The Social Club - My First Visit

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My first, initially reluctant, visit to the club.
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I was 45 years-old, now single, after having been married and divorced twice before, the second divorce about six months earlier...

I'd never found relationship break-ups easy, no matter whether doing the dumping or being dumped. After a grieving process and when I thought I was ready, I joined an eastern suburbs social club. This social club was exactly that, nothing more, nothing less. And it was an adventure. A new challenge in my life. A place to meet people and to go to various activities. A first step in rebuilding my life.

As I'd healed from the effects of dissolution of my second marriage, I was getting more comfortable with who I was. It was only in the last six-months or so that I had learned to stand on my own two feet in a domestic sense, having almost all my life been essentially provided for. A thing that had prevented me from leaving my second wife earlier was that I had no domestic skills that were handy to survival. Sure, I could do a mean barbeque, but that was the extent of my cooking skills. I knew though, that I could not stay in a marriage that I felt was surely slowly killing me. That's how bad it was. I literally felt like I was slowly dying. But the time to leave had come. Whether I would survive or not made no difference now. If I stayed, I would surely die. If I left, I might still die, but also I might survive. It was a no brainer. I had nothing to lose so I left. The divorce was acrimonious but surprisingly it only took me a few months to get over sixteen years of marriage.

I had gotten my house in order. I had bought pots, pans, and similar stuff, that I had previously known existed in my house, but even at my ripe old age, had no idea where they were kept, or how to use them. I had bought a bed, bedding, and other furniture to replace that which I had lost in the finalisation of the divorce. So I was now feeling pretty good. I was now ready to tackle the world!

Some of the few remaining friends I had, with good intentions in mind and trying to get me back into the swing of things, had invited me to join them on nights out or had told me to try dating agencies, but I hadn't yet been ready to do those things. Maybe I might need to in the future, but right now was not the time for that. I knew I needed to ease back into the social scene. But I also needed for that to happen slowly, gradually, sensitively. Without any pressure from anybody and at my own pace. I had heard that there were groups within local communities that facilitated social interaction of the type I was looking for.

I was not after sex at this time, although I suppose that would have been nice had it been available. What I really needed was to be able to start mixing with people again, in a non-threatening environment. I needed the social interaction. I needed to be able to communicate with others of my species, who understood what I had gone through. To enjoy other peoples' company. To have a laugh. To have a discussion about something unimportant.

Then one day as I read one of the local papers I came across an advertisement in the 'Personals' section that advertised the existence of a social club in the eastern suburbs. There was no membership fee involved. And it promoted social interaction between individuals, the only costs being just the normal costs associated with going to a restaurant, or other venue. I noted the phone number to call for further information, but did not call. I noted the ad for another two weeks or so, before finally summoning up enough courage to call.

So one day, on a quiet Thursday, when I was at work, I took a deep breath, and rang the number, just to find out a bit more information. I was not quite ready for what happened, but happen it did, taking me right out of my only recently and newly found, comfort zone.

The phone was answered by a pleasant sounding woman, Cathy by name, who I found really easy to speak with. I asked her what functions were planned, how they were organised, what the costs were, what sort of people were in the group, how often they held functions or events, etc. All questions which she answered without hesitation and it seemed to me honestly.

So I asked her the fatal question. When is your next function?

"Tonight" she answered "And it would be really nice if you could come."

"Ummmm, I'm not quite sure I'm ready just yet", I replied.

'Well. It's like this" she said. "It seems that most of the people with courage to enjoy groups like this are women. Males tend to be a little bit more reluctant to join groups like this. For example tonight's function at the local Mexican restaurant has more females than males going along. Ideally it would be good if numbers were more balanced... May I ask you how old you are?"

"Ummmmm... I'm 45" I replied.

"May I ask where you live?"

"Close to Wellington Road, not far from Rowville" I replied.

"You know", she said, "You would be perfect for tonight's group. You are the right age. You don't live far away, and we need more men... Why don't you come along tonight? ...Just try it. See if it is what might suit you..."

"Ummmm, I'm not quite sure I'm ready. I was just making some enquiries. When is the next function after that?"

"The next function is in three weeks. But please reconsider. From speaking with you, I think you would fit right into tonight's group. Are you sure you won't come along? ... What's the worst that could happen? You would have a conversation while enjoying a meal... assuming you like Mexican of course" and she giggled a little.

I was silent for a few seconds, before I swallowed and said "OK. Haven't tried Mexican before but I'll give it a go. Where and what time?"

She gave me the details, and then added "From where you are, my place is right on the way. Do you want to come here? I could take you in my car if you like. That way you won't need to stress about anything."

I paused. She sensed the reason for that pause. My reason was that I did not want to limited. I wanted the freedom to be able to leave at a time of my own choosing. If I was uncomfortable, I wanted to be able to leave when I wanted, not to have to wait on somebody else. She sensed that. And she understood it.

So she was not offended by my compromise. "How about I come to your place and I follow you?" I asked.

"That sounds fine to me" she replied.

"What time should I be there" I asked.

She mentioned a time. I arrived there at the agreed time; we greeted each other, and then set off.

When we arrived at the restaurant Cathy organised the people who were not already seated, and introduced me to everybody. She seated me at a table with herself and a mixture of males and females. This table was out of the ordinary in that it was a round table that had chairs with backs on them. The others were typical Mexican style with rectangular tables and bench seats.

Cathy watched the interaction I was having with the others at the table. I do believe she was sizing me up. But that was OK. I was actually, despite my initial reservations, starting to enjoy myself.

A while after we had been there but before the meal was actually served, an additional member of the group arrived late. She was a quite tall professional looking woman with medium length blonde hair and from what I could see, not that it mattered, a figure to die for. Slim, with a reasonable sized bust, her business suit coat indicating a thin waist, and hips that were pretty damn perfect. Her name was Kayte. Cathy seated her at this table on the opposite side to me.

The meal was served, and when we had finished the main, Cathy rearranged the seating so that the positions of Kayte and the woman who was next to me were swapped, as well as a couple of other positions. Cathy also did that to folks at the longer tables. Cathy was ensuring that people mingled. Full points to her I thought.

Kayte and I got on really well. I was really enjoying my night. Kayte and I spoke about a number of things and we really seemed to click in a way, and just when I felt settled for the evening, Cathy asked if I wouldn't mind mixing with some of the folks on one of the other tables.

I was just getting comfortable and I was now being asked to again get out of my comfort zone.

I swallowed and managed to get out a reasonably competent sounding "OK" as Cathy led me by the hand to the next table. She'd already moved some people around before I got there, so there was room for me. I introduced myself again, and we spoke about the usual small talk things. I think I'd already used up my quality conversation earlier, and this particular group, wasn't as stimulating as the ones on my initial table.

A couple of times I looked across at the table I had originally been on, looking at how those people were interacting, and noticed that Kayte wasn't saying much, but that she smiled when she saw me look at her.

Not long after that, I overheard Kayte say she was leaving because she had a heavy day the next day.

As Kayte made her farewells from that table on her way out, she walked past the table where I was sitting and stopped when she got beside me. As luck would have it, I had now been moved to the end of the table so I could speak with Kayte reasonably quietly.

"It was a pleasure meeting you" she said to me. "I've got a long way to travel in the morning so I'd better go now...but I just wanted to say, that I really enjoyed talking to you earlier. I hope you enjoy this group and hopefully we will get a chance to meet again at some other function".

I am as thick as a brick when it comes to picking up encouraging signs from women, and especially as I'd been out of the market for some 16 years, I was unsure of myself. But I'd had a great time this evening, I felt good, and coming from where I had just been, I had a little bit of bravado fired up within me, possibly due to the warming effects of the red wine I had brought with me.

I stood up to face Kayte, and said, "Kayte, I really enjoyed speaking with you tonight too. I hope I'm not being too forward, but I would like to speak more with you about some of the things we discussed... Would you maybe like to have dinner with me sometime?"

Her answer was short and sweet. "Yes", she replied.

God, I was so relieved. A 'NO' in front of the other people at the table, who I am sure would have been listening would have absolutely destroyed me I think.

"May I have your phone number?" I asked Kayte whilst fumbling around for a pen and paper. I found a serviette to write on, but had no pen. I didn't want to be blatant and ask anybody at the table if they had one, so I added, "I have a pen in the car".

"It's all right... I have one here" she said pulling one out of her purse.

She took the paper from me, wrote down her phone number and her address and handed it back to me.

"Thank you", I said and added quietly "Drive safely. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you." I actually couldn't believe I'd said that.

She just smiled and then left saying quietly, "I'll wait for your call".

I stayed at the long table talking inane stuff for a few minutes, and as the next day, Friday, was a work day, I bade farewell to the folks on the long table, got up and walked over to the round table at which Cathy was sitting.

"Are you leaving?" Cathy asked as I approached the table.

"Yes" I replied. "Cathy, I have to thank you so very very much for making me feel comfortable. This is my very first experience of being out in the open so to speak, for a long long time. Thanks to you, and the great folks I have met tonight, you have made that experience an enjoyable one."

"Does that mean you will be back to other functions?" she asked.

"You betcha" I replied smiling.

"Do you know how to get home from here?" she added.

"Yes, thank you very much. And again, Cathy, thank you for persuading me to come along tonight. You are a gem", and with that I bent down and kissed her on the cheek, bade her and the others at the table Good-bye, said my good-byes to the folks at the other two long tables and drove home.

I could not believe how well the evening went. I still had the date to deal with, but at least I was now pretty comfortable with my ability to mix, as a single individual, a newly single individual, on terms equal to anybody else out there. And even if the date didn't work out, I had determined that would not be a permanent problem, as I was coming from a long way out of circulation. Some 16 years to be exact.

So that night, I went to bed, and had the best sleep I had been in years. That was Thursday night.

The next day I went to work in an ebullient mood. This was noticed by some of the other staff. And it felt good to be alive.

But I now had a dilemma. Like, how soon is it appropriate to call a woman I have asked out for a date? This stuff was all completely new to me. I was completely out of my depth here.

Umming and aahhing over the weekend, I decided I would call Kayte on Tuesday. That gave me a day to compose myself and work out what I was going to say. Even though she had said yes at the time, that was no guarantee that she would still go out with me. She might have thought about things, and decided that maybe a NO might be the way to go.

Please don't sell me short here. I had been out of circulation for about 16 years at this time, so please be a bit understanding about my lack of confidence.

Anyway, I was determined to go through with it, so on Tuesday evening, at what I thought was a reasonable hour, I rang her.

She answered the phone and in a croaky clearing voice I said, "Hi Kayte... It's Don... We met at the Mexican restaurant last week."

"Hi", she said. "I know who you are. I've been looking forward to your call."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Then "Would you be free to go for dinner next Friday night?"

"Yes" she replied.

"Do you like Italian?"

"Yes...I love Italian."

"Ok. If you are of a like mind, I would like to pick you up around 7 if that's OK?" knowing it would take me about half an hour to get to the restaurant from her place.

"I'll be ready" she said.

And she was. I knocked on her door promptly at 7, and she came out looking stunning. We walked to the car, where I opened the door for her, made sure she was OK, shut her door and walked around to my side of the car, got in, started the motor, and started driving.

Do you get the impression I am nervous?

Good. Because I was petrified.

As we drove to the restaurant, I was amazed at how freely our conversation flowed. About many things. And nothing changed during the course of our dinner. The meal was excellent. And so was the company.

We'd finished the meal, but it seemed to me, the evening was still reasonably young, so I asked Kayte if she wanted to come back to my place for a coffee. Initially she hesitated, but then she replied, "Yes. I think I would like that."

So we drove the short distance back to my place. We went in; I showed her into the lounge room, invited her to take a seat on the settee and went to make coffee.

"How do you like it?" I asked.

"How do I like what?" she replied.

"Your coffee."

"Just black, thank you" she replied.

I made the coffees and brought them into the lounge room and placed them on the coffee table. I also brought in a tiny little plate with some cheese and table water crackers on it.

Before I sat down, I put on a Peter Blakeley CD. 'Harry's Café de wheels' as I recall.

We finished our coffees and then I asked Kayte if she would like another or a glass of wine perhaps. I'd seen her drinking wine at the Mexican restaurant the previous week and she had some more at the restaurant earlier with dinner so I knew she liked it.

"Yes, please... that would be very nice, thank you."

"Red or white?" I asked.

"Red will be fine, thank you" so that was what we had.

Some glasses of wine later, some dancing to slow songs, feeling the softness that only comes from holding a warm woman very close, feeling her breasts pressing into my chest, her thighs pressing against mine, added more to the hardness that had started earlier during the evening, my cock now really emerging from its previously enforced hibernating state. I had no doubt Kayte could feel it too so I apologised saying "Sorry about that... but you feel so good... Not my fault..." and chuckled hoping she would understand as I added "It's been a long time."

Kayte laughed a little then replied with a soft voice "Apology accepted... It's been a long time for me too... You know..." she said followed by an extended pause before continuing "I've been out with a few guys from the club but nothing has ever gone beyond the first date. God... sometimes it has taken all my control not to walk out early, to run from the situation even before the date has ended... Been so hard not to be rude..."

"So tonight is different?" I asked.

"Oh yes" she said "So different... It was already different last week when we first met... I knew you were different."

"I hope that's 'different' in a good way."

"Oh yes", she replied a huge smile forming on her face.

I then I noticed her looking at my lips. I took this as a hint, and gently, slowly moved my lips to hers. Just before our lips met, I looked into her blue eyes.

They were a crystal clear blue, perhaps showing some tenderness and maybe a little vulnerability, maybe even a touch of lust. They closed just before our lips actually met, as did mine.

Our lips met. I had forgotten how sensual a kiss can be. Her lips were so soft and yielding as mine met hers. Then hers parted, inviting me in. Her tongue softly, slowly emerged, looking for mine. My tongue met hers, and the sensual feeling as both our tongues met, was unbelievable.

We kissed for what must only have been seconds, but I had to pull back. She looked upset, but visibly relaxed when I said, "Whew. I need to take a breather. That kiss is the most sensual thing that has happened to me in about ten years...I have to tell you something. And I don't want you to get upset, but ...ummmmm... and you've already noticed... you've made me feel things I haven't felt in a long, long time."

She just looked at me, saying nothing, but the impression I got was that she maybe felt just the way I did.

I took her hand and led her back to the settee where we both sat down and I continued, "I've never been a one night stand sort of guy... yeah, a bit weird, I know, ...but I've only ever been together with someone after getting to know them a little... so the timing of this is all wrong, and I won't blame you if you ask me to drive you straight home, ... I will understand, but I have to tell you that I so want to make love to you... I want to hold you. I want to envelop you. I so want to wrap myself around you, to be in you, so that nobody will be able to tell where either of us start and end. I so want to be as one with you... It probably sounds a bit over the top, but I would be rapt if you could... if you would... stay."

Kayte laughed, "See, I knew you were different" and laughed a little more. But then she moved a little uneasily on the settee. I thought it was over. OK, maybe I'd overreacted, and blown it. But I couldn't help what I was feeling. Each time we'd been together, we'd had fun and enjoyed each other's company.

There was a silence, that probably only lasted seconds, but felt like minutes as I waited for some sort of reaction from her.

And when it came, her voice washed over me like a warm glow as she softly said, "I've never ever done this before on a first date... I've never been a one night stander either and maybe tonight my excuse is that as we have previously met, and talked, and got to know each other twice now, so this isn't really a first date" and she giggled a little, "and, and I can't explain it, but I feel exactly the same way you do." A pause followed and then she said, "I'll stay if you want me to."