The Story of Odilia Ch. 10

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Odilia is taken to the Place of Public Punishment once again.
4.6k words

Part 10 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/13/2013
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After being released from the pillory I was ordered to stand and clasp my hands behind my back and to silently wait for Mistress Jarvinia to fetch Darina, so that I might be led to the Place of Public Punishment.

I was made to stand there and look out at the fields and groves of trees for a considerable amount of time. Strangely, I did not care.

When Darina's hands came, they were methodical, crossing my wrists to wind around them band after band of stout cord, constantly crisscrossing and knotting into a complex of bindings I knew I could never untie. The final, vicious knot was tugged tight where my fingers could not reach and was a silent announcement of my helplessness and Darina's mastery over me.

The peasant girl's strong hands grabbed at me and forced me to turn around. When at last I was facing Darina, her thumbs and forefingers grasped at my vulnerable nipples and I whimpered when they were quite cruelly pinched.

"I'm taking you to the Place of Public Punishment, Princess," Darina said in a cruel tone of voice, "They know how to treat bad little girls like you there. They'll make certain that do penance for disappointing Lord Conrad and his well-behaved ponies."

Darina berated me while she forced me to walk in front of her through the forest. She repeatedly told me how I truly deserved to suffer at the hands of the common peasants in the village and how they would cruelly discipline me for my behavior.

It was frightening walking naked through the forest. The thick growth of trees made it difficult to see the path and there were sounds all around me, from the moaning of the wind in the trees to the rustle of small animals in the brush.

Things were constantly touching my naked skin; winged insects, tree branches, spider webs, leaves, brush, sometimes smacking quite painfully into my thighs or my defenseless breasts, I longed to use my hands to protect them, however they were helplessly bound behind me.

I attempted to walk carefully, barefoot and without hands it was difficult to keep my balance as the ground beneath my feet shifted and changed constantly, forcing me to readjust my footing. Stones, ground-hugging vines, thorns, branches and roots were all mighty challenges for a naked and barefoot slave-girl to negotiate. However when I would slow my pace overly much, Darina would smack my bare buttocks with a leather strap, urging me to make my through the forest at a much faster pace.

And making my poor buttocks sting was not enough for the cruel girl. As I walked through the forest, she abused me with her words as well.

""You are going to be opened up, Princess," Darina mocked as I was forced to walk in front of her. "I don't know why Mistress Jarvinia has neglected that tight passage between your buttocks for so long, however that oversight shall end today!"

Mistress Jarvinia had spanked my breasts and my buttocks, she had used paddles and leather straps cruelly on my bare skin, she had given me to sodomite women and made me use my mouth to lick at their moist pubic lips and suck at their swollen clitoris, however my anus had never once been abused by her.

And now, lamentably, my previously sacrosanct anus was finally to be violated as well. My eyes welled up with hot tears at the thought of it.

"To the left, girl! Left," the wretched girl admonished me when we entered the cobblestoned streets of the village. Rather than heading directly to the place of Public Punishment, she herded down a crowded street and to a shop that I had never seen before.

"Inside, Princess," Darina snapped at me when I hesitated outside the entrance and she struck at my already reddened, sore buttocks with her leather strap, hastening me forward.

Inside the shop, a shopkeeper, his wife and daughter gazed intently upon my breasts and my sex before taking note of the peasant girl who was driving me forward.

When the shopkeeper realized that it was in Darina's charge, he spoke to her with deference and complimented her on having such an attractive slave.

There was a brief exchange of and then the shopkeeper attempted to interest Darina in a variety of items he sold to strip away the freedom and dignity of naked slave-girls and boys.

There were painful clips to adorn a slave's nipples, chastity belts, paddles, leather cuffs, chains and other detestable items which all seemed to be designed to make a naked slave feel even more helpless.

However Darina had no interest in any of those items, instead inquiring about items that might be used to impale my anus and open it wider.

"Of course," the shopkeeper responded with a disheartening amount of enthusiasm. His daughter was sent to fetch items that might be used to penetrate my poor anus and I was ordered to bend over so that the shopkeepers wife might inspect the orifice that they wished to widen.

I was made to bend over a wooden chair and spread my legs very wide, giving the shopkeepers wife an unrivaled view of my bare buttocks and the tight furrow between them.

The daughter returned with a leather case and I trembled at the thought of being opened up by this woman. For reasons I could not explain, I dreaded to be impaled this way, however I was helpless to do anything to prevent it.

Apparently there was some sort of thick ointment of cream in that leather case, as I soon felt the wife's fingers pressing against my anus with a wet, cold substance coating them. I panted and made noises of distress as she stroked my anus with her oily fingers and prepared to stab her fingers into me.

"Shhhh...don't give in to panic little princess," the wife admonished me softly, "Relax your anus. Open up for my fingers. If you tense up, I will have to force you open, and that will hurt more."

The woman's voice was soothing and I attempted to abide by her instructions.

"That's it, lovely girl," the woman said, as I relaxed my anus and she was at last successful in sliding her slippery finger inside of me.

I found myself wanting to please this woman and I attempted to relax and open myself up as her finger probed inside of me. It still made me feel helpless and defiled to have my anus opened and invaded, however I desperately wanted this woman's approval, although I could not explain why I should feel this way.

"You're a mere child," the woman exclaimed as her finger twisted and squirmed around inside of me, "No one has ever claimed your anus before."

"That is precisely the problem," Darina claimed. "My mistress means to have her ravished and violated for the entertainment of a lord, however she is far too virginal."

Darina's words were harsh, however the wife's voice remained soft.

"We shall have to start her on one of the smaller phalluses," she proclaimed, and her finger was removed, however I soon felt her applying more cream and prying me open with her fingers before a phallus was slid into the passageway that her finger had so recently vacated. The phallus seemed so much larger than her finger, however the shopkeeper's wife spoke to me soothingly and assured me that I could manage it.

"She should be impaled on that every day for at least two weeks," the wife explained to Darina. "When she's sufficiently widened, you can mount her on this larger one."

Darina bought the phallus that I was impaled on as well as five larger phalluses. The largest one was very nearly as thick as my wrist and the thought of being impaled upon it frightened me even more than being impaled on Hansel's cock.

There was a metallic clatter of coins and then the fearsome devices belonged to Darina. I was certain that she would use them on me with cruel delight. I felt opened and far more vulnerable now and my anus seemed to throb around the foreign thing that had been thrust inside of me.

I was made to stand upright and the shopkeeper informed Darina that I could be managed easier if she were to purchase a collar and leash to lead me about. Darina thanked him for his advice, however declined to spend any more money in his shop.

When we were once again standing on the cobblestone street, Darina grabbed at the base of the phallus and pushed the shaft deeper inside of me. I gasped at the sudden feeling of being speared even deeper and Darina breathed into my ear, "If you should let this fall out, I shall be very disappointed and angry at you, Princess."

I nodded and replied, "Yes, Mistress," humiliated at having to use the honorific when speaking to a mere peasant girl.

Darina herded me to the Place of Public Punishment and I somehow felt even more naked and humiliated with the phallic device jutting obscenely from my anus. It marked me as somehow lower and more degraded than other slaves who were not thus impaled.

"This way, Princess," Darina commanded me, pointing to a row of pillories. For reasons I did not understand, the pillories were Darina's favorite part of the Place of Public Punishment, however when I reached that destination, every pillory was occupied by a naked slave. I had an unobstructed view of at least a dozen naked buttocks that had been paddled, strapped or whipped. Most of them belonged to princesses, however there was one sobbing prince whose naked buttocks and thighs had been severely reddened and even welted in spots.

Darina impatiently waited for a naked princess to be released from a pillory, so that I might be yoked into one, however it seemed as if none of their tormentors was in a hurry to release them from their humiliating captivity.

Finally, Darina ordered me to walk past the pillories and deeper into the crowds. As we walked past, I saw one unfortunate pilloried princess whose legs had been forced far apart and she was being tormented with a sadistic a hand between her widespread thighs. A cruel village girl stroked and teased the poor princess's sex, however the princess was never permitted to reach climax. The naked girl moaned distressing and her hips convulsed in a shameful manner, however her tormenter took no notice, driving the naked princess to feverish levels of libidinous passion and then leaving her in tears and sexual torment.

Eventually I was marched to a row of stages with vertical poles ascending up from them. The poles were thick and sturdy and a series of naked princesses were bound helplessly between several of them. There was also a young, handsome naked prince bound between two poles. His organ was hard and erect and he was being tormented by a harsh woman with a leather strap. She whipped his hard cock, his firm little belly, his chest and his nipples. The poor prince was undone and tears of humiliation and stinging agony flowed down his handsome face.

Darina untied the cords that bound my arms behind my back and ordered me to climb up onto one of the unoccupied stages.

"Up you go, Princess," Darina commanded, pointing to the unoccupied stage. "Step lively now!"

I stood between the poles and was made to raise my arms so that Darina could tie my wrists to iron rings set high up in each pole. Then my ankles were dragged far apart by Darina and she then tied my ankles to iron rings set into the floor. Within a matter of seconds, I was spread wide, completely vulnerable and utterly helpless.

A crowd of leering villagers formed as Darina was affixing me between the poles. One of the village-girls gazed intently at me and gleefully declared, "I've been waiting for this delectable princess to return!"

With a feeling of delicious dread I recognized her as Frieda. She had tormented and abused me the last time I had been taken to the Place of Public Punishment. And now here I was naked, spread wide, completely vulnerable and helpless before her.

Darina smiled wickedly and stepped off the stage. She greeted Frieda and seemed overjoyed at her presence. The two girls spoke of the importance of stripping away all vestiges of pride and haughtiness away from naked princesses such as myself. Frieda gazed openly at my wet, pulsing sex and my defenseless breasts and I felt a delicious sense of fear. My heart beat too fast and there was a pulsing fire in my loins as I knew this dreadful girl was soon to punish and torment my naked body and even the beggars and common louts of the town would be able to witness it.

The crowd laughed as Frieda stepped up onto the stage and Darina encouraged Frieda to examine the phallus that was jutting out from between my buttocks. I groaned and panted as Frieda grasped the free end of the instrument and played with it, sliding it out and then pushing it back in with great force, causing me to rise up on the balls of my feet and struggle against my bondage.

"She doesn't seem to enjoy it," observed Frieda and the crowd laughed as she twisted and pushed on the thing that impaled me, causing me to gasp and make loud noises of distress. There was much girlish laughter as Darina and Frieda continued to abuse my speared anus, however they soon decided that it was time to torment me in another way.

Frieda had a leather whip which she displayed for the crowd's approval and announced that it would soon be used to decorate my naked skin. The crowd shouted words of approval and encouragement to Frieda and within seconds I felt the first blow of Frieda's whip.

The first stroke wrapped around my waist and the second stroke left a stinging stripe of fire across my thigh.

I cried out in pain and felt the tears welling up in my eyes almost immediately. Frieda's whip was a wicked thing and hurt much worse than the leather strap that Darina used.

Then the third stroke came down across the furrow between my buttocks, causing the phallus inside of me to churn and squirm as if it were alive.

My eyes grew wide in shock at this unexpected assault and I screamed in pain and outrage. The crowd seemed to enjoy my screams of pain and distress and they cheered and encouraged Frieda to whip me again.

Frieda needed no encouragement and the next two blows struck me across the back, between my shoulders.

The next seven blows of Frieda's whip came down across my already tender buttocks. The misery in my bottom seemed to build with every stinging stroke. Frieda was a cruel girl and was always eager and willing to find a way to torment a naked slavegirl like me.

When the blows ceased, I panted and began to relax my shoulders and hips as I had understood this to mean the whipping was over.

However when a sigh of relief escaped my lips, Frieda's whip lashed through the air and added one more stinging blow to my already reddened bottom. I let out a yelp of pain and surprise and looked over my shoulder at the young girl who had just whipped my bare flesh. The mischievous grin on her face told me that she had deliberately tricked me into thinking the whipping was over before she struck that last blow.

My naked body shuddered with sobbing as Frieda walked around the stage and then stood in front of me.

"You will remember me," the wicked girl declared loud enough for the entire crowd to hear and then I felt her rough fingers touching my exposed, defenseless, and wet, pulsing sex. I writhed and attempted to close my legs together, however the tight ropes around my ankles defeated my desperate efforts.

Her fingers stroked between my pubic lips. I whimpered and squirmed, however Frieda did as she pleased with my naked sex. My already wet sex was swelling, hungering for the touch of this cruel girl's fingers. Then she forced her strong fingers deep into my hot, wet pubis, causing my sex to throb and spasm maddeningly and once again she insisted, "You will remember me, Princess."

"I will remember you, Mistress," I replied finally, my voice choked with sobs. Then, the wicked girl left the stage and I was left moaning in in sexual torment as my sex throbbed with hungry spasms.

While I surrendered to my misery, a nobleman in the crowd raised his voice to be hear above the babbling of the loutish rustics.

"Give this little one a turn," he called out, and every head turned to see a naked slavegirl, her arms folded behind her back, her legs far apart and a look of dismay and mortification on her face.

"Lord Bernhard," Darina called out to the nobleman, "You wish for your slavegirl to be punished next?"

"She has been wonderfully punished already," the nobleman replied, jovially, and I could see marks upon her thighs and breasts that alluded to a recent and painful punishment, "However I wish for her to be given a chance to punish your slave. It does wonders to teach a slave humility, when they are punished by another naked slave. It is infinitely more humbling than when a slave is punished by a freeman or freewoman!"

The crowd cheered and called out in support of the idea and with very little effort, Lord Bernhard was able to convince Darina to hand her leather strap over to Lord Bernhard's naked slave.

When the naked slavegirl stood before me with Darina's leather strap, her eyes were down, and I could see the modest curl of pubic hair between her legs and the swelling pink nipples of her bosom.

"I am very sorry, Princess," the girl whispered so softly that neither her master, nor Darina could hear her then she stepped behind me.

Darina and Lord Bernhard joined the front of the crowd to better view my punishment, and then Lord Bernhard instructed the girl to be very cruel and to whip me very hard for the entertainment of the crowds.

The way this naked girl whipped me was nothing like what I had come to expect from Frieda. This slavegirl had no favorite target on my body to punish, but rather seemed to whip me all over. Her leather strap wrapped around my shoulders, stung the hollow between my shoulder and my breasts, reddened the backs of my poor thighs, stung my breasts, whipped my firm little belly and buttocks, and even slapped at my exposed wet sex with her wicked leather strap.

My pubic lips became redder and more inflamed as the stinging strap licked at them, I cried out in pain and Lord Bernhard; much satisfied; ordered his slavegirl to whip my sex with the leather strap again.

I could feel my nether lips puffing, the moisture squirting, the stinging slaps sounding wetter and wetter. The naked slavegirl did not stop striking me there until Lord Bernhard told her to stop.

I screamed and screamed, much to the amusement of the crowds.

When the whipping ceased, the naked princess did not mock me. Her bare feet merely carried her off the stage and she respectfully returned the leather strap to Darina's hands, then she was made to kneel and softly kiss Darina's boots.

When Darina untied me from the posts, I had hoped that she meant to return me to Mistress Jarvinia's home, however I soon learned that she only meant to march me over to the pillories, as she had spied two that were unoccupied.

I was compelled to stand in front of one and bend over at the waist and stand with my legs indecently far apart and then to place my neck and wrists into the awaiting half circles of the pillory's yoke.

The upper yoke came down with a loud thump to hold me helplessly in place. Unseen, a woman walked up behind me and I felt her hands on my poor, stinging buttocks. I whimpered as my sore flesh was kneaded and fondled, and Darina ordered me to keep my legs far apart, so that my sex would be exposed to any lowborn villager that might come walking by.

I was surprised to see Lady Svetlana at the place of Public Punishment. For some reason I did not expect to see any great ladies at such a place. She greeted Darina and then she introduced Lucinda. Lucinda was an attractive girl, in the employ of Lord Ivan and Lady Svetlana's home.

"And this naked princess is Odilia," Lady Svetlana explained to her servant girl. "I had attempted to purchase her at auction, however Mistress Jarvinia ended up winning out in the end."