The Multiverse Pt. 01

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Prey or Predator - Selina Kyle.
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Chapter One - The Introduction

It's very easy to look back at a situation and Monday morning quarterback it. To see what you missed the first time around and what you should have done differently. But that wasn't how I had gotten as far as I had in life. I almost always went with my first decision, not impulsively mind you, but I rarely went back on a decision I had already made. And even though it cost me something, I am glad I did not second guess myself on my recent real estate purchase. It led to a very memorable evening.

I had lost money over the course of my relatively short career. Though I was still considered young in the market, I had just entered my thirties, I had managed to lose lots of money in fact, but I had made much more than I lost. I was in the money market business and had managed a portfolio that had become very healthy recently. My new business partner had convinced me to make a purchase of some real estate in his city. I made my own visits to a few private houses and condos but I really liked a penthouse suite I found at an open house.

There were quite a few interested parties at this open house and I scanned the room to see if I could identify a realtor. Not being very tall, I stood just under six feet tall, I had to move around a bit, but I eventually locked eyes with a beautiful blond woman that appeared to be the one I wanted to speak with. She moved with an air of confidence that told me she was running tonight's show. We made eye contact and I watched her as she crossed the large living room to greet me.

She was wearing a pair of black pants with a light red shirt. A matching black vest covered most of her chest, and was drawn tightly around her midsection. The vest parted right in the middle of her clearly defined bosom. Her long, blond hair fell behind her shoulders and, as she drew close, I saw her bright green eyes behind her glasses. They contrasted nicely with the ruby red lips smiling at me as she extended her hand in greeting.

"Hello, are you lost by any chance?"

Not exactly the greeting I was expecting but as I took another look around the room I saw why. Everyone else was dressed to impress, as if this were a black tie affair, and wanted to show off whatever wealth they had. I, on the other hand, was dressed how I normally dress when I'm not in the office or making deals. While my outfit was new and crisp it was still a pair of simple khaki pants and an ordinary short-sleeved button-up shirt.

"No, I'm not lost. I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop in to see what there was to see." I responded.

"Well this is not an invitation only event but I wouldn't want to waste any more of your time, or mine, so I'll let you see your way back out." And she turned to walk away.

"I take it you're the type that judges a book by its cover?" I tried to hide my anger at her veiled insult.

"I see." She turned back to me. "Well why not I suppose. I could make a few extra minutes for you. "

"Thank you for humoring me. I'm new to the area and looking for a place to stay when I'm in town, roughly four months out of the year. So, tell me about the place."

"Well it is a beautiful location with plenty of amenities." She said as waved her arm around the room, turning as she did so. "The asking price is above market value though. It's a place that is better seen than described. Would you like a tour or do you like what you already see?" She asked as she faced me again.

I hadn't even bothered to look around. Instead I had blatantly stared at this beautiful woman as she gave me a great view of her bottom while she had turned around. The pants were just loose enough to be considered professional but were unable to hide how round she was. It appeared to be the kind of soft bottom that a man could sink his fingers into as he thrusted into her. The kind that would ripple slightly when it was spanked. I drew myself out of my dirty thoughts just in time to hear her question.

"I'd like to see the rest of the place before I make a bid so please, show me around." I responded with a smile.

"Follow me, um," she hesitated, "I apologize for not already asking, what is your name?"

"Brian," I lied, "Brian Drake." I never gave my real name until I was sure I would be doing business.

"Well, follow me Brian." She said with a smile.

She showed me around both floors and all the rooms, from the guest bathroom to the master bedroom. I continued to steal glances at her fabulous bottom and I thought she even caught me once or twice but she never said anything about it. All in all the tour took about fifteen minutes and I was now sure I wanted to purchase the place.

"So Mr. Drake, I'll ask again, would you like to place a bid or will be passing on this wonderful opportunity?" She asked as we made our way back to the main living area.

I thought for a few more moments as we entered the room we had started in. There were less people gathered now, but there was about to be even less once I made my offer, at least I hoped so.

"I'll buy it." I stated.

"Oh Mr. Drake we're simply accepting bids tonight, I don't think..." I cut her off mid-sentence.

"Hang on. I assume you stand to make a pretty decent commission on a sale like this, right?"

She nodded her confirmation.

"Well here's my offer then. Fifteen percent above market value. But for every percentage closer to market value you can close me at I will provide you with," I paused, "let's call it a consultation fee."

"How can I be sure of your ability to fund this purchase Mr. Drake?"

"Well, I apologize for misleading you, but my real name is Jonathan, Jonathan Walt. As far as my funding goes why don't I show you an account or two on my phone and see if that convinces you?"

"Hmm, lets see it then." She demanded.

I showed her one of my accounts that would more than cover the price I had offered her. Since it was on my phone's screen she sidled up next to me for privacy issues. I stole a glance or two at her chest. Thanks to her tight vest I could tell that they were a healthy size, and would probably not fit in my hands if I were to palm them. As I imagined squeezing them in my hands I felt my dick stir and remembered where I was. I also reminded myself that I kept business and pleasure separate.

She stepped away from me and I saw that her eyes sparkled at the prospect of extra money on the side and she quickly made her way around the room, briefly speaking with each potential client and then directing them to the houses exit. Within five minutes she had cleared the room of everyone except for the two of us.

"So," I began, "I see you are confident that my offer will be accepted."

"As confident as I can be." She said as she closed the distance between us, "besides everyone else was trying to put in a lowball offer which would only waste my time," she paused and looked directly in my eyes, "and my time is very valuable." She enunciated her last two words.

"Well it is a pleasure doing business with," it was then that I realized I had not received her name, "what was your name again?"

She giggled for the first time and her cheeks blushed a light red. She stood in front of me so close that I could see her chest bounce slightly from her giggle.

"Now it appears it is my turn to apologize. My name is Selina Kyle," she said as she offered her hand, "and may I be the first to say, assuming they accept your generous offer, welcome to Gotham city Jonathan Walt."

We shook hands.

Chapter Two - The Follow-up

I had lived in Gotham for a bit over two months now. My new business partnership had proven quite successful for me and I looked forward to a long and healthy relationship. I had just finished a long series of meetings and was happy to have a long and quiet weekend.

In my two month residency I had had zero guests over. Not only was I truly still organizing my homes layout, but I was also a private person and considered my home to be my castle. So imagine my surprise when the doorman of the building greeted me that evening with news that I had a guest awaiting me at the elevators exit on the floor that led to my home.

As I rode the elevator I pondered who could not only have figured out my new address, but also who would show up without an invite. I assumed it was someone who had gone through certain back channels and wanted to do business with me. The soft music of the elevator helped calm my concerns just as I reached the sixteenth floor. Then I exited the elevator, turned right, and saw her.

Miss Selina Kyle had just stood from the bench seat at the chime of the arrival bell and was in the process of smoothing out her business suit when I happened upon her. It was a dark gray two-piece outfit. The top was drawn tightly around her chest and parted in the middle to reveal a soft purple dress shirt underneath. There was no mistaking the size of her breasts and I wondered if this was her normal attire or if this was being worn for me. Then she looked up at me.

"Oh Mr. Walt! What a pleasure!" She said before glancing down at her skirt and finished smoothing it out.

The top of her skirt was hidden underneath the bottom of her jacket but my eyes were drawn to the bottom of the skirt anyways. It ended quite a few inches above her knees and showed off a hint of her tanned thighs before the black, mesh stockings took over. Her legs looked well-toned, like a runners would. I noticed, as I drew near to her, that with the heels she was wearing we stood eye-to-eye.

"The pleasure is all mine," I smoothly responded as I took her offered hand, "to what do I owe the reason for your presence here today?" I lightly kissed the top of her hand and let it drop.

"Well it's been a few months since you've moved in and I make it a point to check on my clients and ensure they are satisfied with their purchase." She answered.

"I can assure you," I began while I placed my hand on the middle of her back and walked us to my front door, "that this place is very satisfying."

"Well I'm glad to hear that. Would you mind answering a few short questions for me then?" She asked as I opened the door and ushered us inside. "Just a little customer satisfaction survey I like to do."

I glanced at her for a brief moment before responding. "Not at all."

I waved my hand over the sofa as I walked to the cabinet where I kept my drinks. Selina sat down and crossed her legs. She rested her notepad and tablet on her lap.

"Excellent. So let us begin then." Ms Kyle began.

"First, a drink Ms. Kyle." I offered.

"Thank you. I'll take a scotch. And please, call me Selina."

I dropped a few ice cubes in each glass, poured the golden-brown liquid, and handed her a glass. She held hers outward and we clinked our glasses together before taking a sip. The warm liquid provided a good burn on the way down.

I sat on a chair opposite the couch and relaxed myself. I took another sip and watched as Selina downed her glass. She impressed me by doing so and became more attractive to me. It helped that after she set her empty glass down on the glass coffee table she uncrossed her toned legs, and pressed them together.

"How is it?" I asked Selina.

"Mm, it's the cat's meow. Now onto the short questionnaire." She began.

The first few questions were designed to be answered on a one to ten scale and were quickly answered. The next batch had to deal with my impressions of the purchase process itself, to which I gave her high marks of course. The final batch were a bit more exploratory.

"Have you had any negative opportunities with the buildings staff and personnel?"

"No I have not." I responded.

"Have you already done, or do you plan to within the first year, make any upgrades or layout changes?"

"I haven't given that any thought really. I don't suppose so though."

"I see. Do you find the security system to be fully capable of protecting your assets then?"

"Well yeah. I live on the top floor of a key access only elevator. What's a thief going to do? Climb up the entire building?" I scoffed.

"Well yes that is true. Still, should you ever decide to overhaul the system I know a good company to do the work for you."

"Are we done with your questionnaire so soon then?"

"We are. I will now take my leave and again, thank you for your time."

"Not so fast Selina." I could almost feel the scotch influencing my words. "I have a few questions for you before you go, if it's not too much trouble."

"Fire away." She stated.

"What made you sell to me?"

I thought I saw her glance downward before she responded but it could've just been a blink of her eyes. "Why, the size of your endowment." She said bluntly.

I choked back a cough. "I beg your pardon?"

"The account you showed me that night. I knew you were a serious buyer. What did you think I meant?" She said with the slightest hint of a smile.

"Never mind. Did you or did you not run a background check on me?" I had known she had as I pay to have my information monitored.

"Well of course I did." She leaned toward me as she answered. Her shirt and jacket stretched tight across her chest and held her bosom in place. "I never get into bed with someone without running a background. Certainly you would do the same."

I gulped down the last of my scotch to cover my surprise at her choice of words. "Of course." I dryly rasped and then cleared my throat. "Of course I would."

"Is that all? I really should be going now." Selina smiled at me. "I do have other clients to visit."

"One final question." I said as I stood up from the chair and offered my hand to Selina.

"Yes?" She said as she took my hand and stood from the sofa.

We stood mere inches apart. I wanted to reach out and pull her into me. To have her pressed against me. However, I also knew how expensive a sexual harassment suit could be so I maintained my composure and asked a pointed but non-harassing question.

"Selina, do you find me attractive?"

Selina blushed and politely answered, "Mr. Walt, that's not my place to say. We have a professional relationship and I..."

I cut her off, "I just want to know if I'm doing something wrong. I've been here for a few months and, well I haven't had much luck," I paused, "at all. Am I unattractive to you Gothamites?"

"Mr. Walt this might be due to your scotch loosening my tongue a little but I have found you very attractive since the night I met you. And you look even more dashing in your suit today then the casual look you wore that night."

"Well thank you. I appreciate your honesty. So I guess this is goodbye then?" I held my arms out for a inviting hug.

"Yes it is." She leaned into my embrace.

It was a hug one professional would give another. We patted each other's backs and she kept her chest away from mine. Then her hands lingered on my back, so I left mine on hers.

"You know," Selina began as she stepped closer to me, "it is true what they say."

"What do 'they' say?" I asked.

Selina pulled my back towards her. Our chests now touched and I felt her breasts press against me. Below my belt I could feel my pants tighten in response to her bold move.

"They say, 'Parting is such sweet sorrow.' Mr. Walt." She purred in a soft voice.

I lowered my lips slightly to meet hers. Her soft red lips tasted sweet like cherry-flavored gum and felt warm to the touch. Selina met my kiss with a reciprocating passion. My left hand cradled her neck and head while my right hand dropped to her lower back. I could feel the aggression in her kiss, as if she would take charge in the bed. Her own hands roamed over my back and I was impressed with the strength of her arms. She held me as tight to her as I was holding her to me.

As we kissed my mind wandered to us being together in my bed, Selina would be on top of me, her breasts bouncing with every thrust of her hips. I'd watch my shaft repeatedly disappear inside of her until she cursed my name as she came. Perhaps I went too far. For as my mind filled with that fantasy my hand dropped from her back to her round ass. Selina moaned into my kiss so I gave her cheek a good squeeze. That's when the trance was broken.

"Oh I apologize Mr. Walt," she spoke as she pulled herself away from me. "I'm not sure what came over me but I really must be going now."

"Blame the scotch. I always do." I ruefully offered.

"Whatever the reason I apologize and I will see myself out. Goodbye. And again I apologize for my behavior."

As I watched her leave, and I did watch, I worked on ways I could ensure our paths crossed again. Perhaps I could buy another property, or arrange a business lunch, or just stalk her place of business. Then the elevator chimed, the doors closed, and I was left with pants that were now snug around my upper thighs. I briefly wondered if she had felt my endowment, but it was irrelevant anyways as she was gone. Sadly it was still the best action I had received these past two, albeit really busy, months.

That night was frustrating to me. Not only did my normal method of self-relief fail to quell my desire but I also didn't sleep well. In my bedroom, against one exterior wall, was a floor to ceiling window about six feet wide. In addition to the full moon shining brightly that night, there was some idiot on a rooftop with a huge light that he was pointing to the sky.

There was some kind of weird symbol on the clouds. From my vantage point I couldn't see what the hell it was. Whenever he changed the direction to keep it on a group of clouds my room would inadvertently be lit up with the bright light as he swung it around. I had no idea what he was doing but if it happened the next night I swore I'd call the police.

For the next few days I slept quite well. Then something occurred that would change my life in Gotham forever.

Chapter Three - The Encounter

The day had bored me. I had easily added to my portfolio with a few investments around the nation. It had all been done easily enough but then there were conference calls and quarterly reports to peruse. Not that there wasn't useful information. It's just that normally I would like to be a virtual attendee through a web call rather than being physically present. Unfortunately my business partner had insisted on my attendance. He seemed to believe I had an intimidating presence, as if he knew anything about that.

Now I looked forward to a long hot shower and then a quiet and restful night. I greeted my doorman, checked for any packages, and entered the elevator. The ride to my penthouse suite was short enough and I was soon entering my abode. I dropped my coat and bag just inside the door. In the living room I turned on my television and hit the play button on my answering machine. There was only one message.

"Good afternoon Mr. Walt. We have received a referral from your previous doctor and are happy to schedule to you in for an appointment two weeks from today's date at two in the afternoon. If this does not work for you please call us back at your earliest convenience. Otherwise Dr. Quinzel will see you in two weeks. Have a good day."

I told myself repeatedly that seeing a psychiatrist was a healthy thing to do. Living alone is and not having outside relationships is not necessarily a good thing for most people. So I talked, about a lot of things, and it felt good. It felt good.

After having some dinner and watching a game on tv I decided to hit the bed early. I had already cancelled a scheduled business trip, well, I had delayed it at least. One more day and I would leave for Japan for a few days to meet with a potential client or two. I needed that shower.

I let the hot, steamy water run over my body for a minute or two before I lathered up. Once I was soaped up I turned the faucet to a massaging pulse and let the water rinse and relax my muscles. I lowered my head and let it run down my neck and back. Though my body was relaxing I saw a part of my body was getting excited for some reason. I thought about rapidly scrubbing it for a few minutes but relented. Relaxation was my number one desire this night, not a high heart rate.