The Stray

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The rescue of a wronged person.
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Copyright 2012 by madengineer3

In the following story all the names and places are fictitious in nature. Any coincidences are purely coincidental. There are no sex scenes in the story, sorry.

The opening chapters of my story start years before the events that are detailed bellow. My brother and I were brought up with strong lessons of compassion, fairness, and loyalty. These lessons formed part of the core of our personalities. The current story starts about five years ago, shortly after my younger brother died. My wife died in the same car wreck. When you are the last living member of your family there is a loneliness that cannot be adequately put into words. Due to pressures at work, the death of my wife, and extreme shyness, I did not re-married nor did I have any close friends.

I'm not super rich, but I do have a net worth in the seven figure range. Beyond that I have an excellent investment portfolio. In fact, the only work I do is done from my home office. I can offer analytical help to companies that cannot afford to have a full time engineer on hand.

I was driving back to my home, in the rugged rural hills of our state. It was twilight and the weather report had indicated that it would be cold tonight. (Cold in November in our area usually means that the temperature will be down between five and fifteen degrees F. This is not ideal weather for camping out.

As I passed an intersection of two back roads I saw something that made me stop. In a large culvert (sluice pipe) I saw a small fire with someone huddled next to it. Being curious, and concerned, I stopped the car, got out and walked over to near the pipe.

"Hello, down there; Are you okay?"

There was no answer.

"Hey, it's supposed to get really cold tonight if you are stuck out here I'm sure I can find a warm place for you to sleep. There will be no strings attached. If that isn't good enough I could drive you back into town and rent you a motel room for the night."

A somewhat raspy voice answered me. "Why would you do that? You have to have an angel. Nobody gives something away without getting something back."

"You make a good point there. What I would get out of it is knowing that you won't freeze to death while I am in my nice warm house three miles from here."

"Let me come up and look at you and look at your car. I need to size you up before jumping from the frying pan into the fire."

The person who came up out of the ditch was very thin and couldn't have been more than five foot two inches, or so. The person was carrying what used to be called a rucksack. A very non fashionable bag to make it easier to carry things.

"Tell you what, I'll turn on the car's dome light and stand in front of the headlights and so that you can see me, and the car, better. "

I did just that. After a long minute or so the person said: "Okay, I'd like to take you up on your offer but you'll have to promise that you will have a hands off policy toward me."

"No problem, climb in the passenger's seat and I'll get us home and cook up some supper."

When we got to my place I showed my guest my guest bedroom.

"As you can see, it's a good door and has a good lock on the inside. It also has a small bathroom attached. If you want to take a clean shower to help warm up you'll also find a robe and slippers in the closet. You are free to use them. I'm going to go make supper."

I proceeded to get out the beef stew that I had made the previous night. I also tossed a couple of frozen loaves of baguette bread in the oven and made a fresh pot of coffee. Then, I sat down and started to do our local paper's crossword puzzle.

I was startled when my guest quietly came into the kitchen. I had expected the person I invited in to be a man, however there was no mistaking the fact that this was a woman. She wasn't really pretty, but she wasn't ugly either.

"Oh, pardon me, I didn't know you were a woman. I would have guessed a middle aged guy. There aren't too many women walking around at night in this part of the country. By the way, I'm Jim. And, you are..?

"Mary. You have no idea how good that shower felt. It's been the better part of a week since I could really get cleaned up. Your guest room is very nice. What's for supper?"

"Beef stew, good bread and coffee, if that's okay with you."

"It sound wonderful. I haven't had a good meal in several days now."

I put the food on the table and said grace before we ate. "Father, thank you for this food and shelter. Thank you for your forgiveness, even when we don't deserve it. Please bless this food to us and us to your service; amen."

Mary dug into the meal with gusto. She was indeed hungry. I didn't ask her any questions. She was too busy eating.

When we finished I took the dishes to the sink and started washing them.

"Do you always wash the dishes right after a meal?"

"Yes, it's sort of a habit I got while I was growing up. Back then my dad said that my mom had to do enough work during the day and the least we could do was to help with the dishes and do our own laundry. It's stuck with me a long time. By the way, would you like some more coffee and a piece of cake or pie?"

"Yes, please. What type of cake and pie do you have?"

"The cake is a copy of the old A&P Spanish bar and the pie is apple. I don't make my apple pies sweet I like to taste the tartness of the Granny Smith apples."

"I would love a piece of either. They both sound good."

"Good, I'll get them ready and carry them into the living room. Just walk back toward the guest room and then hang a left turn. I'll be in soon."

There was a good fire going in the fireplace. Mary sat on a chair that was over near the fire and I sat on the far end of the couch.

"If you don't mind me asking, how do you happen to find yourself wandering around in the boonies at this time of year? It can't be fun to make due like the earliest settlers did."

"I'd rather not talk about it. It's still too painful for me. Let's just say that I didn't end up wandering around because I wanted to."

"Okay, If you have any questions for me, I will probably try to answer them."

"How come you are living, alone, out here? You have a beautiful house, you obviously have enough money to survive, yet there are no other people. Is there a reason for that?"

"That's an area I would just as soon not talk about right now. Let's just say that my wife, son and my only brother died at about the same time about five years ago. I'm still trying to figure out what life is supposed to mean at this point. I'd rather not say much more at the moment."

"Mary, let me ask you one more question, please. What had you planned on doing if I hadn't stopped?"

"I don't know for sure but I don't want to discuss that either."

"Okay, I'm going to set the house's computer for overnight energy saving and then I will be headed to bed. If you suddenly need something you can bang on my room door. It's the door just up the hall from your room. I'll see you in the morning. Good night."

"Good night, and thank you for letting me get out of the cold, it means a lot to me."


When I woke up in the morning I glanced outside my bedroom window. It was a beautiful view. There was a fresh blanket of snow on everything. When I looked more closely I discovered that the lump on the snow drift in the driveway, was the top three inches of my car. We were snowed in. I got dressed and went into the kitchen to put together a good breakfast.

I was mostly through the preparation of the meal when I realized that Mary had entered the room.

"Good morning Jim."

"Good morning, Mary. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, that was one of the best sleeps I have had in quite a while. Knowing that the door was securely locked and that I didn't have to keep wondering if I was going to have to defend myself was a true luxury."

I put the food on the table and we ate in relative silence.

"I don't know if you looked outside this morning but we are officially snowed in. I can only see a lump where the top three inches of my car should be. I hope you didn't have anyplace you needed to be this morning because we'd probably need a snow machine (snowmobile) to get out of here. And don't worry you are free to be my guest until you decide to leave."

"Jim, do you have any books around that I could read?"

"I have a very wide selection of books. I'll show you where the books are and then I will get some work done."

I led her into what the original builders of the house thought would be a nice formal dining room. Except for the two windows, that looked out over the fields near my home, and two doorways every wall had shelves for books. There was also a double book case that ran down the center of the room.

"I suspect that you will find something of interest here. If you need anything please let me know. Interrupt me if you need to, once I get working on a problem I sometimes forget about time."

I went into my study and pulled out the file containing my hottest project. True to my word I totally forgot what time it was. I was drawn back to reality by a gentle knocking on the door frame.

I looked up and there was Mary. I glanced at the clock and realized that it was late afternoon.

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time. Interesting problems sort of have an allure all of their own. What would you like for supper?"

"Whatever you feel like cooking. I'd also like to talk to you about your library as we eat."

"Oh, you found something interesting?"

"I think so. But, what can I do to help get supper ready?"


Mary ended up washing and preparing the potatoes for baking. In the meantime I made a tossed salad and started preparing the sauce I use to baste steak. (It's a combination of butter, Worcester sauce, and black pepper.)

Later we finally sat down to our meal.

"Jim, did you select all the books in your library?"

"Yes, except for the old text books I used in college."

"You have a large collection on gender identity issues and on prostitution. What directed your interest into those areas?"

"I was brought up in a home that didn't discuss certain "life issues". At the same time certain life styles were treated as totally wrong. I wanted to read all sides of the issues and make up my own mind regarding what I thought was the truth. I spent time in scientific and medical journals, psychology books, the Holy Scriptures, and law. It is amazing how truly hard it is to get people to simply state the facts instead of using knee-jerk reactions!"

"Hmmmmm, what types of conclusions have you reached?"

"On some things I have formed opinions, in others I am not persuaded one way or the other. In some cases my opinions are almost internally inconsistent. Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious. What did you decide regarding gender identity?"

"That issue led me to some pretty solid feelings. I may embarrass you if I tell you what I decided."

"I don't embarrass that easily. Tell me what you think, Jim."

"Well, the scientists are not in agreement yet but there appears to be an indication that there is a genetic anomaly that can reduce the effects of testosterone during the foetus' development. It is believed that this can lead the nervous system to not take on the normal male patterns. Since all foetuses start out as female in physical construction, it is the action of testosterone that leads to, for example, the severing of the pathways between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Now, if a child is born with diabetes, blindness, deafness, or lameness my God has said (to Moses at the Burning Bush) that He is responsible for these problems. If we don't blame a child for being born diabetic, why do we blame them for having a gender identity problem? I mean, I think society sometimes has its head so far up its ass the they need to open their mouth to see the light of day."

"Hmmmmm, that's interesting. Are you a Christian?"

"Yes, although a highly unorthodox one. I don't fit in anyone's pet niche."


At the end of the meal we both washed the dishes. By the end of the week I realized that I liked the company and the help cleaning the house. Mary and I worked out a deal that left her with room, board, and some money in hand in exchange for taking care of the house and simply being there.

Months turned into years. Our relationship slowly turned into first affection, and then into love. At least I loved her and enjoyed cuddling on the couch while listening to our favorite music. We had moved on to caring deeply about each other. Our making out started to be serious making out. We would masturbate each other orally or manually as well as bathe together. We were having fun!

It had been three years since Mary had moved into my house. We were approaching Thanksgiving. I had planned a very traditional Thanksgiving dinner centered around a turkey, whole bean cranberry sauce, and stuffing. Mary tried her hand at making apple and pumpkin pie. (They were good!)

As we sat down for the meal I had one non-traditional dish on the table. It was an upside down saucer and it had a lit short, stubby candle on it. Mary asked about it, but I told her that it was a surprise for later.

As we had finished the main course and moved on to a dessert of coffee and pie. I changed our overall discussion.

"I don't want to upset you Mary, but I need to discuss some things that I've noticed lately. Do you mind?"

She looked a bit concerned, but said "No, I may be nervous but let's have the discussion."

"As you know, Mary, I had lived alone for about five years before I met you. You may not realize it, but during that time I had become more and more depressed and lonely. Life, at times, didn't seem worth the effort; but then you came along.

Over the last short three years I have found that I not only like and enjoy your company; I have truly fallen deeply in love with you. I know we haven't expressed our deep feelings to each other but I'm at the point where I know I want to be around you for the rest of my life. In short, will you marry me?"

Mary's facial expression was extremely conflicted. She had tears in her eyes.

"Oh, how I have wished, but also dreaded, that we would reach this point. But, to be fair to you I need to tell you why I was living in the culvert when you found me. Five years ago I was engaged to be married to, a person I believed to be, a good and honorable man. In fact he managed the company I worked for. I, personally, was the accounting department. To be fair to my fiancé I had to tell him what I now need to tell you. When he found out my secret he fired me, ruined my reputation in the community and in our segment of the market, and he beat me badly enough to send me to the hospital for a couple of weeks. There were no witnesses and there was not evidence enough to even arrest him. I could no longer stand to be anywhere near him. He told me that as soon as he could arrange it he was going to have me killed or maimed. I just wanted to get as far away from him as I could. After two distinct efforts to kill me I knew that I had to run away. I couldn't get work because he would have been able to trace me via my social security number. That's how his hired help found me. I was just lucky to avoid being killed. That told me that I couldn't even get a job without the strong possibility of being maimed or killed.

That night you found me, I had hoped to freeze to death. But you came along and showed care and kindness. My problem is that I am a post operative transsexual. I was born in the wrong body, a male body. After college I went to Colorado and went through the operations and legal paperwork to officially be recognized as a woman. My fear now is that you will want to retract your offer. I would love to accept your offer if it still stands."

By this time I had gotten up, walked around the table kneeled down next to her and gently taken her in my arms. "Mary, I love you. As far as I can see you are the woman I love. I love you, the person. The package is simply what allows the person that I love to move around. The question still stands: will you marry me?"

"Oh, yes Jim, yes. How can I tell that this is real and not just a dream.?"

"First of all slide ,but don't lift, the saucer with the candle over here for me."

"Good, now I'll lift it up."

Under the saucer was a diamond solitaire mounted in a simple platinum band.

"Does it still feel like a dream?"

"Yes, but this is a dream I don't want to wake up from."

That evening we agreed to sleep in my room, but to hold off on intercourse until after our marriage. Cuddling on the couch and joint showers had been fun but this was infinitely better!!

Over breakfast coffee I asked Mary about the company where she had worked. She said that it was a small firm with under fifty full time workers, called Shipco, that manufactured specialized shipping containers. When she told me the name my face must have changed expression.

"What's wrong Jim? You look like you were just hit by someone.

"In a way, I was. This is a much smaller world than either of us would have guessed. Let me go get something.

Moments later I came back with a file folder.

"Let me see, ah... there it is; Shipco."

"What is it Jim?"

"One of my stock holdings is in Shipco. I own the controlling interest in the firm. Before you ask me, no I don't completely own it. But I own about thirty-eight percent of the stock. I'm the largest stockholder so the board of directors listen if I have something to say. I think Shipco needs a new manager, don't you?"

"Wow, you mean you could get my old boss fired?"

"Damned straight I could, and intend to! Now, most of the work that he does is with customers, outside vendors, trade associations, and such. Do you know a person who would make a good manager?"

"Yes, the assistant manager (Sharon) is a good an honorable woman. She worked her way up the ladder and knows the operation inside out."

"Let me make a phone call. You can listen in on my office speakerphone."


"Hello Bob, this is Jim, Happy Thanksgiving. Do you have a minute to talk business?"

"With you, always. What's the problem?"

"I have just been informed, by a very reliable source, that our current manager, at Shipco, has serious character flaws. That makes me nervous. In fact my source has indicated that he, and Shipco could be the defendants in a very messy wrongful discharge law suit."

"You've got to be talking about the messy affair with one of the assistant managers; I think her name was Mary."

"You have a good memory, Bob. I have proposed to Mary. We will be getting married as soon as possible. Mary has indicated that Sharon, the other assistant manager is fully capable of running Shipco. Do you think that the board should look into the manager's position?"

"As a matter of fact we already have been looking at replacing him. His business practices are just barely within the law. He doesn't pay attention to the rules that our company was founded on. Sharon was high on our list of possible replacements. I'll call a board meeting for next week and see about getting the ball rolling. Thanks for the heads up!"

"You're welcome, Happy Thanksgiving."


Within the following two weeks Mary and I were married and Sharon was the new manager. Sharon hit the ground running and had immediately started to mend fences.

As for the manager who led to this fiasco, he ended up dead. It seems that he owed the wrong people money. The rumor is that they took exception to taking a loss and let him know how much they didn't approve of him. I suspect that the body will never be found. (How do we know that he is dead? The amount of blood found covering his bed and floor was not consistent with living.