The Trail West Ch. 08


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"You rode Diablo?" Danni asked. "Poor baby must be frozen. We better go see him after supper; I want to make sure he's okay."

"Guess that tells you who's got the upper hand," Red teased.

"Red!" Danni responded, giggling.

"Quit teasing her Red; she's been very upset at not being able to get home," Sarah admonished her fiancé. "Me too."

The young people finished supper and bundled up for the walk to the livery stables. Danni told Josh that she and Sarah had made a habit of going to see Sunny and Sarah's horse Johnny most nights after supper. "Those little walks keep me from getting cabin fever."

As they got to the door to the livery, they heard Diablo whiney in welcome. He had his head hanging over the door to his stall and Danni went to him immediately to stoke his ears and neck. The big horse nuzzled her and sighed in contentment. Diablo's other human was there and he was happy.

Josh went to talk with the stable owner and arrange special feeds and bedding for the horses. When he came back Danni was feeding his horse pieces of dried apple and whispering in his ear. Josh heard her softly say, "Thank you Diablo for bringing him to me."

Before he could get Danni to leave she had to spend a few minutes with Sunny; she gave him his share of the apples and said "I know you could've brought Josh to me but you stayed here to take care of me, didn't you?" Horses still get better treatment than I do, Josh thought laughing.

Mrs. Cassidy was happy to rent the boys a room. During the winter months her boarding house was vacant except for the room upstairs shared by Sarah and Danni. Occasionally a drummer or cattleman would stop by but not often. She put the boys in a room on the first floor that had two beds. "You boys stay put, ya hear? No funny business in my house," Mrs. Cassidy warned them.

Josh got to spend most of the daytime with Danni but Red had to limit himself to the school's recesses and lunch time to be with Sarah. Of course they would spend the afternoons and evenings together. Josh and Red stayed in Fountain for two days. After discussing it with their ladies, they decided for the rest of the winter that they would come to town two times a month rather than the girls having to brace the weather.

The return trip to the ranch was considerably easier than the trip to town. The days had been cold but sunny and a lot of the snow had melted. The drifts they had fought through were almost completely gone so the ride back to the Lazy L took about two hours.

Ten days later, after another snow storm passed through; Josh and Red returned to Fountain. This time they rode in on a Friday, which would give them two full days with Sarah and Danni without Sarah's school interfering? The trail wasn't as bad as the last time they made the trip but it was far from easy.

Instead of following the wagon trail all the time, they rode along the ridges and crests of hills where they could. Most of the snow had melted or been blown off up there. But there were still places where they had to force their way through deep drifts.

Sunday evening as the two couples got ready to go to the café for supper, Red held back and told them he would catch up. He rejoined them at the café about twenty minutes later. Josh looked at his friend and thought Red seemed to be in high spirits considering that he wouldn't see Sarah for another two weeks or so.

They were having a last cup of coffee before returning to Mrs. Cassidy's when Red spoke up. "Josh, if you don't mind I'm gonna stay here. There's not much goin on at the ranch and I don't want to be away from Sarah anymore. It bothers me not to see her every few days." He took Sarah's hand as he talked.

Josh had to chuckle at Red because he was blushing and looked so sad. "Don't see a problem with it partner. Course Sarah may decide she don't want to marry you after having you around all the time," Josh teased.

"Not much chance of that," Sarah said with a big smile, taking hold of Red's arm.

"I reckon the CBC can afford to pay your room and board for a month or so," Josh said.

"Won't have to," Red replied, now grinning again. "Made a deal with Mrs. Cassidy just afore I came over here. I'm gonna do some repairs around her place and give her a half beef come summer. She'll feed and board me in trade, at least until Sarah can come home."

"I guess I can find my way back to the ranch by myself," Josh replied with a grin. "Done it before."

"You won't be by yourself," Danni said. At Josh's puzzled look she continued, "I stayed because I didn't want to leave Sarah alone. With Red here she won't be alone and I'd just be in the way, so I'm coming with you."

Josh grabbed Danni and hugged her, quickly letting her go when he remembered they were in public. Now it was Josh's turn to blush. "Doggone fine idea, if you ask me," he responded.

The next morning after breakfast Sarah and Red walked Josh and Danni to the livery. "I don't think you have to worry about Ma," Danni replied giggling. "But Pa's going to get a burr under his saddle about this."

"I know Pa's not going to be too happy but tell him and Ma not to worry," Sarah said to Danni. "Mrs. Cassidy is here to chaperone."

Red gave Danni his drover's coat to wear back to the ranch; the weather was still cold and it would help protect her on the ride. Josh and Danni said good bye and mounted Diablo and Sunny. "Glad to be going home Sunny?" Danni asked the big buckskin. His ears perked up at her voice and he nodded his head as if answering her. In fact the horse was just glad to be going anywhere instead of being cooped up in the stables.

Their return to the ranch was easier than the ride into town. The trail had already been broken by the boys and the sun had melted more of the snow. They rode into the corral at the Maggie M in just over two hours. Daniel and Maggie came out of the house as they rode in; surprised that their daughter was home. Jerry and Jacob came out of the barn at Maggie's shout of surprise.

Daniel, Maggie, and Jacob crowded around Danni, hugging her and welcoming her home. When they stepped back Jerry stuck out his hand and said, "Welcome home Miss Danni."

Danni pushed passed Jerry's hand and hugged him. "Thank you Sir Knight," she told him. Jerry's face turned red and Josh chuckled at the comical look on his face.

"What are you doing home? I thought you were going to stay with Sarah," Maggie asked.

Josh and Danni took turns explaining what happened. As predicted, Daniel wasn't very happy with Red staying in town and living in the same house as Sarah. He started to complain but Maggie interrupted him.

"Calm down dear. Sarah's a woman grown and we raised her right; she won't do anything to shame us. Besides in spite of your concerns, Red is an honorable young man," Maggie told him. "He won't do anything to shame us either."

After lunch Maggie and Danni spent the afternoon making plans and discussing the upcoming wedding. Daniel rode out to check on the cattle; Josh offered to go along but Daniel told him to rest a little and took Jerry and Jacob with him. Rather than just sit around listening to the women, Josh read the letters from his family that he'd picked up before leaving Fountain.

There were three letters from his folks; two for him, and one for Danni. The letters were full of the news concerning his family; his parents William and Molly were in good health, happy for Josh and Danni, and said they hoped to get to meet her after the war. William wrote that even through the danger posed by Fogerty and his Bushwhacker's was over, it was a dangerous time to be traveling. Josh's younger brother Samuel had grown like a weed to almost 6 feet tall. The letters also gave good news about his uncles and their families. His pa wrote that the war was going badly for the Confederacy; William looked for the war to come to an end within the next few months.

Josh put the letters away and went to check on Diablo and Sunny. The trip from town hadn't been too bad but he wanted to make sure the animals were warm and well fed. While he was at the barn, Daniel, Jerry, and Jacob returned. He helped Daniel and Jerry with their horses but Jacob wouldn't let anybody but himself take care of his horse, Puma.

"How're the cattle holdin up?" Josh asked Daniel.

"Doing pretty good. Most of them are hunkered down in some canyons and arroyos up to Black Squirrel Creek. There's good grazing now that some of the snow melted."

After supper Josh said that he had to return to the Lazy L for a few days but would return to the Maggie M by the weekend. Danni wasn't especially happy with his going but understood that with Red living in town Josh had to put in a bit more time at the ranch.

"Now don't get all worried if I'm not back before Saturday," Josh told Danni the next morning before leaving. "If there's any trouble over there I'll have to sort it all out before I can come back."

Danni nodded but put her head down; she'd just spent weeks without seeing Josh and now he was leaving again. Josh put his hand under her chin and raised her head so he could look her in the eyes. "Won't be long fore we're married and we'll be together all the time," he said tenderly. He paused, smiled, and teased her to lighten the mood, "Heck, you'll probably get sick at the sight of me and run me off for a few days."

She had to smile back at him. Danni was touched that Josh understood how she felt and that he didn't just brush her disappointment off. I got myself a pretty good man, she thought as she waved good bye at him.

The weather had turned bad and it was the middle of March before Sarah and Red were able to come to the ranch for a long weekend. After supper Saturday evening Jerry and Jacob returned to the bunk house and the rest of the group sat around the fireplace talking.

"I told the town council that I'm not coming back to teach next fall," Sarah said. "Told them I'd help find a replacement if they wanted but I'm not going back." She looked at Red with a small grin, "Got a new job being a wife and it's going to take up all my time."

Red grinned back at her and nodded. Obviously the two had talked and made this decision together. "Hard to start a family if Sarah's in town and I'm out to the ranch," he said.

"Red, behave yourself," Sarah scolded him; she got a little red in the face but had a big smile.

"I was thinking the same think about Josh and me," Danni said. "Told Mr. Whitworth that I wasn't coming back after the wedding. I think Red's right, it'd be hard to start a family with me living in town. Besides I'd rather help run the ranch."

Now it was Josh who got red in the face, but he smiled also and then chuckled. "Nothin bashful about the Maguire girls, is there?"

Sunday when Sarah and Red returned to Fountain, Josh and Danni rode with them; they would stay overnight and return to the ranch Monday afternoon. Josh led a pack horse so they could pick up some supplies but mostly he wanted to check the telegraph office to see if there was any news from his folks and to mail the letters he'd written.

After school, Sarah and Red accompanied Josh and Danni to the stables to say good bye. Josh had just finished loading the pack horse when they heard a man shouting and a horse making noise out in the corral; Josh went outside to see what the commotion was. When he didn't return for a few minutes, Red and the two girls followed him.

An older man had a young filly cornered and was trying to put a lead rope on her; there were two other horses sort of hiding behind her. Every time the horse tried to get away the man would use a yard whip to keep the horse cornered. The first time the man hit the horse with the whip she screamed, Josh climbed the corral and started forward.

"Easy Josh," Red cautioned his friend. Josh just waved his hand at Red and continued forward.

"Looks like you could use some help Mister," Josh said with a grim smile. "Let me give you a hand."

He stepped between the man and the horse, taking the lead rope from him. Josh held the rope down at his side and took very slow small steps toward the young horse. He talked constantly in a soft voice and tone to the animal. He extended his hand so the horse could smell him and shortly was able to stroke the animal's forehead. Slowly Josh brought the lead rope up and showed it to the horse. After two minutes or so he was able to attach the rope to the animal's halter.

Josh led the filly to a hitching post in the center of the corral and tied the lead rope to it. He picked up two more lead ropes off the ground and did the same with the other two horses in the corral.

"He surely do have a way with horses, don't he?" Red remarked about his friend. "With women too I guess," he continued grinning at Danni.

Danni blushed but smiled and replied, "He certainly does. And that's a fact." Red laughed at her reply.

"She's young and high spirited Mister. You have to treat her gentle," Josh told the man. "She'll just fight you if you don't."

"Have to treat women the same way," Red remarked softly. Sarah dug her elbow into his ribs and punched his shoulder.

"Thanks son. She's been actin up and I can't control her." I'm Bill Sorenson," he said shaking hands with Josh.

"Howdy Mr. Sorenson, I'm Josh Kelly. Where ya headed with the horses, if you don't mind my askin."

"Tryin to sell them. My ranch is a day west of town and the winter's been tough on us. Thought I might get enough for these three to help us make it into spring."

"Had any takers?" Josh asked.

"Naw, every time I get someone interested she," Sorenson pointed at the big grey filly, "starts actin up and scares off the buyers. Nobody wants a horse that's half wild."

"How much you want for her?"

"Got to sell them as a set, we need the money," Sorenson replied. "I think the three are worth a hundred dollars. You interested son?"

"Not at a hundred dollars, I'm not," Josh answered.

Sorenson knew from Josh's response that he had a buyer if they could agree on a price. Josh saw the calculating look in the man's eyes and knew it was time to do a little horse trading.

Red chuckled as Sorenson and Josh went back and forth trying to get to a price that both could live with. Daniel and I may know more about cattle but Josh is about as good as they come when it comes to horses, Red thought. Finally the two came to an agreement. Josh paid Sorenson $65 cash money and got a bill of sale for the three horses.

"Not questioning you Josh, but what do we need with more horses?" Red asked after Sorenson left. "We got four between us, not countin Jerry's two."

"Actually I've only got Diablo. You don't really think I'll ever get Sunny back from Danni, do you? Josh said with a smile. "Besides, I told you when we bought the ranch that I wanted to breed and raise horses. That filly is a very good animal; she'd make a fine mate for Diablo."

Red walked slowly over to where the horses were tied and examined them closely. "Yeah, she's a good one."

"That pinto is young and has the makins of a good cow pony; a lot like your Queenie. This one," Josh said putting his hand on the horse's reddish brown coat, "will make a good saddle animal. Thought I might work with him a little and give him to Maggie. She hasn't had much to ride since we lost Joey."

Danni came into the corral and very slowly walked up to the grey filly, talking softly. "Poor baby's scared aren't you? Don't worry we'll take good care of you. I think we'll name you Lady Guinevere, after all you belong to Sir Knight there. We'll call you Lady." The young horse seemed to settle down and pushed her head against Danni.

"Looks like I'm not the only one that has a way with horses," Josh said with pride. "C'mon on, let's get goin.


The cold weather and a couple of snow storms continued until the last week in April. The weather didn't stop the work being done at the Lazy L but it pushed back the spring round up. Josh and Red began to wonder if they'd be done in time for the wedding the second week of May. They pushed the men and themselves hard and were able to finish the week before the wedding.

The work on the bunk house was completed, turning it into a two bedroom log cabin. It wasn't as fancy as the big house but it would be cozy and warm during the winter and cool during the heat of the summer. The big ranch house at the Lazy L had just been finished about a year before Tom Larson went to prison. The only work done on the main house was the addition of a covered porch that wrapped around three sides of the building. Josh, Red, and their wives could sit on the porch and look out over the valley where Black Squirrel Creek ran.

The wedding was at the Lazy L; there was a flat area where the actual service was held and it gave room for a party afterwards. Maggie, the girls, and Mr. Swede had worked for a week organizing things and cooking. Several lodge poles had been set upright in the ground to hold lanterns which would provide light so the party could continue after dark. Ropes of wild flowers had been stretched between poles and the house had colored banners hanging from the new porch. The converted bunkhouse was open and had seating for whoever felt like taking a rest.

Josh and Red approached Jerry a week before the wedding and asked him to be their best man. "I thought you two would stand up for each other," Jerry said.

"Well, we're gonna be a mite busy partner," Red replied.

"We want someone we trust standing there with us," Josh said. "You're as close as we got this side of home."

"You'll have to do double duty, you know hand us the rings at the right time and such," Red continued.

"Yeah, and keep us from passing out, don't you know," Josh added with a laugh.

Jerry was a little embarrassed as the tears welled up in his eyes; crying like a blamed kid he said to himself. These two had accepted, no wanted him as a partner, when they left the wagon train. They always treated him with respect; like a man and a full partner. He thought of them as the older brothers he'd never had. Jerry appreciated the Maguires taking him in and making him feel at home, but Josh and Red were his family. And now he could add Sarah and Danni too.

Sniffing back the tears Jerry said, "I'd be right proud to stand up for you. Thank you."

"That means you can't get drunk until after the service you know," Red teased.

Sarah and Danni wore dresses made by Senora Hernandez, the seamstress in Fountain. They were a fancy Sunday Go To Meeting type that the girls could wear again. Maggie had put her foot down when Sarah and Danni wanted to wear split riding skirts and boots. Josh and Red wore suits bought at Mitchell's store and shirts with button on collars. They both wore string ties and pulled at the collars until the ceremony was over; the ties and collars were loosened as soon as possible.

The service itself went very well in spite of Josh stuttering and stumbling over the vows a couple of times. Red was typical Red, loud, smiling, and happy to be the center of attention. Jerry handed Josh and Red the plain gold bands at the proper time without fumbling them.

Reverend Stalls got to the end of the ceremony and said, "I now pronounce you husbands and wives; you may kiss your brides." There were loud cheers and a couple of rebel yells from the crowd of friends and relatives.

The Maguires, Daniel, Maggie, and Jacob were sitting in front of the other guests who stood. Bill Sanders and his son William was there as was Nancy Larson. Nancy still felt responsible for her late husband's actions and wasn't going to come until Josh rode to the S Bar S to personally invite her.

Charley White and the other three hands from the Chico Basin Cattle Company were there and three other hands, Will, James and Jimbo helped Mr. Swede serve the food and drink. Mrs. Cassidy had rented a surrey from the livery stable and Bill Thomas, the freighter, drove her out from town. Steve Mitchell, the owner of the general store in Fountain, and his wife rode in the surrey with Mrs. Cassidy. Sheriff Horton rode beside them on his horse.