The Pleasures of Hell 01.011


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Zel got down on her knees beside Adron on the pile of blankets, and motioned for Mia to come closer.

"Come, little soul. I look forward to experiencing this aura of yours when it is in full swing. Adron and Diogo have both convinced me of its power, and that you cannot help but unleash it when aroused."

"And if I don't want to have sex? Are you going to force me?" It sounded stupid, but she couldn't take it back now. Zel had gently 'implied' she'd be happy to use torture to get her way if she had to. Forcing Mia to have sex with a demon she was obviously attracted to probably seemed like a gift, to Zel's demon mind.

And that aura. That fucking sin aura. Adron filled the room with it, and for all Mia's supposed specialness, the heavy, warm, inviting waves of desire flowing out of the demon tingled up her thighs into her spine. Her breathing quickened, and she hugged her silk toga tighter to herself as she forced her eyes off the damn bastard and onto Zel instead. Better to look at her, than the handsome demon still slowly fucking his borderline comatose pet.

"I will force you, if that is what you desire," Zel said.

"It isn't." Playing with fire.

But Zel just giggled, and motioned for Kas and Mia both to come closer. Kas did, a quiet annoyed grumble in his throat, but zero hesitation. The goliath half sat half squatted beside Adron, his more alien dinosaur body shape allowing the odd position, and he half turned toward the open door.

Open no longer. Zel waved subtly toward the door behind Mia, her center horn glowed, and the white teeth of Adron's room closed. Trapped. Another shiver ran up Mia's spine, electric, tingling, and exciting.

"I could leave you to Saldavin, if you'd prefer," Zel said. "He does enjoy gentleness, at first. You did not see how rough he often becomes, once his first few orgasms are had."

"I..." As much as Saldavin had been attractive, in that 'scary big muscular horrifying colossal demon beast' kinda way, that was very much not the way Mia wanted her first night of real sex to go. Adron, however, Zel knew she wanted. Damn her. "I..."


Adron picked up the pace with Hannah once again. He reached down, grabbed the limp woman's wrists, and pulled. Her torso raised, her head hung limp, and Adron pounded into her hard, his grip on her hands stopping her from collapsing back onto the blankets.

Everyone stopped talking. Everyone watched. Poor Hannah could barely squeak anymore, and her body shook with the strength of each hard thrust ravaging her sweating body. More tremors worked through her, orgasm pulses drove up and down her legs and made them shake, while her toes curled, and juices splashed over her thighs. Mia couldn't tear her eyes away from the blond woman, her thin and fit body, her modest breasts, all of it shifting back and forth with Adron's rough pace. And with Adron holding her torso up, horizontal over the blankets, Mia had a clear view of the bulge moving back and forth against her abdomen and past her navel. Deep, and relentless.

He slowed as climax hit him, and gushing waves of thick, white cum poured out of his connection with his pet slave. The already drenched blankets were buried under a new wave of white, and Hannah's stomach bulged with the hot fluid he squirted into her depths. Mia knew the fluid was hot, knew what it felt like on her skin, on her lips, in her mouth, in her throat, knew how strangely delicious it was, knew how good it felt to have on her breasts.

Zel and Kas both enjoyed the show. Their bodies reddened, and Zel idly plucked at one of her nipple chains as her nipples softened and swelled. Kas, sitting closer to Hannah's head, tossed aside the few bits of armor he wore, before putting his hands back on the blankets. His cock emerged from his reddening body, immediately reached the blankets with its length, and half bent with malleability as it grew thicker, and longer, and didn't stop. The beast growled as he entwined claws into Hannah's short hair, lifted her head, and licked his huge teeth. He wanted to do things to her.

Poor Hannah's eyes were mostly closed, and her mouth hung open, while a single drop of drool fell from her lips.

"You can't... just..." Mia squirmed and tried to tear her eyes away from Hannah, and the way her tight, firm little ass molded against Adron's pelvis. "You can't just tell me to come have sex! I... I'm... I demand romance! A relationship! And foreplay!" Okay somehow foreplay snuck onto the list.

Giggling, Zel reached around and past Adron — she was over two feet taller than the already huge demon — and took Hannah's shoulders in her grip. Like lifting a feather, she removed the dripping, soaked, exhausted woman from her master, and handed her to Kas. Kas looked the trembling, half comatose woman up and down a few times, and set her further aside, out of the way.

That left three demons, all three of them aroused, one of them with their cock utterly drenched in cum, all three of them looking Mia's way.

Mia's body lit up like a Christmas tree. It only got worse as Zel turned Adron to face Mia, and the demon, on his knees, leaned back against Zel as the much taller woman pressed her stomach against his back. With two hands on his shoulders, her lower two hands reached around Adron's waist, took the base of his long cock in her grip, and gently squeezed and massaged the bottom half. Confident as Adron was, and had clearly had sex with Zel before considering his reaction, he still looked a little nervous. And excited. A few more drops of white cum dripped from the swollen glans, and Zel caught them before they landed on the blankets, only to sigh blissfully and wipe the thick drops on Adron's perfect abs.

The queen of Death's Grip was not only a sexual creature, she seemed perfectly happy fucking her subordinates. And if the look in her black and red eyes was any indication, perfectly happy fucking someone like Mia, too.

Adron held a hand out to Mia, and curled a finger toward him.

Mia walked forward. Everything became a blur. A haze. Heat swam up her body into her breasts and between her legs, joined by tingling sparks. She managed a quick glance down, and groaned at how her nipples pushed out clear imprints against the sheer silk.

"You all need to learn how to start sex properly!" Mia said. "You don't just sit around, pull up an aura, and decide to have an orgy. It's supposed to be organic and natural."

Adron and Kas said nothing, but Adron did grin. Zel laughed. Mia was, apparently, utterly hilarious.

"Is this not organic?" Zel asked, letting go of Adron's cock. Cum dripped from her claws. "Perhaps I should tell you what a bout of natural, organic sex is like in Hell." She got up, and walked around toward Mia. Uh oh.

"I mean... it's just..."

"Kasimiro. Adron," Zel said, licking her lips. "I hereby give you both permission to fuck Mia whenever you wish. If you ever find her aura growing, feel free to grab her, pin her tiny body to the wall, and sink your lengths into her. If she ever teases you, feel free to trap her against the floor, and bury your tongues inside her. If she ever insults you, use her mouth to pleasure yourselves. If she gives you the cold shoulder, feel free to hold her, sink your cocks into her, and simply keep her there until her writhing, squirming body brings you to climax."

Oh. Shit. She stared between the two huge men, and shivered. Adron looked like he'd just been given a birthday gift, and Kas... well, it was hard to tell with Kas. But even the eyeless beast pointed his head Mia's way, and kept it there as each of Zel's proposed situations earned a small flex of his cock where it half rested on the blankets. A small drop of precum dripped from its tip.

"Your aura grows," Zel said, and she came up behind Mia and put her hands on her shoulders. "The idea of large, deadly men, monsters, demons, taking you against your will excites you, doesn't it?"

"I uh... I mean..."

Zel yanked the silks from Mia's body, earning a squeak from her, and Mia covered her bits with her arms and hands out of habit. All she wore now was Zel's necklace.

"To be the target of their desire. To be so utterly gorgeous and beautiful, it is intoxicating, and these wild beasts of men incapable of resisting it. To be wanted so totally and utterly, these handsome creatures of muscle and size will grab you, hold you, and trap you in their embrace until you are a sweating mess, wriggling, mewling, cumming until you can no longer breathe. Even if you beg for a moment's rest, they will continue to fuck you until you collapse. And when you collapse, they will continue to fuck you, until your limp, quivering body cums again, and again, and again. Those are the sorts of sexual thoughts dancing around inside your wanton mind, aren't they, young soul?" Zel giggled, leaned down, and set her chin on Mia's shoulder from behind. "Hardly uncommon thoughts for a woman."

Mia gulped, but said nothing, even as each word sent tiny little shivers down through her thighs. After another playful, told-you-so giggle, Zel gave her a small push forward, and Mia squeaked again as she almost fell onto Adron.

Adron grabbed her lower hand, revealing her swollen, wet pussy behind it, and gently pulled her toward him. She pulled back. He didn't let go. He pulled her closer and closer, not down but toward his face, and Mia's panting doubled as she stepped between his legs toward him. He pulled her closer again, slipped his hands behind her ass, and forced her to stand so close she had to step around his hips to not fall. That meant she had to spread her legs so she could stand over his lap.

Adron leaned in toward her pussy, his hands holding her thighs, and she pushed back against his head with both her hands. Pointless. He was gigantic, a hundred times stronger than her, and so fucking handsome. Yes, she knew her aroused brain and his sexual sin aura were clouding her mind, but for a moment, she didn't care.

He pressed his mouth against her small, smooth, aching slit, and she whimpered as the demon bathed her with a kiss. She grabbed his horns, and tried to bite back the tiny sounds leaking out of her, but it didn't work. All she managed to do was turn whimpers into squeals through her nose, as Adron's long tongue slowly dragged along her clitoris. Hot, wet flesh massaged the engorged nub, and Mia glared down at Adron with her best angry eyes as the bastard found the perfect pace to send more tingles into her pelvis.

His tongue, hidden inside his kiss, pressed lower, and Mia clenched her entrance tight as he pushed the huge slab of meat up against it. Her body didn't want to listen. It relaxed for a moment, just long enough for the demon to slip the slightly pointed tip into her, and her mouth opened with a heavy moan as he pushed the thick tongue up into her body.

"You... fucking..." Again she glared down at him, but the harder she tried to show him how angry she was, the more his demon eyes smiled right back up at her. And the more he pushed the waves of his tongue toward her front, against her g-spot, while his kiss bathed her clitoris. Holding his horns was all she could do to not collapse.

A playful giggle followed Mia's moans. Zel. The demon queen sat down beside Adron, facing Mia, and slipped two of her hands under Mia. Mia half expected Zel to touch her, but no, she touched Adron instead. The angle blocked what was happening, but judging from the reaction of Adron and the evil grin on Zel's face, she was giving him a handjob.

"First penetration by a demon," Zel whispered, licking her lips, eyes locked onto Mia's body. "Adron, are you still right of mind?"

The busy demon nodded.

"Right of mind?" Mia asked. Talking was a mistake. Adron took it as a challenge, and he pushed his tongue deeper into her, turning her wavering voice into a squeal that forced her to look down at her flat stomach. Oh god, a small bulge pushed out against her abdomen where the demon's thick tongue pushed against her g-spot and above it, and pushed hard. A pulse of tingling bliss shot up through her, down through her thighs, and her insides squeezed hard. Not hard enough to stop the writhing tongue pushing deeper into her.

"We did not know what would happen," Zel said. "Perhaps he would simply incinerate on the spot, penetrating an unknown entity such as you."

"I... I..." Her grip on Adron's horns tightened, her muscles clenched, but Adron stopped licking and kissing before the pleasure could grow any more. She glared down at him with even more anger. She wanted him to keep going, to keep wriggling the huge slab of hot, powerful flesh inside her. And she couldn't tell him that! She couldn't even tell herself that.

"Perhaps they will, once they both get their cocks inside you, but I think we are safe." Nodding, Zel, sitting between Adron and Kas, gestured to the shark demon.

Kas rumbled deep in his chest, half annoyed, half horny, and he slipped around behind Mia. Wait, both?

She outright squeaked like a chew toy when she felt Kas's huge teeth on her ass cheeks. He had no lips, mouth more like a dragon snout than anything, and she stared back over her shoulder down at the eyeless juggernaut as he opened his mouth wider, and wider. With each inch he opened his titanic jaw, he leaned in closer, until he had half her whole pelvis in her mouth.

"Kas, wait! Wait, don't—"

The beast pressed his tongue against her ass, slowly licked one of her large ass cheeks, and then the other. She trembled. Tiny as Mia was, she'd worked hard to build a big ass. She was proud of it. And now Kas had his massive dragon mouth wrapped around it as his tongue painted lines over its curves, forcing little whimpers out of her, whimpers Adron took advantage of.

"Adron!" She glared down at the other demon between her legs, only to find his devious smile growing, as he pushed his tongue up deeper into her. She braced for pain, but Adron, the damn slut, knew exactly what he was doing. His tongue found the spot, the right spot deep inside her that ached, and he pushed up against it. Softly at first, as if testing how she'd respond.

She tried to hold back the moan, but Adron's whole tongue pressed forward, hard pressure from his hot, wet muscle against her g-spot, while his kissing upper lip buried her clit, and his tongue rolled up to sink more of it into her. A moan slipped out of her, a weak moan that sounded more erotic than any of her squeaks. Adron chuckled, mouth still tight to her, and pushed in more tongue, and more, earning another pathetic moan out of her. All she could do was watch the small bulge along her belly push higher and higher as he began to stretch her inward.

Kas pressed his tongue against her ass's entrance, and she forced herself to look away from Adron, and watch the beast behind her and his massive mouth get snug against her butt. The dinosaur squatted over Adron's legs, his giant cock hanging heavy across the blankets between Adron's knees, another drop of precum Mia couldn't help but stare at as she peeked to the side and looked down. Her eyes came back up to look down at his flat, eyeless shark head and his colossal horns, as his thick tongue pushed against her, and using its slightly pointed tip, spread her open.

Mia was no stranger to anal play, and used it sometimes when she experimented with her toys, but nothing could have prepared her for the unique sensation of the beast's thick tongue spreading her ass apart, soaking it in hot saliva, and sinking into her depths. Her jaw fell, mouth hung open, and she watched the titanic jaw where it hid from view what Kas's tongue did to her, how it rolled up and down in waves as it pushed against her, and how her ass cheeks, practically inside his colossal mouth, spread further to accept the increasingly thick tongue. Despite his jackass demeanor, Kas knew how to go slow, how to let her body adapt, adjust, stretch. And he knew how to make her squeal. He pushed his tongue toward her belly, toward her pussy and Adron's tongue, and squished everything until she thought she might burst.

The bulge on her belly grew, and she stared at it as it rolled like a wave pool, slowly reaching higher into her as Adron stretched her more, until the distension pushed past her belly button.

She came. She grabbed Adron's horns tight, stared down at him, and fell. But Adron's grip on her thighs kept her upright, and despite her body going limp, she remained on her feet, panting, mewling, as Adron pushed his tongue deeper. He knew to ease up on rubbing his lip along her clit, but his tongue did no such thing, and pushed up into her as rolling waves, despite her insides clenching down as hard as she could. Deeper, pressing against that deep place she knew to only touch if she was out-of-her-mind horny. Adron knew, and he pushed his tongue harder against her, stretching her inward, making her pant between orgasm pulses that shot down through her legs, and into her toes.

"Asshole," she whispered. "I... I need..."

Kas rumbled around her, and sank his tongue deeper into her, too. Soon it twisted and turned, no longer pushing in a straight line, but bending around to follow the path of her insides. But even as it did, he somehow kept pushing it toward her front, toward her stretched pussy and Adron's tongue, making everything Adron did apply harder pressure against her g-spot and everything else. Neither were done. They pushed their tongues deeper, ignoring Mia's desperate squeaks and trembling legs, content to stretch her more and more as she finally came down from her orgasm high.

"Too deep," she said, but no matter how hard she tried to make it sound serious, it came out as a weak little mewl. Too deep was an understatement. The bulge on her once flat stomach had pushed way past her belly button, and was only getting higher.

Zel giggled as she leaned against Adron's side, and ran the blunt side of a claw down Mia's sternum, onto the bulge just below it.

"You cum quickly, and easily, little soul."

"I... I..."

"Deeper, my demons. She is a tiny thing, after all. Stretch her well."

"But—ng!" Both of the huge beasts between her legs complied, and pushed their tongues further in. She really was going to burst. She clamped her hands tight to Adron's horns, and held on for dear life as more surges of bliss pulsed outward from deep inside her cunt, down into her thighs and toes, and up into her chest and head until she saw white spots. She couldn't even look down at the bulge on her belly anymore, no matter how much she wanted to watch the rolling waves of the two muscles filling her and dancing inside her pussy, and her guts. All she could do, was hold on, and cum.

"I think that is enough," Zel said. "Do take your time penetrating her. I would like to bask I this aura she clearly cannot control, and observe if the act has any... side effects."

Mia managed to lift her dangling head enough to look at Zel again, but both demon tongues pulled out of her and sent more jolts through her trembling insides. Kas backed off, but Adron put both of his giant hands on her waist, and began to lower down.

"W-Wait, I'm... I'm not..." She tried to push against the floor and blankets with her feet, but her legs refused to listen, still shaking, still quivering.

She looked down. Adron winked at her. Either he was telling her he'd be gentle, or he was telling her he was about to fuck her into a coma, like he'd planned to that other night before he'd been interrupted. Whatever it was, Mia couldn't do anything but watch, and her eyes slid down Adron's body to the huge cock underneath him Zel had one hand around. The same cock Mia had rode, cum on, felt cum underneath her, and felt in her grip as it pumped cum into her mouth.

Zel aimed its fat glans up, and Adron slowly lowered Mia down until the dripping, swollen lips of her tiny pussy pressed against it. She bit her bottom lip. Mistake. Adron groaned, hungry, eyes locked onto Mia and the little lip bite that'd apparently triggered something in him. He pushed her down harder, and with Zel keeping the huge length of his shaft pointed up, he had free use of both of his hands to guide Mia's body. Her aching pussy spread wide, further than any of her toys would open her, and the fleshy, hot, soaked texture of his glans sent electric tingles through her as it massaged against her skin.