to carry you?"

I laughed. "Nah, just... give me a second." Taking a deep breath, I pulled myself out of the pool and stood up. My body screamed, but I ignored the pain as I walked to the changing room. Once I was out of sight, I collapsed against the lockers. It better get easier, I thought to myself.

The other guys didn't seem to notice, they were too involved in the conversation they were having. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I listened as I changed.

"Dude, did you see Kiki today? Her tits were practically hanging out," said Josh, one of the tallest guys on the team. "Thank god for one-piece swimsuits."

"Yeah, man, I saw. You think she's an easy lay?" asked Tom. Compared to other athletes, he was overweight, but that didn't matter much for water polo.

"Nah," said Mark. He was the oldest person on the team, but like me had only started this year. "Kiki doesn't even think about sex. She's too pure for that kind of thing."

"How would you know?" asked Josh angrily.

Mark shrugged. "If you've ever had a conversation with her, you would know. All she talks about is Jesus and other church crap."

"Lame," said Tom.

"Damn. Why is it always the hot girls?" asked Josh.

"This world is a cruel one," replied Mark.

As their conversation lulled, the three noticed I was in the room with them. Their eyes widened. We hadn't had a chance to talk, so I assumed they were unsure of how I would react to their conversation.

"Kiki's the one with glasses right? The short girl with black hair?" I asked.

Tom nodded slowly. "Yeah."

I laughed. "I have to admit, she had some nice tits."

Each of them relaxed. "Yeah, she does," said Mark. The trio continued to talk about the other women on the team, but I stopped paying attention to them. My thoughts had turned to Kiki.

Though I had only joined the team yesterday, I was starting to learn who everybody was. Kiki was quiet compared to the other girls. Not even June could get her to talk much during practice. Like the other guys had said, she only seemed interested in talking about religious crap. Still, she had a great body, so I was at least a little bit interested in her.

Pulling on my pants, I decided to leave that thought for another day. I needed to build up some stamina before I decided to expand my selection of girls. Even my plan with the changing rooms would have to wait. The combination of water polo and yoga was already too much. If I started to fuck every girl I came across, I would die. Sighing, I grabbed my stuff and headed toward my car. Once I wasn't so tired I would fuck the first girl I saw.

Since I didn't see Piper or June on the pool deck, I assumed they had gone home. A couple of the girls on my team were standing in a circle talking, but I didn't feel like going to talk to them. As I walked past them, I noticed Kiki was sitting on the bleachers. She was talking to someone on the phone in a hushed tone.

Kiki was the only Asian girl on the team. She had straight black hair that didn't reach her shoulders. Unlike most of the team, she wasn't tanned. Her pale skin was only a shade darker than the other Asian girls I had seen around campus. Stopping to tie my shoe, I tried to listen into her conversation.

Unfortunately for me, she wasn't speaking English, so I didn't understand anything. Shrugging, I stood up and started to walk out. Before I reached the door, I felt a tug on my shirt. Behind me, Kiki held the magic remote in her hands.

"You dropped this," said Kiki, her eyes not meeting mine.

I quickly checked my pockets to confirm that was the real magic remote. Taking it carefully from her, I slipped it back into my pocket. "Thanks," I replied, trying to hide my nerves. Did she know what it was?

"Um, you're Henry, right?"

"Yeah. I just joined the team yesterday."

"I'm Kiki. Sorry if this is too personal, but why are you carrying around a TV remote?"

My mind raced as I tried to think of an answer. "My friend left it at my house so I was going to give it to him after practice."

Her eyes met mine for a moment. "Oh, okay." She didn't sound fully convinced, but she didn't press the issue. "See you later, Henry."