The Story of Odilia Ch. 12

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Hansel takes Odilia's anal virginity.
6.7k words

Part 12 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/13/2013
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Darina enjoys punishing me at every available opportunity. I attempt to be as obedient and accommodating as any slave has ever been, when in Darina's presence, however she constantly finds excuses to punish me no matter how perfectly obediently I behave.

On one warm spring day, Darina accused me of being disrespectful towards her. I had been working in Mistress Jarvinia's garden the entire morning and had not seen Darina the entire time, however once the accusation was made, I was undone. I could not assert my innocence without accusing Darina of lying, and should I accuse Darina of lying, I would be punished for criticizing a free woman.

If I remained silent I would be punished, if I spoke up I would be punished. It truly did not matter which course of action I chose. I was to be punished no matter what.

Left with two equally miserable choices, I chose to remain silent. Darina and Gretel then took ropes and bound my wrists and ankles far apart as I stood between the two vertical poles in Mistress Jarvinia's yard.

Darina raised my hands and bound my wrists painfully tight to the iron rings embedded high up on the vertical, wooden poles. Poor Gretel knelt at my feet and drew my unresisting ankles apart and towards the iron rings at the bottom of the vertical poles. I felt the increased stretch as my arms and legs were bound far apart and within moments, I was spread wide, completely vulnerable and utterly helpless.

"I like seeing you, tied like that, Princess," Darina said as she leisurely examined my helpless nudity, "You look much improved when you're helpless and spread wide open for me."

Darina eyed my helpless nudity with a cruel and predatory look. I felt a wet, pulsing fire in my loins as this peasant girl examined my vulnerable breasts and defenseless sex. The way she looked at me forced me to acknowledge my helplessness and my vulnerability. Darina was fully clothed and had the full use of her hands while I was naked and helpless. The cruel girl could do whatever she liked with my naked body, and I could do naught to stop her.

I took a deep breath and my heart beat painfully fast. I felt a deep and urgent fear as Darina examined my naked, helpless body. I didn't dare to ask Darina for mercy however I gave her a pleading look with my eyes.

"It's not just the way that this type of bondage raises your breasts and presents them for me," Darina said as she stared at my outthrust breasts, "Or even the way that you're presenting your sex to me, as if as a gift," she said as she stared intently at my helplessly exposed loins, "No, it's the look of utter fear and delicious anticipation on your face. You have no idea what I shall do to you next, and that leaves you in delicious distress."

I trembled at Darian's words and then she added, "I could simply leave you there the way you are for quite some time. I would certainly enjoy watching you agonize and worry about what's going to come next."

This was a new torment that Darina had never considered before. I was certain I wouldn't enjoy it, however I was just as certain that this peasant girl would find this new form of torture endlessly entertaining from her perspective.

"Yes, Mistress," I replied in a tone that I hoped sounded respectful.

I shuddered in fear and apprehension while Gretel; still kneeling naked at my feet; kissed me on my left thigh. It was a message that Gretel sympathized with my plight, and it was Gretel's good fortune that Darina failed to notice Gretel's gesture of solidarity. For if Darina had noticed, both Gretel and I would be punished today.

After Darina left me there alone, I struggled in my bonds, but to no avail. I pulled against the ropes, but no matter how much I strained my muscles, I could accomplish little more than chafing the bare flesh of my tightly-tied wrists and ankles.

Birds landed on Mistress Jarvinia's lawn, but ignored my plight. I wasn't anything they could consume with their tiny beaks and I couldn't move, so I was no threat to them, thus they chose to ignore me.

At one point, a winged insect landed on my defenseless nipple. In my helpless and vulnerable state I could do nothing to force the insect to leave my exposed flesh alone. Were my hands free, I would have brushed the intrusive insect away, but bound as I was, I was forced to allow the insect crawl over my naked flesh as much as he pleased.

It was one of those yellow and black insects that sometimes sting the villagers. I feared that this unwelcome insect might sting my defenseless breasts or nipple, however it soon lost interest in my naked flesh and flew off in the direction of Mistress Jarvinia's garden.

Time passed and I grew miserable in my boredom and my solitude. I was alone in my helplessness, sharing the grassy field with only the hot sun, the warm breezes, apathetic birds and curious insects.

And then Lady Svetlana sauntered in. She noticed me across the field and strode straight towards me, scattering birds as she went and eyeing me intently.

Lady Svetlana had seen my naked flesh before, however each time she laid eyes upon it, she stared as if it were her first time. She seemed to be utterly spellbound by the sight of my naked body and could not take her eyes off of me.

I could do nothing to conceal my naked flesh from her gaze, so I resolved to calmly surrender to her libidinous scrutiny, however no matter how much I attempted to calm myself, I felt a feverish heat as her eyes examined my nudity and assessed my charms.

Lady Svetlana was a woman of regal bearing, grace and dignity. My breath quickened and my blood raced at her approach. The look she gave me wasn't the same sort of contemptuous look that Darina or the girls from the village gave me when they examined my naked body. It was more the look that a man gives a young woman, when he is smitten with her and sees her naked flesh for the first time.

She ambled over to where I was bound and kissed me, covering my mouth with hers and then teased my helpless nipples for brief seconds. I sighed at the feel of her graceful fingers, working their will on my exposed nipples. My nipples hardened the instant I felt her fingertips make contact with the bare flesh of my breasts, however she took her hands away after I began to pant.

I wished that she would take my nipples in her hands once again, however; as a slave; I could not ask for Lady Svetlana to do this for me. Slaves never make requests of free women. It's considered to be presumptuous and slaves are usually punished for presumption.

I moaned at the loss of her fingers and asked, "Are you here to save me from being whipped? I have done nothing wrong. Darina is whipping me simply for the pleasure of reddening my skin and hearing me scream."

Lady Svetlana pinched my nipples hard in admonition and said, "You don't have to be a bad girl to be punished. You only have to be a girl, and I refuse to do or say anything that would ruin Darina's fun. It is the destiny of a slave to be punished unfairly if free men or women desire it."

I trembled in my bonds and wished I could take back the words that I had said. Lady Svetlana viewed my words with disapproval and felt a strong pang of regret. I wanted desperately for Lady Svetlana to approve of me. Much to my surprise, I adored Lady Svetlana and I felt desperate for her to find favor with me.

"I intend to be here and observe when Darina punishes you," Lady Svetlana announced boldly, "Every motion and sound as a naked slave-girl is a delight. And you are far more beautify than any slave-girl I've seen in the past dozen years. I'll treasure the experience of watching Darina redden your naked skin and hearing you scream."

The look of disapproval had faded from Lady Svetlana's eyes and she was gazing at my naked body with adoration once again. She seemed to be utterly intoxicated and had already forgotten how I had attempted to escape punishment.

It felt good to see the look of admiration once more on her face, and I said, "If it brings you pleasure, I'm happy to have you here to witness my punishment."

Lady Svetlana reached for my nipples once again and rolled them between her thumb and forefingers. She stared into my eyes, enraptured and seemed to be almost unaware of what her fingers were doing. I panted as the pressure from her fingers fanned my lusts and heated the pulsing fire in my loins, however I could not tear my eyes away from her gaze. Her eyes were enthralling, and I felt as if I could stare into them forever.

I wished that she would kiss me again and impale my wet, throbbing sex with her strong fingers and thrust deep inside of me over and over again until I achieved some relief from all of this feverish sexual heat, however it was not to be, and much to my disappointment, she stepped away and walked back to a spot where I could no longer see her.

When next I felt human hands touching me, it was Darina, slowly stroking her hands across my exposed ribcage, belly and breasts, while she stood behind me.

"I'm going to whip you furiously, Princess," Darina informed me maliciously, "I'm going to make this beautiful, naked skin of yours sing with stinging, painful heat. Do you think that you'll scream for me?"

I offered to scream for Darina if that was what she truly desired, but I think that she didn't even bother to listen to my response. She was eager to begin my punishment, and nothing I had to say would be as interesting to her, as seeing the vivid, reddish marks she would soon be inflicting on my skin.

Lady Svetlana and Mistress Jarvinia had come out to witness my punishment. Lord Conrad had also arrived at some point and became part of the audience. Lady Gabrielle was also there, along with half a dozen friends or loyalists she had recruited to come witness my humiliation. Some of them I recognized from the time I spent at Queen Eleanor's castle. Other women were strangers to me, however they all added to my humiliation simply by being there and bearing witness to what Darina was there to do to me.

Two young women I had not seen before, stood near Lady Gabrielle, whispered to one another and pointed at me. Behind them, a tall, majestic lady in a fine gown, following the direction of the young woman's pointing finger, examined my naked body, evaluated my endowments and finally whispered a reply to the young woman who continued to point in my direction.

There were smiles and more whispers and then Darina announced loudly that it was time for my punishment to begin. She made a great display of showing everyone the whip that she had chosen to mark me.

It was a long, thin strip of leather that I knew would sting horribly, however I knew better than to complain. The assembled crowd seemed delighted at the whip Darina had chosen and soon I heard claps, laughs and shouts of approval. Darina smiled at the crowd's reaction. She was only a peasant-girl, however she was receiving boisterous approval from great ladies and a lord for what she was about to do to my helpless body.

The first stroke wrapped around my waist and left a pain like liquid fire across my naked skin. I screamed, but the whistle of the whip and the crack of leather upon my naked flesh was loud enough to drown out the sound of my pitiful scream.

The second blow landed across the back of my outstretched thigh and wrested another scream from my lips.

The third stroke of Darina's cruel whip was aimed between my buttocks and bit into the tender furrow between them. It was a cruel and unexpected place for Darina to whip a girl and I struggled to turn my head to implore Darina not to strike me there again.

My eyes were already filling with tears, and I failed to see the expression on Darina's face. I could barely see the peasant-girl at all, however she did not stop or even slow in her relentless punishment of my helpless, nude body.

I screamed again as the cruel leather whip cracked against my naked flesh, decorating my back with two painful lines.

Then, without warning, Darina switched targets and I screamed as the stinging whip found my poor, defenseless buttocks again and again and again.

"Very well Princess, that was a dozen strokes of the whip," and I relaxed in my bondage as Darina's words had a sound of finality, as if she meant to end my punishment there.

It was in that moment; when I was least prepared for it; that the whip snaked out again and smacked painfully against my already sore buttocks.

I cried out in pain, and then over the sound of my own girlish screams and sobbing I could hear Darina announce, "But I'm certain you deserve more than a dozen strokes."

I had a hope that thirteen strokes of the whip would be enough to satisfy Darina's appetite for cruelty, however I hoped in vain.

"Have you ever seen one of these before?" asked Darina, suddenly standing in front of me. My vision was blurry with tears, but I focused on the shiny, metal tool that the girl was holding up for my examination.

I squirmed and writhed in my bonds once I recognized the item in Darina's hand. It was a silver clamp, designed to clamp down painfully hard a slave-girl's nipple. It's an extremely cruel device and every slave girl that has ever had the misfortune to have one of these attached to her nipples learns to fear them.

"Please, Mistress," I begged the peasant girl, "You have no idea how much those hurt when they bite into a girl's poor nipples."

"Nonsense," Darina scoffed, "A slave-girl can tolerate all manner of painful punishments, and Lady Gabrielle gave these to me as a gift. It would be rude and ungrateful of me to not use them after she was so generous."

Having cast aside my supplications, Darina wrapped her arms around my torso and lowered her mouth to one of my vulnerable nipples, sucking on it greedily, causing it to become swollen and painfully erect. I hated Darina, however her mouth on my nipple, stimulated a fire in my loins, and when I panted with sexual need, Darina lowered her mouth to the other nipple and sucked at it until it was just as painfully swollen and erect as the first one.

The cruel girl bit my nipple painfully before she straightened up and there was a ripple of laughter and words of encouragement as I yelped in surprise and pain. It was a base cruelty for teeth to bite into the sensitive flesh of a girl's swollen, tender nipples, and I could not keep from crying out.

Then the peasant girl took hold of my right breast and painfully gripped the base of my areola with one hand and then with her other hand, she snapped the silver clamp upon my already swollen and erect nipple.

I gasped at the pain of the silver clamp upon my poor defenseless nipple and within an instant, Darina had snapped a silver clamp shut upon my left nipple as well. I whimpered and panted at the nagging torment of those cruel silver jaws biting into my sensitive, throbbing nipples, much to the amusement of the crowd. Lady Gabrielle and the guests she brought with her laughed at my struggles and desperate panting. She and her friends were overtly enjoying my suffering.

More tears welled up in my eyes and I sobbed shamelessly as my nipples throbbed and ached and felt as if they were being cruelly gnawed upon. Darina smiled and seemed to be enjoying my distress. And then Lady Gabrielle called Darina away from me and I assumed that meant the end to using my naked body as a form of public amusement.

My nipples still throbbed with pain and I wondered when the tormenting silver jaws would be removed from my poor abused nipples, however I soon was presented with even more torments.

I could not hear what Darina and Lady Gabrielle said over the sound of my own sobbing, however when Darina returned, she had two more of the dreaded silver devices on in her hand. She held them up for my inspection and allowed me to guess their purpose.

"Can you guess where these go, Princess?" she asked mockingly.

My eyes widened in fear and apprehension. I strained against the bonds on my ankles and attempted to close my thighs together, however it was of no use. I was tied too well and too tightly. No matter how mightily I struggled, I could do little more than tremble in my bondage.

I whined piteously as the cruel girl knelt between my legs and attached the silver jaws to my swollen labia with cruel efficiency. My whines entertained the crowd and they called out words of encouragement to Darina, praising her for sounds of distress I was making.

A girl's nether lips are a cruel place to be bitten, however the silver jaws of the clamps bit into my tender flesh and held on tightly, causing me to cry out and sob in distress. I would have promised anything if only Darina would remove the biting, silver jaws from my poor pubic lips and abused nipples, however I had already been informed that begging for mercy would merely invite more punishment, so I said nothing.

The throbbing agony in my aching nipples and pubic lips should have been enough to satisfy Darina's inclination for cruelty, however she picked up another whip and resumed whipping my naked body anyway.

The second whip was less painful than the first whip Darina had employed on my naked body, however it still hurt, and Darina seemed to seek out the most sensitive parts of my anatomy with her new tool of punishment.

The leather whip bit into my armpits, wrapping around to strike at my poor, defenseless breasts. It reddened my belly, stung my buttocks and left agonizing, red marks across my thighs.

Darina enjoyed taking the whip to the backs of my thighs, although she preferred the sensitive flesh of my inner thighs. My thighs were spread obscenely wide, making my unprotected inner thighs an inviting target. I screamed in pain every time she struck me there and her stinging blows kept coming closer and closer to my unprotected sex, striking my buttocks and my thighs dangerously close to my swollen nether lips, but never quite touching it. It was as if she wanted to fill me with fear and trepidation, making me aware that her whip could strike me there at any time.

I screamed often and I lost count of how many times Darina made my buttocks and thighs sting with dreadful pain. When she finally stopped, I was covered in a sheen of sweat, my vision was blurred with feminine tears and I was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Now we have a very sorry princess, don't we?" Darina asked the assembled crowd. My entire body from my thighs to my poor, abused breasts was a riot of pain and my face was covered with tears. The crowd agreed I must be a very sorry princess by now and they seemed to be delighted with my tears and the reddish whip marks that Darina had left upon my naked skin.

"As she's truly penitent for her rude behavior, I suppose she no longer need have these punishing pieces of jewelry biting into her flesh," Darina announced and then she made a grand display of grabbing at the silver clamps on my nipples and yanking them off suddenly.

There was a sudden flare of agony and for one terrible moment I was certain that Darina had torn my nipples bloodily from my breasts, however when I looked down my nipples were still intact. There were horribly reddened and swollen, and there were marks that would last for hours where the clamps had bitten into them, however Darina's vicious clamps had thankfully done no permanent damage.

Next she reached between my widespread legs and looked intently into my eyes before yanking away the silver clamps that had been biting into the flesh of my swollen, sensitive nether lips.

I howled in agony as the clamps hurt far more acutely coming off my labia, than they did when Darina put them on. Darina smiled maliciously at my fierce screams of pain and Lady Gabrielle and the assembled throng of onlookers laughed in wry amusement.