The Ninety-Ten Rule


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Keeping one hand on her sister's wrist, Jade used her other hand to pull at the waistband of her own panties. She guided the fabric up and over Cleo's hand so that the younger sister's hand was now underneath Jade's underwear. Jade held Cleo's hand in place and humped. Now it was skin on slick skin, and Cleo's hand felt immaculate. The two continued to suck on each other's lips as they shared in their sin.

Jade felt Cleo's tongue probing into her mouth. It wasn't very much, but it was enough to open the door. Jade sucked on the tip of her sister's tongue, using the tip of her own tongue to encircle it. The feeling was unparalleled; Jade gave herself over to pure bliss. Her hands found their way up her sister's arms, around her body, and into a passionate embrace. She felt up under Cleo's shirt, first grabbing at her sister's back, then guiding her hands around to Cleo's chest.

"Um, red," Cleo said clearly. Jade stopped. Cleo pulled her hand out from Jade's underwear, and Jade pulled her hands out from under Cleo's shirt. The two stayed there, facing each other, body pressed against body, breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Jade asked. Her sister nodded. "...Do you want a hug?" Another nod. Jade reached her arms around her sister lovingly and held her close. She could feel Cleo lightly crying. "Did I go too far?" she asked.

"No," Cleo said softly. "It was perfect." They lay like that for a long time, Jade lightly stroking her sister's back as Cleo cried softly into Jade's chest. Jade was surprised to find herself crying, too.

"I love you," Jade said.

"I love you, too."

They woke up in the same position, Jade's arms encircling Cleo and Cleo's head resting on Jade's chest. The morning light filtered in through the blue tent fabric, dimly illuminating the two sisters. For a minute, Jade just looked at Cleo; she was absolutely beautiful, lying there in the soft light of dawn. After another moment, Jade lightly shook her sister awake.

"Hmm?" Cleo muttered sleepily.

"Breakfast time," Jade cooed. She unzipped the sleeping bag, and Cleo rolled out onto her stomach in the middle of the tent. "C'mon, sleepyhead." The younger sister stretched her limbs out dramatically before sighing and moving to get up. Jade followed, chuckling.

Their family had a camping tradition of cooking eggs on the miniature stove for breakfast, and today was no different. The birds sang cheerfully as everyone ate their fill. It was a beautiful morning. Jade noticed that Cleo's hair was matted down where she'd been sleeping on it, but it only made her cuter.

They all broke down their tents and loaded up into the van. Cleo slept the entire ride back. Jade could hardly blame her; while camping was fun, it wasn't exactly restful. When they got home, Jade decided, she would take a nap of her own. Soon enough, her fantasy became reality: while Cleo got dressed for afternoon church services, Jade settled into her bed, closing her eyes for just a minute.

She awoke to the sound of her sister coughing downstairs. It was a harsh and abrasive cough. I hope she's okay, Jade thought, readying herself to listen in on what was happening. Her concentration was broken, though, when she realized the position she was in: her arms were poised up over her head, and there was something in her mouth. That's weird. She tried to pull her arms down to her sides, but her motion was met with stiff resistance.

"...not feeling so good," she heard Cleo say. "...think I'd better stay home today..."

"Are you sure?" came their mother's voice. "...big day for the choir..."

"Mary Beth can handle..." Cough, cough. "...really feeling under the weather."

Jade turned her head to the left and looked at her wrist. It was bound to the bedpost by a bright red scarf.

"I hope it wasn't a tick," their dad said clearly. "Did you check yourself? Have your sister check you for ticks."

Jade turned her head to the right and saw that her other wrist was bound to the bedpost by her very own pair of handcuffs. They should've been tucked away in her top drawer. What was going on?

Cough, cough. "I'll ask her to when she wakes up. Love you..."

"Love you, too."

Jade heard the front door open and close. Then, there was the familiar sound of the van starting and driving away. Once it had died down, Jade heard footsteps coming up the stairs. What was in her mouth? "Cleo," she tried to call out, but it came out as an unintelligible moan. She tasted cloth.

The bedroom door opened and in walked Cleo, clad in her church attire: a white, short-sleeved button-up blouse, a long, green plaid skirt, and black Mary Jane shoes. Her dark hair was pulled half-up and tucked behind her ears.

"Cleo," Jade tried again, but whatever was in her mouth kept her from forming words.

"Please don't be mad," the younger sister said. "I... got curious. I, um, snooped through your top drawer. I was looking for your joints--I didn't know I would find a pair of handcuffs there. Then, um, one thing led to another, and I... got an idea. I decided I could stay home today and we could, um, play."

Jade mumbled something into the cloth over her mouth. "Oh, right," Cleo said. "I put that there so you wouldn't make noise when you woke up. Couldn't risk Mom and Dad coming in here to find you like this. Turns out you're a pretty heavy sleeper." Cleo walked over to the side of Jade's bed and grasped the cloth tied around her mouth. Slowly, she pulled it down around Jade's neck, freeing the older sister to talk.

"Cleo, what the hell?"

"If you, um, want me to stop, just tell me what color the scarf around your wrist is."

"It's--" Red, Jade almost said. Then, she paused. Did she want to stop? Her heart was beating a mile a minute, and she felt a hundred little butterflies in her stomach. "...How did you know I'd be into this?" she finally asked.

"I..." Cleo started. She took a deep breath. "When I was looking for your joints, I also found your, um. Your diary. I--I didn't read anything! I just flipped through and saw... the sketches."

Of course. Jade loved to doodle in the margins of her diary--she would draw girls in compromising positions like this, hoisted up or tied down, but always immobilized. She decided it was cute that Cleo hadn't read any of the diary, even though she had opened it. Jade was learning that her sister had a habit of brushing right up against boundaries without technically crossing them.

"I just figured," Cleo said, "you've been doing so much for me--helping me practice and all--that maybe... I could do something for you."

"You want to do something for me?" Jade asked. Cleo nodded shyly. "Then put the cloth back in my mouth." Cleo gasped the tiniest gasp, momentarily dazed. When her brain caught up to her, she obeyed, wedging the cloth back up over Jade's chin and into her mouth. "Good girl," Jade tried to say, but all that came out was another vague moan. She smiled, and Cleo smiled back.

"Oh," Cleo said after a second. "I guess now I have to, um... keep going." She bit her bottom lip, looking pensive. "Can I, um... take--take off your pants?" Smiling, Jade nodded. Cleo took a short breath in and out: she was either nervous or determined, or maybe both, Jade thought. Cleo's brow was furrowed, and she was blinking quickly. "Okay," she said. "P-please lift up your bottom." Jade did as she was told, putting her weight on her feet and hoisting her midsection into the air.

Cleo wrapped her fingers under the waistband of Jade's sweatpants and pulled. Once she had gotten the fabric up over Jade's bottom, Jade lowered her midsection and put her feet in the air, allowing Cleo to continue sliding the sweatpants off. "Oh, wow," Cleo said. She must've enjoyed the sight of Jade's bare legs. Looking down at her own crotch, Jade could see that her underwear had started to soak through--Cleo wasn't the only one enjoying this.

"Can I... pull up your shirt?" she asked. Again, Jade nodded. Cleo hooked her fingers under the hem of Jade's AJJ tee-shirt and started pulling up very slowly. The feeling of Cleo's cold fingers against Jade's sides made her moan into the cloth in her mouth. Cleo stopped. "Bad?" she asked. Jade shook her head. "Keep going?" Jade nodded. "Okay," Cleo whispered, once again setting to Jade's shirt. Once the hem was up against Jade's breasts, it tugged at them. They followed the motion, pushing up toward Jade's face, before the hem snapped over them and released them like a slingshot. Jade's boobs bounced out from under the fabric; they were now on full display.

"Oh, wow," Cleo said again. She was still standing beside the bed--Jade said something into the cloth and nodded Cleo over, lifting up her legs to give her sister a path onto the bed. Cleo took the cue and crawled into the spot between Jade's legs before they came down on either side of her. Jade could feel the warmth of her sister's body between her knees. She wanted to tighten her legs and pull herself into Cleo's stomach, but she restrained herself: she was enjoying following her sister's lead.

Cleo put her cold fingers onto Jade's right thigh, just above her knee. Slowly, Cleo lifted her own leg over Jade's, straddling her older sister's thigh. She scooted forward a bit so that her inside leg was up against Jade's crotch. "Oh," Cleo moaned, slowly moving back and forth on top of Jade's leg. Whenever she moved forward, her leg made contact with Jade's moist underwear, stimulating the vulva beneath. Jade found the rhythm, and she used her abdominal muscles to scoot herself back and forward in time with Cleo's motions so that the two were humping each other's legs. She also lifted her right leg up the slightest bit, holding it firm against Cleo's movements to provide greater stimulation for Cleo.

As the two slowly grinded against each other, their breathing became ragged. Cleo's hands found their way up Jade's body, starting at her pelvis and slowly climbing toward her breasts. Her movements were shaky and a bit awkward, but Jade found it cute and alluring. When her hands were right up under Jade's breasts, Cleo stopped. "Is this okay?" she asked. Jade nodded and moaned something into the cloth. Cleo pulled the cloth out of Jade's mouth. "What was that?"

"I said, stop asking and just fucking do it!"

"Oh," Cleo said, taken aback. After a second, she nodded, put the cloth back in Jade's mouth, and gingerly placed her hands on Jade's breasts. The two started moving back and forth again, finding their rhythm once more, and Cleo lightly traced her hands over Jade's boobs. She ran the backs of her fingers up over Jade's nipples, then cupped a breast in each hand. Cautiously, she squeezed, moving her hands in wide circles as she humped away at her sister's leg. Jade could hardly take it anymore. She wanted, craved, more and harder stimulation, but Cleo was the one setting the pace.

After what seemed like an agonizingly long time, Cleo moved her hands to the bed behind her and pushed herself up off of Jade, repositioning herself once more directly in between her sister's legs. "Can I--" she started to say, before catching herself. "I'm... going to take off your panties now," she said instead. Jade moaned. Cleo made good on her word; she took her time, using the disrobing as an excuse to trace her fingers along the outsides of Jade's legs, but eventually the panties came off.

Cleo stood up on the bed, reached under her skirt, and removed her own underwear, too. Then, she settled back into her earlier position, straddling Jade's leg. She pulled up her skirt to give Jade unimpeded access to her bare thigh, and the two rubbed against each other and traded moans and sighs. Jade couldn't decide which was better--the feeling of Cleo's bare leg against her pussy, or the feeling of Cleo's bare pussy against her leg. The combination was perfect, both sinful and divine.

Cleo repositioned herself again, leaning back on the bed and scooting her pelvis forward. She unfurled her right leg under Jade's left, put her left leg over Jade's right, and each sister's sex came into contact with the other. Jade had never tried tribbing before (in fact, she thought that scissoring was something that men had made up, it seemed so unrealistic), but slowly, she began to understand the appeal. From where she lay, Jade anchored her feet on the bed and pressed her pelvis up and into her sister's, grinding and causing friction. Cleo echoed the movement, grinding down when Jade went up and vice versa. Each rubbed their clitoris on the other's labia, and both vulvas were slick with moisture. Jade took it upon herself to change up the groove; her grinding became rotational, and Cleo followed suit. Every time Jade pressed into her sister, she felt electricity run up her body, throughout her being and to the tips of her fingers and toes. She could tell from Cleo's shaky breathing that her sister was enjoying herself, too.

After a few minutes, Cleo lowered her pelvis and backed up. "There's something I want to learn how to do," she explained. She sat up and removed the cloth barrier from Jade's mouth. "I'll need you to be able to talk so that you can guide me." Jade nodded, and her sister slid down the length of her body.

"If you're going to do what I think you're going to do," Jade said, "you should start by kissing my mouth, and then slowly kiss your way down." Cleo, whose face was already down by Jade's crotch, repositioned herself. She slid back up her sister's torso, planting tiny kisses as she went, and finally made it to Jade's mouth.

The kiss was as magical as Jade had come to expect. There was no awkwardness this time, only love and lust in equal measure. Apparently, Cleo no longer had any qualms about using her tongue, and Jade certainly wasn't complaining. Cleo moved her mouth to Jade's cheek, then down the side of her neck, which caused another rush of electricity to spark through Jade. Then, Cleo moved her head over Jade's rolled-up shirt to her sternum, kissing each freckle that Jade had across her chest. Slowly, Cleo kissed Jade's breasts, planting pecks around the outside of each areola.

"You can suck on them," Jade said, and Cleo heeded the advice. The feeling was incomparable--Jade couldn't keep herself from whining as her sister sucked on her nipples. After a minute, Cleo replaced her mouth with her hands, and her head continued its trek downward. Jade felt her sister groping her breasts and planting kisses on her tummy, even licking Jade's belly button. As Cleo descended, Jade's anticipation grew. She unwittingly pushed her body up into Cleo's mouth, urging for more, harder. Cleo abided, sucking on Jade's skin hard enough to leave light marks.

Jade could hardly stand it. Part of her wished that her arms were free so that she could shove Cleo's head down further. Instead, she only whimpered and moaned, writhing against her sister's touch. This was what it felt like when fantasy became reality. Jade didn't care about the taboo anymore, she wanted--no, needed--this.

"Please eat my pussy," she whined. "Please, please, please."

"How?" came Cleo's voice. Like a fucking animal, Jade wanted to say, but she restrained herself. Her sister wanted to learn, and she was going to teach her.

"Start slow. Go up and down the length of my slit." Cleo did as she was told. Up... down. Up... down. "That's good. Then--ahh--then go in big circles around my clit, but don't touch it." Once again, Cleo followed Jade's instructions to the letter. "That's right. Now, keep doing that, but flick your tongue over my clit every now and again. MMM--just like that!" Jade moaned, and Cleo moaned, too. Her sister's vocalizations caused slight vibrations on Jade's clitoris. "Oh my god, keep doing that, Clee." The moans from each sister grew louder and longer. Cleo kept her pace.

"Good, now--mmm--now, ah, pick up the tempo a bit. Ohh, yes, right there." Cleo's flicks across Jade's clitoris became more regular. It was all Jade could do not to grind herself into her sister's face. "And then, ungh, you can make ci-circles directly on the clit itself. YEAH, yes, yes!" Jade's whole body began to shake, and she couldn't help but move her pelvis against her sister's tongue. She wrapped her legs around Cleo's head. "S-switch between a broad t-tongue and a narrow o-o-one," Jade instructed. Cleo did as she was told, and Jade threw her head back in pleasure. Her body continued to shake.

"N-now," Jade said, "keep your tongue n-narrow and go left and right, really qu-quickly--YES, just like that!" Jade braced herself as the familiar sensation of orgasm drew closer. "Oh, Cleo," she moaned. "Cleo, Cleo, Cleo." As Cleo continued her oral onslaught, Jade's muscles grew tense; her legs tightened around Cleo's head, and her arms pulled hard against the restraints. She could hear the wood of her bed frame cracking. "I'm... CUMMING!"

Fire. And lightning. And pure energy, all over her body. Her muscles contracted all at once, and they stayed like that, pulling, squeezing, convulsing, for longer than Jade cared to count. It was one of the most intense orgasms she'd experienced, made even more so by the fact that her own sister was the one responsible. Her adorable, perfect, elfin little sister, who was still lapping at Jade's juices.

"O-okay, slow it down a bit, there." Cleo obeyed. Jade's vision came back to her, accompanied by floating, vaguely geometric figures imprinted on her retinas. Her front teeth buzzed. She fell into a fit of laughter.

"Are you okay?" Cleo asked.

"Ye-heh-hess," Jade laughed. "Come here." Cleo moved back up the length of her sister's body, then she lay down beside her, resting her head on Jade's chest.

"Was I good?"

"You were perfect."

That night, Jade and Cleo found themselves sitting on their little balcony, passing a joint and lighter back and forth.

"Do you think I should stop going to church?" Cleo asked.

"...That seems a little out of the blue. Why would you stop going to church?"

"It feels a little, I dunno, hypocritical now. Plus, then we'd have more time to... you know..."

Puff. "Don't stop going to church. You like it there, and you've got the choir and all your friends. And, Clee, we'll have plenty of time to play."


"Promise. Hey, by the way."


"You never told me who your mystery girl was."

"...Oh, shut up."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Could you write a sequel? I was thinking these elements could be added:

More missionary tribbing and sucking on each other’s boobs.

I liked how cleo wanted to experiment but it seems obvious that she is more of a submissive. Although Jade seems like a switch I think she needs to take a dominant role. More 70% sweet and 20% hard/sadistic and then slowly to a 50/50^ sweet/making love to hard bdsm.

More hard start like jade using a big black strap on, giving ass slapping, hand cuffs, collars, hair pulling, edging/orgasm control. So jade taking her virginity. Maybe psychologically cleo feels repressed and she needs masochist play in order to relieve any sinful guilt.

I would think a little more dirty talk and seduction would be good. With jade fetishizing corrupting her christian, submissive and converting her to lesbianism that goes into some MD/LG bdsm and punishing her for being sinfulroleplay

More of them sneaking around their parents having sex would also be great.

You have a talent and I can’t wait to see more content from you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Beautiful job. Loved both characters. It's not easy to achieve such a sweet story with incest and light BDSM, but you pulled it off!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Excellent story. Very well written. Thanks y writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very well done. S/S stories are all too rare here. This one was sexy and beautiful sweet. The bondage came a little out of nowhere, but it was well handled. Thank you. Please favor us with more of your work.

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