The Prize Rules Ch. 03


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But she did. Her eyes widened a little and she pushed against him a little. He did slow a bit then.

"You – you really mean that, don't you?" she asked him.

Hans-Joachim nodded, "I already have you, don't I, Eden? What good would a lie do for me now? We are already here in the bed.

If it matters at all to you, then I will tell you another thing. In my life, I have done this ... oh, a few times you might say, and I have always regarded it as a shared thing, so I try to do what I can to make it good.

But I have never done it with so much of the woman in my mind as I do it now – as though I will never again experience such a powerful thing in my chest as I now feel. Please try not to laugh."

She ran her fingers over his shoulder from the back and on down his wide chest as far as she could without turning her hand over. Her fingertips stopped over the ridges of his abdomen, feeling the hardness of them as he worked for them both, now that she'd heard his quiet admission to her.

"I believe you now," she said without smiling, "For once, I think that I am with a man who can say what he means – and for once, I want to hear it all, now that I know him well enough."

She reached for him and pulled him down so that his head was next to hers, "This is becoming a little dangerous, Hans-Joachim. Dangerous for us both, I think. Let's keep going a while before I end up saying something stupid to you."

Her climaxes seemed to come to her in little waves, each one a little stronger than the last. By the time that he groaned and held his final thrust into her, Eden was well and truly feeling the meaning of his words. By that time, she was hanging onto him as tightly as she could, her legs wrapped around him, wanting to pull him ever deeper into her.

Her delicious crash came to her and she'd never felt anything like it before. All that she could do then was to hold on tightly with the flesh of his shoulder in her teeth as she bit into him gently while she tried to stay a little quiet. Even so, her muted cries worked their primitive wonder into the ear of a man who cared for her.

They put his poor rubber through the wringer that night, with him or her washing it over and over in the sink.

When he came back to bed after the first time, Eden looked up at him in a moment of realisation and she didn't know how she knew what it was, she only knew that it was there.

"That was for me, that time," she began, "wasn't it?"

He smiled a little self-consciously, "Yes."

To him, she looked as though that one word from him had caused her to reel for just a second – as though it was beyond her comprehension. But it wasn't.

It was only beyond the scope of her experience with a man.

She recovered in the next instant and she slid out of bed and onto her knees before him. "I ought to warn you," she smiled just a little uncertainly, "I have never done this before – well, not the way that I want to do it now. I think that when I tried it, it wasn't more than to try something that my best friend told me that men liked, so I never put much into it before."

She found that the taste of the rubber on his skin didn't bother her anywhere near as much as she thought that it would as she explored the landscape on him with her face, kissing him softly or licking his skin as she went. She found that she had much more of a want to do this now than she'd ever had and she found new things in it that she liked.

She pressed her face against his stone-hard belly as she tried to separate one abdominal muscle from the pack a little with her teeth so that she could chew on it very gently while he squirmed a bit out of ticklishness. It was a thrill for her to be able to do it and she loved the way that he was just so .. edible that way. She promised herself that somewhere in this, she was bound and determined to do this to his delectable bottom at least for a long moment.

The thought of trying to suck his balls – well, what she could - into her mouth turned into quite a bit of fun for her and she found that she liked to send the tip of her tongue on little exploratory journeys, such as to the little space where he hung just over his scrotum and she really liked poking it into the end of his foreskin because of the quiet way that it caused him to gasp a little if he wasn't expecting it.

But at last, she got down to the only thing that she knew would really bring him off and for the first time, she did so much more than only suck a little.

Eden put a lot into it, coming at last to something else that they seemed to enjoy together very much as she knelt with one hand on the cheek of his bottom and the other holding his shaft with her index finger and her thumb, not being able to encircle it completely at its base while she felt the way that a man's testicles can move of their own volition against her palm.

When it grew to be too much for her, she lowered her hand from his flank and began to toy with herself, as she made soft little noises to him while he held the hair at the back of her head in his fist in a long ponytail, never hurting or driving her, and Eden loved every second of it until she found herself working to swallow everything that he put into her mouth.

When she stood up afterwards, Hans-Joachim wouldn't let her kiss him. "I would like nothing better, Eden, you can believe me," he said seriously, "But I have something else in my mind now and to have any of what I gave you on my tongue, ... well, we could have just forgotten all about the sheath then, couldn't we?"

She nodded, though she didn't quite understand what he meant as he eased her back onto the edge of the bed, "I will want that," she said, "I want to kiss you so much after that, you wouldn't believe it. What are you doing to me now?"

"Just lie back, Eden," she smiled to her, "and if you still want to kiss me after I am finished here this time, then I tell you that I even ache a little for it right now."

She got it then, though she'd never done what she guessed that he wanted to do now, "Only a little?"

He shook his head, "No. I am not the kind of man who would expect you to swallow everything and then not want to kiss you. Eden, for what you have just done, I want to kiss you even more than I always do."

She chuckled as she eased herself onto her back, "You always want to kiss me, Hans-Joachim?"

"Ja naturlich - I mean uh, naturally," he nodded as he went to his knees before her spread knees, "It was in my mind even when we met. But right now, at this moment, I want to kiss you somewhere else even more."

Eden was a little nervous at first, feeling a little like she was at the doctor's office, since she was certain that no one else had wanted to look at that part of her anatomy from just that angle. But she got over it as he began something for her which she'd never known could be.

None of her previous lovers had ever done something like this. Eden didn't know it, but two of them did have this want in them, but under the hurried conditions those times, there was only perhaps time for a fuck and not much more. Given that thought and choice in the mind of most any young man ...

But her navigator wasn't just any young man, Eden quickly realised as he began.

While he kissed, nuzzled, licked and often sucked very hungrily, Eden was lost in his grasp of her thighs. He didn't maintain the grasp for very long after he knew that he had her pretty much where he wanted her to be, so he let go of them, giving her back her control of them so that his hands could caress her breasts and her belly.

As her knees came back and she reached for his head, Eden came to know of a new way to get to bliss, and yet, even before he had her whimpering his name to him, she also came to a couple of realisations.

He was doing this – once again – mostly for her, though she could tell that he enjoyed doing it very much, so she guessed that there was something in it for him as well and she thought that she'd ask at some point, meaning not ... just ... now.

She moaned a little as she spoke his name to him softly enough to cause the hairs at the back of his neck to rise involuntarily. It took him a second to know that it was a questioning little sound. He kept on making love to her this way for another minute as he waited, and then she did it again, so he stopped and asked with his mouth still in contact with the core of her, "Yes?"

"Would you, ... " she groaned as she pulled him against her just a little, wanting to feel the warmth of his face on her lips, "Would you mind if I said silly things to you right now? Most of the time, I know that I can't really speak at all, but I feel such a want to say things to you like this – when I am able, a little."

She actually felt his smile against her then. "You can say anything that you like, Eden. I will not take it as part of the scriptures in any way. Say what you will, I will not mind.

Why?" he kissed her for a moment then, "Do you find that there is anything which must come out for some reason?"

She was smiling up at the ceiling, but then she lifted her head to look at his amazing blue eyes as they seemed to smile at her, "I don't know," she groaned softly, "I only know the way that I feel at the moment and I think that something might slip out that I wouldn't ordinarily say."

"I understand," he said, "Say whatever you have to. I will not hold you to anything said under the, ... duress of the moment." He pressed his face against her again and sent his tongue on yet another deep excursion.

"Ohhh, ... Good," she moaned, "Because right now, I love you with all of my heart. And this is not, ... duress, Hans-Joachim, not what you are doing to me now. This is my joy."

He chuckled a little, but there was something about it anyway, she guessed, so before he could assail her once again, she whispered, "Then let's agree that we can say anything like this and know that the feeling of the moment drives it. Agreed?"

"Whatever you wish," he murmured, "I am falling for you too."

Before she could raise her head again and ask what he'd meant, he began again and Eden was swept away in what he did. It ended with her holding his head a little too tightly, she thought afterward, but at the time, she was crying out that she loved him so much for this as he slipped two of his fingers inside of her while his tongue gently battered her clitoris.

She apologised afterward, "Sorry for pulling you so hard. I've ... I've never had anyone do that to me before."

He nodded and smiled back, "I make no complaints, Liebchen. You did not try to pull my ears off, after all."

Before she could ask him about what she'd thought that she'd heard from him before, he was putting the prophylactic back on, "If you still wish to kiss me," he smiled, "I cannot think of a better time."

She saw the tiny challenge to her in his little grin and she grabbed his head, kissing him like a woman possessed until he groaned from it.

"Did you think that I'd mind tasting myself on you?" she laughed, "You're with a girl who licks her own fingers quite often when she plays alone in the dark, Hans-Joachim."

They moved around quite a bit the next time, and Eden saw it as a way to catalog what she liked with him. But at last, she came to realise that she liked ANYthing with him and mentally, she just threw up her hands.

She loved the way that his hands felt to her as he held onto her hips while he took her from behind, and the sound ... oh, if she wasn't gasping and groaning, she loved to feel and hear the slap of his hips against her bottom.

When she sat on him and rode him was wonderful to her way of thinking, and it was even better if he sat up a little, so that she could screw on and on in short but very hard strokes as she looked him in the eye with one arm around his neck while one of his was up her back to hold her by either the back of her neck or the top of her shoulder as he pushed into her just as hard. Their eyes spoke then as they looked at each other. She loved that with him, since it was something new for her. Those were some of the more ... urgent ways to screw with him.

But she found the way that they ended up to be her very favourite after the urgent part was long done. She loved to lie on her back and look up at him as he made love to her slowly, putting so much into it and she knew then that it was his heart speaking to hers directly.

She held onto him gently as he stroked and caused her to gasp out her little sounds, and by the time that both of them were done with their orgasms, Eden found that she couldn't help the many soft tears which had come to her eyes the whole time.

'Making love', it was called, she thought later on after Hans-Joachim had said that he had to go and they'd shared a long and heartfelt goodnight kiss in her bed.

'Making love' was an umbrella term, she decided; a bit of polite nomenclature for fucking. But to her mind, it now carried a bit of a different meaning.

She loved fucking with him, she decided, it being a rather easy choice for her. She guessed that it could also be termed mating, since that was what it was as well.

But on her back, holding him as he drove them both so slowly, putting everything that he could into it so that Eden felt the continuous streams of her happy and very quiet tears, looking up at him ...

To her, THAT was making love.

And boy oh boy, she thought, was it ever working.


1945 The Caribbean Sea

The girl sat in her seat in the dining room, looking at the woman who, having fallen silent at the end of her rather short and abridged-for-the-ears-of-minors recounting of the romance between Eden Chang and Ullmann, sat there gazing at nothing out of the window.

It had been over three minutes since a word had been spoken and the little girl, not hearing anything else forthcoming, had tried to follow her mother's gaze, wondering what she was staring at out there.

She got down and walked to the window. Climbing up on the upholstered bench underneath, she looked out and saw absolutely nothing but the horizon, the clear blue sky, and the dark water.

She climbed back down and walked over to stand next to the woman and looked up for a moment.

"Mama?" she began ... "Mama?"

The woman came back to herself as she looked down at the girl with a sheepish smile, "Sorry."

"Where have you been, Mama?" the girl asked a little angelically, imitating the very question that the woman sometimes asked if she saw that the girl was lost in quiet contemplation.

"I was just remembering something," the woman smiled, "Did I tell you that he was a very good kisser?"

The little girl groaned, doing her very best to imitate the way that the woman sometimes rolled her eyes. She couldn't carry the mannerism off very well, though she did look very cute whenever she tried.

The woman laughed to see it and she hugged the girl for it.

"Well he was, you know," she said, "at least as far as Eden was concerned."



They carried on in their way, spending as much time together as his schedule would allow for it, and really, it had happened without their spoken acknowledgement for a time. They just realized not long into it that they loved each other.

What they supposed might have come out of their want of each other – pretty much the classical 'ships passing in the night' sort of thing, had - due mostly to their proximity to each other and the fact that they ended up with two weeks of time for it – truly become a shipboard romance.

They were both aware of the time limit and they tried to make every moment together count as much as possible. She asked him for an address where she might write to him, knowing that his travels could and probably would make the more usual exchange of letters difficult.

At the beginning of it, he wouldn't have told her what he was doing in these parts and that he still was in the navy. He wasn't doing anything illegal by being there and working as a navigator. If she meant less to him, he would never have told her that he was in the navy. As it was, he didn't tell her, but for a different reason now.

He didn't want to mention it for several reasons, most having to do with her possibly fearing for him. He knew her a lot better now. He doubted that his nationality or the service would have changed the way that he now knew that she'd worry without a doubt. She was just that way.

But the fact of the matter was that no matter how he might have felt about it, it was a doomed thing that they were sharing anyway. It just happened to be between a pair of individuals who were not made to do the right thing and just laugh it off and smile as they walked away from each other when the last parting came.

"This is all that I can give you for the best chance," he explained as he handed the slip of paper over, "If it comes to war, I doubt very much that a lot of countries in the western hemisphere would allow a German passenger line to carry on as it has for so long. Its actions were very restricted in the last war, so I cannot imagine that things would be any less restricted this time."

He sighed, "I do not even know where I will be then – certainly not here in this job. When you cannot sail to carry passengers, what need would you have for a navigator?"

Eden found that she was happiest when they managed to have a few nights where they actually slept together after their lovemaking. These happened in Hans-Joachim's cabin, though preparing for the first time had almost driven him to fits, trying to square away the multitudes of maps and charts which he'd acquired. But he reasoned that none of them bore the insignia of the Kriegsmarine and he neatened things up, guessing that one might expect to find the odd few charts in the cabin of a navigator.

He could caress and stroke her body by the hour, and though it usually resulted in Eden spreading her legs for him, it was never the purpose. He made love to her, but he still went on touching her everywhere. She'd rock her hips as he fucked her very slowly, his hands sliding lightly over her body from her hips to her breasts without touching her nipples, even as he squeezed gently. When he did finally go for her nipples, Eden almost jumped straight off the mattress.

She loved to hold him during those nights, though he did cause her to wonder when he'd quietly asked her if she now believed him.

She didn't know what he'd meant, so she asked and he kept on kissing and licking under and behind her ear as he told her again that she was the most beautiful woman that he'd ever seen or had the amazing luck to know.

She thought about it but then she sighed that she didn't think that she was that great a beauty, but she was happy that he thought so. She giggled a little when he got to a ticklish spot, but then it hit her. During their time together, Hans-Joachim had kissed her absolutely everywhere on her body.

What kind of man did that?

She had her answer the very next time that she looked into those blue eyes, seeing something in them that few women ever saw because few men ever showed it. She knew the way that she felt, and now she'd seen the way that he did. Something like that looked good enough to base one's life on.

But they had only days.

Still, there was a bureau of a sort there in his cabin and it was topped with a large mirror. Several times, she'd seen their reflections and had the thought that as sad as this was certainly going to get for them both, they looked like such a couple to her eyes.

It didn't seem fair in a way. She had a thought that she had what she'd have wanted right here as she lay in his arms on his chest, but ...

But it had happened in the wrong order and far too soon. The odds of finding each other by beginning to look from different parts of the globe ...