The Succubae Seduction Ch. 31


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I let her down and move up her body. Positioning my rod at her rear entrance, I lock eyes with her. "We'll see who lasts the longest."

Despite my words, I wait for her ascent before pressing forward. Her slicked up anus slips easily around my girth, eliciting a moan from both of us.

I take my time, slowly moving in and out of her, until I have my entire length seated in her colon. The irreverent thought that I can tell the difference between her sphincter and a hole in the ground crosses my mind. A tight, rippling, pleasurable hole trying to milk my cock.

"Now fuck me, young generator, and make me cum!" The lust I see in her eyes is the same as the last time we'd screwed.

Reaching forward, I fill my hands with her ample bosom. I pull my hips back, until only the tip is still inside her warm colon, then slam forward, using my ability to amplify her pleasure, and smile as her eyes roll back into her head. I don't let up, pounding into her rear orifice, and driving her bliss ever higher with each thrust.

I know she's trying to hold back, but she doesn't stand a chance. "No, not yet. . . Oh, earthquakes! I. . . Oh. . . Oh,YES! I'm. . . Aaaahh!" When she finally cums, her pussy squirts out her cum like a geyser, blasting against my pelvis. At the same time, I see images of both the Shadow World and Earth. Volcanoes are erupting, mountains crumbling, and Hawaii gains a new island.

When reality returns to the present, I realize that I'd stopped moving. Gaia is desperately trying to catch her breath. Her eyes are closed, and despite her dark coloring, her skin is flushed with the afterglow of her climax.

"I think it would be best, if you don't try that again," she whispers. She twists her hips and I know she wants to be on top. We roll together, and she looks down at me, still slightly breathless. "Now you just lie there, and let me do the work. I think you've more than earned it."

She leans forward, and presents her right breast for my mouth. As I suckle from her nipple, I can feel her insides massage my cock, making me moan into her breast at the pleasure of it. Her hips swivel against mine, and I can feel my prick stirring up her internal organs. Despite her request that I just lie here, I let my hands drop to her hips, guiding her movements for my maximum pleasure.

Without any warning, my mouth fills up with milk, making me gasp, but her hand on the back of my head doesn't let me pull away.

"Drink up, generator. My milk will keep you strong and healthy. I have rarely ever bestowed this gift upon anyone, but I want you to have this. Drink, and know that you are very special."

The combination of her milk pouring down my gullet, along with the warmth that's flowing through me, and the feeling of her rippling along my shaft sends me over the top. Grunting, my whole body locks up with each volley of my spunk, and I fire it off inside Mother Earth. Despite the bliss filled haze overwhelming my mind, I somehow manage to ensure I'm shooting blanks.

As I come down from my own heaven, she finally releases my head, and sits up.

"Phew," she sighs. "Despite myself, I had another small orgasm at the end. You truly are a talented young man, Lyden." Her slight laugh sends shivers through her voluptuous body, and making me moan as my over-sensitive prick is still inside her.

She leans forward again, this time pulling off me, and planting a soft kiss against my lips.

I get up, and clean our combined juices from me, while Gaia relaxes on the bed. Pulling up my pants, I look at the Earth Mother. Pure power and strength is flowing through me. I feel as though I can take on Aldol by myself right now, but remember that Gaia had said I would need the strength of all six Pillars.

"One last thing, before you go back to your friends," she says. Looking at her, I can see that some of the tension around her eyes is gone. The energy she received from our coupling is obviously already helping her. Not all of the strain is gone from her eyes, but most of it is for now.

"I'm really not up for another round," I tell her seriously. I'll be lucky if I can get it up again within a week!

She laughs, sending delightful ripples through her flesh once more, but even that does nothing for me. "No, this is about something else." She grows serious, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, suddenly wary. The ambience of pleasure is replaced with gloom. "This is about how you must die, and why."

* * *

Numbly, I shut the door behind me.

"What did she say?" Brooke asks, hugging me to her.

"Huh?" I ask. "What?" I can't tell them what Gaia just told me! Even if she hadn't sworn me to secrecy, telling them that I have to die when this is all over doesn't seem like a great way to start this next mission.

"About having the Pillar of Darkness meet you here," Becky says, giving me a strange look.

"Oh, that!" I exclaim, somewhat relieved. "He won't come here," I tell them quickly, to cover my lapse. "But she can set up a meeting with Eris, so we won't have to go all the way into Darkness's realm."

Three sets of eyes grow wide at the mention of Eris's name.

"What's wrong with that?" Thomas asks Ondine, seeing what I saw.

"Eris is nearly as bad as the Pillar of Darkness," she says. "Maybe worse." Turning to face me, I see fear in her eyes. "Lyden, she was once known as the goddess of chaos, vengeance, and strife. Meeting with her can't be a good thing."

"I'm assuming you'll want all the firepower you can take," Jewkes says, stepping forward and patting the pistol at his side.

"I am here for you, master," Sheila states contritely. "Just command me."

"I'd like to offer my services too, if I can," Emmett adds in, and I see more than one untrusting glance turn his way, but he ignores them. "I'm not worth anything offensively, but if the shit hits the fan, I may be able to offer some protection with my magic."

"That reminds me," I say, still trying to distract myself from Gaia's ominous words. "When I went up against TanaVesta, her fire didn't affect me. Now that I think about it, magic hasn't had much effect on me for a bit. Any idea why?"

I look around; meeting everyone's eyes, but no one seems to have an idea, until I get to Emmett.

"It sounds like what the Daughters of Respite can do. They seem to be almost completely immune to any magic. Is there any reason you might have gotten it from one of them?"

I rack my brain, trying to think of something, and I recall being back in the Paladonic Knight's mountain home. I had been in my dragon form, Miranda Olsen knocked out as I tried to step over her. One of my chrome and black talons had scratched her and something had washed over me at the time, settling into my skin. Could that have been it?

"Even if you're immune to magic," Brooke states, "that won't entirely protect you from Eris, and it doesn't offer any protection to the rest of us."

"The generator's choices are few," Alloria says, startling us. Where had she been hiding? "He can meet with the Pillar of Darkness deep in his own territory, or meet with Eris near the border. She has already agreed, by the way."

She has already agreed? That was fast!

"I won't go any deeper into that territory than I have to," I state firmly, brooking no argument.

"She had conditions, though," Alloria says, as though I hadn't spoken. I glare at her, knowing that she'd held back this information. She smiles slightly in response.

Watch her, son, Shemhazau's voice fills my mind. Elves were always wily creatures, but this one seems to be a real bitch. While I don't like his terminology, I can't argue with his assessment.

"What are her conditions?" I ask when it doesn't look like she's going to continue on her own.

"You can't take any more than three other people with you," she says, keeping her brown eyes locked on mine.

"Do I get to choose?" I ask, trying to keep my voice as level as hers.

"No," she says. "The Paladonic Knight, the mermaid assassin . . . and me." Despite her voice staying calm, I can tell she's not happy about being included. "She's promised safe conduct to and from there, as long as we promise no violence."

"I don't like it," Brooke says worriedly. "She can't be trusted, and why these conditions?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Becky asks, stepping forward. When we all look at her blankly, she starts to look embarrassed. "Well, I mean, if she used to be the goddess of vengeance, who among us are most strongly driven in that direction?"

I see her point now, but I wonder how Eris could possibly know that much about us. Could it be something with her being the Pillar of Darkness's confidant?

Emmett, despite his recent change in attitude, was still a Paladonic Knight; the epitome of racial haters. Alloria is the last of her kind and very much a hater of humans. Even Brooke has a lot in her past. After over 140 years, I'm sure she wants vengeance somewhere.

"When do we leave?" I ask, deciding quickly. It needs to be done, and if I second-guess everything, then I'll never get the tokens of power I'll need to take out Aldol.

"Lyden, are you sure?" Brooke asks me, fear evident in her eyes.

"I am," I lie.

A sudden whinny from the balcony makes us all turn in that direction. Despite her bulk, Blue moves into the main room, barely avoiding squashing some of my friends.

"Oh, look!" Areth squeals like a teenage girl. "Horsies!" The tiny golden woman flits over to where four dark black equines stand waiting. As she gets close, though, one of them snaps at her, and she flies to my chest, gripping my shirt. "Mean horsy!"

"Nightmares," Alloria says unhappily. "Our rides have arrived."

"Don't go with the mean things," Areth orders me, but I carefully hand her off to Sheila. There is uncertainty in my slave's eyes, and I try to nod reassuringly to her.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," I tell everyone as I walk to one of the midnight stallions.

"I was hoping for a bit more action on this trip," Jennifer complains loudly. "Just don't fuck this goddess too hard!"

Jennifer's vulgarity breaks the tension, and everyone but Richard and Emmet laughs lightly. The police captain just looks stern. "I didn't come on this trip to be constantly left behind," the hook-nosed man states.

"I'd take you with me if I could," I tell him. "Rest while you can, though. I have a feeling things will get a lot more exciting for you after we get back."

I don't wait for a response before leaping to the back of the horse. Before Marchosias's fantasy world, I'd never been near a horse, but now I seem to know just what to do with the equine. I had been half-afraid the thing would nip at me, but it just turns and launches us off the balcony. I have only half a second to hang on and feel my stomach in my throat, before I hear the nightmare's hooves clatter on the open air.

"Wait for us!" Brooke shouts behind me, but I'm not in control of this flight.

We fly west and a little north, over open plains filled with various creatures, most of them unrecognizable. All too soon I see a shadowed area. There is light all around us, except for a spike of dimness that stabs into Earth's domain. A shiver runs down my spine as we cross this odd border, and turn north towards deeper darkness. In the murkiness, it takes me a moment to realize we're getting closer to the ground.

Landing, the four stallions continue moving until inky darkness surrounds us.

Silence reigns, even the nightmare's hoof beats are entirely muted. Uneasiness festers in my stomach like rancid meal.

After a few minutes, or maybe a lifetime, I notice a soft glow directly ahead. As we approach it, I turn to speak to my invisible companions, but no sound escapes my lips. I'm not sure if there is something wrong with my vocal cords or if it is somehow due to this strange place. The eerie silence lends credence to the latter, but what if my ears are not working either? This doesn't make me feel any better.

As we come closer to the light, I can make out a single woman standing by a lamppost. Long black hair flows from her head, and strange tattoos adorn her pale skin.

"Welcome, friends," she says as we enter the sphere of her light. Her voice is soft and sultry with a seductive quality to it that I don't miss. I'm immediately on my guard.

"Eh," I hear Brooke's voice next to me, and I turn to see her rubbing her throat. "I can finally speak." I am glad that I wasn't the only one.

Brooke's eyes are wide, and she keeps turning to look into the impenetrable blackness behind us. I don't blame her. There is an itch between my shoulder blades, as though something is out there, watching us.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with us," I tell the goddess, trying to keep my voice level. It still quavers with uncertainty.

"I admit that I have wanted to meet you for some time, Lyden Snow," she informs me, walking over to the nightmare I'm riding. She reaches for the stallion's muzzle, but just before she's able to make contact with it, the blasted animal vanishes and suddenly I'm landing hard on my rump. Eris frowns slightly, but offers her hand to help me to my feet. Her fingernails are pitch black, almost as dark as the gloom around us.

I take it without thinking. Brooke's shouted, "Lyden, no! Don't!" comes too late. As soon as my fingers touch the goddess's soft slim hand, the world seems to spin. Anger, spitefulness, and a general sense of wanting to destroy anything I can get my hands on, including the exotic woman before me, swamps through my body. Before I'm able to act, she lets go, and I'm returned to myself. Dizziness replaces the other emotions, and I almost topple back over, barely catching myself.

Brooke's arm goes around me, and I lean into her to stay upright, pulling solace through our shared love.

"Sorry about that," Eris says contritely. "They never let me touch them."

Having experienced her touch first hand, I can understand why!

"I'm okay," I tell Brooke and stand fully upright. Looking around I see Emmett and Alloria dismounting. As soon as their feet touch ground, their nightmares vanish. I turn back to Eris, trying to act more confident than I feel. "You know why we've come?" I continue when she nods, an odd smile painting her features. "What must we do, to gain a token of the Pillar of Darkness's favor?"

"I'm so glad you came to me for that, instead of going all the way to Him," she states, her voice full of the confidence I wish I felt. Even with Murasame on my hip, that one small taste of her power really shook me. "I love the man dearly, but He would have made things a lot less pleasant." She giggles then, and I can sense a hint of madness behind it. "And a lot less fun."

"Speak plainly, Goddess," Alloria commands. "If the Outsider kills off the Pillars, then your master will die as well. It is in your own self interest to provide what we need."

I flinch at her tone, hoping Eris doesn't get offended and decide to forget about us, but at the same time I agree with the elf.

Eris's smile only grows bigger. "And that is why I agreed to this meeting, dear elf. If it were entirely up to me, I would simply give you what you want, but the world doesn't work that way." If it weren't for that smile on her face and the gleam in her eyes, I'd almost believe she was sad about being unable to help us immediately. "It has to be earned."

"W-what would y-you have us d-do?" Emmett speaks up for the first time, and I realize the man is terrified. Looking at this from his perspective, I can understand why. In a way, he is a representative of a group of men that have made it their life's mission to kill every creature like the ones surrounding him. Somehow his fear makes me feel slightly better. I'm not the only one worried about what might happen.

Eris's responding smile shows all of her white teeth.

"You must do something that you may regret for the rest of your lives. Each of you will have to do something that you are loathe to do. Do this, and the talisman representing my lover's power will be yours." She turns to Brooke, and I feel the redhead's hand firmly grip mine. "Starting with you, mermaid."


Authors Note: Just three more chapters, and this story will be done. I know I do this at the end of each chapter, but I really have to thank Garbonzo for all of his hard work and efforts. He was the one to put together the blog. He takes time out of his busy schedule to edit these chapters, to make them what they are. I really do appreciate him!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I dig the story and guess it would be self defeating to just say: He wins, you die, if you don't help and I win, you die, if you do help and I win, nothing changes. Next chapter :).

mBrowmBrowover 3 years ago

Loving this series!

On pg 2, ascent should be assent in "I wait for her ascent before pressing forward"

WhitePaintWhitePaintover 7 years ago
Damn he is cold..

He should show some affection to sheila. She is the mother of his children for god's sake.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

This is a great story and really hard to stop reading and do anything else.

lottie_8853lottie_8853over 10 years ago

Please please don't stop there I have really enjoyed the story so far and can't wait to see how it ends!! Xxx

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