The Story of Odilia Ch. 07

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Odilia is bound and forced to orgasm.
6.4k words

Part 7 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/13/2013
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Darina had settled in to life in Mistress Jarvinia's household quite admirably. She followed Mistress Jarvinia's orders with an undisguised enthusiasm and within a week's time my mistress had gifted Darina the responsibility for punishing errant slaves such as Gretel and myself.

Mistress Jarvinia recognized the benefit of having Darina punish her naked slave rather than taking her slaves directly into her own hands. Darina was an illiterate commoner, whereas Mistress Jarvinia was a woman of money, property and learning. Being punished by a peasant such as Darina was far more degrading than being punished by Mistress Jarvinia; and it was a crushing blow to my spirit. Hansel, Gretel and Maleen found it to be an insulting humiliation as well.

Darina relished the opportunity to punish me, Gretel, Maleen and even Hansel. Sometimes she would accuse me of transgressions when I was without fault just so she would have an excuse to punish my innocent flesh.

On one particular warm day I was led naked and blameless so that Darina would inflict a stinging punishment on my defenseless body. I dared not protest the injustice of punishing an innocent girl. Slaves who raise their voice against injustice receive even greater punishment than those who suffer in mute silence.

Darina led me with great enthusiasm to the whipping post and shackled my wrists above my head. I stood naked and vulnerable, my naked breasts pressed barbarically against the harsh wood, flattening them, my armpits exposed and my bare buttocks and thighs suggestively prominent and vulnerable to Darina's leather strap.

"I'll soon tend to this, Princess," said Darina enthusiastically as she patted my bare buttocks.

I promised myself that I should not cry out in pain as I was whipped by this lowborn girl. It was one thing to scream as Mistress Jarvinia whipped me; she was a woman of wealth and property. However Darina was an illiterate peasant. She didn't deserve to hear the cries of a princess as her naked skin was punished.

The peasant girl began by lashing the leather strap across the defenseless expanse of my back, shoulders and waist. I recoiled at the blows and clenched my jaw shut as I struggled to remain silent. I thrust my bare breasts and flat belly against the harsh wooden post almost as if that would by some unknown means lessen the pain.

I whimpered and panted, but did not cry out. I deemed that to be a victory of sort; however I was not certain how much longer I could maintain my silence. My back was a riot of pain from my shoulders to my waist and Darina had only just begun to mete out my punishment. The leather strap felt like liquid fire against my bare skin.

"Your skin reddens beautifully, Princess," Darina assured me as she paused in inflicting agony on my naked skin. "It's truly unfortunate that you cannot see the marks."

Whimpering pitifully, I thrust my nudity again and again at the cruel wooden post to which I was fixedly attached.

"I wager you do not feel so disdainful now, Princess," Darina said in a mocking tone. "Naked and whimpering and at my mercy; how shall our imperious princess command respect now?"

My resolve was waning. The pain of Darina's stinging leather strap was becoming more than I could bear without screaming. I had prevailed thus far at suffering my punishment in silence; however I was throbbing with hellish agony. It seemed I was no longer a woman of noble blood, but rather a naked girl, cruelly bound to a wooden post, forced to endure sharp, biting pain upon her soft, feminine skin and the scornful tauntings of a female peasant who was utterly lacking in kindness or compassion. Soon my courage would falter and I would scream for this lowborn girl.

Darina ceased in her cruel maltreatment of my naked flesh and I panted and whimpered and hoped that my beating was at an end. However rather than releasing my wrists from their iron shackles, the lowly commoner thrust her coarse, boorish hand in in between my thighs, seeking my throbbing sex. Reflexively I shut my thighs together, however this accomplished nothing.

"Spread those thighs well apart, Princess," the boorish girl demanded, slapping my bare buttocks for emphasis. "If I see those thighs touch once more, I'll whip them far more painfully than I've whipped your back!"

Reluctantly, I spread my thighs for the peasant girl, allowing her rude hand access to my unprotected sex.

The peasant girl had no sense of decency or propriety and I whimpered in degradation and shame as the pitiless female squeezed the plumpness of my swollen pubic lips and thrust two coarse fingers deep into my sensitive vagina.

"Oh, you're a libidinous princess," the girl enthused as her cruel fingers thrust deep inside of me and tormented my needy, throbbing sex.

"Has your mistress ever made you orgasm while being whipped, Princess?"

"No, Darina, n-never," I replied, although I found it most difficult to form words while this abusive girl crudely probed deeply and explored the interior of my delicate, abused sex with her malicious fingers.

"I have a friend in the village who tells me that if you whip a princess in the proper way that she'll be driven to orgasm. I do believe that I shall assess the truth of her statement, by attempting it on you, Dear Princess."

"Darina, please," I protested, not wanting to shame myself by reaching orgasm in such a crude manner for the entertainment of a crude peasant girl, however Darina ignored my protests and mercilessly probed my poor, throbbing sex with her crude fingers, her touch maddening my lusts, causing my vagina to brim with shameful moisture before resuming my whipping.

When the next blow came, Darina laid it directly across my bare buttocks. The leather burned across my naked skin and I reflexively thrust my pelvis against the harsh wood of the whipping post.

"Yes, move your hips like that, Princess! That's exactly what Adel said should happen!"

The wretched girl brought the whip down hard across my naked buttocks. I struggled to keep quiet, however I was just a girl and the whip stung my naked flesh horribly, and finally whimpers, sobs and even screams escaped my girlish lips. I screamed and begged Darina for mercy, but the peasant girl ignored my pleas and continued to whip my stinging naked skin without mercy.

The peasant girl whipped my poor defenseless buttocks harder and harder, on occasion leaving a stinging blow across the back of my thighs. The pain drove me to dance in a most shameful manner, weaving my hips in a lewd, depraved manner and thrusting my pelvis into the hard, unforgiving wood of the whipping post.

The friction of the rough wood against my sensitive nether lips only served to madden my feverish lusts and exasperate my passions, however if I attempted to step back from the wooden post, Darina would lash my poor buttocks with much greater determination and cruelty.

The whipping stopped when I was racked with uncontrollable sobbing and again the peasant girl's unwelcome hand was thrust between my thighs. Her indelicate fingers took possession of my tortured sex and examined it, opening it wider, wickedly pinching and pulling on my swollen clitoris and roughly playing with a sensitive, swollen nipple with her other hand, making me moan and pant in shameless lust.

And once I was on the verge of a gasping, passionate, violent orgasm, the crude peasant-girl removed her fingers and began to whip my naked buttocks once again.

Hot stinging blows, one after another rained down on my vulnerable, naked skin, and much to Darina's delight I danced and wriggled and writhed and thrust my hips in exactly the manner that she had anticipated. And much to my shame, the wild pain she inflicted upon my poor buttocks, somehow fed the maddening fire in my loins and drove me shamefully towards the orgasm that Darina had sought.

With a final scream and a wild thrashing of my hips, I thrust my pelvis up against the harsh, unforgiving wood of the whipping post and my vagina convulsed. I let out a long hoarse, wild cry and my shameful orgasm went on and on, providing entertainment for this cruel girl with her cruel whip. She had whipped her naked princess to orgasm and now she would forever take sadistic satisfaction at the memory of it.

My legs trembled and I sobbed shamelessly at the crude, libidinous entertainment I had provided for this perverse, ruthless peasant-girl.

* * * * * * * * * *

After my shameful orgasm at Darina's hands I was bound very tightly and helplessly in Mistress Jarvinia's yard. It was a cruel way to tie a girl. It made me look wanton and libidinous. My wrists and ankles were tied helplessly far apart to horizontal poles. When that detestable girl had whipped me; my feet and legs had been free of any restraint; however my ankles were now frustratingly held far apart. It was vexing and humiliating and the blatant exposure of my still swollen pubic lips was lewd and an invitation to any boorish passerby to ogle.

I struggled against the ropes binding my wrists and ankles; however I succeeded only in straining the muscles in my shoulder, arms and thighs. The poles were quite sturdy and firmly planted, the ropes were merciless and seemed only to bite deeper into my skin the more I struggled.

I was certain that my pinkish pubic lips were now far more visible and exposed than they had ever been at any previous point in all of my time in this land. And as I took pity upon myself for the shameless way that my naked body was exposed, I heard the sound of footsteps and my heart filled with greater fear and trepidation.

Finally my heart beat even faster as I realized that it was Lady Svetlana. Much to my shame I admit that I had developed amorous feelings for the severe, sodomite woman. In the previous weeks in Mistress Jarvinia's house, Lady Svetlana had sternly examined my naked flesh and abused it with pinches and slaps and rough fondling. And much to my humiliation, every time she touched me with her strong, merciless hands my sex throbbed and grew even more feverish with lust.

"Mistress," I said, addressing Lady Svetlana in the manner my mistress had taught me, "please release me. I promise I shall display my body any way you desire. I merely wish to be free of these ropes that bite deeply and painfully into my naked skin."

Lady Svetlana ogled my nudity openly, her eyes favoring my exposed nether lips with a long, lingering stare. When she smiled it was a predatory sort of smile and made me think of the way a wolf would gaze at a wounded rabbit.

"My Dear," she intoned firmly, "Your mistress has given me strict instructions not to release you from your bondage, no matter how much you plead. She did however give me permission to touch you. Would you be grateful for my touch?"

It was shameful and degrading for me to admit to it, but I truly did desire the touch of Lady Svetlana's hands on my defenseless, naked body. I lusted for her touch. My whole body was quivering in hope that she would touch my naked flesh with her strong fingers. Lady Svetlana knew it would be difficult and degrading for me to admit it, and that's why she wanted to hear me say the words. She wanted to see me shamed.

"Yes, Mistress," I confessed, "I would be grateful if you were to touch me."

It was shameful to admit that I desired the touch of another woman. I was a princess! I was supposed to marry a prince and bear him children! I wasn't supposed to have amorous feelings for another woman, and yet Lady Svetlana stirred my loins and made my heart beat with a strange passion. My feelings for her were wrong, and yet I found her very appealing.

Feminine fingers stroked my breasts and I felt a passionate tingling sensation pass through my torso and suffuse my naked body with warmth that had not been there moments before. I failed to stifle a gasp and Lady Svetlana's smile deepened.

"Does that excite you, my Princess?"

"Yes, Mistress," I confessed, ashamed of the lustful affections I felt for this woman. It was scandalous and shameful for me to have these feelings!

Yet, as Lady Svetlana's fingers reached between my widespread thighs and pulled at the lips of my sex, opening wide my delicate pink labia, I forgot my shame and felt only the heat of ardent, passionate lust. I wanted Lady Svetlana to toy with my helpless naked body and make me quiver, writhe and pant in lustful abandon.

Her feminine hands worked with practiced skill as she played with my exposed pubic lips. Her fingers elicited feminine moans from my girlish lips as they stroked my throbbing sex, driving me mad with forbidden desire.

"I do adore the way that Mistress Jarvinia shaves her slaves," Lady Svetlana intoned as she continued to stroke my bare sex, causing it to pulse with need, "It prevents her slaves from hiding their treasures. It makes you so much more exposed."

As she gloated about how exposed and available my sex was, Lady Svetlana became more aggressive in the handling of my sensitive nether lips. She took hold of them with her thumbs and forefingers and peeled them back harshly. I cried out and struggled against the ropes which held me. I felt as if those strong, feminine hands were turning my sex inside out. And then I moaned pitifully as those fingers pinched at my hard, swollen clitoris, folding back the little hood of flesh that covered it. I sobbed and struggled once again against my bondage, yet I did not ask for Lady Svetlana to cease her handling of my defenseless sex. Despite the pain and indignity of it, I still wanted Lady Svetlana's hands upon my naked flesh.

I sobbed and watched helplessly as Lady Svetlana abused my clitoris with one hand and then clasped hold of one of my swollen, erect nipples with the other. She pulled roughly upon my sensitive nipple in much the same manner that she pulled upon my hard, swollen clitoris.

I shut my eyes and breathed heavily as strong fingers widened the opening to my vagina and continued to probe. The fingers at my breast pulled away and I felt them at my sex. Now my throbbing sex, hungry for Lady Svetlana's attention was being unreservedly tended to. One hand probed my aching sex deeply, invading it, filling it to its utmost. The other hand found my clitoris and pulled at it roughly, causing me to gasp resonantly.

The juices exploded inside me, and I felt them trickling out, while strong, insistent fingers pinched at my tender, swollen clitoris. My flesh felt feverish and my heart beat with the maddening speed of a wild horse at full gallop and my helplessly bound body rolled up towards a long-awaited orgasm that I feverishly desired.

At last, I went over the edge, my loins throbbing with fire, my vagina convulsing on the fingers that filled my dripping sex. And while strong, capable fingers impaled my tormented sex, a second set of capable fingers stroked my clitoris, causing it to grow harder and harder.

At long last I cried out-a long hoarse cry, followed shortly by a deafening wail. And the orgasm went on and on as my vulva gripped the invading fingers securely. I came in a riot of lusty boisterousness as the fingers impaled me, pounding my pubis, not letting the orgasm stop, forcing unrestrained screaming from my feminine lips.

The orgasm was blinding, obliterating. Tears streamed down my face and I strained uselessly against the ropes that held my ankles. I was helpless to move, however Lady Svetlana's had taken my helplessly bound body to an exquisite pleasure that transcended any I had experienced before.

When she at last withdrew her fingers from my sopping wet sex, my body was trembling, wet and feverish, my vision dazed and the beautiful Lady Svetlana then held my face tightly and kissed me warmly and passionately upon the lips.

* * * * * * * * * *

The sweet memories of Lady Svetlana's fingers probing deeply and urgently inside of me, my screaming, passionate, wild orgasm and the affectionate kisses thereafter left me in a distorted, blissful state of semi-delirium. More than anything I wished to be Lady Svetlana's slave, however enchanted moments like the one I had shared with Lady Svetlana impaling my sex almost up to my womb were tiny slivers of forbidden delight that filled me with brief contentment.

Sadly, my sense of delirium and contentment faded when the sound of footsteps alerted me to Darina's return. And worse than the return of the domineering peasant girl, was the misfortune that she had brought an unknown person to ogle at my helpless nudity as well.

I cursed Darina inaudibly as I saw an attractive man dressed in fine leather boots, a fresh tunic and leggings approach. He smiled boyishly as he inspected my naked body carefully, lingering uncomfortably long on my widespread legs and my lewdly exposed pink nether lips.

To the man who was intent on examining my nudity, Darina declared, "This is Odilia, daughter of your king and a tribute to Queen Eleanor. She was purchased at a slave auction by my mistress."

I could feel my heart pound like a minstrel's drum. Previously the only living souls who had seen me naked, helpless and shamed had been foreigners. This man with the boyish smile was the first of my own countrymen to witness my helpless degradation. I could feel my face burn with shame as one of my own people saw me naked, bound and treated as a slave-girl.

"Dearest princess," the man said, attempting to sound respectful, but still ogling my nudity, "I am Liebwin. I had not meant to meet you under these circumstances, however my patron has demanded that I come to the kingdom of Queen Eleanor and see you before I begin my work for her."

Liebwin continued to stare at my exposed sex and bared breasts, captivated by the sight of my naked flesh, and while he stood transfixed I tried to remember why his name sounded utterly familiar. And once I recalled, I cursed my misfortune. Liebwin was a sculptor of considerable note in my country. He had many patrons and his skill was always in demand by princes and princesses who wished to see their loved ones immortalized in marble.

"Kind sir," I responded, using the polite manners that I was taught at court, "Could I know the name of your patron that has commissioned your services? Unless I am greatly mistaken they wish you to sculpt my likeness, and therefore what you do for your patron will directly affect my reputation."

Liebwin looked quite uncomfortable and glanced at Darina as if she might respond in his stead, however Darina remained silent.

"A thousand pardons my princess," he began, "However my patron desires that I not reveal her name at this time. Keeping her name secret was one of the conditions I was forced to agree to. Should I fail to abide by all of her conditions I shall not be paid."

My face grew hot with anger, frustration and shame and I struggled against my bonds in irritation. Were I not in helpless captivity, I would offer to be Liebwin's patron in exchange for his agreement not to carve me in my naked shame. However as long as I was a tribute to Queen Eleanor and Mistress Jarvinia's slave, I had no money of my own and could not be a patron to anyone.

Desperately hoping, I dared to ask, "And must your sculpture of me, depict me bare-skinned and exposed like as a naked slave-girl?"

"Once again, I apologize profusely princess," Liebwin said, momentarily too ashamed to make eye contact, "but my patron was very specific. Nudity is crucial if I am to be paid for my work."

Liebwin had no wish to degrade or humiliate me; however a man of his stature could not refuse the wishes of his wealthy patron. He was an artisan and his role in our monarchial society was to follow the orders of the nobility.

And to add to my shame, my mistress was the sort that shaves the pubis of her slave-girls. My inflamed sex was utterly exposed and lacked even the most insignificant covering that pubic hair normally would afford. My swollen nether lips were entirely on display and available for Liebwin to immortalize in marble.