The Spoils of Aphrodite

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A priestess of Aphrodite it taken captive & tries seduction.
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**Author's Note: I didn't think to continue this story but if you would like for me to do another chapter then comment below, vote, and favorite this story.


Erosina (Greek) "erotic lady"

"Corinth, Greece, 146 B.C.E. After the total destruction of Carthage"

Erosina was not her real name. Her master gave it to her when she was 13. She was a slave sold to the Temple of Aphrodite in Corinth as a tribute as was the custom. The only thing she had of value was an amethyst stone ring. It was a fine design set in a metal ring with a dove carved into the stone. She would never say who gave it to her. Not even her closest friends know.

Erosina was a sacred prostitute though why they called her "sacred" she never understood. Sacred Prostitutes took "donations" from men they pleasured. The donations were for the up keep of the goddess's temple.

The Romans were so romantic in their view about temple prostitutes. They imagined and wrote about how large and glorious the temple was and how ritualistic orgies would happen on festivals in honor of the goddess. In reality the temple was much smaller with several little brothels surrounding it's base.

Erosina was stuck inside a small room with one window (though the frescoes were lovely showing all the symbols of Aphrodite: geese, scallop shells, roses, and dolphins) for 10 years having sex with men who were fat, ugly, rarely handsome.

Erosina herself was very popular. A curvy body with a slim waist, fair skin, enticing pink lips that every man wanted to feel around his cock and on his mouth, a round face with deep lapis lazuli eyes that could peer into a man's soul and see his darkest desires then she would service them with a smile.

One never knew her true thoughts or feelings but that was trick. You were a bad prostitute if you were honest. You couldn't show your disgust or voice your true opinion of his bad smell or clumsy performance. Erosina could make a man feel like he was the greatest lover in the world.

Ironically in Greece to become a priestess one couldn't have been a prostitute. But in the worship of Aphrodite a goddess of beauty and love such a thing can be overlooked... if one serviced the right people.

Erosina realized something with both pride and disdain when they gave her the official robes: she was good at pleasing men and she liked it. It's not something a woman should admit given as they are treated as second class citizens or even dogs. But Erosina was a practical woman.

Athena and Artemis could keep their pride and tight dried up cunts (if they were even real which Erosina never voiced but always secretly doubted). They were goddesses. No one would dare rape them though many have tried. Erosina didn't have the power to turn men into hinds or make them blind. Her only power was in her beauty and sexual talents.

Erosina's favorite clients were sailors. Not because they were handsome or anything since most were not (but some were very muscular and fit to make up for the sun burnt leathery skin and blisters and often toothless mouths). She loved the stories they told her of foreign ports. From Africa to Rome. They're free.

Erosina would dream of escaping this temple. This country. Unexpectedly her opportunity came knocking. Or more like it came, bound her in chains then threw her into a Roman Imperator's tent while the city Corinth was raped and burned.


How Rome came to sack Corinth was some Greeks had it in their heads to challenge Rome, an empire on the rise that had just annihilated Carthage, it's one rival. As usual Rome sent in it's armies and as expected they swatted the upstart Greeks like the pesky mosquitos that they were. However, as Romans were often prone to do they burned the Ancient city of Corinth to the ground.

They plundered the beautiful city famed for two things: the splendor of her art and the quality of her prostitutes. Roman legionaries would roll dice on the docks for elegant pieces of art while passing the girls around for each man as if they were bowls of lamb stew.

Though Erosina was captured and put in chains with the rest of the acolytes of Aphrodite's temple, she was not molested. She expected it. She wouldn't have put up much of a fight. Common decency demanded she fight back but Erosina had different ways to fight.

She found that swallowing her indignity kept her from suffering bruises and lashes. But her friends Sophronia and Dessa who were priestesses with her did not have the same fortitude. They were her only family.

Sophronia was dark in complexion with coal black eyes and long jet black hair she loved to decorate with flowers. An Egyptian girl born on the east of the Nile in the shadow of the palace.

Dessa was from the Northern mountains in Greece. Skin a bit fairer than Erosina's but Dessa had more freckles; one could trace the constellations on her skin. Dessa also had stunning clear bronze eyes that burned with defiance. Erosina would fight for them if not for herself.

The three women were placed in a tent in the followers camp. The tent was quite nicely decorated with small luxury. Fur rugs instead of dirt floors. A bed with silk yellow and pink drapes. A lit torch settled in a golden fire pit to keep them warm and give them light. Erosina was allowed to keep her amethyst ring. That was the only thing she would risk a beating for.

"Why do you think we haven't been ravaged yet?" Dessa asked curiously. She spoke loud enough for the 2 guards outside the tent to hear. One man, younger than the other one, possibly 18 slightly turned his head. Dessa smirked and gave the young soldier a wink.

"Perhaps they're saving us for last," Sophronia shrugged. Like Erosina she approached life with practical indifference.

"No...," Erosina reasoned, the thoughts in her mind turning like wheels as she rolled her amethyst ring in her hands. She always did that when deep in thought. "Something else..."

"Hey!" Dessa called to the young guard. "What do you plan to do with us?"

The young guard peeked into the tent and was about to say something when the older more experienced guard smacked the younger in the shoulder. The young soldier closed his mouth staying silent.

"A shame," Dessa sighed placing her elegant hands on her lean hips. "It feels lonely in here with just us girls. No big strong men to keep us company."

Erosina watched as both of the guards shifted in their stances. She smiled then said, "Now, Dessa, you're going to get these fine Roman soldiers in trouble if you keep taunting them like that."

"Too much discipline gives a man a blue sack if he keeps it in too long," Dessa teased. "So boys keep telling me."

"A little discipline never hurt anyone," Erosina shrugged as she stood beside Dessa. Now the older soldier turned his head to look at them. Erosina wrapped an arm around Dessa's sloping shoulders while Dessa wrapped an arm around Erosina's curvaceous hip.

"Suppose they came in here to teach us some discipline?" Sophronia joined in the game, leaning back on a bed that was provided.

The two soldiers were mulling it over until another soldier came and announced that the Imperator wanted to see the High Priestess of Aphrodite.

Then two guards took Erosina to her own tent where she was bathed in rose scented water by slaves. Her jewelry was returned. A necklace with an amber pendant with a bee carved into it's surface; the priests and priestesses of Aphrodite were often referred to as her bees. A pearl ring set in gold. Amber tear drop and gold earrings and a gold arm circlet.

Erosina looked at herself in a copper plated mirror. She adjusted her bosom to look more plump and full. Then she draped her long dark curly hair loose over her shoulder, a waterfall of night. Whom ever she was seducing, Erosina would make sure she looked irresistible. But at the same time she didn't want it to be obvious.


Erosina was escorted to a large red tent in the middle of encampment. She had serviced Roman legionaries before when she was a lowly prostitute in the temple. Would she remember any of them? Did she service this Imperator at one time? All questions died away when she was announced to the Imperator.

He didn't wear his armor only his fine tunic and some gold rings. He was actually quite good looking. He had some noble features with that long regal Roman nose and square jaw. His eyes reminded Erosina of olives with flecks of bronze and his jet black hair was cut short in the Roman style.

His skin was tanned by the harsh sun. Other battles worn on his face and flesh. Some old scars made a map on his hardened muscles that made Erosina's cunt water a bit. She liked hard men.

Before her was a banquet table filled with fine food and wine. As Erosina ignored her hungry belly realizing she had not eaten in a day, she looked straight at the smiling Imperator who bowed his head and said, "Priestess Erosina. Tales of your beauty do not do you justice."

"You've heard of me?" Erosina cocked an eyebrow of disbelief. "You have me at a disadvantage for I have not heard much about you."

"My name is Titus Valerius Massalla," he bowed saying his name with reverence. Romans were drunk on the regality of their many names. As if that made them more superior to those who only boasted one. Erosina kept herself smiling seeming interested though also aloof. The sweet salty smell of pork filled her nostrils filling her lungs and causing her stomach muscles to clench with the ache of emptiness. Massalla offered her a chair.

"I thought women weren't allowed in encampment?" Erosina said as she sat in the chair provided for her. Her mouth watered at the sight of the banquet. Roasted pig, grilled fish and fresh fruits. How many stores or family homes had the Romans looted besides the temple?

"You are familiar with our military customs? Not usually but you are an honored guest," Massalla poured himself a glass goblet of wine. "A priestess of the goddess Aphrodite, such a privilege to meet someone who talks to the gods."

Erosina contemplated the dark crimson liquid in the blue glass goblet. She recognized it from the temple. A gift to the goddess. The priestess part of her felt a prick of offense but the practical woman always took precedent.

"You think I'm trying to poison you?" Massalla chuckled. Erosina flashed him her lapis lazuli eyes yet keeping her face directed downward as she often did to men to show her indifference. That always seemed to interest them. Men loved a challenge.

"The thought never crossed my mind," Erosina spoke candidly as she sipped. The wine was spicy warming her belly. "And not such an honor for me I'm afraid given that I'm a prisoner."

"Why do you say this?" Massalla drank his wine but kept his hungry wolf eyes on the beautiful priestess rapt as all men were by her.

"If I'm a guest that means I can leave whenever I please," she explained. "It's a Greek custom and since we are in Greece I would think you would be mindful of our traditions."

"Unfortunately I cannot allow you to leave," Massalla sat across from her casually popping a piece of fish into his mouth.

"So I am a prisoner," Erosina decided to fill her belly with fish and apples since she and her companions could very well be thrown into the stables with the other harlots. "At least now I know."

"Believe me," Massalla's eyes grew a bit somber. "Without my protection you would be taken as sport for my men or worse."

"I've been a slave, Imperator," she reminded him. "I know there is worse than this."

"So you understand why I can't let you leave."

Erosina gave him a dry smile as she savored the saltiness of the grilled fish washing it down with more wine. Color came back to Erosina's cheeks as more food and drink filled her. She ran her thumb over the amethyst ring that she wore on her right middle finger as she ate.

"That's a lovely ring," Massalla commented. "Who gave it to you?"

Erosina contemplated her ring. Her face became sober, dark blue eyes darker.

"A reminder," she said simply suddenly losing her appetite.

"Reminder of what?"

Erosina flashed her lapis lazuli eyes at the Imperator. There was danger in them, a hatred like a dark cloud blocking out the sun. But also a sadness... Massalla shrugged figuring he wouldn't get much more than that.

"But you must tell me how a slave girl sold to the Corinthian temple elevates herself to become a high priestess," Massalla leaned forward catching a grape in his mouth.

Erosina shrugged, the dark clouds of the past receding then said, "Sex with the right men, I suppose."

Massalla gave a bold chuckle. His olive bronze speckled eyes dancing in the torch light.

"Let's be honest," Erosina spoke somberly. "Why have you summoned me here?"

Massalla rose from his seat then came around to her side of the table, circling her like a lion stalking its kill. He let a finger trail across her one bare fair shoulder. Brazenly he pushed back the cascading black curls to reveal the elegant slope of her shoulder. Massalla's thumb traced the curve of her ear taking in every detail. Erosina's heart actually skipped as she felt warm tingles of pleasure lazily spread through her body at Massalla's bold intimacy.

She didn't look at him once as Massalla's fingers dallied along her neck then caressed her shoulder.

"Since you are familiar with our military customs do you know what we do to those who defy us?" he asked his voice soft and sensual yet held a trace of authority that made Erosina's clit twitch. "We parade them in chains in the city."

"Did I defy you?" Erosina asked keeping her eyes on her wine and fish though her heart beat hard against her chest at the idea of being humiliated in such a way. Erosina had her limits.

"Your countrymen did."

"Country men," Erosina emphasized coolly. "How often Romans like to punish even the innocents."

Massalla balled a fistful of her hair then roughly pulled Erosina's head back to force her to look him in his searing olive eyes that raked over her flesh with suggestive intent. He licked his lips at the sight of her fair neck that was fully exposed and admired the curve of her breasts.

Massalla's cruel mouth curved into a wolfish grin. She could feel the ache of his arousal as his hard bulge pressed against her shoulder yet her own womanhood felt damp with excitement.

"You are a common whore," he spoke coolly despite the fire in his eyes.

"I am anything but common," Erosina spoke softly.

"I could throw you to my men and let them use you in any way they wish."

"You could...," the corner of Erosina's sensuous mouth curled up. "But you won't."

Erosina's lapis lazuli blue eyes were full of some secret knowledge. Some dark secret that only she knew. Moved by sudden lust Massalla pulled her up roughly then crushed his mouth on hers then without ceremony speared his tongue into her mouth.

But Erosina bit hard on his lower lip. Massalla wrenched himself away yet with his hand still fingered in his captive's soft hair.

The salty taste of his own blood mingled with Erosina's kiss. It was better than wine. Massalla turned to a smirking Erosina, her dark eyes proud and defiant. Her nostril was filled with his musk; leather, earthy soil and spices. She wondered how the rest of him would taste. Every man had a unique taste.

"I should have you whipped," he growled, desire curving his mouth. Erosina reached for the pin holding her dress together. Slowly she pulled it out and the fabric fell to reveal her goods. Round breasts with budding pink nipples.

Massalla's greedy gaze roved over her bare fair flesh. Above her navel was a dark mole then lower he saw that tuft of dark hair hiding that most treasured pearl of passion.

"Do your worst," Erosina whispered as Massalla loosened his grip. His rough Roman hand rested on the soft nape of her neck. His mouth was slightly agape as his eyes drank in the beauty of this foreign priestess. Massalla leaned in, the tantalizing proximity of his mouth making Erosina's heart batter in her breast bone.

Massalla's mouth came crashing down on Erosina, his seeking tongue explored the sweet depths of her mouth. In a strong swift movement Massalla lifted Erosina up off the the ground and perched her bottom on the richly decorated table knocking over a few dishes.

Erosina's own tongue danced inside the Imperator's mouth. For a moment they shared one carnal breath. Erosina wrapped her shapely legs around Massalla's strong waist. She felt his hard muscles twitch and flex and was overcome with the thirst to know them more intimately.

But there was something she wanted first. Erosina felt Massalla's hand wander up her thigh, his masculine pride throbbing against her feminine portals. She broke the kiss to Massalla's irritation.

"First, there's a price," she spoke firmly. Massalla's mouth compressed to a hard line.

"There's always a price," he said. "All great whores have one."

"My other priestesses, Sophronia and Dessa," Erosina wrenched herself away from Massalla's grasp showing she meant every word. "We are acolytes of Aphrodite, a goddess. Surely we don't deserve such harsh treatment as to be lead in the streets like prized mares?"

Massalla laughed. Was she serious? His desire wasn't so intense that he would negotiate something so ridiculous. But the look in her eyes. Those beautiful eyes he wanted looking up at him as she took his aroused flesh into her sensuous mouth...

Massalla felt like he was on the battlefield again staring down the enemy. Only this foe seemed far more formidable. Far more lovely.

Massalla reached for her cunt, that center of paradise that he would make Erosina open for him. All he needed was the right pressure.

Erosina's eyes drooped closed as she felt Massalla's expert fingers message her inner labia. He didn't force entry into her tight depths. Not yet. Erosina groaned softly despite herself. Usually it was her who applied the gentle persuasion. These Romans knew how to use an enemies tactics against them.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Massalla asked as his palm rubbed against her stiffening clit. Erosina saw the bulge beneath his tunic. Massalla brought her in closer, his lips an inch away from hers. Erosina was tempted to kiss him. The way his fingers moved, chipping away at her fortitude.

"Why not just take?" Erosina asked, her lips becoming fuller, more inviting. "It's what you Romans do."

Massalla just kept rubbing the entrance of her femininity sending warm fiery pulses to her every nerve causing her to slowly melt inside. Erosina wasn't used to being on the receiving end of pleasure. Some men have tried but they were clumsy. Massalla knew where a woman most needed to be touched and how.

"I want to hear you say it," Massalla whispered darkly. Erosina wanted him so badly she surprised herself. But her friends needed her. They were her only family and it was only a matter of time before they were shipped off to Rome to be a subject of abuse and ridicule for the mob.

When she didn't answer Massalla stopped then released her. Erosina looked at him in confusion. The sight of her befuddled, disheveled appearance; her messy hair, her flushed face, her dress open showing her glowing aroused body made his cock surge with defiant want.

"Perhaps tomorrow you'll be more willing," he said straightening himself up. His cock raged at him. How could he deny him the spoils of conquest? But Massalla was all about discipline.

"What?" Erosina felt a storm of conflicting feelings whirling around inside of her. Massalla snapped his fingers and two guards came in. Massalla covered her with his red cape.

"I don't want anyone else seeing you and getting ideas," Massalla explained, a maniacal look in his haughty bronze speckled green eyes. "Wear my sigil," he gave Erosina a medallion with an eagle riding a wolf. "My men won't harm you."