The Story of Odilia Ch. 16

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Publicly humiliated for the entertainment of others.
9.6k words

Part 16 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/13/2013
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When Mistress Jarvinia inspected her two slaves, she seemed pleased and satisfied with my efforts at punishing them for her.

"Ah, Odilia," she exclaimed, "You claimed that you lacked the ability to punish a slave-girl, and yet, even were I a blind woman I would be able to feel the heat coming up from these girls' backsides!"

"I strive to please you, Mistress," I replied timidly.

Mistress Jarvinia favored me with a wicked smile and added, "Of course, have I not punished your own buttocks and thighs in a very like manner many times over?"

I felt a flood of shame and anxiety flood over me at her question and answered her in the affirmative. She had indeed left my thighs and buttocks in a riot of scalding pain on many occasions. Did she intend to inflict such pain upon me again, or did she merely intend to shame me with memories of previous humiliations?

Having answered her question, I hung my head and waited with trepidation for her next words.

"I'll be calling upon Odilia to punish my slaves again," Mistress Jarvinia informed my mistress, "However next time I am intent on watching her efforts. The stricken and fearful looks upon the faces of Ava and Godiva are delicious. I should like to watch, and see her perform the next time those looks blossom on the faces of my slaves."

"Of course," Lady Svetlana replied deferentially, "Any time you desire our presence, you need merely to send us a request."

Officially Mistress Jarvinia's status was beneath that of Lady Svetlana, however Mistress Jarvinia had a reputation for being very adept at casting curses. There were frightening stories of men and women who had offended Mistress Jarvinia, who had suffered horrible torments and then died in very fearsome ways. No one in the kingdom wished to offend Mistress Jarvinia. Even Queen Eleanor treated Old Mistress Jarvinia with respect.

The two armed men in the service of Mistress Jarvinia arrived and offered to escort us back to Lady Svetlana's manor house. Lady Svetlana bound a leather collar around my throat before we left and then attached a leash to my collar. I thought that we would depart without delay, however, Mistress Jarvinia surprised me by planting her mouth over mine and kissing me, while holding my face between her surprisingly strong hands.

I had been a slave in Mistress Jarvinia's home for a great deal of months, and she had never kissed me once during that entire time. I found it curious that she would choose to kiss me now. I was also surprised by the fierceness and burning passion of her kiss. It was a kiss that seemed to stretch on for minutes and left me breathless and panting when her mouth finally broke contact with mine.

Mistress Jarvinia utterly refused to explain her actions. She merely wished Lady Svetlana and me a safe journey home. Lady Svetlana then tugged upon my leash, and bewildered I began to walk behind her.

* * * * * * * * * *

At some point as we were traveling through the woods, we encountered several women who had captured a runaway slave. All told there were five women. They had been washing clothes in the nearby river when a naked princess had attempted to cross the river and make her way into the neighboring kingdom.

The washerwomen had grabbed the naked princess from the water and dragged her back to Queen Eleanor's side of the river. They proclaimed that they intended to return her to her rightful owner, however, they insisted on punishing her first.

The washerwomen had forced the runaway princess to lie across the trunk of a fallen tree, and they were taking turns paddling the poor girl's naked buttocks with their washing bats. I had never taken notice of it before, however washing bats and spanking paddles were designed to be very much similar. A washing bat had a wooden handle and a thin, flat sturdy piece of wood for beating laundry against a rock. The main difference between a paddle and a washing bat is that the washing bat was designed for beating laundry. The paddle was designed for beating the bare buttocks of a penitent slave.

The poor naked slave-girl was miserable and sobbing, and her buttocks were already beginning to turn a painful shade of red. In addition to the stinging pain of her reddened buttocks, I surmised that the bark of the fallen tree would feel rough and unforgiving on the princess's naked thighs, breasts and nipples.

I felt compassion for the poor, punished princess, but I also felt a furtive, guilty heat in my loins. I had a dark, feverish desire to take the runaway princess's place across the trunk of that tree and suffer the same cruel fate that the poor, whimpering girl was suffering.

The armed men and Lady Svetlana stopped and spoke with the washerwomen, leaving me to linger near the punished princess and to gaze upon her suffering for an extensive period. I stamped my feet uneasily and rubbed my naked thighs against each other as the wet throbbing in my sex became more vexing and more insistent. It was strange and bewildering, however, I craved the sort of abuse and punishment that the poor sobbing princess was suffering just now.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Life in Lady Svetlana's manor house soon fell into a predictable routine. Every morning I would be taken to Lucinda's bedchamber to see to her sexual demands. Every night I would be taken to Lady Svetlana's bedchamber and make certain that her sexual desires were tended to. During the interim, I would either serve in Becca's kitchens, or I would be sent to Lord Stephanus's manor house to be exercised.

There was a royal decree that every slave in the village was to be exercised on a regular basis. Lord Stephanus embraced the spirit of this decree and offered up a large tract of his land and six of his servants to help make certain that slaves were exercised daily.

Whenever I was sent to Lord Stephanus's manor house, there were always more than a dozen naked slaves being made by his servants to run swiftly down well-worn paths, to wrestle against other slaves and other demanding physical tasks. There was a small lake on his property and there were times when slaves would be ordered to swim from one end of the lake and back again until they were physically exhausted.

Such forced exercise assures that the slaves in the Village shall always have exquisite buttocks, firm thighs and admirable bodies overall and when I would be made to run vigorously down the paths of Lord Stephanus's manor, panting, my throat burning and my naked body covered in a fine sheen of sweat, his servants would chase after me, leather strap in hand, urging me to arch my back, keep my head up and to run faster, ever faster.

Naked slaves who failed to sprint across the footpath with satisfactory liveliness and urgency would soon find their naked buttocks stinging with a well-aimed blow of a leather strap. The foreboding threat of those stinging blows motivated many of us to be unerringly fleet-footed, and we would sprint ahead to outpace our tormentors.

The footpath was not the only form of exercise I was made to do. Another type of exercise was when I was ordered to wrestle against another slave.

When I was a princess in the Kingdom of Schwabia, wrestling was beneath my station, however, as a naked slave in the Kingdom of Bellavalten, my status was much lower and I would be made to wrestle quite often.

I wrestled poorly at first. The goal of this exercise is to force your opponent to the ground and keep them there. I had no idea of how to accomplish this and to make the task even more vexing, when I would grapple with a naked princess, I would feel her naked flesh pressed up firmly against my own naked body.

The feel of her grabbing my naked thighs or waist, filled me with a craving for her to touch me even more. The feel of her naked breasts pressed against my back as she grappled with me, or the feel of my naked breasts being squashed as she forced the weight of her naked body on top of mine, pinning me to the ground, caused a wet, insistent throbbing in my sex and caused me to pant with feverish sexual desire.

The servants who oversaw my exercise found it unsatisfactory that any slave should lose as often as I did at this physical competition, and I would be paddled if I lost more than three times in a row. As I wrestled poorly, I was spanked quite often by Lord Stephanus's servants.

After several weeks of this, one of Lord Stephanus's servants took pity upon me and began to teach me of ways to grapple with my opponent to immobilize their arms, their neck, their shoulders and other parts of their body. It took time and effort, but I did improve, and sometimes I would win when I was made to wrestle against a princess.

The opponent I was most commonly made to wrestle against was Princess Jehanne. She was a tall, slender princess with long, sturdy arms and legs. Her hair was long, flowing and red, much like my own hair. We looked very much alike. Perhaps that's why it was so unacceptable that I lost to her so often. Perhaps our similar appearance made my overseers believe that we should be very much alike in athletic ability as well.

The first time I ever bested Princess Jehanne, there was a roar of approval from Lord Stephanus's servants. It was as if they judged my victory was their victory as well. There was shouting and applause, and I was given a bowl of wine to drink from.

As I mentioned, slaves that were judged to have wrestled poorly were sometimes punished for it. Lord Stephanus approved of this practice and felt that it was a proper motivation to the slave, to make them strive to improve their physical performance.

What is not widely known, is that Lord Stephanus's servants had other forms of motivation that they would utilize when Lord Stephanus was not in residence and could not oversee what his servants were doing.

At those times when a prince or princess was deemed to have performed exceptionally well, the losing opponent would be ordered to use their mouth to bring the victorious opponent to sexual release.

I had seen it much during the third week I was sent to Lord Stephanus's manor house for exercise. A naked prince who had wrestled well and remained undefeated had another naked prince kneeling at his feet, taking his erect penis in his mouth and sucking upon it with great enthusiasm and when the victorious prince reached the boiling apex of sexual pleasure, he would orgasm into the mouth of the kneeling, defeated prince.

Many weeks after that, I had finally managed to have enough victories against Princess Jehanne that I was told to stand above her while she was told to kneel and to use her mouth to bring me pleasure.

Princess Jehanne visibly blushed as she knelt at my feet, however, she obediently clamped her mouth on my sex and her tongue went deep inside me. My poor sex had been wet and throbbing the entire time I had been wrestling with the naked princess and the feel of her mouth and probing tongue was utterly blissful. I began to moan the instant I felt her tongue inside of me.

Princess Jehanne may have felt humiliated to be kneeling at my feet and using her tongue to pleasure me, however, she was quite skilled at using her tongue to bring a woman to orgasm. At some point, some lady or mistress must have taught her well. Her tongue was exquisite ecstasy inside of my pulsing vagina.

I attempted to keep my eyes open and gaze upon the beautiful, naked princess at my feet as her tongue worked its way diligently in the most intimate part of my body, however, the orgasm that was building inside of me was too powerful and my eyes squeezed shut as the rush of the orgasm seemed to build. Like a wave that has been building in strength over a thousand miles of ocean, so built the strength of the orgasm deep inside my loins.

My eyes remained tightly shut as an onslaught of pleasure burst forth from my sex and I cried aloud, filling the sky with my wild, libidinous screams. My orgasm broke loose and exploded out of me like a great and powerful wave exploding onto the shore of some unsuspecting coastline.

Tears leaked out of my eyes and I panted in ragged breaths as the orgasm ripped through me, yet Princess Jehanne continued to lick at my clitoris. My knees felt weak and my thighs trembled as the naked princess continued to utilize her tongue to arouse my satiated sex. I had to grab her scalp and scream at her before her tongue ceased its ministrations.

My incredibly boisterous orgasm also provoked cheers and applause from Lord Stephanus's servants. They enjoyed a good spectacle, and on that day, Princess Jehanne and I provided it for them.

* * * * * * * * *

The longer I lived in Lady Svetlana's manor house, the more time she spent with me. She still shared me with Lucinda, and even timid Alma was permitted to sample the sexual pleasures I had to offer, however, I rarely worked in the kitchens anymore. I was spending far too much time in Lady Svetlana's bedchamber, bringing my mistress one panting, and staggering orgasm after another.

There were days that I spent so much time in Lady Svetlana's bedchambers that I failed to receive a spanking from Lucinda. When I complained that my naked buttocks were not being punished as was the norm, my mistress seemed quite bewildered at my complaint.

"Why ever should you want to be punished?" she inquired as my head rested upon the soft firmness of her naked thigh, "I had always thought that it was the role of a slave to attempt to escape punishment."

I struggled to answer at first. I suspected that many slaves felt the same as I did, however, none of them ever spoke of it. Many of us craved harsh punishments, however, to speak of it seemed to be a violation of some unwritten rule. Even those who craved the paddle and the strap would make a show of struggling against those who bound them and would jerk and flinch very vigorously when their naked flesh was struck. It was as if there were an etiquette to be followed. Even if you craved the punishment you never requested it.

"The searing sting of the strap on my naked flesh helps to rob me of my courtly upbringing," I explained to Lady Svetlana, struggling to find the proper words, "It helps to strip me of my inhibitions. It helps to make me more wanton, more libidinous. It helps to transform me into a purely sexual being."

"Indeed," my mistress replied, stroking my long, silky hair and lifting a strand away from my eyes, "And is this the only thing that makes you more sexual, more libidinous?"

I thought intently upon it and came to the conclusion that there was more than punishments that made me feel more wanton.

"There are other things, Mistress," I confessed.

"If that is the case, slave-girl, you should tell me what these things are," my mistress declared, "I intend for you to be as sexual and libidinous as the two of us might manage. You shall assist me by telling me what else helps transform you into a purely sexual being."

As she commanded me to do this, she sat up, grabbed me by the ankles and spread my legs indecently far apart. She then proceeded to stroke my swollen, wet labia and clitoris.

I panted and moaned, yet I honestly answered her question with great honesty. Her fingers stroked, rubbed and pulled upon my secret most sensitive flesh, making me feverish with wanton arousal, however, she refused to take me over the edge to the culmination of my growing, desperate passion.

"Mistress," I replied respectfully, "I feel much more wanton and sexual when I am forced to reveal my naked body in humiliating positions and examined by strangers. When I am examined in such a way, it is if my dignity and modesty are things that I had never possessed."

"What sort of humiliating positions?" my mistress asked as she stroked the tender flesh just beyond my swollen clitoris, "Be quite detailed and specific with your answers."

I whimpered and told my mistress of positions I had been forced to hold for Mistress Jarvinia and Lord Gregory in my earlier years as a slave, positions with my thighs stretched far apart and my anus and wet, swollen pubic lips exposed for all to see and vulnerable to cruel fingers that might do anything to them. Such humiliating and vulnerable positions often left me trembling with wanton lust and sexual craving.

When the questing, curious fingers of strange, unfamiliar women touch me in those most sensitive places, it utterly robs me of my courtly upbringing and suffuses my entire being with feverish sexual passion.

"And is that all?" my mistress inquired as she slowly rubbed my swollen clitoris, "You shall not experience sexual bliss until I am certain you have emptied out your soul and told me everything."

I whimpered and explained to my mistress that I felt utterly wanton and luxuriantly female and feverish with sexual desire when my naked body was displayed to a large crowd of interested women. Men no longer caused my body to react, however, a large crowd of females gazing upon my naked body with obvious sexual longing, makes me feel overwhelmed with wanton sexual desire.

Lady Svetlana continued to interrogate me for quite some time, stroking my sex, making me moan and pant in sexual hunger, until she was certain that I held told her everything and held back nothing of my secret, sexual cravings.

And finally; when she was satisfied that I had told her all she wanted to know; I felt her fingers suddenly inside my vagina. They thrust inside of me forcefully and I gasped in shock. My hips writhed and I cried out helplessly as I reached the boiling pinnacle of pleasure almost at the instant that her fingers speared deep inside of my sex.

The orgasm brook loose like a massive tidal wave crashing upon a helpless wooden ship. I was swept along helplessly by that orgasm, feeling the pleasure flooding through my entire body, the sensation causing my nipples and sex to throb uncontrollably and my sex to spasm around Lady Svetlana's proud fingers.

Her fingers plunged into me again and again, prolonging the orgasm, invigorating my body with wave after of splendid orgasmic bliss.

I cried out like a wild, uncivilized thing. I had spilled all of my secrets to Lady Svetlana and this was my reward, this vigorous, wicked, overpowering orgasm searing through my naked, panting body.

And when I lay there, panting, exhausted and limp on Lady Svetlana's bed, my mistress withdrew her moist fingers from my sex and said, "Now that I know how to transform my Odilia into a purely sexual being, I will definitely have to use this information."

I lay there languidly and utterly exhausted, and wondered what my mistress was planning, however, I had been utterly drained by my recent interrogation and I hadn't the strength to mouth the words to ask my mistress any questions.

* * * * * * * * * *

My mistress had told me once of her intentions to have a pillory built on her property, and other bondage devices as well, so that I might be punished in a very public setting in front of a great deal of witnesses.

And yet, months went by and nothing was ever done. I found this to be bewildering, as my mistress rarely ever makes plans without seeing them through to completion. Then there came a day when I realized that her plans had changed somewhat.

One day as I was on my hands and knees, scrubbing the floor in Becca's kitchens, Lady Svetlana approached me, a young woman of about nineteen years of age following slightly behind her.

"Isabeau," my mistress said to the girl, "This is Odilia, the slave I was telling you about."

I was made to kiss Isabeau's feet and then told to rise so that she could inspect me.

I rose and assumed a position Mistress Jarvinia had taught me for slave inspections. It meant that I stood with my hands clasped behind my neck, my breasts thrust forward and my legs spread far enough apart that my sex was well on view.