The Most Frightening Thing Is....


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"You got that right," said Bob.

"In the 70's, while proudly waving the American flag, under President Nixon, when he put an unprecedented freeze on wages, during the oil embargo and the gas crisis, not wanting to (ahem) stunt job growth, we didn't tax big business then either," said John.

"Wow. No kidding," said Bob. "God bless the United States of America. I pledge allegiance to the flag..."

"Oddly enough though, the top management of the biggest Fortune 500 companies still laid off tens of thousands of workers during the wage freeze, oil embargo, and gas crisis, yet, unbelievably, they all still received their fat bonuses, stock options, and golden parachutes. I guess they didn't consider bonuses, stock options, and golden parachutes as wages that they could freeze," said John.

"Gees, go figure," said Bob.

"With out of control inflation, the rest of us had to make do working for the same frozen wages for years, before our government lifted the wage freeze, long after the oil embargo and gas crisis were over," said John. "By that time, it was already too late. Most of us were behind the eight ball with huge credit card debt."

"I had to declare bankruptcy twice to get rid of my credit card debt," said Bob.

"Tell me this. Why does it take so long to drop the price of a gallon of gas and home heating oil by a penny, when it takes them only a few minutes to raise a gallon of gas and home heating oil by ten cents? How come gas prices never go down in the way they escalate?"

"It doesn't seem fair, does it," said Bob.

"Answer me this question," said John. "The oil companies always blame supply and demand as the reason why their gas and home heating oil prices must increase. First they say because everyone is not buying enough gas and home heating oil is the reason why they must raise prices. Okay. That makes sense. Yet, then they say the reason why they must raise gas and home heating oil prices is because too many people are buying too much gas and home heating oil."

"Huh? That's not right," said Bob. "It's either one or the other. How can they have that both ways? With that twisted logic, when in the Hell does gas and home heating oil prices ever go down? Certainly not when Hell freezes over because then they'll need even more gas and home heating oil."

"Those corporate fat cats, now with increased profits from paying less wages, were the only ones reaping the benefits of our frozen wages during the wage freeze of the gas crisis and oil embargo," said John. "That, my friend, President Nixon freezing wages, not to mention, him romancing China and him establishing HMO's, was the beginning of why our economy is in the toilet and why the middleclass is now the new poor."

"Even in death, Tricky Dicky has lived up to his name," said Bob.

"Our Republican representatives, sorry, our Republican public servants, were determined to level the world markets and make America on par with third world countries, when it comes to hourly wages. That explains why the Republicans are always so against increasing the minimum wage and organizing labor unions."

"Increasing the minimum wage is bad for business and will take away jobs? That doesn't make any sense," said Bob.

"Increasing the minimum wage will take away jobs? What jobs? Minimum wage jobs that the average person can't afford to pay their rent, buy gas for their car, buy food, and pay for their prescription drugs, aren't much of a job at all," said John. "The truth of the matter is, increasing the minimum wage will decrease the huge profits that these companies now earn."

"What a bunch of assholes," said Bob.

"To make economic matters worse for the middleclass, the huge wave of financial fairness and disparity that started the process rolling so much like an out of control tsunami, instead of creating jobs with their huge profits, banks, insurance, and oil companies, et al, bought out one another," said John. "To add salt to all of our wounds, whenever there was a buyout and/or a takeover, tens of thousands of people were let go and their jobs were added to the backs of those who stayed working for less money with less benefits. Instead of creating jobs, they eliminated jobs."

"Ergo the recession," said Bob, "and another recession on the way."

"In the way of the Pyramids, albeit with the same type of slave labor, icons made of gleaming glass and welded steel instead of stone, blatant testimony to their greed, the old, rich, Caucasian men built giant monuments," said John. "Twin Towers, Trump Towers, and Sears Towers and all the other towers around the country and the world, so much like modern day castles against their blue skies, the skyscrapers are a stark contrast of their prosperity to our poverty."

"Visually, it just goes to show you who is making all the money, as the only companies able to afford to build such big skyscrapers are banks and insurance companies," said Bob.

"With golden rainbows to brighten their futures, a terrible financial storm brewed for the rest of us. While they were showered with riches, there were dark clouds without a silver lining and torrential rain for the rest of us. For sure, we'd have a better chance of being struck by lightning than we would in landing a full-time job with benefits."

"God bless America but on the backs of the middleclass. Trick or trick, all trick and no treat," said Bob. "Screw the middleclass!"

"Now with part-time jobs and temporary jobs that pay a third of what we were earning and that are jobs without benefits, we're not expected to complain. Instead, we're expected to work two and three jobs, when we can't even find the one," said John. "We all should be marching on Washington and demanding our fair share. We earned it and they owe us. Instead we have some twenty-something investment banker and some forty-something Senator stealing it all."

"Al Sharpton said that if a jobs bill is not passed by January, he's not only going to march on Washington but also he's going to camp out on the grounds of the National Monument," said Bob.

"Do you remember Ross Perot? The little billionaire from Arkansas with the IBM crew cut," said John.

"Yeah," said Bob.

"A true champion of the middleclass, he's the man we all should have voted to put in the White House, instead of electing Daddy Bush, the ex-CIA chief. Just as Ross knew what he wanted to help the middleclass, Daddy Bush knew what he wanted for himself. He wanted to make enough money to buy his son a baseball team, and he did, the Texas Rangers. Answer me this, forget about buying a baseball team, when was the last time you had enough spending money to take your family to a baseball game?"

"The last time I took my wife and two kids to a ballgame, it cost me more than I could afford. It cost me more than $500 for just average tickets. It cost me $50, just to park my truck," said Bob.

"Ross Perot foresaw all that would happen thirty years before it happened. A true visionary, when the rest of we poor suckers were still working for frozen wages and giving all of our money to pay banks our unsecured credit card debt that somehow never went down, Ross had a plan that included increasing our manufacturing base and decreasing our reliance on imports," said John. "Ross knew what big business was doing to keep the middleclass down, while working for less wages."

"When you factor in the inflation, instead of earning more, not even keeping up with inflation, we're all earning less," said Bob, "that is, those that still have a job."

"Instead of wanting to increase our exports from China, Ross said that we're losing our manufacturing base," said John. "Meanwhile, knowing the future in enhancing his wealth was in sending our jobs overseas, Daddy Bush spun his words to make Ross appear as crazy as his running mate, Vice Admiral James Stockdale. Yet, now that we elected Daddy Bush, tell me, what did Daddy Bush do for us and how did he fix the economy? He didn't help us and he didn't fix the economy."

"I remember that he gave speeches. I remember he wouldn't sign an unemployment extension and if it wasn't for Senator Kennedy pushing Congress to sign another extension, I would have been homeless back then. Tell me this," said Bob, "why is it every time a Bush is in office, I'm out of a job?"

"Read my lips. No new taxes," said Daddy Bush, before signing into law the biggest tax package for the middleclass in the history of the United States, while reducing taxes for the richest corporations, oil companies, insurance companies, banks, and pharmaceutical companies," said John.

"I couldn't believe when he did that. Just in the way that Clinton lied about having sex with Monica Lewinski, Bush lied stone, cold face to all of us about not signing in new taxes," said Bob.

"As a farewell gift to all of us, did you see Daddy Bush and then Bush Junior with the King of Arabia having a good time at all of our expenses. Don't those photos want to make you drive your car at full speed into an Exxon gas pump. What the Hell? Are you kidding me? The Bushes were always in bed with the Arabs," said John.

"Assholes," said Bob.

"Now, because of the Bushes, as part and parcel of the Moslem world, their enemies are our enemies, which is why no one in the world likes America and Americans. Papa Bush and his son made more than a billion dollars in perpetual wars, defense contracts, and oil. While we waved the American flag and sent our sons and daughters to wars they started and wars that we couldn't possibly win or end, the Bush team made lots of money. We can blame the Bushes for terrorist attacks. Apparently, everyone hates the Bushes but us, the middleclass," said John.

"You're right about that," said Bob.

"Instead of fixing the economy, instead of making sure we all had jobs, benefits, healthcare, and retirement, the Bush father and son tag team started wars as their way to personally profit. Just as his son, Bush Junior, started the Iraq War, Daddy Bush, started the Gulf War," said John. "Don't you just love it when you see Pappa Bush or Little Bush sitting front row center at a Texas Rangers game with Nolan Ryan and his beautiful wife, Ruth, while the rest of us can't even afford to watch a game on Direct TV because the sports channel package costs too much money?"

"I wish someone would pat me on the ass and give me a new contract and a big bonus at my job, when I was working at a job, but that would never happen. I wish I had fans watching me work, while cheering everything that I did," said Bob.

"Don't you just love it," said John, "when the Texas Rangers are celebrating with a champagne shower?"

"I'd love to give Laura Bush and Ruth Ryan a golden shower, if you know what I mean. Payback is a bitch, bitches, I'd love to fuck the Bush twins up the ass in the way that their father and grandfather has fucked all of us up the asses," said Bob.

"Now, let me ask you this. Why start a war, instead of fixing the economy? Why? I'll tell you why," said John answering his own question again. "Because there's money in making war and no money in fixing the American economy. While making endless speeches and creating jobs bills that have no chance of being enacted into law, best the United States help to expand third world countries, fix their economies, and cultivate their vast, cheap labor pool than to give the people who live here and who were born here jobs."

"The big war machine. Now that you mention it, I'm sick of seeing so many retired 50-year-old generals on CNN," said Bob.

"Now, there were a lot of white, old, rich, Caucasian men greatly profiting from America declaring war, unfortunately, I wasn't one of them," said John. "Were you one of them? Let me think who it was that not only was in directly and indirectly in charge of our foreign policy and national defense but also who stood to make huge amounts of money in declaring war. Hmm, do you know?"

"No, but I have a feeling that you're about to tell me," said Bob with a laugh.

"Vice President Cheney and his company Haliburton were two of them making huge profits with no bid contracts. Think about that, no bid contracts. How did that bastard get away with a no bid contract? The weasel was watching the chicken coop and the wolf was watching over the herd sleeping sheep, while the rest of us were all fleeced."

"I hate that white haired, pompous bastard Cheney," said Bob waving his fist.

"While we're waving American flags, sticking emblems on our SUV's, and burying our sons and daughters, we've been fucked over so many times that we're starting to enjoy it. Does anyone want to buy U. S. Savings Bonds? How about a bridge or swamp land, I mean, oceanfront Detroit?"

"Yeah, that Cheney guy looks like the Devil incarnate," said Bob.

"Speaking of Flint Michigan, did you know that, during the time of his failed run for the presidency that Ross Perot was one of the largest, if not the largest shareholder in General Motors? With his data processing company so entwined in GM, he wanted to be President of GM, before he ever had thoughts of becoming President of the United States. Instead of making him their president of General Motors, GM and their board of directors buy Ross out for 750 million dollars," said John.

"No kidding. Gee, I didn't know that," said Bob.

"The top management at GM didn't like Ross's ideas," said John. "Too business in the way of an IBM executive, GM executives preferred shooting from the hip, especially when it came to rewarding their top executives with huge and undeserved bonuses, stock options, and golden parachutes. Ross wanted to rock their good ship lollipop by making them accountable and by making them more profitable."

"I wish someone would give me a big, fat bonus check for doing my job," said Bob.

"While I'm on the subject, just wondering, Bob," said John, "do you have a golden parachute?"

"A golden parachute? I don't have any parachute. When I fall, I'll hit the ground and die."

"Instead of a parachute, instead of making a soft, safe landing, we all have slides that goes straight down to the bottom, as if an express elevator that broke a cable or a sinking ship, in the way of the Titanic that falls to rock bottom. Oh, yeah, trust me, your sunken vessel is the closest you'll ever get to the good ship lollipop," said John.

"I have a canoe," said Bob, "but it has a hole in it."

"If it was up to Ross, ala a Michael Moore clone in his spirit of outrage, inequality, and unfairness, he would have done away with big bonuses and stock options for those managers who didn't do anything at GM, other than to collect fat paychecks and ruin a company that once had a huge disparity between Honda and Toyota," said John. "The sad thing is that, 30-years ago, Ross Perot identified all that was wrong with GM. He identified those very things that caused them to finally go bankrupt and the same things that GM was reluctant to change and implement, even after our government gave GM a big, fat bailout check. Just in the way that he paid to help rescue POW's in Viet Nam with his own money, truth be known, Ross Perot had our best interests at heart."

"Wow, I didn't know that either," said Bob, "that he helped rescue the POW's.

"Let me ask you this, Bob," said John. "Did Papa Bush or Little Bush reach into their deep pockets to help free and rescue prisoners of war? Hell no! Why not? Because they didn't want the war to end. If they could they'd start another war. If they could, they'd bomb France."

"You got that right," said Bob. "No one likes the French anyone."

"Let me ask you this," said John, "and all those people in America sitting there with tens of thousands of dollars in student loans, no job, no money, no food, no gas for your 12-year-old car, no medical insurance, no house, no hope, no future, and no unemployment extension, where's your bailout? Did you get a bailout? Did anyone, but those who didn't need a bailout, get a bailout. Let's see a show of hands. How many of you got a bail out? How many of you were bailed out?"

"Gees, that's odd. No one is raising their hand," said Bob, while looking out into imaginary crowd.

"Of all those of you that really needed a bailout, as staunch supporters of our government, of democracy, of equality for everyone, and of the middleclass, did any one of you receive a bailout? Or did all the bailout money go to the ones that really didn't need a bailout in the first place and that continue to steal our money with inflated charge card interest, imagined oil shortages, advertise drugs on television in the way they used to advertise cigarettes and hard liquor, and sell us inflated and price fixed insurance policies that we don't want or need? Let me ask you this with a show of hands," said John. "How many of you really need a bailout?"

"Gees, nearly everyone in the room has their hand raised. Wow. Go figure," said Bob playing along with his friend's rhetorical questions by looking out again at the imaginary crowd.

"Boy, oh boy, President Kennedy said it when he said, Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country," said John.

"I nearly gave my life for my country," said Bob, "when I was fighting their war."

"Give me a break. Just give me a frigging break. Are you kidding me? What more can we all possibly do for our country that we haven't done for our country already. We gave them our sons and daughters in wars that we can't possibly win, all for the sake of oil and to make a few, Caucasian men billionaires," said John. "We worked all our lives and now they begrudge us our 401Ks, our retirement benefits, and our Social Security. It's time our country did something for us. It's our turn. It's time our country bailed us all out. It's our turn and it's time."

"Yeah, it's time our country did something for us," said Bob pounding his fist in his hand.

"God Bless America. Of the approximately 313 million people in America, I am one of the 99% of the middleclass that doesn't have a voice in Washington or a job. The other 1%, a little more than 3 million people, have it all and control everything," said John. "The rest of us are all just mere pawns in their games of skullduggery and deception. If you ask me, they can't wait for we pain-in-the-ass baby boomers to die."

"Bastards. No good dirty bastards," said Bob.

"Only, can you hear it? Can you feel it? The wind of change is blowing," said John.

"I can hear it," said Bob. I can feel it."

"Now there is something bigger and more powerful than any group of politicians. There is something more frightening and feared by every Republican politician. The middleclass is the most frightening thing on the planet. The middleclass is the sleeping giant that has finally been shaken awake. We are the middleclass and we're all angry. We're not taking it anymore. We want our fair share. We're tired of being robbed and cheated. We've had it with the lies and broken promises. We don't want speeches and we don't want infighting," said John.

"We want jobs," said Bob. "We want money. We want benefits. We want affordable homes and universal healthcare. We want the best schools for our children."

"We want the hope for a brighter tomorrow," said John.

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gperry2843gperry2843over 11 years ago
I hate this story.

Now that is a real paradox to score it a five list it as a favorite and to say I hate it, but all are appropriate. Based on the comments Susan stirred up enough controversy to start an insurrection. I hope not the first time this happened in the U.S. was 218 years ago after congress imposed an inequitable excise tax on the distillers of the U.S. in 1791 starting what was known as the "Whiskey Rebellion" which was put down when then President Washington lead 13,000 troops with General Alexander Hamilton and General Harry Lee into western Pennsylvania. This was caused because the rebels burned downed the mansion and estate of Washington's friend and tax collector Brig. Gen John Neville. The violent rebellion was crushed with the arrest of about 150 rebels. What is less known is the "Whiskey Rebellion" was actually a success not through violence but through civil disobedience and the unfair tax was successfully repealed by our first Democratic-Republican President Thomas Jefferson. Now there is another paradox. The corruption predated the revolutionary war and has continued unabated to this day. What I hate about this story is I can't offer any suggestions let alone answers. I do know that both parties and their greed is to blame, Susan has a number of very good points of blame but is very short sighted and overly one sided in her blame. In the 30's with the W.P.A. and the C.C.C projects they were not enough to pull the country out of the depression but they fed a lot of people, built a lot of schools, lakes, reservoirs, and infrastructure. At least we got something produced for the money spent. A lot of this work is still being used and enjoyed and educating our children. Why are all the billions of dollars that is taxed for unemployment not used to pay someone to work at something productive rather than not work. That money properly utilized should be able to create hundreds of thousands of jobs that could create a return on the investment and more jobs rather than paying people to do nothing. I am going to end this by saying Susan was absolutely correct about in her premise as to what "The Most Frightening Thing Is" only a bit short sighted, one sided and snide with valid and what should valued comments on her well written and insightful story, before I turn this into a rant or a diatribe, this could turn into a never ending topic clear up to the blood bath.

RHinSCRHinSCover 12 years ago

The American people also helped. Remember buy American? No one listened. They bought those Jap cars and cheap Chinese shit like it was going out of style. Which in turn made American companies uncompetitive. People buy Chinese shit at half the price and it breaks the first time that you use it. That is the point that you do what you should have done to begin with, pay twice as much for something worth a fuck. American companies now have to do what they have to in order to be competitive. We could help solve the problem by not buying it. No one deserves unemployment for two years. Half of the people getting it consider it a vacation and will get a job when it runs out. I did not get that from the tube, I know it's true. If you can't find a job move or change professions. People used to look at someone who had made it and ask what can I do to be like them. Now they look at them and think how can I get their stuff. To make it used to be the American dream, now it is demonized. Fuckin' commies.

SuperHeroRalphSuperHeroRalphover 12 years agoAuthor
Just one question.

Indulge me one question.

Where are the jobs?

The Republicans have said over and again, if we tax big business it will stagnant job growth. If we don't tax big business they will create jobs.

Here it is 40 frigging years later and every administration the Republican sing the same song and we stupidly don't tax big business. Only, instead of creating jobs, big business keeps the profits, pay their stockholders, and give their CEO's giant bonuses.

Every year we don't tax big business and instead of creating jobs with the extra money they have, they lay people off. The expect the staff that they have left to work harder and faster for less money and less benefits.

I ask you. Where are all the jobs the Republicans have promised for four frigging decades? Where are the jobs?

I'll tell you were the jobs are. The jobs went to Mexico, then Taiwan, then Japan, with everything made in Japan, then India, Sri Lanka, and now China.

You all better learn to speak Chinese because America is no longer number one but number shitty two.

RHinSCRHinSCover 12 years ago

It is really sad when an airplane manufacturer can't choose where to locate without a union up their ass. Then again, I think that a quarter of the population are probably commies. Maybe we can send them to Mexico with the illegals. Maybe one of them took your job.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 12 years ago
super hero... you sound like a TEA party Nutcase

The worst thing about your said little mental temper tanturm is that even though SOME readers have posted legit points ...all you do is repeat the same words over and over again.

I was HEAVILY involved in the Ross Perot movement. DEEPLY

... Both in 1992 and 96. The folks who SUNK perot was the DEMOCRATS.

WHO shoved NAFTA and GATT down out throats? Bill clinton and Al Gore. Yes there was a lot of GOP support for it but those 2 lead the fight. Recall the Gore Perot debate?

Yet not one time do you mention the democrats responsibilty. The GOP is suppose to be the party of capitalism so their support of NAFAT and GATT ... no suprise.

How is it you give a 100% total pass to the dems on this?

how is it you are sooooooooc concerned about Wages going down and standard of living going down but mass Illegal immigration brought in by big business which driives down ALL working wages-- and has for 20 years-- you do NOT mention even 1 time?

Bush and his Tarp and bailouts. Again they are the GOP.. what did you expect from them?

But Obama engaged in bailouts fraud every bit as much as Bush. Where was your 1% outrage then?

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 12 years ago
vile left mind mindless crap

you 1% stole it for me... give me my share

Hear! Hear!

Hear! Hear!

Finally, we hear from a real American.

We're all tired of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

There was a time when there used to be nine distinct classes. Now there are only two classes. The rich and the poor.

Because of what Bush economics have down over 20 years, they have turned America into a third world, by sending our jobs overseas and eliminating the unions.

We want jobs! Now! We want healthcare benefits! Now! We want retirement guaranteed! We want education for our children without having to sell our souls and every possession we have to afford it.

We're tired of America, the world leader in everything but in healthcare, jobs, and education.

It's time we pried the Republicans away from the Federal feedback and shared the wealth with everyone.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 12 years ago
I agree!

The damned conservatives don't like to have their crap exposed. Thank God they have'nt been able to repeal freedom of speech. (yet) Assholes!

SuperHeroRalphSuperHeroRalphover 12 years agoAuthor
We are the 99%

We are the 99% and we're angry. You better run. You better hide because the most frightening thing in the world, the middleclass, is coming after you.

It's our turn. We want what you stole off our backs. We want our fair share.

We want jobs. We want benefits. We want health insurance. We want retirement.

When a senator gets 100% retirement and free health insurance for the rest of his miserable life, we want the same. Either he or she stops getting that type of "entitlement" or we want that "entitlement", too.

What's good for our "respresentative" is good for the people who put he or she in Washington.

Long live the middleclass! Power to the people. It's about time the 99% majority had a voice in Congress. It's about time we got rid of all the lobbyist stealing our money. It's about time.

Johnny1MJohnny1Mover 12 years ago
This is what's called a rant. What's it's purpose?

You surely can't believe you can convince anyone who doesn't believe like you do with something like this. All that comes through is an immense amount of rage and an almost absolute single mindedness to not observe anything that would cause you to deviate a hair's breadth in your obsession with your chosen scapegoats. Your zealotry shines as brightly as any religious fanatic that strides down the path leading to the 72 virgins that he just knows are waiting for him.

A calmer and more cynically inclined man might observe the same elements he deplores from the previous regime present in the current administration. Lying to congress about the arms sale to Mexican drug dealers and a certain amount of skulduggery in loans to green energy companies that benefit the president's campaign contributers in spite of the fact that it was clear that it was a bad investment are not something to be proud of. And certainly changing the rules to allow aforementioned contributers to get their money out first when bankruptcy was declared when the taxpayers' money was supposed to come out first can only be described as crooked.

But you know what? I'm sure that this observation just will not get made. People on the extreme left know that their goals are so noble that anything that forwards their goals can not be criminal, no matter how bad it looks. And conversely, anything that impedes those goals(like evil Republicans) is by definition criminal(substitute racist, homophobic, evil, dishonest, and greedy) for criminal at your leisure.

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