The Stepdaughter Ch. 01

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A good man blackmails his stepdaughter to protect her.
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I wish I had been a better man. Despite my good intentions and efforts to protect and provide for the daughter thrust upon me by unfortunate circumstances, I failed to live up to the hero everyone expected. Temptation and lust intertwined with opportunity, and my morals crumbled, turning me into a villain. Yet, the gravest sin I committed was deceiving her into believing that I wasn't the devil I had truly become.

The story I'm about to tell you started right there, at the bedside of my soon-to-be-departed finance. It had only been a damn few months since we got hit with the gut-punch news of her terminal condition. Despite her illness we decided to marry before it would take her from my life. Love, it was, no doubt. But it was also a way to soothe her worries about her sixteen-year-old daughter Sheryl, who needed a guardian. See, her biological father had disappeared into thin air back when she was just a baby. And in the five years we had shared, I had become the first damn father figure she dared to trust. Little did she know, poor thing, how far off the mark she was.

Two years passed, and that's when the next chapter began. I must say, I did my best to be there for her, helping her navigate through the loss of her mother. It wasn't always smooth sailing, though. We had our fair share of conflicts, as is typical when dealing with a teenager going through puberty. But despite our differences, we always had each other's backs. I may not have always agreed with her choices, but that's what parenting is all about, right?

After her mother's passing, she found solace in a Goth lifestyle. She had a unique beauty about her, but she preferred to keep to herself. She became somewhat of a loner, spending a significant amount of time online and immersing herself in video games.

Despite reaching the age of eighteen, she still was a little girl to me and it was wonderful, watching her blossoming into a young woman. There was an undeniable vulnerability about her, an aura that seemed to beg for protection. I couldn't shake off my worries, fearing that someone lurking in the depths of the internet might harm her. And so, I took it upon myself to shield her from potential harm. Little did I know then, the predator that would emerge would be none other than myself.

Installing the monitoring software was a breeze, and as she sat alone in her room, engrossed in her Discord conversations, I had a steady stream of her activities flowing directly to my phone. Deep down, it felt inherently wrong to invade her privacy in such a manner, but I had made a solemn promise to her mother to ensure her safety. And, as you might have already gathered, my moral compass was far from steadfast.

To be brutally honest, there was a strange thrill that coursed through me as I spied on her, and looking back, it might have been the initial step on my downward spiral. Most of the time, it was just the mundane banter of gaming, but every now and then, I caught a glimpse of an intimate side of Sheryl that I had never expected.

One of the initial shocks that hit me by surprise was discovering her avid consumption of porn. What unsettled me even more was the dark and kinky nature of her preferences, centered on themes of submission and slavery. I was at a loss for how to process it, chalking it up to teenage curiosity and dismissing it. However, the true extent of her explorations soon became clear when I watched her frequent engagements in explicit conversations on adult dating sites, where she openly identified herself as a submissive and was shamelessly flirting with dominant older men.

Needless to say, my concerns grew, and I found reassurance in my decision to keep tabs on her. My nights were restless, as I stayed awake, deeply concerned for her safety. I maintained a vigilant watch over her online activities, hoping to protect her from potential harm. I was relieved to see that she hadn't followed up on any of the dating offers she received. However, it became increasingly evident that she was moving closer to the point of potentially acting out her dark fantasies. I felt lost, grappling with the challenge of how to prevent her from encountering dangerous strangers.

In the following weeks, as I delved deeper into understanding my stepdaughter, a disturbing realization began to take shape in me. I found myself viewing her through a lens that was entirely inappropriate and twisted. It was an unsettling shift, one that I couldn't ignore or deny. The thoughts and feelings that arose within me were completely wrong, straying far from the boundaries of a caring and responsible guardian.

I grappled with this troubling revelation, struggling to match my genuine concerns for her well-being with the improper desires that had taken hold of my mind. I have to confess, that besides all the concern I had for her safety she turned me on quite a bit. During our daily interactions I could not help looking at her body and thinking about the nude pictures I had seen her sending to total strangers.

When I made the fateful decision to act upon the twisted plan that had formed in my mind, I convinced myself it was an attempt to protect her. Yet, looking back with a guilty heart, I now realize that I had given in to temptation. I had become the very embodiment of the darkness I had once sworn to shield her from. In that moment, I betrayed the trust she had placed in me, and the self-deception I had woven became painfully clear.


As Sheryl logged into the dating site, she scrolled through the huge pile of messages that had become routine. There was a peculiar thrill in the knowledge that she had become the object of desire for numerous men, all hoping for the opportunity to exploit her vulnerabilities. It was a twisted fascination that held her attention, feeding into her sense of power and reckless rebellion.

The notion of someone exerting control over her, even to the point of potential blackmail, exhilarated Sheryl to no end. However, she soon realized that most of the men who flooded her inbox were merely seeking fleeting encounters, unable to truly fulfill her dark and debased fantasies. It left her longing for someone who could match the depths of her desires, a yearning that grew stronger with each disappointing interaction.

On this particular night however, a message appeared in Sheryl's inbox that stirred within her a potent mix of fear and exhilaration. It was different from the usual barrage of casual propositions and empty promises. This message echoed the dark desires she had witnessed in numerous porn movies, bringing her long-held fantasies closer to reality. The gravity of the situation washed over her, causing her to tremble with a combination of anticipation and apprehension. The artificial dream she had harbored was now confronted by the raw potential for something truly intense and transformative.

"Good evening slave.

You made a big mistake by not securing your online activity with a VPN service. A skilled hacker easily can get into your system and take control over your computer. A very good hacker like me however, has the skill to go a step further and take control over you. I know everything about you Sheryl, who you are, who you go to school with and even more important, what your dirty dreams are.

Make no mistake, I own you now. You are my new slave and you will do exactly as I tell you.

You are a smart girl and I think you understand the situation you are in. Respond immediately with:

Yes Master X, I will do exactly as you tell me. I thank you for taking me as your submissive slave."

Sheryl's heart raced as she logged out of the dating site and hastily powered off her computer. Fear coursed through her veins, causing her whole body to quiver. She hid under the safety of her blanket, desperately trying to shield herself from the unsettling encounter. Doubts plagued her mind. Could it have been a phishing attempt, designed to trick her into revealing personal information? Yet, there was one undeniable detail that sent shivers down her spine—the message had explicitly mentioned her real name.

She remained in her bed for a while, struggling to calm herself down. Sleep seemed impossible as her heart raced with adrenaline. After some time, she managed to convince herself that she may have misunderstood the message or let her imagination run wild. Determined to dismiss her fears, she mustered the courage to turn on the computer and log back into the dating site. To her dismay, there was yet another message waiting for her from Master X. Opening it took every ounce of her energy and resolve.

"Welcome back slave.

I understand that accepting your new situation may be a shock to you. I am not an evil man, but you have to learn that as your Master I will not tolerate any disobedience. You will follow my instructions to the point, at any time and without hesitation. If you fail to do so you will be punished by me. If your disobedience gets too frequent or if you choose to not follow my orders at all, I will expose you. Consider the attached file as a punishment and as a onetime warning.

You have ten minutes to respond with the following phrase:

Yes Master X, I will do exactly as you tell me. I thank you for taking me as your submissive slave.

Under no circumstances will you log out again!"

Attached to the message were three of the most daring nudes she had ever taken. In one of them she was masturbating naked on her bed with her face clearly visible. Among the files, she discovered a fourth one, which contained a comprehensive list of emails belonging to her schoolmates, teachers and family members. The realization hit her like a punch to the gut. Her heart sank as she realized the extent of the breach, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed.


Doubt began to consume me as I sealed both mine and my stepdaughter's fates. Deep down, I knew that what I was doing was inherently wrong on multiple levels. Yet, I justified my actions as a means to protect her from others who might exploit her. I convinced myself that I wouldn't truly harm her, that my only aim was to instill fear and make her more aware of the dangers lurking in the world, to strip away her naivety.

"Yes Master X, I will do exactly as you tell me. I thank you for taking me as your submissive slave.

Please don't expose me. I will be your obedient slut and do everything you ask from me."

Her response caught me off guard. She had accepted me as her master, allowing me to take control over her activities. But in the sentence she had added there was something more. It wasn't just acceptance; she was leaning into it, embracing the power dynamic. It was a level of willingness that I hadn't anticipated and was not prepared for. It was as if she was willingly surrendering herself, going beyond what I had initially expected. I realized that I needed to implement additional safety measures and establish my background story.

"Good slut"

I wanted to use the word slave, but only noticed the word I had used after I had sent the message.

"From now on you are my property. I decide who you meet or chat with. If you want to do have contact with anyone, you ask for permission first."

As I kept developing my twisted plan, I felt something was missing. It didn't seem strong enough, lacking power. I wondered if someone in my position, with complete control over a young and attractive girl, would settle for such modest requests. Yet, I couldn't come up with anything I felt comfortable asking for. It was a confusing situation, grappling with the boundaries of my own dark desires.

She responded immediately: "Yes Master X. Will you train me as your personal slut? Are you going to use me?"

I was perplexed. How could I give her an answer to that? "Is this situation turning you on, slave?"

Again I did not have to wait for an answer. "Yes Master. When I wrote the first answer and committed to you I became very hot. My pussy is dripping wet right now."

And my cock was hard as a rock. I was getting lost in the situation. Just one room from me was my step daughter, telling me how horny she was. I had to focus and could not let this get out of hand. "I am half a globe away from you. So no, for now I will not use your body. This will be mostly online. But I will train you to be a good girl for me."

She nearly seemed disappointed: "Oh, I will stay a virgin for a bit longer then, I guess. But I will be whatever you want me to be. A good girl, a bad girl, your dirty slut or whatever you tell me to be."

This girl was not going to be stopped as easily as I had anticipated. What I had not prepared myself for, was the fact that our encounter would occur in her domain, her realm of fantasies, which made me uneasy. Nevertheless, I couldn't afford to show any signs of weakness or allow her to gain control. Anger surged within me. All I wanted by then was to go to her room and spank her hard. How could she be such a dirty girl. I had to end this conversation for now, get some time to think and cool down my emotions.

"Good slave.

Now go to bed. We will continue this tomorrow."

She responded: "Good night Master X. I am looking forward to it."


Sheryl stared at the text in the chat window, feeling like she'd stepped into a whole new world. This whole slave and BDSM thing was just a fantasy, she knew that, but now things seemed so serious. There was a thrilling sensation running through her core that she couldn't deny. Yet, the thought of her life crumbling sent a chill through her. Fear gripped her tightly. She couldn't stop shaking and her attempts to calm down were in vain. She gasped for air, jumping out of her chair and pacing around the room, like a panicked animal desperately searching for an escape.

In a desperate attempt, she turned to the one place that had calmed her down in the past. Feeling as vulnerable as a little girl, with her world crumbling beneath her, she turned to the one person she felt truly safe with. As she timidly knocked on her stepdad's door, a wave of shame and foolishness washed over her.

"What's the matter, Sheryl? Is everything alright?" His voice already had a calming effect on her.

"I am sorry, Marcus. I had a terrible dream and I can't seem to calm down. Can I stay with you for a little while?" It had been nearly two years since she had asked for such comfort. Back when her mother was in the hospital, she would often have nightmares, and he would occasionally hold her as she cried herself to sleep.

"Aren't you a bit too grown up for that now?" he responded sympathetically.

"Please, Dad. Just this once," she pleaded.

"Alright, hop in." he said.

She crawled under the blanket and positioned herself with her back turned to him. Despite being fully clothed in her pajamas, a sense of unease lingered within her as she realized how close she was to a man now that she was older. Yet, the weight of her stress overpowered her reservations, compelling her to lean into him as he held her tightly. Her breathing gradually slowed, and eventually, she drifted into a restless sleep.


If I were to pinpoint a moment when my moral compass faltered in the face of my own depravity, it would undoubtedly be that night when I held her petite frame close to mine. She gradually slipped into a deep slumber, but I could not even think about sleeping for a long time. Instead, I found myself intoxicated by the smell of her hair, the warmth emanating from her body, and the adorable sounds she uttered while being in the realm of her dreams.

That night I did not touch her inappropriately. It was not necessary. In her sleep she moved around pressing her teenage breast against my arm, driving me insane. She had developed an ample bust that fitted her small body perfectly. I could feel her nipples through the thin cloth of her pajamas and all I wanted was to pinch them and suck on them. I had a hard time not to poke her with my erect member and I nearly came, when she moved her bum back into me, trapping it between our bodies. In that very moment I developed an undeniable urge to possess her.

When I woke up in the morning she was nowhere to be seen, but I heard noises in the kitchen. I still had a raging hard on. After tending to my needs in the shower, I made my way downstairs. To my surprise, she welcomed me with a delightful breakfast and an infectious sense of cheerfulness. She prepared a cup of coffee for me and settled down beside me, holding her own cup. It seemed as though, faced with a looming danger, she found joy in the simple pleasures of what she knew.

After some time, she retreated to her room while I got my laptop. It was evident that she was online, likely anticipating a message. With my background in computer science, it wasn't difficult to see what was happening on her screen. With a momentary hesitation, I made the decision to activate her webcam. As the connection established, she unknowingly met my gaze, her lower lip caught between her teeth, while reading through the messages from the night before.

I started typing: "Good morning slave."

She closed her eyes for a bit and then responded: "Good morning Master X."

"Good girl. I appreciate, that you are responding so fast. How do you feel about your new status this morning?" I answered.

I watched her typing, then delete half of her message and adding a new phrase: "I feel better than I expected. I am bit afraid, but it is also exiting that a stranger has power over me."

I could see her little buds poking through the fabric of her top. "Lift your top for me, so I can see your nipples!"

She gasped at the screen and quickly responded: "You can see me?"

I scolded her: "Of course slut. As I said, I have full control over your computer. Do it now!"

She lifted her top and I marveled at her pink nipples and perfectly shaped breasts. I had seen them on her nudes, but this was live and she had done it on my command. I added: "It does not even matter if you turn off your computer. I can activate your webcam whenever I want. I expect it to be always turned towards your room and never to be covered. This also leads me to my next question. Where did you spend the night? Don't even think about lying to me, slave!"

Her eyes widened in shock, revealing a mixture of confusion and uncertainty in her expression. After a moment of hesitation, she mustered the courage to respond truthfully: "I was very distressed last night and could not calm down. So I asked my stepdad to stay in his bed for the night."

"You shared a bed with your stepdad. You little slut! That is a bit cliché, don't you think?"

She shook her head, furrowing her brow with a cute frown. "No, it's not what you think. I just needed some comfort. I'm not like that!" she protested, vehemently denying any misguided assumptions.

"Don't worry slave. I was kidding. Is he the only one living with you and is he the only man in your life?"

She frowned again, not liking my choice of words: "Yes, and yes, he is the only man I live with! He is a good man and would never harm me in any way."

I answered: "Yet he is a man and you are a pretty little girl. Did he get an erection, when you slipped into his bed?" I hoped, I did not take this too far.

She stared at the screen for a few seconds and then answered: "When I woke up this morning I could feel his morning wood pressing against my back."

"Good girl. I like your honesty. Also it should be the duty of a good slut to turn on any men around her, isn't it?"

"Yes Master."

"Anyway, he could become a problem with what I plan for your training. I will think about how to handle him. However, if you manage to turn him into a horny mess, I think he might be even helpful to our cause. For now you will just tease him a little. Walk around the house only wearing panties and t-shirt. Sit on his lap and cuddle up to him. You don't have to do anything serious, just casual harmless stuff like that. I think you get the idea."