The Strip Ch. 12


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"He's done everything he can," she confided, looking up at Lauren. Her mind seethed with the injustice of it all. "I thought Kay had done this, but it's some local gangster. A business rival, Samuel said. Out to ruin him. The bastard has ruined me!"

"I know," Lauren responded. "Rachal told me. There must be something—"

Grace shrugged her shoulders, the hopelessness of everything overwhelming her. "Samuel says the storm will eventually blow over—God knows when! He's keeping me on at the club until my chance comes again. Give me some more of that whisky, will ya?" she asked, pointing at the bottle.

Lauren poured some of the amber liquid into an empty glass for herself before refilling Grace's drink. "That's something," she sympathised, twisting her face at the burning taste. "In time… maybe…"

"Yeah," Grace agreed, beginning to regain her composure. "In time. You know what, Lauren, I got carried away with this. With my own importance. I've done a lot of crying in the last few hours. But I've done a lot of thinking, too."

"Grace, you were excited by what happened, that's all—" Lauren began.

"It's true," her sister cut her off. "Things went to my head. I thought I was a Superstar… a selfish Superstar!"


"You know I'm right, Lauren. I mean… just look at you. Stopping you from doing those movies was so selfish. All you've had since then is for few bits and pieces. That's my fault. I was just thinking of myself, and look where that selfishness has got us. You could've been earning a fortune…"

Lauren half smiled. Rach's persuasive words were still on her mind. But wouldn't the movies be taking advantage of her sister's misfortunes?

"What did you say earlier about Rachal, anyway?" Grace asked. "What did she tell you?"

The blonde took another sip from the whisky. She felt better now that Grace's tears had dried up. And who knows, it might not take too long for all of this to blow over? "She phoned to tell me she'd seen the tape…"

For a few moments, both women went silent. Thoughts of that night returned. Lauren watched her sister's luminous eyes dance with something… guilt? Shame? She looked so beautiful, even with her make-up streaked with grief. She'd always been like that: strong, even in the hardest times. Strong and sexy…

It was Grace who broke the spell. "And?"

Lauren's next drink helped sooth her suddenly dry mouth. She coloured, thinking of how mortified Grace would be if she could read the sinful thoughts going through her mind right now. Hell, that's what had got them into this trouble, wasn't it?

"And?" Grace repeated, pulling the blonde from her thoughts. "C'mon, spit it out!"

"Just…" Lauren began, wondering how to phrase things. "She said she'd watched the video and it was pretty hot." The blonde's blush was nearly as deep as Grace's. Why had she said that? The words had just tumbled out.

"And, erm…. she said that Big Eddie was responsible, just like you said," Lauren continued on quickly, for both their sakes. "She also told me that Kay Kirsten was distraught that it had happened… and that I should call her..."

"Call her?"

"Yes." Lauren's voice was hesitant. "She said that Kay might still give me that movie contract. That after the publication of the tape, I could make a lot of money…"

Her sister's laugh surprised her. Loud and almost hysterical, it reverberated around the room.

"Grace. I'm sorry—"

"No!!!" her sister shouted, her once stricken face suddenly alive again. "Do it! DO IT!"

"Do it?"

"Yes! It's my fault that things have dried up for you since you turned those movies down. Rach is right, his is a fresh chance, Lauren. It's hardly going to damage me now, is it? Make that call!"


The All-American Bar & Grille seemed appropriate for their early lunch. After all, it had been the base for so many of their pre and post chats three short months ago. What made this one different was the state Daniel was in.

Was this really the fresh-faced young man she'd bonded with so well? She'd only seen him once since the Main Event, and that had been worrying enough. But now! The deep, black rings around his eyes told their own story. Too much drink, too little sleep. Didn't her friend know it was the most important day of his life tomorrow?

Holly waited until they'd discussed everything else before introducing the subject of the redhead. "She really got to you," she said as they enjoyed a post meal coffee.

Daniel nodded. "Seems like it," he grudgingly admitted, knowing instantly it was Rosie she was referring to. "But it's not just that."

Holly's grimace told him she didn't buy the comment. "Then what?" she asked. If he wasn't even willing to admit his true feelings to himself, no wonder he was so confused.

"I don't know," he falteringly began. "Maybe the small piece of fame and fortune isn't what I expected. Perhaps I'm finding everything harder to cope with than I expected?"

"Go on," Holly encouraged. Let's get everything out in the open.

Daniel shrugged as he drained the remains of his coffee. "I've no idea Holly," he sighed, as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders. "Becoming a poker pro dominated my thoughts for so long. Now that I've been successful, maybe it's just all an anti climax. Not what I expected? Hell… I don't know…"

The blonde's hand reached out to run along his forearm. "Or maybe you're just in denial?" she softly asked.

His head shot up. "What do you mean?"

Holly's gentle gaze stayed on his face—the unshaven stubble, the bleary eyes. Her heart felt for the crinkly haired young man. "You need someone to share all this with," she told him, adding for emphasis, "Rosie!"

That one word explained everything. They both knew it.

"Forget Rosie," he snapped, turning round and waving the server over. "Look," he rasped, once he'd ordered two refills and watched the overweight server waddle away. "It wouldn't have worked—"

"I saw her this morning," Holly interrupted, leaning forward to emphasise the good news. Her encouraging eyes tried to tell him what he needed to know. "She misses you, Daniel."

For a few seconds, his hurting eyes responded. In her profession, she'd seen a thousand different expressions—the eyes said so much. His gave the impression of hope. For a few seconds anyway. Just as suddenly, his eyes dulled, like someone throwing water on a fire.

"I told you," he answered a little too quickly. "It wouldn't have worked, Holly. Don't you understand? Her boyfriend mentally beat her up. He was a gambler. A deadbeat poker player. That's how Rosie referred to him. That's what she thinks about all poker players. Who could blame her after what he put her through?"


"NO, Holly!" The table shook as his hand banged down on it. His face was full of emotion—anger, confusion, frustration and hurt. Just as suddenly, the young man's shoulders drooped and his head dropped into his hands. "I'm sorry, Holly," he mumbled apologetically. "I didn't mean to shout."

"Hey," the blonde smiled, her sympathetic tone telling him it was okay. "I'm your friend, right? It's good to let your frustrations out!"

Daniel took the comforting hands held out to him. He hadn't realised just how much he was trembling. "Holly," he said, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Don't you think I've been through this a million times in my mind? Let's leave things there, can we?"

The blonde stared sympathetically into his pleading eyes. "Of course," she told him. The hurt on his face, in his eyes, told her she needed to back off. But there was more than one way to skin a cat.

He stood up, sending out a sigh of relief as he glanced around. "Thanks. "I'll get the check. Look, I'm due at the Bellagio. I need a long session before tomorrow. Just another day and then we're famous, eh?" he nervously laughed, as if the long awaited final table was an everyday occurrence.

"Don't you want some rest?"

"Nah," he told her, his tone and demeanour instantly dismissing the suggestion. "Listen, why don't you head down to the Bellagio with me? I'll be there 'til late tonight. It'll be good to play cards together again."

"I might do that," she smiled, the new idea already forming in her mind. "Not yet, but later. Look… stay there 'til I get there, okay. Or call me if you're going to leave, I don't want a wasted trip."

Daniel nodded. "No problem… I won't be going anywhere, Holly."

"Mm-kay," the blonde murmured, smiling warmly at her friend. "You get on your way, I'll pick up this check."


"Long time, no hear, Lauren," Kay Kirsten's voice purred on the other end of the line. It had been, Lauren thought. Nearly three months, in fact, since she'd turned Kay down and all connections had been severed.

"How are you doing, Kay?" Lauren asked, a little hesitantly. Hearing her former employer was much like bumping into a high school boyfriend—there was a lot of history there, but it was just that, history.

"I'm good. Better than you and Grace, I'm guessing," she said ominously.

"Yes," Lauren sighed.

"I'm so sorry, Lauren. I somehow feel responsible." Kay's voice sounded sympathetic, disguising the fact she was a cat stalking a mouse. "How are you both feeling?"

"Trying to come to terms with everything," the blonde model replied. "It's pretty tough on Grace."

"I can imagine," Kay's sympathetic voice told her. "Isn't it surprising how things can turn around? Three months ago, you were both riding high. Grace was looking forward to releasing an album. You had the chance to make a lot of money in the movie world…"

She let the words trail away, leaving a trail of smoke behind like a jet fighter in the sky. They were full of meaning, designed to make Lauren realise what she'd missed, and give the young blonde model the impetus to take advantage of the opening. The older woman had been anticipating hearing from the blonde since she'd had Rach call Lauren. Everything was working out perfectly.

Revenge was so sweet...

"Look, darling. As I said, I feel responsible. Is there anything I can do to help?"


"Yes, dear?"

"I was talking to Rachal earlier…"

"How is she, darling?"

Damn! Kay wasn't making this any easier. Lauren drew a long breath. "She's fine. But she said you might still be interested in me making the movie?"

"Movies, darling. Three of them."

"Yes, that's what I meant," Lauren stuttered. "Movies."

"You're interested?"

"Well… hmm… I thought if you still wanted me, I'd like to give it one more shot…" she responded, her voice trailing away.

"Well, I didn't anticipate that…" Kay told her, smiling at the spiky haired woman beside her on the bed. Having the conversation on loudspeaker allowed them both to listen to the conversation.

Carly closed in and softly kissed Kay while they allowed Lauren to anticipate the Agency Head's reply. Kay ran her hand across the younger woman's naked breasts as she pulled away.

"I mean," she continued, "I've already replaced you, Lauren…."

"Oh!" The blonde woman sounded crestfallen.

"Though… Rachal's involved in other things, using her is a bit inconvenient."

"Yes, go on..." Lauren's tone had bounced back up again.

"Well… I run a business, as you know, darling. The money wouldn't quite be the same for you. And you'd be appearing with another unknown, so I'd be taking a chance…"

"I won't let you down, Kay!"

"Mmmm… Let me think…" her lips found Carly's again. "Okay," she mumbled, licking along the spiky haired woman's neck. "Come over to see me, Lauren dear. I'm in two minds."

"Yes, of course," the blonde instantly agreed. "When do you want to see me? Where? At your office?"

"No, at my house," the Agency Head seductively murmured. "And come now, there's no time like the present. I'm always at my best at lunchtime…"

"I can… I will!" The blonde's response was almost puppy-like in its desire to please. "Yes, Kay. I really want this. And I'll do anything to show you I'm right for this!"

"Anything?" Kay asked. Her tone left no doubt as to her meaning. "Well that's a start, darling. You know that I just love enthusiastic women…"


It was a good half an hour after Daniel left when the plan formed in Holly's brain. Her mind had working like a ticking clock since their encounter. She shuffled in her purse for her mobile phone. Time for Plan B.

Rosie answered her call within two rings.

"What did he say?" the redhead breathlessly asked.

Holly smiled at her eagerness, the urgency of her question. "He's pretty low, Rosie," she answered in non-committal fashion. "But I've an idea. Are you free the rest of the day?"

"Yes!" Unless Big Eddie caught up with her, the redhead was free the rest of her life.

Holly gave a satisfied sigh. The idea was perfect—a way to get Daniel out of his funk before the Final Table and get these two back together again. She was a genius! "Rosie, want to learn how to play Texas Holdem?"


"That was quick," Kay greeted, giving Lauren a slow once-over. "You're overdressed, although that's quite a dress."

"Um… thanks," Lauren stumbled, unsure what to make of the sexy sight in front of her. The last time she'd been here, three months ago, had been the most exciting sex of her young life. The house had been bustling with sexed-up partygoers. Now, it was just Kay, naked but for a black vinyl catwoman mask, black, fishnet thigh-highs, and heels.

"We got started a little before you," she murmured, closing the door and sauntering across the room. "Come and join us."

The older woman chuckled to herself at Lauren's shocked expression. Wearing the mask had put the sexy blonde off-balance. That was good, but even more importantly, she needed to be unrecognisable if her plan was to work.

She'd brought the blonde to Vegas with the intention of making money, and she still would, just not in the way she'd expected. The chance to cement her revenge on the two sisters—and make six-figures at the same time—was an opportunity too good to resist.

And on top of that, the movies would still be going ahead. Carly was the perfect replacement for the Englishwoman.

"Come along, darling," Kay called out over her shoulder, not even bothering to turn her head. "Don't keep us waiting."

There it was again. Us? The surge of apprehension that swept through Lauren's body was fuelled with excitement. Was Rachal here? Jimmy, too? And the mask, what was that all about? The blonde was still aroused from her encounter with Juanita. The hint of sex that hung in was in the air was exactly what she needed.

Kay paused until the eager girl had almost caught up before continuing. Her broad smile was a promise of things to come. Lauren obediently followed, a step behind on the short walk up the stairs to the master bedroom. It was difficult to keep her eyes off Kay's naked body on the way, tight and slender—a body that defied her age.

The last time she'd taken this particular walk, she'd been with her sister. The blonde shivered, focusing on Kay's nudity rather than deal with those thoughts all over again. The all over tan looked real enough, and that peach-like ass was everything it had promised to be, even all those months ago when she'd first met Kay and Dan at her studio.

There was something sexy about the way the sophisticated woman walked, that model-like stride, the perfectly arched back.

Swinging open her bedroom door and stepping to the side, Kay allowed Lauren to take in her frontal nakedness for the first time. The blonde felt her heart catch in her throat. She'd been attracted to this woman from their very first meeting and nothing that had happened since then had changed that need. Now, with her future in Kay's hands, her arousal was even more acute.

Especially with that mask. It would be like fucking Catwoman…

"You like?" Kay asked, posing with her hands on her hips. She threw back her head as she thrust her breasts outward. The older woman looked magnificent. "Well?" she murmured, collecting her exquisite swells between her hands, her hard nipples peeking out between her long fingers

The way Lauren's tongue flicked across her lips as she nodded confirmed her answer. Her soft blue eyes narrowed as she bit down on her lower lip. "I like," she confessed, the words coming from the back of her throat.

Kay smiled sweetly, satisfied with the response. "This is Carly," she unexpectedly said.

It was only then that Lauren saw the girl standing in front of the king-sized bed. Like Kay, she wore a vinyl mask over her eyes and hair, and like Kay, her lips were painted blood red.

Very surreal—and very sexy.

She stepped forward, the pale light of the sun that blazed into the bedroom enhancing her nudity. Lauren gasped at the rolling curves of the girl's bronzed flesh. Sauntering across the short distance to the blonde, she reached out to cup Lauren's face, her thumbs making little circles along the girl's cheekbones. Closing the distance between their mouths, she pushed her tongue between Lauren's lips. Lauren groaned, returning the lesbian kiss energetically.

The sexy woman laced her right hand through the golden hair, pulling Lauren tighter against her body as she pushed her mouth harder against the trembling lips.

Her left hand followed the hard curves of Lauren's ass, while her right undid the tie of the halter. She peeled the dress away, pushing it down over the blonde's hips. Her hand skimmed across the flat plain of Lauren's midriff, closing in on the young model's now aching breasts.

Lauren moaned as this girl—Carly—squeezed and manipulated her soft flesh, painfully but deliciously twisting her nipples. "Oh God…"

Breaking the girl-girl kiss, Carly's eyes spat dominance as she lowered her lips to the exposed breasts. Lauren groaned again, louder, her eyelids heavy with lust as the spiky haired woman sucked in a hard nipple.

"Nice?" the girl slurped to her captive as she switched nipples with a loud suckle. Saliva dripped onto her stomach from the freed bud.

Lauren made to answer but suddenly Kay had closed in. She gripped the back of Lauren's hair and yanked the blonde's head to hers. The kiss was unbridled and intimate, designed to tell Lauren she was there to do what she was told.

As the older woman devoured her mouth, Carly had her hands on Lauren's hips, her thumbs playing with the edges of her thong before tugging the tiny cream panties down her thighs.

"This is for you, Lauren. It's all you'll be needing for this… lunchtime audition." Kay fastened a black leather collar around the blonde's neck. On a metal loop was a thin silver chain. A leash?


The concentration on Holly's face revealed just how closely she'd followed Rosie's story. It was quite a tale. The blonde assassin poured them both another drink and wondered how many hotel rooms like this the redhead had frequented? How many drinks had she accepted?

Except, this time the drink was bottled water.

And the reason for her visit to Holly's hotel suite had nothing to do with sex.

Not that Holly wouldn't have been tempted by the young beauty. Even in the high-necked top and casual jeans, it was impossible to conceal that near perfect body. The situation brought all the blonde's sexual frustrations to the surface. God knowsshe'd gone far too long without sex.

Maybe she should dump her good deed idea and take advantage of the vulnerable redhead? Or pack Rosie on her way and fuck Daniel instead?