The Switch Hitter


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The next morning his parents apologized for not being able to attend his game. His father had a golf date and his mother was spending the day with his aunt. That made him a little anxious. He worried his aunt might say something to his mother. He'd just die if his parents discovered his secret and what he'd done yesterday.

The game was a blur. All he could think about was what his aunt had promised him. He'd made an error and gone hitless. Fortunately they'd won in spite of his poor playing. He walked home in silence. As he neared his house, he saw his aunt's car in the driveway. His mother was coming out of the garage. She was carrying an armful of newspapers to the curb for recycling. She didn't see him until she was just about to enter his aunt's car. She waved and hurriedly walked up to him.

"Hi honey, good game?" Ellen Cougar asked as she inexplicitly threw her arms around him and hugged him much too hard and much too intimately, but she couldn't control her emotions. Lettzie had told her everything and now it was all she could do not to tell her son she knew everything and let him know how happy she was for him. Her memories of helping her brother cross-dress were vivid and now she couldn't wait to help her new 'daughter' the same way. Lettzie was positive he wanted to fuck her; something she was definitely looking forward too. Incest, Lettzie had assured her ran in the family. She felt herself slipping out of control as she uncontrollably ground her pussy against her son's growing cock.

"Geez, mom," Jimmy embarrassingly said as he tried to pull away. "Nice to see you too and no, I had a rotten game. I stunk but we won." He looked into her eyes to see if she knew anything. He couldn't tell but the way she was rubbing her body against him was turning him on. "Are you ok mom?"

"Of course I am. I'm just happy to see you, honey" she said kissing his face several times. She hadn't been surprised about his being bisexual, she'd seen his feminine side since he was very young and found his gay magazines months ago. It was when she learned he was into cross-dressing, just like her brother, that she'd really been thrilled. Finding his cross-dressing magazines hidden in the newspapers this morning confirmed everything Lettzie had told her.

"I'm glad to see you too, Mom," Jimmy said. The bad memories of the game faded quickly as he felt his cock come to life against his mother. He worried she would feel him but that didn't stop him from moving his hips against her. Thoughts of incest filled his head as quickly as blood filled his cock. He'd always thought she was beautiful and he remembered what his aunt had said about family sex and how good it was for everyone. The way his mother was acting made him think it was possible.

Ellen coyly looked down between them, rubbed her cunt provocatively against him, smiled and let out a little laugh. "I can feel that." She giggled naughtily as she returned the pressure she was getting from his cock. She kissed his cheek and softly said, "I'm sorry you had a bad game baby. You probably had lots of other things on your mind." She couldn't resist rolling her hips against him.

He couldn't believe what his mother was doing. He told himself it had to be an accident. "I guess so." He tried to pull away but his mother's pussy followed him. His heart jumped to his throat. What was she doing? Didn't she know she'd made him hard? Then he wondered if Lettzie had told her about yesterday? He tried to see past her to his aunt. Lettzie was smiling at him from the driver's seat. She threw him a kiss and winked.

Ellen looked over her shoulder at her sister in-law and said, "Of course you did dear." She looked him in the eyes and then surprised herself and him when she kissed him fully on the lips. She held the kiss much longer than she should have. Breathlessly, she said, "I love you so much but I never knew my son kissed so well." She thought he kissed just like a girl.

"Thanks mom, you kiss nice too, and I love you too." He'd never been kissed by her or any girl like that before. It felt strange but wonderfully exciting. He hoped she'd kiss him again.

"I'm glad you think so honey," Ellen gaily said. "We'll have to do it again." With her pussy still pressed hard against him, she said, "I just want you to know your father and I love you very much and that we are very proud of you." Her pussy tingle as she remembering how hot it had made her when Lettzie told her how she'd jacked him off. She couldn't wait to do that for him. She felt his cock move against her. Mischievously she said, "Maybe I'll have to give you some private lessons on how to stroke...the ball." She kissed him on the lips again before stepping back. She let out a nervous laugh and then quickly turned and headed for the car. Over her shoulder she said, "I love you honey."

"I love you too," Jimmy said a bit dumbfounded. He touched his lips. His mother's kiss had been fantastic. He managed a little wave as she got into his aunts car.

"I'll be home in a couple of hours. Lettzie and I have some shopping to do, some very special shopping."

"Ok, see you then." 'Special? What did she mean?' He worried.

"Oh yes, your father's in the kitchen. He said for you to shower and then he needs to talk to you."

"About what?" he asked. Fear gripped him. He looked at his aunt for a clue.

"Not to worry darling," Lettzie said from her open window. "Everything be alright." She gave him a sly wink, pursed her lips and blew him a kiss. "Give the love to the father."

"What?" 'What did she mean by that?' He worried even more now.

Lettzie didn't make him feel any better when she said, "Do not worry Jimmy darling, I talk to mother Ellen and father Cougar. They are as happy as Eddy and I be."

'What did you tell them?" he asked, but his aunt just waved and drove off. He walked in a daze through the garage and into his house. He was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn't notice that the piles of newspapers that had lined the back of the garage were now at the curb. He nervously showered and slipped on a loose fitting pair of cotton running shorts and athletic t-shirt before heading down to the kitchen to see what his father wanted to see him about. A sense of dread hung over him as he entered the kitchen.


"Hey there son," Hal Cougar said when Jimmy came into the kitchen. He was sitting at the table. Two cross-dressing magazines lay in front of him. One of them was wide open.

"Hi dad," had just left his lips when saw what his father was looking at. He froze. He quickly glanced at the garage, then remembered his mother carrying newspapers to the curb. His legs felt like jelly. "Oh my god no!"

Hal Cougar didn't do a very good job of hiding his smile. "Yes, I guess that's about the right response." He picked up the magazine he'd been looking at. It was open to a two age spread of two very pretty boys dressed in sexy lingerie. They were both sucking a cock. Both also had lovely breasts. "I like your choice in magazines." He gave his son a small smile. "Gave your mother quite a start when she was moving the newspapers to the curb though."

"Mom found them!" He thought he was going to be sick. He was so embarrassed. "Dad, I'm so sorry...! must think I'm a..."

"Your mother thinks nothing of the kind and neither do I. We both love you very much, and think you're a wonderful son" Hal wanted to quickly put his son at ease. "I know this is kind of embarrassing Jimmy but don't worry, this isn't the end of the world." He shook his head, the smile still there. "Your Aunt Lettzie told us a pretty amazing story." He held the magazine up; a broad grin crept across his face. "It sounds like the three of you had a pretty interesting afternoon at the movies yesterday."

"Aunt Lettzie told you!!" He wanted to die. "Dad, it was the first...I've never done anything like that...I'm so sorry."

"Stop son, you don't need to apologize or be sorry for anything. You haven't done anything wrong." He gave him a long appraising look before adding, "You don't ever need to apologize for who you are or what you want to be. Your mother and I are both glad you ran into your aunt and uncle yesterday." He gave him a wry smile and said, "And if what Lettzie told us is only half true, I think life around here is going to be a whole lot more interesting from now on." Hal Cougar pulled out the chair next to him. "Sit."

What his father had just said didn't immediately register. He still felt dread. He sat heavily onto the kitchen chair. Gloom filled him. He looked at the open magazine. He turned away, couldn't bear to look at his father. "Dad...I."

Hal Cougar didn't let him finish. He held up the first magazine. "This one was still wrapped; I figured you hadn't had a chance to look at it yet. I hope you don't mind that I opened it and checked it out while I was waiting for you." Hal already had an erection but now that his son was sitting next to him, it grew even harder. He wanted to tell him so many things and hoped he'd open up to him but he knew he had to gain his trust first.

"No, I don't mind, dad." He was relieved that his father didn't seem disgusted with him. "I just want you to know...I'm not...I was just curi..."

Hal held up his hand again and stopped him from saying more. He looked up, smiled and said, "You're not the only one around here that gets turned on by guys that cross-dress."

"What do you mean, dad?" He didn't know who he was referring to.

Hal paused, gave him a long look before bashfully admitting, "I mean I do too."

"You do?" Jimmy didn't know what to think now but he slowly began to believe his world wasn't going to end. "That's pretty cool."

Hal looked up from the magazine. "Yup," Hal said smiling. "I understand your uncle looked pretty hot yesterday."

Jimmy shyly nodded his head. "He looked just like a woman, dad."

"I bet he did." Knowing it was the right thing to say, he said, "He always makes me hard when I see him in panties and those fantastic tits he has are incredible."

As if the bubble had just burst, Jimmy enthusiastically said, "He made me hard too and his breasts looked so real. He just looked so beautiful." His excitement overwhelmed him now. "He had this wig on and nylons and high heels. He just looked so fantastic; he looked just like a woman, Dad."

Hal chuckled. "I'm sure he did. Eddy's been cross-dressing ever since I've known him so I know what you mean." He paused, raised his eye brows and then added. "Your mother of course knows he cross-dresses. She did after all share her lingerie with him when they were younger."

"She did! I didn't know. That is so cool dad." His cock stiffened at hearing that. He wanted to ask more about his mother and his uncle but waited.

"Yup. You'd be surprised at how open-minded your mother is about these things. I'm sure she'd enjoy talking to you about growing up with a brother that wore her panties."

Jimmy giggled. "That sounds so funny dad."

"I guess it does." Hal laughed with him. "She used to help him with his makeup and even took him shopping for his own girl's clothes."

Relief flooded through Jimmy. "Neat! I never would have guessed mom was so open-minded." He hoped she would do the same for him.

"Yes it is neat," Hal said as he continued to page through the magazine. "So now that you know all that, I thought you might want to talk about yesterday." He really wanted to know everything about his son's desire to cross-dress, be a girl, but especially the blowjob he'd given his uncle. "Feel like telling me about your interest in cross-dressing? Your aunt tells us you want to wear girl's things like your uncle, maybe even more." He left the more part unsaid for now.

Sheepishly Jimmy began. "It's not just wearing girl's clothes dad, I really do want to be a girl. I've felt that way for a long time, since I was little I guess. After I saw Uncle Eddy all dressed up, and then Aunt Lettzie said she'd help me, well it's what I want dad." That was the most difficult thing Jimmy had ever had to admit but now that he had, he felt a great sense of relief. "I hope you don't hate me."

"I could never hate you son, your mother either. We just want you to be happy."

Relived, Jimmy let out a big sigh. "I just never knew how to tell you guys."

"Well you can now. How about starting out telling me about yesterday with your aunt and uncle?"

"Yesterday was so cool dad. I mean Aunt Lettzie and Uncle Eddy were just so much fun and they made me feel so good about myself. I did things with them I've always dreamed of doing." He blushed, looked at the floor and waited for his father to tell him he was sick or hated him. But that didn't happen.

"Then I'm happy for you son. And the incest part? You didn't have a problem with having sex with your aunt and uncle? Incest doesn't bother you?"

Jimmy shook his head. "The incest part made it really, really hot dad. It was so cool doing stuff with someone I was related to. I mean, Uncle Eddy is so hot and Aunt Lettzie is fantastic and until I did stuff with her I wasn't sure I was bisexual but I am now." He looked shyly up at is father and finally admitted, "Doing stuff with Uncle Eddy though...that was something I've always wanted to do. He made me feel so special. I felt just like a girl when I was..."

"Giving him a blowjob?"

Jimmy grinned shyly. "Yeah, when I was giving him a blowjob." It turned him on to admit that to his father.

Hal's cock jumped as he visualized his son sucking his brother in-law off. "I know how difficult that must have been to tell me son." He couldn't help chuckling. "Just so you don't feel like you're all alone, I happen to think your uncle's cock is pretty awesome too."

Jimmy's eyes widened in surprise. "You do?"

"Big time." He cleared his throat and then asked, "But we can talk about that in a minute. If you don't mind, I'd like to hear more about what you think about incest, and you know, being bisexual and wanting to do stuff with men."

Jimmy dropped his eyes when he answered. "I really like doing stuff with other guys but doing it with people I'm related to, that's what really turns me on, Dad." He smiled shyly up at his father and hoped he understood he meant him.

"I see," Hal said grinning. "I guess that would include your mother and me? Is that what you're saying son? You'd like to have sex with me and your mother?"

Jimmy took a big breath and nodded his head. "I know it probably sounds sick Dad but that's what I mean. Aunt Lettzie made it sound so normal." He hoped his father felt the same way.

Hal let a small smile creep across his face. It turned him on that his son felt the same way. "I don't know about normal but your mother and I feel the same way you do about incest. We think family sex can be very special and wonderful between loving people."

"Really? Mom won't think I'm sick for wanting"

"To have sex with her?"

"Yes," Jimmy tentatively admitted. "When Aunt Lettzie asked me if I wanted to have sex with you and mom, it really scared me at first but she made it sound so wonderful." He shyly added, "I'd really like to try it."

"Your mother and I feel the same way Jimmy, so I'm glad she told you about her family."

"That is so cool dad."

Hal nodded, but needed clarify everything. "So, you feel like there's a girl trapped inside of you and you want to have sex with your mother and me as a girl? Is that right son?"

Jimmy nodded and barely answered above a whisper. "Yes."

Hal threw his arms around his son and said, "Jimmy, we love you very much and if you want to live your life as a girl and have sex with us as one,..." Hal paused and then said, "I think your mother and I are more than ready for that."

Jimmy almost felt like crying. "That would be so amazing dad." He couldn't believe his parents were ok with him living his life as a girl and felt the same way about incest.

"Don't thank me; thank your mother for enlightening me. If it hadn't been for her, and well let's call it her unique relationship with her brother, we might not be having this conversation." He gave his son a friendly pat on the arm and held up the magazine. "I'll tell you all about that but for right now, how about the two of us relax for a minute, catch our breath and check out your magazines together. Want to?"

"I'd really like that dad," Jimmy sniffled. "I'd like that a lot." He couldn't believe his father was turned on by transsexuals and cross-dressing like he was.

"Me too." Hal laughed easily. "No reason why we have to hide what really turns us both on. We're both adults and it's nothing to be ashamed about." It made his cock stiffen to think he might soon be making love to his son...or his daughter. He was still a little jealous that Eddy had gotten a blowjob from him before he did though.

"I'm not ashamed anymore dad and I don't want any more secrets between us. I want to be open and honest with you and mom."

"Good enough." Hal turned his chair a little and slide the magazine between them. "And your mother and I plan on being open and honest with you too." He put his hand on his son's leg and then nudged his knee against his thigh. When Jimmy didn't pull away, he sensed everything was going to work out just fine. He knew it was time to do something to bond the two of them. Knowing it would break the ice; he looked down at his lap, chuckled and said, "I guess you could say I'm pretty turned on right now. All this talk about incest and you being a girl has really gotten me hard." His boner was obscenely outlined beneath his slacks.

Jimmy let out a relived laugh as he looked at the front of his father's pants. He was huge! "Wow dad you really are." He removed his hands from his lap and revealed his own erection. "Me too!" Knowing his father was as hard as he was made him tremble inside. A little smile crept across his face. He understood what was happening between the two of them and it excited him. He intimately returned the pressure on his father's leg. His voice quaked when he said, "I never thought I'd be showing my own dad that I was hard or that I'd be telling him that I wanted to have sex with him." He gave his father a sheepish smile and said, "Kind of strange but neat."

"Good way to put it son, strange but neat." He watched his son's reaction when he began to openly rub his cock through his pants. "Hope you don't mind if I do that." When he saw the smile on his son's face, he moved his hand harder over the full length of his cock several times. "It really turns me on to do this in front of you son. Just thinking about how you want to be a girl and have sex with me and your mother is something I've thought about a lot...your mother too." He gave his son a big smile and said, "I've always wanted a daughter to make love to."

Jimmy's emotions bubbled over now. "It turns me on too," he said as he grabbed his cock through is shorts and slowly beat off. "It makes me so hard to think about doing stuff with you and mom."

"And your uncle and aunt," Hal chuckled.

Jimmy nodded enthusiastically. "Them too! Aunt Lettzie is so hot and beautiful and she said she wanted to have sex with me and Uncle Eddy said he can't wait until I'm dressed like a girl and give him a blowjob. He kept calling me little girl when I was sucking him off. He made me feel like I was one already."

Knowing his son needed to hear it from him. "With a little help from your mother and Lettzie, you will look just like one when we have sex with you." He thought his son's body was perfect for a girl.

Jimmy shyly said, "I hope so." It made his heart beat like a trip hammer to admit that.

Hal tapped a picture of naked boy wearing nylons and heels. "He really looks hot, bet you will too. You've got great legs."