The Strip Ch. 03


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Damn, this girl was good. Every bit as good as any he'd ever had. He'd miss her when he sent her undercover. But those instructions could wait until she'd satisfied his need. His body was already succumbing to her working mouth.

His shaft pushed against her throat as she slid her pink lips all the way down to the base. He grunted as she took him to boiling point. Her eyes danced upwards into his, daring him to try not to cum. They were in their own private battle. The spiky haired woman was racing him towards his orgasm whilst he tried to last. There was only one winner.

She left his black shaft with a slurp, but his groan of disappointment turned into one of pleasure as she widened her mouth around each testicle. She sucked gently from one to the other as his grip in her hair tightened. He fucking loved the way she never held anything back.

Then she was on the move again, never still. Her lips and tongue gently ran around his purple crown. Her soft hazel eyes grinned up into his as his breath caught in his throat. The spiky haired woman plunged back onto his ramrod stiffness, deep-throating him again.

In an instant, they both knew he was there. "Going to cum for Carly, baby?" she teased, a string of saliva dangling between her lips and the tip of his hardness. She stroked his pulsating shaft with her hands as she spoke, working the spit into the soft skin.

She took just the head between her lips as her fingers stroked his glistening length with short jerking movements, just the way he liked it. It was enough. He'd taught her well. His body jerked as his thick seed surged into her greedy mouth. Her soft lips took every last burst, her head pumping on his shaft until he had nothing left to give.

Only then did she look up, grinning as she slowly licked and cleaned the African American's diminishing manhood.


Grace and Lauren were like two eager children, their excitement spilling over during the twenty-five dollar cab ride from the airport.

Cruising along the Strip, they'd stared out of the frighteningly clean cab windows at the sky scraping Manhattan landmarks atop the New York, New York hotel; the large Eiffel Tower above Paris hotel; and the quite magnificent Bellagio and, next door, Caesar's Palace.

Even the long registration queue at the Rio hadn't fazed them. After checking in their luggage, they'd decided to stroll along the Strip to take in the sights. The raw heat was mitigated as they called into the cool air conditioning in hotel after hotel along the way.

Even the down to earth Daniel was impressed by the gondola ride the girls insisted on experiencing in the Venetian, despite their laughing off his assertion they'd soon run out of money if this were an example of how much things cost.

"Can't we change hotels to this one?" they chorused, with heady giggles.

He understood their enthusiasm. The Grand Canal Shoppes; the Venetian Living Statues, and the small, string orchestra performing in St. Mark's Square left them all spellbound.

The Forum shops in Caesar's Palace were next on the sister's agenda. If the Venetian was expensive, the impressive shops gave them no respite. They'd already spent the best part of an hour contemplating the rhinestone-studded shoes at Stuart Weitzman.

Daniel's intention after their late flight had been to make up for the lack of sleep with a short nap prior to that evening's Practically Poker pre tournament introductory party. He wanted to be in good shape for tomorrow's pre Main Event tournament.

With Lauren's modelling audition scheduled for later that evening, he'd made the same suggestion to the tow sisters. When they laughed at him, he left them to it. They'd return when they were ready.


Big Eddie flipped over his cards. "If you can beat two pair, then you've got me," he announced.

The kid across the green felt practically shook with nervous excitement. Eddie smiled. Rosie's boyfriend's tells were so obvious he might have been playing with his cards face up.

"Three kings," Charlie announced sheepishly, turning over his pocket pair.

Big Eddie sat back in his chair and softly clapped his hands. He was known for his outbursts and the wide-eyed kid seemed to be prepared for one. Instead, the gangster pushed the stack of chips into the pot and congratulated him. "You played well, Charlie. I'm impressed."

"That's… that's it?"

"That's it. The five grand is yours. You won it, fair and square. Now go settle that little debt of yours."

Charlie licked his lips, hesitating one more moment as though he expected to walk from this unbelievable dream. When it didn't dissipate, he quickly began loading his chips into a plastic rack. This would repay his entire debt to the loan sharks who were putting so much pressure on him.

Or maybe he could repay half the debt. With Rosie turning tricks at the Midnight Hot club, they were earning good money now. Perhaps he could keep half the money back and use it to fund more gambling. He was sure he could make good money; he just needed a little luck.


Carly sighed happily as she licked around his spent cock. Looking after Samuel was investing in her future. She'd lived in various parts of America at different times, but Vegas suited her down to the ground. Each time she'd moved on, it had been to better herself. Or escape from the damage she'd done. Her last boyfriend had called her a psycho bitch. He was right.

Her natural talent was for manipulating people, men and women. Sex had brought her everything she had. Her body was her weapon and her instrument. The sleazier side of life was her territory. She'd manipulate her own mother if it got her what she wanted. It hadn't been necessary. Not yet.

The spiky haired woman had also learned that the way ahead in life was to foster relationships with the people that mattered. Foster relationships? Her insides shook with laughter. Fuck them silly was a more accurate description. Fuck them so well, that they couldn't do without you.

That's why she'd spent some time wheedling her way into Samuel Smith's affections. She wasn't stupid enough to think that the older man would ever marry her. But he would take care of her financially. He was her gold mine.

Leaning back down, she continued to clean around the fifty year-old's cockhead until she was satisfied she'd cleaned every last drop. Only then did she sit back.

Her soft hazel eyes stared into his as she lit a joint and inhaled the contagious aroma. When she passed it to Samuel, he lazily stroked her naked breasts as he took a long pull.

"Damn, Carly, you're amazing," the African American murmured.

She chuckled. "Best you ever had?"

Samuel loved her confidence. "You're up there baby," he responded, unwilling to give her that ultimate complement. Keep them in their place. "No doubt about that!"

He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling. There was something on his mind. "What?" she asked.

"I want you to do something for me," he softly said, tweaking a nipple.

She flinched as she pulled on the joint again. "I want that, too, baby. I'll give you ten minutes to recover and then we can fuck again."

He smiled but ignored the comment. "I want you to get a job at Midnight Hot."

Her eyes widened as her mouth fell open. He'd surprised her and she didn't surprise easily. "Of course. But… can I ask why?"

Samuel smiled. Deference. He liked that! "It's competition. My sources tell me Big Eddie's up to something. I need someone on the inside, just to keep their eyes and ears open."

They both knew what she was thinking as she stared at him. She belonged here, with Samuel.

"I know that, baby," he answered her unspoken question. "But I need someone there. Some insurance."

She knew there was no option. His dark, searching eyes confirmed that. "Okay," she complied. She'd find a way of turning this to her advantage.

"Good girl. I'll take care of you when you get back. But I need someone to find out what's on his mind. Big Eddie likes his broads, and I can trust you, Carly. You're just what I need."

She smiled sweetly. It disguised the feelings swilling around her insides. Too fucking right, she was just what he needed. "I will," she whispered, handing him the joint as she dropped her head to lick down his hard, black stomach. She smiled to herself as her lips began to nuzzle his testicles and her hand stroked his hardening cock. Take care of her? She'd strike a hard bargain!

"Oh, fuck," he moaned as she rolled his heavy globes in her mouth.

"Ten minutes are up...." she smiled, looking up into his eyes.


There wasn't anything that anyone could teach Big Eddie about gambling. The son of a classy gambler who epitomized the world of Old Vegas, he'd inherited his father's money when the automobile accident tragically took him a couple of years ago. He'd inherited his nouse, too.

Having spent most of his time being a young and spoiled rich kid in Europe, he'd moved to Vegas to take over his father's club. He lacked the integrity of his father yet had still been successful, and this young kid would never be a match for him if he lived to be a hundred.

What had attracted him to the youngster was his association with Rosie. He knew everything about the girls at his club, had fucked some of them, too. The redhead was an exception. The young woman had a heart of gold and was about as different to his other girls as she could get.

He'd been amazed when she'd asked to turn tricks—until he'd worked out why. Her good for nothing boyfriend was in debt, big debt. And rather than take responsibility like a man, he'd whined at Rosie until she'd eventually given in. But that suited Big Eddie fine. He wanted Rosie, and if he had to remove Charlie from the picture to get to the sassy young redhead, then he had no problem with that, either.

"Tell me, Charlie, do you enjoy playing poker?" he asked as they shared a quick drink in one of the side rooms at Big Eddie's club.

The stocky young man hesitated. It was clear that he enjoyed it, but it had also gotten him into a lot of trouble. Eddie also knew that he'd vowed to Rosie that he'd stay away from the casinos. It had taken the gangster a lot of convincing to set this up. "It's fun," he eventually responded.

"I think you like it more than you let on," Big Eddie suggested. "And you're good at it." He sat back in his chair and pretended to think. "If I set you up with a stake, would you be interested in making more money than that?" He nodded at the rack of chips in Charlie's hand.

"I... you know, I can't." Rosie's boyfriend was saying no, but it was pretty clear to anyone watching that he didn't mean it.

"Rosie doesn't have to know. You could make a lot of money..." Charlie licked his lips. "Tell you what. Don't make up your mind right now." He reached into his wallet and pulled out a business card with the address of a poker lounge on it. "If you're interested, go to this address tonight, around 10. There'll be fifty thousand in chips set aside for you. We split the winnings. Sound fair?"

Charlie's eyes blinked at the size of the stake. "You'd spot me fifty thou?"

"I believe in you," Big Eddie nodded. Being good at lying was useful for more than just poker. Charlie took the card and stared at it. "Think about it," the gangster encouraged. "No pressure."

"Thanks… thanks very much!"

"Good luck."


Naturally enough, The Practically Poker introductory party was being held at their hotel. That's where all their qualifiers were being housed.

Harrah's, the world's largest gaming company that owned the Rio had bought out the rundown Binion's Horseshoe in 2005. In one stroke, the World Series of Poker's image had moved upmarket and the rich, blue and red Rio became the new host to world poker's most prestigious event.

Daniel followed the bright internal signage to the Practically Poker suite. It took only seconds to realise that he was one of the early arrivals and that, even in his smart casual attire, he was overdressed. The small number of badly dressed individuals epitomised the approach of most poker devotees and rather than appear too conspicuous, he decided to wait until more poker hopefuls arrived.

Retracing his steps, he passed time by taking in a show in the main casino area. The series of floats suspended from the ceiling were spectacular, as were the performers, clad in exotic masks and brilliant costumes. Daniel watched entranced as the procession slowly made its way around the casino floor. But one part of him wondered what he was doing there.

A London lad, caught up in the greatest poker event the world had to offer. Self-doubt crept in. Was he up to it? Pull yourself together, he told himself as he pulled himself away from the colourful spectacle and made his way back to the suite.

The numbers had dramatically increased in the half an hour he'd been away. The dress sense hadn't. Dirty, well-worn jeans and an assortment of tee shirts and baseball tops appeared to be the order of the day. His black jeans and crisp, red, short-sleeved shirt stood him out.

Why did he feel he was letting down the poker fraternity?


Girls being girls, it had taken Lauren a good couple of hours of trying each outfit, several times, before she and Grace were satisfied with her appearance. Staring into the tall mirror in the Agency's bright reception area, they knew they'd made the right choice.

The bright red halter dress was perfect. Short and tight without being too obvious. And red was her favourite colour. She was unsure whether she'd have to strip, but the burgundy bra and matching thong were sexy.

Bring it on!

The striking looking woman who answered a few minutes after they'd rang the bell on the empty desk, smiled broadly. The sisters couldn't help but stare as she walked across the floor towards them. Every single part of her—from the short, raven coloured hair, piercing dark eyes and slim figure—looked chic.

"I'm Kay Kristen. Please call me Kay," she smiled in a warm but definitely superior way. "This is Dan." The photographer behind her nodded pleasantly. "You don't mind waiting a while do you? Dan and I are just checking through some details. We won't be long."

With another smile, she'd swept back the way she'd come, photographer in heel. The two sisters glanced a nervous glance at one another while they waited. The butterflies had prevented that. But now, ten minutes later, Lauren's puzzled face spoke volumes.

Had Kay Kristen disliked her? Maybe she wasn't what they were searching for? Perhaps her audition about to reach an abrupt and unwelcome end even before it had started?


If this were the last time she'd get to fuck Samuel for a while, Carly was determined to make it one to remember.

Imprisoning the African American's saliva covered cock between her firm breasts, the way her hands manipulated her fleshy tunnel as she eased herself back and forward made him growl like a cougar sensing a kill.

Kneeling across his lap in the dark leather chair, she had the perfect angle to slide his erection between her soft swells. His head went back, only for the spiky haired woman to dig her fingers into his wiry, dark hair and jerk his face towards her. She knew what her soft kisses along his neck did for him.

Masturbating his cock, tongue flicking along his skin, she could feel the rhythmic thump-thump of his heart. Having such control over the powerful man was like someone feeding her an aphrodisiac. She'd 'controlled' many sex and women with her sexual wiles. But none as important as this one.

Leaning back, she permitted his aching erection to bounce free. Her narrowed eyes made sure she had full contact with his as she lowered her pink, glossy lips to his throbbing manhood. They were both aware of her unspoken command. Watch, baby, she was telling him.

He rewarded her with a sudden intake of breath. The way her expert tongue went to work frequently brought that sort of reaction.

Samuel alternated between throwing his head back and jerking it forward, watching as she went through her full repertoire. Lips, tongue, fast pace, slower, cock, balls -- she didn't miss a trick.

"Damn, girl," he groaned a few minutes later as she pulled away. His shuddering told her he was close.

Her kiss stilled his objection. "No, baby, It's too early to cum," she teasingly whispered as she flung a shapely leg across his lap, lowering nut to bolt. "Let Carly fuck you there—"

The chair made a whoopee cushion sound under their combined weights. For a brief second they laughed, then their combined lust took over again. Samuel gripped her tanned hips as she sank exquisitely down, slowly engulfing his long black length into her tight body.

Leaning backwards, her hands slid up her toned body, trailing them across her soft breasts before locking them behind her neck. For a moment it looked as if she was hypnotised, eyes closed, soft growls, her upper body swaying back and forward.

Her sex drew circles on his cock. She sheathed and almost unsheathed it. "Tell me, Samuel," she sexily whispered, leaning forward and pulling his head against her tits. "How much do you enjoy this?"

Starting at the tip of his shaft, she contracted and expanded her internal muscles around him. The ripple effect shot all the way down his manhood. Caught totally off guard, his fingernails dug into her thighs. His hiss was as if someone had pricked a balloon.

Carly purred like a cat, delighting in the way his eyes glazed. She took his face between her hands and smiled. As his glazed eyes stared back, she did the pussy ripple again. A low growl indicated the fifty year old was clinging on to his sanity. This would teach him to send her away on a mission. He could think about her until she returned.

Knowing he was close, she began to focus on getting herself there, too. He owed her that. Easing up until just his dark cockhead was inside her, she jerked back down. The friction as his shaft dragged across her clit took her a step closer. That was too good!

She repeated her movement, moving unhurriedly up and down. This was her time. "Hold on, Samuel," she gasped. "Hold on, baby."

The whoopee noise grew louder with each downward thrust. This time they didn't laugh, they groaned. The noise almost matched Samuel's whimpering. The fifty year-old was on the fringe of his orgasm, denied only his willpower and the way Carly eased off when one more step would have taken him over the edge.

Her arms wrapped around his sweating neck. Her eyes were glazed slits of passion. Her low growls grew in intensity. "I'm close, baby."

The spiky haired woman moved rhythmically. She wanted this to continue but knew she wouldn't last much longer. Time to build up the pace. The speed of her down-thrusts increased as she fucked him hard. The smooth flanks of her inner thighs were aching, but didn't falter as they pistoned relentlessly back and forth.

"Squeeze 'em," she gasped.

His hands found her swinging breasts. Her nipples were deliciously hard against his palms, but the speed of her movements was such that he was unable to keep hold of them. It made no difference. The straining hands behind his aching neck tightened. Her body came to a shuddering stop.

Then someone pressed the detonator button.

The intense silence was filled with a long wail, starting low and finishing loud. Every part of her body gripped him as she trembled. The thickset man took it as his cue. For the first time, he was in control, even if it was only for a few seconds. His grip on her shuddering hips tightened.

He began to pile drive the sexy woman in his lap. He went from zero-to-sixty in half a second, his hands slamming her down against his heavily sweating legs. Her growls began to reverberate around the room. Maybe she'd reach another orgasm before his arrived? Neither was far away.