The Slut Procedure Ch. 01


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It was already late so he slipped out of the lab and climbed the stairs to his bedroom. He set his alarm clock for four and a half hours and allowed himself to fall asleep.


The police detective sat nervously on the rich leather sofa.

He took a deep breath before speaking.

"I'm sorry, but she wasn't there." He slowly raised his eyes to meet the furious glance of the man across the table.

"What do you mean she wasn't there?"

"When we stormed the building they put up a fight, we had to kill two of the men in self-defence. A third escaped capture in a jeep but we're confident that the girl wasn't in the vehicle with him."

The man began to pace the room slowly before stopping in front of the large glass window. He was staring at his well tended back-yard but his mind was busy considering his options. His attention was drawn to one of his personal uniformed security team members patrolling by the pool with an automatic weapon.

He turned back to the detective.

"What now?"

"We have units all over the city searching for the third man who escaped."

"Well then I won't keep you. Please call me as soon as you have any new developments."

He dismissed the police detective with his hand. One of his men escorted the officer out of his personal office. He returned to his desk and stared again at the pictures the kidnappers had sent of his daughter. She looked frightened, her ankles bound with a cable tie.


Robert was startled awake by the alarm. He groaned slightly and wiped the sleep from his eyes. He rolled into a sitting position and stretched. The nap had done him a world of good. He pulled his clothes on and made his way down to the lab.

When he walked in he was happy to find that the woman was still alive. He'd lost a few of the subjects in the past during this stage. The woman's vital signs were slightly elevated but well within the limits of the experiment.

He padded over to his computer system, and found that there were four minutes left on the timer. He picked up a few anti-septic wipes from a bin and made his way over to the table.

The injections seemed to be working well. He was very proud of the formula a mix of activated hormones and fluid with cellular acceleration properties. It had the effect of stimulating controlled natural growth in a localized area.

The body's natural tissue would replicate in the area until the fluid reserve had been exhausted. It had all kinds of potentially useful applications, from treating burn victims to repairing organs. Robert however, had found that it was a perfect way to increase breast size quickly and relatively safely. He said 'relatively' because there had been a few accidents in the past, until he managed to get the formula just right.

Robert took the opportunity to clean up some of the fluid that had leaked from the needle punctures through the night. Her breasts had already grown from a C cup to a large D. His eyes wandered across her naked body and he found his cock starting to stir already.

He grinned as he realized she wasn't a natural blonde. A closer inspection of her head revealed that her brown roots had already started to show.

A loud beep signalled that her program had been completed. Robert returned to the computer and executed the disconnection commands before returning to the table and circling around the back.

He very, very cautiously removed the insertion equipment from its stand and slowly extracted the needle from the back of her brain stem. Robert held his breath as he watched her vital sign monitors for the slightest sign of trouble.

After several seconds without her vital signs crashing he breathed a deep sigh of relief and placed the needle in a bowl beside the table. He picked up an anti-septic wipe and gently cleaned the area where the needle had entered her brain.

He smiled at the still unconscious body on the table in front of him. Things were going splendidly. He strode over to the vital monitoring system controls and carefully disabled them before returning to her body and removing the sensors from her chest.

Then he expertly removed the restraints from her unconscious frame. Once the last of the cuffs had been removed he fetched the wheelchair from the corner. He gathered his strength and then lifted her limp figure off the table and carefully deposited her in the chair.

Robert checked her arms and legs to make sure none of them would drag on the floor before taking hold of the chair's handles and guiding it slowly out of the room. He pushed her along a long narrow hallway until he arrived in front of a non-descript door.

He rooted through his pockets and produced a small card. He swiped it down the security reader and the door unlocked with a click. Robert held the door open with one hand so it wouldn't swing closed, and manoeuvred the wheelchair through with his other hand.

The door opened into a short hallway which led to a small room with bed against one of the walls. There were two doors off the hallway, one leading to a full-sized bathroom, the other a small closet. In many respects it was similar to a simple hotel room, without the television and extra furniture.

Robert wheeled the woman down the hall and stopped next to the bed. He circled around to the front and then lifted her awkwardly from the chair with a grunt. Her limp body made moving her difficult, so he simply plopped her down on top of the mattress. He took a short break before grabbing her by the arms and dragging her further up the bed so that her head had a pillow.

Satisfied, he collected the wheelchair and left the room. The door closed behind him with a loud click.


Edward climbed into the passenger cabin and found Frank already seated.

"Good to see you Frank, I trust everything went smoothly?"

"Yes sir."

"Any complaints from Robert?" Edward asked with an arched eyebrow. Frank was his most trusted lieutenant but he was a big man and he'd been known to leave a bruise here and there.

"None at all. In fact he deposited payment for the girl into our Swiss account half an hour ago." Frank grinned. His first facial expression since Edward had boarded the plane.

"Well that's better than nothing I suppose. Has there been any sign of McIntyre?"

"Yes he contacted us yesterday; he's made it over the border safely."

"Excellent. Now it's time to get out of here. That crazy old man won't be happy if he finds us. How soon can we take off?"

"Now that you're onboard, any moment sir."


Robert was busy making calls in his office when he noticed the girl wake up on his video monitors. He watched as she gently stretched and then sat up in the bed. He grinned as she began to slowly examine herself, he knew that she would be confused -- her memory having been erased, but he knew her new programming was already beginning to kick in.

She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up carefully. Robert knew that her body was going to be unsteady for a few minutes while it adjusted to the larger breasts on her chest. Of course the girl didn't notice the larger breasts, because she had no memory of ever having smaller ones.

She carefully stood and made her way to the bathroom. Robert smiled; the program appeared to be working perfectly.


The old man's limousine sped quickly towards the airfield. His personal security team had managed to find a leak in Edward's organization. He'd received information just an hour ago that Edward would be escaping the country tonight.

His team had uncovered a jet registered to a shell company controlled by Edward that was fuelling at a hangar nearby. The old man had ordered his team to intercept that jet, and Edward, before it could get off the ground. He hadn't bothered calling the police, they'd proven useless so far and he wanted to be able to employ his own interrogation techniques once they'd captured him.


Robert swiped his card through the security reader and the door unlocked with a click. It had been two hours since the woman had woken up. This is the moment of truth, he thought to himself. He pulled the door open and allowed himself a smile.

The program was a success.

Upon hearing the door open the woman approached. Her hips swung sensually from side to side. She expertly navigated the hallway in a pair of white patent-leather four inch heels. Her legs were encased from her toes to the top of her thighs in a pair of white fishnet stockings.

The stockings were held up by a white lace garter belt that clung tightly to her waist and perfectly framed her naked pussy. Her small pink lips glistened, her mound was completely shaven. It had been her first instinct after waking up. Her landing strip had instantly disgusted her and she'd gone straight to the bathroom to shave her pussy smooth.

Her new breasts sat proudly on top of her chest, supported but not covered by a tight white leather corset. The straps on the side of the corset had been difficult to tighten but she had managed. After shaving herself and taking a shower she had explored the room and found the closet. It was full of several outfits, but she had decided on the white leather.

Robert was pleased. He loved this part of the process. The program defined a new preference in each girl's brain to wear clothes that would allow those around them to instantly understand that they were fuck toys -- but the program didn't define what those clothes were. The closet was always well stocked with various outfits and it was a pleasure to see which one they picked.

By this time she had crossed the room in her tall heels. The program taught her that whenever she was presenting herself to a man or woman in control she should respond in a certain way.

She slowly bent her knees until her tight ass hovered above her shoes, then she spread her legs so that he could see her moist slit. She arched her back, presenting her breasts and pushing them forward. She crossed her arms behind her back. Her eyes rose to meet his and evaluate whether or not he was pleased.

She understood that pleasing men and women was her purpose, and as far as her brain was aware, it had always been her purpose. It did not bother her that she could remember nothing before waking up a few hours ago, it simply didn't trouble her. She was happy. He looked pleased and she could clearly see the bulge growing in his pants. Her own arousal was dripping from her slit and slowly flowing down to her ass. Her clit throbbed and her jaw ached to open and accept his cock.

"What is your name?" He asked with a sly grin.

She was confused for a moment. The answer did not quickly come to her. She struggled for a moment and then responded tentatively.

"I'm a fuck toy."

He grinned at her. "Yes, that's very good. But your name isn't fuck toy."

Her smile faded and she gave him a confused look.

"You are a fuck toy. That is what you are but is not your name."

She processed the information and accepted it.

"I am a fuck toy. I'm here to be used by you."

"That's very good. You exist to be used by anyone you belong to. Do you understand?"

She nodded. "Yes, I understand."

"Your name," he continued, "is Delta 16. But few will ever call you by a name."

She was filled with a sense of understanding. She remembered her name Delta 16. It made sense to her now and seemed familiar.

In reality she had never heard the name Delta 16 before, it was simply the experiment version number Robert had assigned to her in the programming. Nevertheless her name sounded like a familiar memory and she bonded with it immediately.

"Look here fuck slut." Robert woke her from her contemplation and her eyes rose again to meet his. He stood in the doorway with a camera, the shutter clicked several times, he stopped and scowled at her.

"Pose for me. I want some good pictures."

She was eager to please. She redoubled her efforts to thrust her naked breasts forward, her mouth opened slightly to reveal her small pink tongue and she slowly moistened her lips as she looked into the camera lens.

Her legs drifted further apart providing an unobstructed view of her leaking slit. She uncrossed her arms and gently cupped her right breast. Her fingers tugged and flicked her nipple.

Her left arm fell between her legs, first spreading her lips obscenely while he took pictures, and then slowly circling her clit as it peaked out from her hood. She moaned deeply as she wobbled on her heels.

Her arousal building she stared deeply into the camera and bit her lower lip. Her swollen pussy lips grew slippery and she abandoned her futile attempt to keep them spread and instead drove a finger deep into her cunt. It felt tight and the sensation made her shudder.

Her eyes closed to tiny slits as she felt the pleasure pulse through her pussy. The throbbing between her legs became distracting and she found it difficult to maintain her balance on the tall heels. She allowed herself to fall backwards onto her back.

Overcome with desire she focused intensely on rubbing her sensitive clit. Her moans began to fill the room. Her other hand abandoned her breasts, both of which were rising and falling quickly with every breath. She allowed it to snake under her back until she found the crevice of her tight ass.

She dug her heels into the floor and raised her ass off the floor, thrusting her pussy and the hand vigorously fucking her slit into the air. Her other hand quickly thrust further down and she invaded her tight ass with a curled finger.

Her eyes shot open and her body shuddered as her body exploded in orgasm. Her pussy spasmed and her tight ass clenched expelling the rogue finger. Exhausted her hips slowly lowered to the floor, shaking uncontrollably with aftershocks.

Her hand returned to her mound and explored between her legs. Then smiling sensually at the camera she raised her wet fingers and sucked her girl cum from her fingers. She made several more trips between her cunt and her tongue before Robert put down the camera.

"Very good." Robert's voice was tinged with lust. "Come here my little fuck toy."

She responded perfectly. Quickly she rolled over and raised herself to her knees. She looked exquisite as she crawled the few feet towards him. Her naked ass shone from the cream that had leaked from her pussy. Her large tits hung lewdly and bounced as her hips swayed seductively from side to side.

Her eyes were locked on his own, determined to please him. She stopped a foot away and waited for his instruction.

He slowly lowered his zipper and extracted his throbbing hard cock. Her eyes fell from his and locked on his big dick. She subconsciously licked her lips. Her cunt began to leak again, this time dripping quickly down her thighs.

"Tonight you're going to be my little cum slut. Do you understand?"

She nodded her acquiescence. She knew the term well; it was a fundamental part of her programming. Her mouth began to water at the mere mention of her name. She had many names, Delta 16, fuck toy and now cum slut. She understood them all.

She allowed herself to rise to her knees. Her mouth hovered just inches from his throbbing shaft and she breathed in his scent. Her eyes closed to tiny slits again as her mind processed the smell of his organ, causing her to drool.

Then, she slowly opened her mouth and sucked in the tip. He moaned in response. Encouraged she used her tongue to gently explore the underside of his head. She tasted his precum as she circled his slit with her tongue. His hips began to sway slightly and she took that as a hint to take him deeper. She opened wider and allowed his shaft to slide further into her mouth.

With her right hand she cupped his balls, allowing his sack to rest in her palm. She Released his dick from her mouth and grasped it with her other hand. She pressed his cock against his stomach before slowly licking down his shaft and bathed his balls with her tongue.

He lowered himself to lay on the floor and spread his legs to give her better access. She hovered over his cock as she playfully pleasured his scrotum. Her breasts hung from her chest and dragged sensually against his thighs.

She moved from his sack back to his shaft and took him deeply into her mouth again. Her tongue pressed against the bottom of his shaft. It throbbed in her mouth growing ever bigger as more and more blood filled his organ.

Then she released it from her mouth and trailed down his shaft again with her tongue. She returned her focus to licking his balls, her head bent and ass in the air. This time however she didn't stop and moved still lower bathing his sensitive taint with her tongue and creeping closer and closer to his back hole.

Her own cunt was throbbing for attention. Reaching back with her right hand she buried two fingers deep into her slit and began to curl them back and forth stimulating her tight pussy. She moaned, releasing a blast of warm air between his legs. He moaned appreciatively.

Then she continued her journey, he shuddered as her wet pink tongue found his ass hole and licked thoroughly around the rim. He clenched his ass in anticipation before she pushed against his muscle with her tongue, wiggling until it released and she was able to push inside. He let out a deep moan and roughly took hold of her blonde hair.

Encouraged by his response she alternated between pushing into his dark hole and licking around the rim. Her other hand, the one not feverishly fucking her pussy, curled up and grabbed his cock tightly. He was startled for a moment and then relaxed as she pumped his shaft up and down while she continued lick around his rim.

She continued the pace for what seemed like a blissful eternity. Whenever she felt his cock beginning to stiffen, she would loosen her grip to prolong his ecstasy, all the while she continued to bathe his ass with her tongue.

"I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum."

She darted back when she heard him began to scream and quickly sucked his throbbing cock back into her mouth. She sealed her lips around the shaft and then began to powerfully suck on the head while using her hand to pump him over the edge.

His body tensed and he held his breath before exploding in her mouth. His thick cum shot out and coated the back of her throat. Her gag-reflex removed by the program, she simply continued pumping his shaft and hungrily swallowed his seed.

Shot after shot poured into her mouth, mixing with her own saliva. She moaned and sucked the last of his cream from his pulsing cum slit. Satisfied that she had taken his entire load she released the head of his cock and stopped pumping his now sensitive shaft.

Then she turned to the job of cleaning him. She gently licked his cock as it slowly began to shrink. He pet her blonde head as it searched his crotch for any cum that might have escaped.

"Good little cum slut," he panted. "How did that taste?"

She looked at him hungrily. "It tasted good." She moaned. Her fingers were still lodged deep in her slit.

He smiled at her, he knew that now that she'd gotten a taste for cum that she would crave it. Her programming was responding perfectly. He slowly climbed to his feet and stuffed his dick back into his pants.

It was already growing hard again, in no small part because she had repositioned herself so that he could watch as she fucked herself with her fingers. Her large breasts rose and fell with every shallow breath she took as she guided herself towards another orgasm.

He picked up the camera and swiped his key through the security reader. She seemed disappointed to see him go, but she made no effort to remove her fingers from her cunt.

He took a deep breath after the door had closed and turned his attention to the camera screen. He quickly reviewed the pictures and smiled. Once he got these uploaded to the auction site he knew the bidding would go through the roof.