The Mysterious Mr. Inoue Ch. 01

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Grab & Go.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 09/17/2014
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Mr. Inoue just appeared in the apartment across from mine. None of my neighbors knew when he moved in, what he did, or even his first name. All we knew was that he was a friendly, handsome guy in his late twenties, early 30's who kept mostly to himself but would help little old ladies with their groceries and feed stray cats.

I loved watching him through the peephole whenever he came in. He was too handsome, almost disgustingly so. He had beautiful dark brown, almost black eyes; pale skin with a hint of red almost like iced cinnamon; and gorgeous dark brown hair. Whenever I heard the familiar sounds of his boots on the hallway floor outside, I rushed to the door to watch him. He just walked and turned to his door, unlocking it and letting himself in.

In my heart, I knew I'd never end up with a guy like that. After one last vision of him walking in and entering his abode, I turned back to my apartment and sighed. Mad George, my fat tabby, sat at my feet. He looked up at my face almost apologetically. I scooped him up and sighed as I pet behind his ears.

I wasn't hideous, if fact I had been called cute or pretty my whole life but girls like me didn't end up with guys like him. Still snuggling the cat in my arms, I walked to stand in front of the full length mirror. I wore my usual uniform for my days off from work: Black tights and a long loose men's shirt with something nerdy on it. Today, it was a Zelda reference. I had nice skin at least, smooth velvety chocolate, but my hair was a wild swing of curls that never wanted to do what I wanted. I looked at my big hips and thighs and hid my smaller breasts behind Mad George. My size bounced back and forth between a 14 and 16. My height and weight distribution helped but some days I just felt awful about my body.

I sighed and rubbed George's tummy before heading to my bedroom and slumping on my bed. It smelled different again, like fresh soap and expensive cologne. Turning to bury my face in it, I sighed. I knew it had to be my imagination. Like when I came home and thought someone had rearranged my fridge or when I open a cabinet to see something nice that I didn't remember buying. I was pretty sure I was going crazy.

A sudden crash made me jump. Mad George jumped from my arms and hid beneath the bed. Another crash followed. I stood and against all better judgment went toward the sounds. It was outside my apartment. I cautiously checked the peephole to see Mr. Inoue's door wide open. Part of the frame was broken like it had been kicked in. There were continuously loud sounds and tussling. It was 2 am on a Wednesday and our entire floor in the small building was made up of working people. I wouldn't have been surprised if we were the only ones there.

I picked up my cell to call for help but I couldn't get a signal. It shocked me because I had great service in my apartment. I heard a cry and it sounded like Mr. Inoue's.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." I told myself as I picked up the heaviest of cast iron pans I'd received from my mom.

I quietly opened the door stepped out. My heart raced as I tip toed across the hall. The apartment was a mess from the struggle. There was glass and other kinds of shards on the floor. Dirt from potted plants spread across it all like comet tails. The coffee table was broken in half. I looked into the hallway to see a rough looking man standing over Mr. Inoue, a gun in his hand. His head was shaved and there were Cyrillic tattoos on the back of it.

As the gun lifted, I acted before thinking. I ran, slamming his hand with the pan. He was caught by surprise as all he could do was block as I repeatedly struck with the pan with adrenaline fueled strength. I whacked at his arms and head and heard bones break but didn't stop. When he stopped moving I fell back against the wall, panting.

Two hands cupped my face and someone was looking into my eyes. "Vinnie, come on we've got to go."

"What?" I blinked at Mr. Inoue's face. How did he even know my name?

"Winnie, let's go. We've got to go."

"O-Ok." I let him help me stand before he turned around and kneeled over man. His hands reached down and a sudden crack filled the air. "You just broke his neck. You just broke his neck. You ju-"

He stood and put his hand over my mouth to cut me off. "Yes. But he was going to keep going until he killed you and me and I'm not going to let anyone kill you. Give me the pan." I handed it over to him. "Go back to your apartment, pack all your underwear and important documents and come back."

I trembled but nodded then my eyes got wider. "What about my cat?"

"Mad George comes with us. Pack him too but just him. No litter or food. Ok?"

I nodded and stumbled my way back across the hallway. Nothing made sense. He knew my name; he knew my cats' name. I did as I was told but I couldn't stop shaking. I'd just seen a man die and it was partially my fault.

After all of my underwear and documents were packed I coaxed George out from under my bed with treats and placed him into the carrier I used when we traveled. Amazingly, I didn't have any cuts on the bottoms of my feet. I put on socks and sneakers before locking the door and walking back across the hall. All in all, I had one overnight bag and the carrier.

Mr. Inoue had a bag as well. I finally had a chance to see the wares of the fight on him. His knuckles were bruised and opened and there were cuts to his chin and neck. He stopped stomping his cell phone and looked at me.

"When was the last time you went home?"

"Ugh, Christmas..." My voice was hoarse and hollow in my throat.

He smiled softly and walked closer to me. "Let's go then. I want to meet the wonderful woman who made you."

I cocked my head to the side. Who the hell was this guy? How could he just turn Casanova after snapping a guy's neck? Then he leaned in and kissed me. 'Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.' I told myself as my body quivered under it.

He pulled back and grinned. "Ready to go?"

I stared with a mixture of fright and arousal like a dear in front of the sexiest pair of headlights I'd ever met. With no other choice, I nodded slowly. I was going to take this possible maniac to Texas to meet my Mama. In no way was this right.

He took my bag and Mad George, shouldering all of the weight as he headed out the door and down the hall. I followed behind him obediently but watched him with careful, distrusting eyes. He frightened me now, just as much as the dead man had but the memory of that kiss still had my knees weak.

I didn't own a car; living in the city with public transportation made it an extra cost I didn't need. He did though. It was a gorgeous black muscle car with chrome trim. He settled George in the back on dark red leather seats and opened the door to the passenger side for me. I nodded nervously to his sweet smile and flushed when he reached across to buckle me in.

"Always have to be safe." His deep voice in my ear soaked my panties.

He shut the door and walked around to get in on the driver's side before cranking and driving away. I looked over at his wounds. "We should probably take care of those."

"We'll hit a store once we're further on the way. You don't mind if we drive there, do you?"

I shook my head and just looked at the scenery as we got on the highway and left the city. The car was mostly quiet and it wasn't until we were on the road awhile that I realized my hands and wrists ached. I looked down to see that I'd pretty much bruised the hell out of my palms from the pan's handle.

The car jerked as he pulled off onto an exit and parked in a Wal-Mart parking lot. He took my hands and looked over them. "Stay here, alright?"

I nodded.

He left the car on with the keys in the ignition but I just couldn't bring myself to leave him. I waited in the car patiently. Turning, I stuck a finger through the grate of Mad George's cage. He nibbled on it and rubbed against it before settling back down. Mr. Inoue returned with a shopping cart full of bags. As he loaded them in the car I saw food, clothing, and cat supplies but the medical supplies were in his hand.

He sanitized his hands and handed me a small white pill and cold bottle of water. "Take this."

I took the pill and watched him as he bandaged himself expertly. When his wounds were covered he took the bottle from my hands and put it in the armrest.

"You're going to get sleepy soon but it will help with the pain. I'm sorry you had to do that. I owe you my life." He reached across me and let back my chair. I moaned softly at the feel of him against me and how wonderfully he smelled. He smelled like my sheets. When he sat back up, I was staring at him again.

"I'll explain more at the hotel, just relax." He started the car and drove off again.

The pill soon took its effect and I slept deeply in the reclined seat. I only woke once to see him pumping gas at some unknown station before knocking out again. When I finally started to come around, I was curled up on the King sized bed of a nice motel room. Mad George was cuddled into me, ears flicking as he licked his paws.

Mr. Inoue came from the bathroom clad only in a towel. My cat stood and walked to the edge of the bed to get petted. He wasn't afraid as if it was a stranger, he knew the guy. I watched in dulled bewilderment as the medicine was still working its way from my body.

"You've been in my place."

"Yes. Often." He was so nonchalant about it.

"Why?" I wanted to grab George and run.

"I like the owner but she never talks to me. So, I would sneak and buy her nice things, spoil her cat, and enjoy her comfy bed when she was at work." He looked up at me as he skillfully worked twitching cat ears.

"You picked my lock?" The fear finally made it to my voice.

"No." He laughed as if I could ever accuse of something so amateur. "I made a copy of your key."

I lifted up with a whine, about to fight for freedom but he eased me back on the bed. It was a good thing because I was still lightheaded. I looked up at him, not masking my fright.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I would never hurt you, Vinisha." He held up his hands. "I care for you and I want to protect you. You risked your life to save mine so you must care for me a little too, right? Don't you watch me when I come in, every time I come in?"

I nodded before letting out a small "yeah."

"Then know I would never harm you, no matter what I do or who I am. Ok?"


"You're still scared, right?"

"Yes." I couldn't lie under his gaze.

"I can help with that." He grinned slow and seductively.

I watched him and mustered all my courage for the moment. "Don't lead me around. Please. After the day we've had together, the best gift you can give me is the honest truth about you and your actions. I don't want to be someone who get's fooled and I don't want what I don't know to get me killed. Ok?"

He studied me and then his lips pulled into the first genuine grin of the day. It was immensely sexier and tremendously more unnerving. "You killed a Russian hitman today and I need to get you out of the city and back to your hometown to better protect you. I am a private contractor, a mercenary of sorts. Apparently retirement wasn't in the cards for me. I told you the truth, I did enter your apartment because you wouldn't see me face to face and I enjoy giving you gifts because I like you. On this trip to that itty bitty town in Texas where you were born and after we get there, I plan to spend a good section of my time making you cum hard and often until you realize that I should be trusted and you should be mine. Straight forward enough?"

My jaw dropped as my brain processed all of the information. I was trembling but a bit of childishness still lingered within me. "You broke his neck...'

"Only because he had been beaten so badly he wouldn't have survived his injuries and died slowly, I didn't need someone to get to him in time to give us away. Take off you leggings."

I bit my lower lip. I'd killed a man and all I could think about was how wet I was and how much he'd see when I did what he said. His face held no emotion. The command had been made and that was that. I dug my thumbs in the waistband and pulled them down and off over my socked feet. He must have removed my shoes before laying me on the bed.

He reached out and touched my thigh before pressing his fingers against the wet spot and rubbing it in circles. I hissed and moaned. He slipped a finger underneath the fabric and began to trace up and down my slit. Hooking his finger, he eased the fabric to the side and smiled.

"Very pretty."

He climbed up on the bed, not giving a damn about his towel. His face slipped between my spread thighs and I let out a groan as I felt his tongue slip up and down my lips. My head fell back as he latched onto my clit with hungry sucking.

I struggled, gripping the sheets with still sore hands before his arms wrapped under my legs and snatched my hips right from under me. I cried out, everything below my shoulder blades lifted off the bed. He stabbed his tongue harshly at the nub still trapped between his lips before biting it.

I screamed and kicked at the air behind him as I came, clawing at the covers. He didn't show me an ounce of mercy, only plunged his tongue deep into my depths, fucking it into the still quivering walls. I clawed and gripped at whatever I could of him, leaving red strikes across his lower thighs.

Even still, it was no deterrent. The next climax slammed against me with the same ruthlessness he possessed. My stomach clenched and I howled as I came on his beautiful face. There was a dull ache of my back being held in such a position for so long.

He slowly lowered me down and as he released my legs, I thought I was in the clear. How wrong I was. His hands ran up from my calves to the backs of my thighs and my legs lifted up and over. They spread out in a 'V' and I could only shriek as his tongue traced down to my back door.

"Oh no no... oh please no..." I whimpered in hopes of leniency but that didn't appeal to him either.

The tip of his tongue made a slow trace around my clenching bud. I shuddered and groaned, shaking my head. He couldn't do this to me; I'd be ruined to the thought of another man but him. I realized that was the point but he couldn't be this tough on the first night.

His tongue darted into the center before circling out again. I writhed and he must have gotten tired of holding my legs because he reached for my leggings. He secured their top to the headboard and tied each leg to one of my ankles. I was held in place for him and he really got to work.

As he returned his tongue to the dart and circle movements he'd started, one of his hands started strumming my clit. He continued this for a little while before sliding a finger of the other hand into me and making a 'come here' motion inside of me. I cursed him. I writhed and bucked on the bed and I cursed him out as his tongue dug deeper and my body went insane.

His fingers switched to fluttering pinches on my clit and it was too much. "Oh god no! Fuck you Inoue! You suck! AGH!"

He laughed and shoved his tongue half way in, shaking his head side to side as I came hard. I gushed all over his hands and down my tummy. It was unfair. It was so fucking unfair for a man to make me cum this bad.

I cursed his name as I rode through it before my body went limp. I whimpered as his tongue lapped across me, cleaning up the evidence of his crime against me. He untied my ankles and eased me onto my side, cuddling behind me.

His impressive package throbbed hard and stiff behind my thighs. I was too weak to stop him but he didn't take it any farther, just holding me against him. He felt and smelled so good. Mad George was nowhere to be seen, we'd likely scared him under the bed. He nuzzled his face into my curls and kissed my ear. For whatever reason, I fell asleep happy.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Keep comin back to your lovely stories, just can't help myself cuz they're that good

silverstar88silverstar88about 9 years ago
Now This...

... Is how it's done. 👏👏👏👌👌👌👍👍👍😍😍😍😊😊😊

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This was fucking fantastic!

500 stars babe.

fluerfluerover 9 years ago

Interesting start. Love the Asian and Black women romance angle.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

...yeah, I'm going to need more of Mr. Inoue and Vinnie. Because that was too delicious not to have some more. I'm ready to jump the next man I see going into his apartment thinking " this just may be my Mr. Inoue" Please update soon!

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutieover 9 years ago
sexy as hell

You are such a talented writer! ! Man that was sexy, we ever can all use a man that makeus cum like that! ! More please!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
More Please Mam :)

Just wow.

KittyOh48KittyOh48over 9 years ago

Loving the start, keep it up and you will keep me hooked!

Can I give you 5 more stars for all of your great stories?


beautifulreaderbeautifulreaderover 9 years ago
Something about sexy, dangerous yet friendly lowkey stalkers...

I'm loving this intro. Can't wait to see where you will take it!

avengilineavengilineover 9 years ago

Omg yesssssss! So well done! Hot! Wow he's amazing fucking sexy as hell lol! Great job! Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Gurrrrlll. This was some good stuff. Mr. I is crazy but in a sexy hitman kinda way. Loving all these stories...keep it up.

KhamalaniKhamalaniover 9 years ago

I almost feel guilty for reading these amazing stories for free. You got me hooked again. Mr. Inoue sexy and dangerous. Something about a mercenary that gets the juices flowing.

ariesgirlariesgirlover 9 years ago

Mr. Inoue is kind of scary and sexy at the same time. He tickled me when he told her how he got into her apartment and was chilling in it like they were a couple. How did he get a copy of her key?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This is crazy like your work is just ..

*gets teary eyed*

jazira55jazira55over 9 years ago

Goodness. Again!! You just keep coming with these luscious pieces of work. Keep it up ur becoming a fave author.

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