The Reckoning


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Tiger was quick to shut the fridge and move to block Kandy's way to the door, "You're not going anywhere until we get something straightened out," Tiger said with satisfaction.

"You can't do anything to me! Burg promised I'd be safe from you!" Kandy protested.

Tiger grinned baring her teeth in a snarl like smile, "You slept with my man now it's time to get your come uppence,"

"I'll tell Burg ..." Kandy began but Tiger cut her off with a hard slap across the face.

Kandy screamed and covered her red cheek with one hand as she backed away crying, Tiger followed after her slapping her across the top of her head several times.

Tiger stopped hitting Kandy when she realised the other woman wasn't about to fight back, she just backed up against one of the kitchen cupboards and stood there with both arms up to try to deflect any blows.

"I didn't chase him," Kandy protested tearfully, "he made me go into his room with him one night when you were with Dominic,"

"Leave her alone!" Sissy protested and Tiger turned her anger on her shoving her back against the sink.

"You keep out of this unless you want me to teach you to mind your own business!" Tiger snapped angrily then stalked back over to Kandy who cowered against the cupboard.

As Tiger glared at Kandy she realised that Kandy was just the unlucky female that had caught Burg's eye when he had decided that he was not going to tolerate Dominic fucking her. Angrily Tiger punched the cupboard beside Kandy's head and the other woman gave a cry of fright, Tiger shook her smarting hand as she turned and walked away several steps only to return once again.

"Don't think I'm letting you get away with fucking Burg while he was still with me. I'm gonna make you learn to do a lot of the stuff I had to do for Burg and I am going to be one hell of a hard taskmaster!" Tiger snapped. "Now stop your snivelling - you're going to learn how he likes his coffee right here and now,"

Kandy turned her head so she could see Tiger from behind her hands, she watched Tiger cautiously not knowing if it was some trick on Tiger's part.

The sound of the footsteps in the hallway had Tiger looking towards the doorway quickly; she was relieved when Aimee and Tash hesitated in the doorway.

"There a problem Tiger Lily?" Tash asked as she noted Kandy's tear stained face with one red cheek and Sissy cowered at the far side of the kitchen.

"Problem? There's no problem. Kandy was just offering her help with what ever needs doing to try to make up for disrespecting me with Burg," Tiger said as she turned back towards Kandy with a hard glare.

"Why don't you just mess her pretty face up or hack all that long blonde hair off? Burg won't find her so attractive then," Aimee said coldly.

Tiger studied Kandy silently for a few seconds as if considering it then shook her head, "Nah, couldn't be bothered. I'd end up catching more shit off Burg then it was worth," she said moving towards the fridge.

"Want them out of here?" Tash asked as she moved to the table.

"They can make the coffee for morning smoko and take it out to Burg, Josh, Emery and Claxton." Tiger said firmly. She pulled a large container of cold cuts from the fridge and put it on the table before looking at Kandy and heading to where the kettle and mugs sat waiting.

"Get over here I'm only going to show you the once," Tiger snapped in a hard voice and switched the kettle on to boil.

Kandy moved to stand near Tiger and glanced about nervously before turning her full attention to Tiger who was watching her with a dark frown.

Tiger pointed to a large dark blue mug, "That's Burg's, strong white coffee and three." She pointed at the next mug in line and so on down the line, "Josh, coffee – white and one. Emery strong black and two, and last Claxton – white coffee and one heaped. Any questions?"

"Do I have to make them all?" Kandy asked nervously.

"You make Burg's but you can have Sissy make the others if you want," Tiger said with a shrug, "but it falls back on you if any of them are wrong."

"Burg has white coffee with three sugars, Josh has white coffee with one sugar, Emery has black coffee and Claxton has white coffee with one sugar," Kandy repeated uncertainly.

"The dumb bitch didn't bloody listen," Aimee said with a nasty laugh.

Tiger folded her arms across her chest and looked away angrily before looking back at Kandy, "The only one you got right was Josh's, if you want him next you're sure as hell welcome to him anytime you like. Now this time LISTEN and repeat after me ... Burg – STRONG white coffee and three,"

Kandy repeated what Burg liked in a halting voice.

"Josh, white coffee with one."

Kandy repeated Tigers words and pointed to Josh's mug.

"Emery STRONG black with TWO. Claxton white coffee with one HEAPED." Tiger said tightly.

Kandy repeated Tigers instructions and indicated each of their cups.

"Good, that time you listened. I will show you how to make Burg's coffee this once. Watch real close." Tiger warned.

Kandy watched closely as Tiger measured out coffee granules with a flattish teaspoon, added milk and then the spoons of sugar. Once the kettle boiled Tiger added a little water, stirred the mixture then added the rest of the boiling water. When she had finished stirring the coffee Tiger lifted the mug and took a mouthful to taste it then held the mug out towards Kandy, "Taste it," Tiger ordered.

Kandy glanced around uneasily then took the mug and took a tiny sip of the drink.

"Take a real taste of it!" Tiger snapped.

Kandy gulped a larger mouthful and nearly choked as she swallowed. She jumped nervously as Tiger took the mug from her and tipped the contents down the drain before rinsing the mug and reaching for a tea towel.

"Never use dish washing liquid in this mug and always use that teaspoon," Tiger ordered and placed the now dry mug on the table in front of Kandy. "Now you make it,"

Tiger watched as Kandy slowly repeated the process Tiger had shown her. Tiger hid her approval as Kandy prepared the coffee nearly exactly as she had done, the only different being slightly more milk being added. Even as she watched Kandy Tiger was keeping track of Sissy making the other three mugs of coffee.

"Are all those drinks right?" Tiger asked with raised eyebrows.

"I think so," Kandy said softly with a nervous glance towards Sissy.

"Righto then, you take Burg's coffee to him and take Josh's as well. They won't be far apart. She can take the other two out," Tiger said and turned away to where Aimee and Tash were making thick sandwiches.

"You think they got it right?" Aimee asked with a grin when Kandy and Sissy where gone from the room.

"Emery is not going to be happy, his coffee isn't strong." Tash said with a smirk.

"Well I tried my best," Tiger said with a shrug, " not my fault if they don't listen."

"So you don't like being Josh's woman?" Aimee asked curiously.

"Not only is the guy hung like a horse he wants to fuck all night," Tiger growled in annoyance.

"Too much of a good thing?" Tash asked with a giggle.

"If I had wanted to fuck him I would have encouraged him to fuck me long before I ended up in Burg's bed," Tiger said tightly.

"Why didn't you? I've heard he's real good in bed. Knows how to make a woman want it no matter how uneasy she is about the size of his cock," Tash said.

"Maybe I just have never really liked him," Tiger said between gritted teeth as she set about cutting up the cold roast pork.

"Oh come off it, you're in his bed each night!" Tash laughed.

"You think I'm any different to the rest of the sheilas here? A guy takes a liking to one of us and we generally find ourselves under him with our legs open whether we like him or not! It doesn't matter if I dislike him, hell it doesn't even matter if I don't trust him!" Tiger snapped angrily.

"Now that's real enlightening wouldn't you say Josh?" Emery said from the door.

Tiger whirled around to face the doorway and went pale as she saw Josh behind Emery with a closed expression on his face. Carefully she put the carving knife down and moved back from the table as Emery stepped aside to let him enter the room.

"You fucked up the coffees," Josh said in a tightly controlled soft tone as he walked to the sink.

Tiger moved quickly to fill the kettle and put it on to reboil while she emptied out the two cups the men placed on the sink. She was aware of Josh standing by her shoulder as she worked and she tried hard not to flinch every time he moved slightly.

She forced herself to remain motionless when Josh leant close and she felt his breath against the side of her face before he spoke to her in hushed tones.

"You disrespected me. Do not do it again," Josh ordered in harsh tones.

Tiger gave a shaky nod as she stood waiting for his next move, she listened as he moved away and gave a large sigh of relief as she heard both men leave the room.

"Shit! I'm sorry Tiger! I would never have said anything if I had known they were going to walk in," Tash said upset.

Tiger glanced at the two mugs on the sink waiting for the kettle to boil and took a deep breath, once she made the fresh coffees she would have to take them to the men.

"Shit happens," Tiger said trying to shrug it off as she spooned coffee and sugar into the cups.

"Do you want me to take some sandwiches out to the men?" Tash asked quietly as Tiger finished making the coffees.

"Might be an idea," Tiger said with a thoughtful look as Tash placed thick hearty sandwiches on a tray.

Outside Burg, Josh, Claxton and Emery where standing with a group of men from the gang talking in soft voices while Kandy stood near Burg and Sissy kept sending flirty glances at Emery and Claxton.

Josh glanced around at the slight sound of footsteps and frowned when he saw Tiger and Tash, he stalked over and took his drink catching hold of Tiger by the upper arm forcing her to halt beside him as he gave the mug a suspicious look before taking a cautious sip.

"She get it right this time?" Burg asked in a hard tone.

"Yeah," Josh said releasing her arm and giving her a stern glare.

Tiger took Emery his mug, walking out wide to avoid Burg who was glaring at her angrily as he reached out to stroke Kandy's cheek where it was still slightly pink.

"Sissy, the outside toilet needs scrubbing out." Tiger told her knowing she hated the task.

"Can't someone else do it?" Sissy complained as she gave Emery a hopeful smile.

"She's not the one who stuffed up the coffees is she?" Tiger asked in a cold tone.

Claxton looked from Tiger to Sissy and smiled as he worked out what had happened, "Go get the work done. No use you hanging around here," Claxton ordered.

Sissy glanced at Kandy helplessly for a moment before heading into the house unhappily.

Tiger looked at Kandy where she stood slightly behind Burg as he helped himself to a thick sandwich, "Kandy can you bring the tray and empty mugs in when the Boss is finished," Tiger took care to frame the order as more of a request.

"Sure," Kandy was quick to agree.

Tiger gave a slight nod then looked Burg in the face, "Anything more you want me to do?"

"You just make sure you keep your hands off Kandy!" Burg growled angrily.

"I think both Kandy and I know our places well enough that there won't be any problem on that matter Boss," Tiger said smoothly.

"Disobey me a second time and your man won't be able to intercede on your behalf again," Burg warned tightly.

"Yes Boss," Tiger answered softly.

"Now get!" Burg ordered and Tiger hurried away.

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Jhbrown27Jhbrown27over 4 years ago
I guess okay

If that is what biker gangs act like they can have it. It's back to tribal existence and continual stupidity. Honestly, it is a fucking bore

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
please continue!

more of tiger and josh together could be wonderful

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Would love to read more of this story. great characters. Please continue and add another chapter soon!

bloodandsandbloodandsandalmost 11 years ago
this story deserves to continue on

please write more...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Love it

Your writing is awesome! Love the dynamics! Please keep writing about Lily and the others!

scotsrulescotsrulealmost 12 years ago
Awesome story

Looking forward to the rest of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

please please please write more of this story! Have read every story you posted but the intensity in this beats all of the others and i think its even better then the whole Ren/janey/brad series(which i Love!). More please! :D

irish18irish18over 12 years ago
love this story

when are you going to write more. i just love this story

blondegrlblondegrlalmost 13 years ago
More please, been waiting forever :)

Please write more. I know you are busy writing the rest of "To love a stray" which I am also reading, but this story has just as much potential. I love the characters and the way you write. I try to finish stories where you leave off but my imagination is nothing compared to yours. Thank you for sharing it with us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Wish there was more

The characters were awesome:)

I really loved Tiger!

ladybug71ladybug71almost 13 years ago

Wow, I thought Brad/Ren/Sky/Tanaya's stories were the bomb....but this story ROCKS!!!!!!!! Please write more....please, please, please!!!!!!!! :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

please you got 2 continue this story !!!!

shyintxshyintxalmost 13 years ago
When When when

are you going to put out a new chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Dear Lord there better be another chapter of this! This got me so hot and I can't wait to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Can you PLEASE write more????? I LOVE this series so far!!!!!!!!!!! You're an awesome writer...definitely one of my favorites! Thanks! :)))

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