The Roommate


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I wasn't thinking about Mary. I was thinking about how Cassidy's arm was starting to shake the table cloth as her hand pumped faster and faster up and down my pole. The resulting vibrations were causing the pale tops of her big breasts to jiggle, which was getting me even hornier. But combined with the soft squelching noises coming from under the table, alarms were starting to go off in my head that someone might notice. Those alarm bells were being drowned out by the roar of my approaching orgasm.

"I think she knows what we're doing," Cassidy whispered with a devious smile. Her hands pulled insistently at the crown of my cock, sending tingling bolts of pleasure through my groin every time she slipped her closed fist over the sensitive head.

"Who?!" I blurted out with alarm, scanning the dance floor and seeing no one who was paying any particular interest to us.

"Mary," Cassidy whispered with a slight head nod in Mary's direction.

I turned to look over my shoulder and sure enough, Mary appeared to be looking at me and Cassidy. Her head was definitely not turned in the direction of the people on the dance floor. I looked back at Cassidy, unsure of what to do.

"Yup, she's definitely watching us," Cassidy whispered, now returning Mary's stare while her fingers continued to slide tightly over my excited rod. "Look at cute little blondy, she must know what we're doing."

"Maybe we should stop..." I responded weakly.

"Why?!" Cassidy returned with unexpected vehemence. "Didn't you do the EXACT same thing to me earlier?"

"I guess," I responded breathlessly, my mind having a difficult time focusing on anything other than the pleasurable feeling of Cassidy's closed fist pulling up and down over my hard cock.

"You close to cumming?" Cassidy asked.


"Then LOOK AT HER!" Cassidy whispered demandingly.

I turned over my shoulder again, Mary's blue eyes meeting mine as I turned to look at her, a slightly puzzled expression on her pretty face. There was just something both dirty and exhilarating about pretty Mary's innocent blue eyes locked on mine while another woman was pleasuring my manhood. I was right near the edge of orgasm when Cassidy whispered softly right against my ear, "Cum for her."

That little encouragement sent my libido shooting skyward and the resulting orgasm set my whole body aflame. My orgasm was a white hot burst of pleasure up through my body, my eyes drinking in one last glimpse of Mary's pretty face before squeezing shut tightly. Luckily Cassidy had prepared for this moment, and one of the table napkins was covering my cock as my semen shot forth in a white rope. I tried to control my body and not attract attention, but Cassidy's fingers continue to gently play with the underside of my cock head, coaxing the orgasm and cum out of me and into the napkin in her other hand. With Cassidy stoking my orgasm as I came, my midsection and my legs shook, and it was all I could do not to groan or yell.

When I opened my eyes, Mary was still looking at me. In the darkness, it almost seemed like there was a slight flush to her pale face, and her pink lips were slightly parted. Our eyes met for a brief moment, and then she quickly turned away and stood to leave her seat.

Cassidy carefully scooped up the cum on my cock as she lifted away the napkin, wiped the back of her slippery hand on it, and then discarded it on the floor under the table. "We should both probably go clean up in the bathroom to make sure we didn't get any mess on ourselves."

After a quick check in the bathroom mirror and wiping away some lotion from my pants, I met Cassidy on the dance floor. We were both big smiles and goofy energy, and really enjoyed the party. I bumped into Mary a couple of times on the dance floor, and she gave me and Cassidy some friendly smiles. But it also seemed like Mary tried to keep her distance from us.


Inevitably the alcohol took over, and I remember dancing wildly and getting very sweaty but little else about the reception. I don't even remember how we got back to the hotel afterwards, though I assume it was the wedding shuttle. And I do clearly remember one flash of the dance floor lights illuminating the tops of Cassidy's full breasts in her little green dress, but that's about it.

My memory starts to clear back in the hotel pool. When I had looked in on the pool after checking into the hotel, I thought it was a sad little place. Floor to ceiling windows let in a lot of light from the outside, but the view faced the back of the hotel which was a bunch of thick hedges and then the solid concrete wall of a warehouse next door. You couldn't see the pool from the entry door, you had to walk a short way and turn a corner. Even then, what greeted you was a small cement pond that could fit a maximum of 25 people and smelled strongly of chlorine.

But when my memory began to clear, the pool was a happening place. There were at least a dozen of young revelers, loudly laughing and some still drinking, as we splashed around drunkenly in the water. I was (thankfully) wearing swim trunks that I had packed for some reason. Many of the people with us were in their underwear, men in boxers and women in bras and panties. Cassidy was sitting on my lap on the steps in a mismatched bra and panty set, with one of my t-shirts over that which stretched almost down to her knees.

I vaguely recall the bride and groom being at the pool party at one point, which explains why I was told afterwards that they started the partying there. At the point my foggy memory starts to clear, the people with us were still being loud and splashing around the small pool, but the party was winding down and people were starting to leave.

As the other partiers began to filter out, I realized that blond, willowy Mary was sitting in a pool chair near the short entry hallway. She was wearing a long t-shirt, like Cassidy, and I guessed she was also down to hear underwear underneath. I wasn't paying much attention to Mary, because she seemed to be quietly keeping to herself. Most of my attention was focused on sharing stories and laughing with the other guests. Cassidy sitting on my lap was the most affectionate thing she had ever done with me in public, but otherwise she was largely ignoring me, talking to other people.

Finally there was just me, Cassidy, and another young couple left at the small, indoor pool, along with the empty bottles and plastic cups that represented the remnants of the party. Mary was still sitting in her chair near the doorway, her blond hair wet and stuck to the back of her neck and her shirt clinging to her thin frame, so I assume she had gone into the pool at some point.

Cassidy, predictably, had started getting frisky. While still chatting with the other couple present, she began wiggling her smooth, slippery, wet butt cheeks across my lap under the water. One of my hands slipped casually down Cassidy's slippery thigh and found the soft spot at the joining of her legs that I had grown to know so well. While Cassidy and I casually chatted with the other couple, she slid her slippery butt cheeks over my growing erection and I playfully ran my finger up and down over her pussy lips.

The other young couple got out of the water and spent a few minutes collecting their things. The girl couldn't seem to find the shoes she remembered wearing down to the pool. While we laughed about their misplaced items, Cassidy began really pressing her firm ass against my crotch. Emboldened by the alcohol and irritated with her teasing, I opened the front flap of my swim shorts and drew my hard cock through the opening. Cassidy caught me off guard by quickly reaching down, grasping my cock between her soft, slippery fingers, and giving my meat two friendly tugs.

If the other couple noticed our friskiness in the water, they did a good job of hiding it. More likely, they were distracted by the search for their things and the water did an adequate job of covering our shenanigans. I slipped my fingers under the waistband of Cassidy's bottoms and tugged downward. She helped by lifting herself off my lap and moving to the edge of the pool, enabling me to pull the bottoms over her tight, round ass and most of the way down her leg. She lifted her chest onto the deck of the pool, the top of her ass floating to the surface of the water, and I could see her bottoms dangling off of one ankle. It took me a second to realize that she was pointing. She had spotted the missing shoes under one of the chairs.

The other couple was so grateful to find the shoes, they barely noticed that I strode up behind Cassidy with my full, proud cock sticking out in front of me. I grabbed Cassidy's hips, pointed my round cock head at the opening of her pussy, and was about to thrust myself home when Cassidy pushed me away. The other couple offered their thanks, awkwardly gathered up their things, and said goodnight.

"Not in this dirty pool water," Cassidy whispered, turning back to face me with a serious look on her face. "There's so much chlorine.

"What was he about to do?" came a soft voice. It was quiet Mary, who we had mostly forgotten during our time at the pool.

I froze for a moment, trying to come up with an excuse when Mary spoke again so quietly that it was almost difficult to hear what she was saying.

"What was he trying to do, just then, when you pushed him away?" Mary asked.

Cassidy's blue eyes locked on mine, a mischievous look on her face, and she answered, "He was being very naughty and trying to shove his cock in me."

I was caught completely off guard by the response, and was even more surprised when Mary said, "Oh, I thought it was something like that."

Cassidy turned to face Mary, still waist deep in the pool water, and asked in a coaxingly sweet voice, "You weren't going to tell on us, were you Mary?"

"Of course not" replied the little blond, a silly smile spreading across her face.

"Why ARE you still down here, Mary," Cassidy asked, her head cocked in honest interest. "Were you going to watch us if we fucked down here in the pool?"

"I don't know," Mary replied, "I guess I thought you might do something... interesting again."

"Have you had sex before?" Cassidy asked.

"What?" came the quiet reply.

"You heard me. Have you had sex before?" Cassidy asked again insistently. "We won't tell anyone, just like you weren't going to tell anyone if we had sex down here. You keep our secrets and we'll keep yours."

Mary's blue eyes appeared genuinely thoughtful for a moment, and then she responded softly, "Yes, I've had sex."

"You ever see other people have sex before?" Cassidy continued to pry.

"No," Mary began, and then added, "Unless you count what you two did at the dinner earlier."

Cassidy laughed, a light, sweet laugh. "So you did know what was going on," Cassidy finally said.

"Yeah," Mary responded. After another pause she added, "Why did you do that?"

"We were just fooling around and you happened to catch us," Cassidy answered.

I had no idea where this conversation was going, but my hard on was starting to drain away and if I wasn't going to get to fuck Cassidy in this pool then I was starting to lose interest. I began to consider gathering up our own things and seeing if Cassidy might let me fuck her back in our hotel room. Cassidy seemed to sense that I was losing interest, and she gently grasped my deflating cock under the water, playfully rubbing at my cock head with her thumb.

Cassidy's eyes turned away from my cock and back to Mary as she asked, "Did it turn you on to watch him cumming?"

"Yeah, I guess a little," Mary responded.

"Is that why you waited down here with us, you wanted to see if we would fool around again?" Cassidy asked.

"Probably," Mary responded very quietly.

"If I let him fuck me in front of you, would you be willing to play with yourself in front of us?" Cassidy asked, again catching me completely off guard with the question. "I mean, I think it's only fair. If you get to watch us fuck then we should get to watch you cum."

"Umm..." Mary considered slowly while we waited. "I guess so."

"You sure you okay with this, Mary?" Cassidy asked again.

"Yup," Mary replied with little hesitation. "But what if someone comes in here and finds us?"

Cassidy laughed, "Then we'll scatter." Cassidy turned back to face me, my cock still in her fingers, and asked, "You good with this, sexy?"

Still a little foggy, I tried to reach deep into my brain to ask myself if I thought this was a good idea. The response that came back was, "Why not?" So out loud I said, "How are we going to do this?"

"However you want," Cassidy told me, a devious look on her pretty face. "But first Mary has to let us see that pussy."

Mary hesitated again, but eventually she stood and pulled down a pair of white panties and kicked them away with her foot. Once she had made the decision to play along, Mary was committed and sat back down with her legs spread. There was just a little strip of white blond hair running up from her pussy, but her lips were pale and very pink, completely shaved and looking a little wet in the artificial overhead lights of the pool room.

Cassidy was peeling off her shirt and stepping out of the pool. Little trickles of water ran down Cassidy's smooth, shimmering skin, highlighting the channel between Cassidy's big, round breasts and the swell of her smooth, toned thighs. I followed Cassidy out of the water. In my horny, playful state, once it became clear that I was going to get to fuck Cassidy here and now, my mind could focus on little else. But then I hesitated as my exposed cock came out of the water and I began to shed my shorts. Cassidy and I were not alone.

Again seeming to sense my hesitation, Cassidy turned back to delicately grasp my full, rigid erection in her hands. "Does seeing his cock turn you on?" Cassidy asked.

"Yes," Mary replied a little breathlessly.

"Then play with yourself and enjoy the sight of this big piece of dick," Cassidy teased with a laugh.

Mary's hands actually dipped between her legs. I couldn't quite see from the angle where I was standing, but I was guessing that Mary had indeed begun to play with her own pussy.

Reassured, my focus returned to Cassidy. There was a lot of stimulation hitting me, from Cassidy's nearly naked body glistening with the last drops of pool water to Mary's blue eyes on my manhood, but all of it was contributing to the overwhelming desire for my cock to get its release.

"How do you want to do this?" Cassidy asked me again.

Without I word, I grasped Cassidy's hips firmly and steered her towards the near wall of the pool room. I then pushed between Cassidy's shoulder blades and she bent over to place her hands on the wall in front of her. From this position, slightly bent at the waist, Cassidy's firmly toned ass stuck out behind her. We were maybe six feet away from Mary's chair, though Mary had to physically turn her seat to get a better view of us.

"You want to do this standing up?" Cassidy asked.

I replied by gripping Cassidy's hips and placing my cock head at the wet entrance to her sex. I had to squat a little in order to get the angle right, but I was so horny that as soon as I did get the angle right I thrust my hard meat into Cassidy's hot, wet snatch.

"Oohhhhhh," Cassidy moaned as I pushed several inches of my throbbing, hard dick up into her pussy.

I hunched downward and withdrew a little, then thrust upward, slamming all of my hard cock home into her tight, wet tunnel. I could feel Cassidy's soft and slippery pussy walls gripping me as I quickly built up a rhythm, thrusting my thick meat in and out of her pussy. Cassidy gasped and then began to moan as I fucked my meat in and out of her hole. I held Cassidy in place with a firm grip on her hips as I shoved my meat upwards, and then enjoyed the feeling of her pussy walls sliding against my member as I squatted and withdrew.

There were so many noises echoing in the little pool room. My balls began to slap against Cassidy's clit as I slammed my thick meat home, which in turn caused Cassidy to let out little yelps of pleasure. Cassidy's pussy began to make little squelching noises as I fucked my cock in and out of her. I also began to grunt as I fucked hard upward into Cassidy, feeling Cassidy's tight little pussy milking my member. And even though Cassidy was still wearing her bra, the hard fucking caused her big, round breast to lift up and down over her chest, making a slightly wet, slapping noise.

But the noise that caught my attention was a soft moan from Mary. I turned to look at the little blonde, who was sitting with her legs spread wide, wantonly diddling her little clit with her blue eyes glued to our fucking. Mary's pussy lips were red and dripping with her arousal, and her cheeks were flushed.

Watching Mary play with her clit gave me an idea, and I reached around with one hand and began to rub at Cassidy's clit. She moaned deeply in response, while I continued to slam my cock in and out of her wet, slippery pussy channel. I was starting to feel the pleasurable burning of orgasm building inside my body, listening to Cassidy moan and stealing glances at Mary's aroused face.

Then Cassidy said, "I'm going to cum." Two short whimpers later, as I shoved my rigid pole deep into her tight hole, Cassidy loudly moaned, "OHHHHHHHHHHH" and her body shook as she came.

I slowed my fucking, thrusting upward gently with my hips, as Cassidy came hard on my cock. Her muscular legs shook as she orgasmed, her eyes shut tight while she bit her lips. I myself was close to cumming but not quite at the edge, so I didn't want to stop.

When Cassidy's eyes opened again, she turned to look at Mary. Mary's little fingers were flying up and down as she rubbed at her clit, and she was panting like a dog in heat, her pale cheeks completely flushed red.

As if answering a question from Cassidy's eyes, Mary said, "I'm so close."

"Would seeing his cock help you cum," Cassidy asked, a little out of breath.

"Yes," Mary replied, practically pleading.

"Show her your cock, stud," Cassidy ordered.

Reluctantly, I withdrew my hard dick from Cassidy's hot, tight snatch. My cock was so throbbing hard that it stood straight up, glistening in the pool light with Cassidy's juices.

"Ohhh," Mary moaned quietly, her eyes fixed on my dick and she continued to diddle her aroused clit.

"You want him to touch you with it?" Cassidy asked teasingly.

"No!" Mary replied firmly, still furiously rubbing at her sensitive little spot.

"You want to see his cock cum?" Cassidy asked.

"Yes," Mary responded, then added, "Please."

Cassidy dropped to her knees next to me and grasped my cock tightly in her soft fingers. She began to rapidly pump her closed fist up and down the length of my sensitive shaft, the cock head less than four feet from Mary's face.

Cassidy's fingers tightly sliding up and down my pole quickly started to feel very good, but that did not feel as good as her wet, tight pussy. I also enjoyed the sight of Cassidy's round, firm breasts jiggling back and forth inside the confines of her lacy bra, but it wasn't quite getting me to the edge of orgasm.

Mary on the other hand was moaning at the sight of the hand job just a few feet away. Her little fingers were flying back and forth so quickly over her pussy that I began to wonder how her arm could keep up the motion.

"Have you ever seen one so big?" Cassidy teased, looking at Mary.

"No," Mary panted.

"Does it turn you on to think of a big cock like this slipping into your pussy?" Cassidy asked.

"Yes!" Mary pleaded.

"Are you going to cum?" Cassidy asked.

"Yes!" Mary moaned again. "Make that cock shoot!"

Cassidy's bright, blue eyes looked up at me and she asked, "You close babe? You going to cum for us?"
