The Women of Rishi Ch. 01


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She half smiled a greeting. "What happened?" I asked.

"Come in and sit down." We sat on the sofa next to each other. Milo sat at one end doing her evening face wipe grooming.

"What happened?" I repeated the question as her expression revealed a considerable degree of worry.

"He attacked me! Johnny! He came in yesterday and lunged at me and I had to strike him with a tray."

"The bastard! You weren't hurt?"

"No, I think I hurt him. He grabbed my arms and chest but once I hit him he got the message and left."

"Oh god! Good for you." I was genuinely impressed.

"I told the local women's group that deals with this sort of thing, and I thought Swarna told you."

"No, I didn't hear. He came when you were away and when I said I came to feed Milo, he made a vulgar joke about a pussy."

Then she started crying into her palm and the most appropriate thing to do was to put a comforting arm around her. She leaned into me and I hugged her with both arms patting her head. Though implementing my nefarious plan was unlikely I saw the tops of her boobs as her gown opened up. "You were always there for me, Rishi and I wished you were there yesterday." She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes. She patted my cheek and then gently stroked it. It felt so good. "I am so sorry to pull you into this with this horrible man." She pulled away from me and held the neck of her gown together again to obliterate my clandestine view. "I never gave him a hint. Never. He somehow assumed I wanted to be with him, or anyone. Silly man!" I hugged her again and I felt a bit of hesitancy, but she put her hand on my shoulder. "Do you think I may have behaved in a way to give him that impression?"

"No. I never thought you would. But I hardly saw him with you." She looked into my eyes as if I doubted her. "If I am around I will always be there for you, aunty... er... Asha. You can count on me."

She simply fell onto me again and this time her body was crushed against mine and I felt her softness all over me. My body felt hot and I took a deep breath. We were still seated and my thigh was against hers and I made a dramatic move. I crossed my legs to move the other thigh over her. My hips rolled to a sideways position. My hardness touched her knee.

"Oh gosh!" She panic-whispered and stood up disentangling herself. She looked down, arms folded, shocked and I realized I had blundered. I stood up to hold her arms and hugged her with the boldness of perseverance that I knew not I had. She didn't resist.

"I am sorry. I like you so much. In fact, I love you!" I blurted.

She looked at my face. "Oh!" is all she could utter.

"Please don't be angry. Please!" I hugged her tighter and she still didn't resist. Now I knew that my manhood was pushing into her. Her hands came slowly up and her palms were placed on my chest to push me off. I held on to her with some strength. It was easy to offset her resistance. I had a desire to kiss her forehead but somehow, I didn't want to do it when she was in this mood. I pulled her even closer and slowly rubbed myself against her.

"Oh god!" She cried. "We can't do this. It is wrong. There is no future for us. Oh my god. What am I doing?" Did I get a feeling that she was relenting? The faintest suggestions from her body language translated to a tumultuous internal battle with her resistance declining.

"Please!" I begged again. "You are a very good person. Won't you make me happy? I have done everything you asked me to." I whispered: "Can I just... just go inside..."

"No!" She yelled this time and her arms folded and formed a barrier between us. "We should not be doing this. It's wrong! It's bad for you and bad for me!"

The 'we' in the previous sentence somehow encouraged me. I did not let go completely as my arms were still around her. "You know what state I am in. I can't go home like this. I can't leave you in this condition."

"What do you mean?"

"I am very excited. Can you not see?" In a vile, unrestrained moment I pulled my shorts down further until my erection sat trapped under my waistband.

"Oh my god!" She covered her eyes but was now leaning on me. "How can you do this to me, Rishi? How can you?" She started sobbing again. This time she was leaning against my chest. "Can you not see that I want to live in peace. Please go home! Oh, Praveen, why did you leave me like this?"

The name of her husband rattled me. I looked at her with pity. Desire was there but was a trifle subdued. Further she just had a traumatic episode the previous day. I was all but exposed and she was still in my arms. I spoke to her softly. "Please Asha, forgive me if I am being bad... for misbehaving. But I am young and unexposed and get aroused easily, even if it's at the wrong time. Try to understand. I can't possibly leave unfulfilled. Please!"

She sobbed for a while and then went silent. We were still standing, and she had her head on my chest and I had my arms around her. She held her arms somewhere between us. "Will you do what I tell you?"

"Yes, I will but please don't ask me to go."

"Go to the bathroom there and do it." She pointed to the little powder room door.

"You come with me, please"

"No! No!"

"Please. You can do that much." I had one arm across her waist and started walking towards the door. She reluctantly followed. In the bathroom there was hardly space for two. She stood by my left side and with her body pasted to mine and with her head turned towards my back. I guessed she clung to me to avoid looking down.

"OK, do it."

I pulled my cock out and started masturbating facing towards the toilet bowl with the seat lifted. I was so charged up that it was easy to ejaculate in minutes, but I delayed it to savor the glorious moment of Asha's supple body against me; her breast cleavage somehow fitting perfectly into the curve of my side; her thighs locking my left knee. I felt her hot breath at the back of my shoulder. She was breathing deep and uneven. Was she in sync with my feelings? If so how much?

"Finished?" she asked impatiently.

"No." I tried again. "Can we not..."

"No, no, no!" She sounded unshakable in her conviction. "Please finish and go!"

"Can you at least look at me?" She turned to look at my face. "No, down!"

"Oh gosh!" she exclaimed again but slowly bent her head to look downwards. I didn't see if her eyes were closed. I was not sure whether she read my mind or figured my hand movements, but each time I inched towards her butt or stealthily moved up to the side of her boobs she pulled my arm away. I stroked myself faster and faster and imagined she was looking at my cock being stroked. One more request to touch me was firmly turned down and immediately I climaxed. I groaned and moaned till the last extended stroke. There was a most thrilling and totally unexpected response from her. At least during two of my ejaculatory spasms, I felt her body jerking and once her thighs tightened against my knee.

Did she reciprocate involuntarily?

I wiped myself and bent down to clean a bit of spill on the bowl and the floor.

"No, I'll clean up. You go!" She muttered without even looking at me.

I followed her enraged orders. I went home.

Late that night I texted: 'I am sorry.' No reply

Next day I tried again. 'Hi!' Silence.

In the evening I went: 'Please don't be angry. I will never forgive myself. You are a wonderful friend.' That didn't work either. I let the weekend ride. When my parents returned, my mother noticed something as mothers always do. She inquired if something was amiss. I shrugged that away successfully.

On Monday the best news for me in recent days arrived that my Canadian visa was approved. With my admission to a college with a work permit to work twenty hours a week, my life was made. My parents rejoiced again with me, and a visit was paid to the temple. No Asha, though.

I texted her the good news. That elicited an immediate and jubilant response.

'Fantastic! Congrats!' She said and sounded like nothing had happened! I thanked her.

I settled myself to my platonic fate with Asha and got planning for my departure; air tickets, shopping, a place to stay, contacts in Toronto for help, money affairs and a million other details occupied my excited mind. A few weeks passed and I was to leave on a flight three days later. A text message ping caught my attention.

'Please drop in for tea at about 4PM tomorrow. Let me know if not convenient.' Asha said. I didn't have to think to accept it. I noted that she chose the time carefully.

I rang the now familiar bell and I was greeted by the original Asha; bright, cheerful and with that enchanting smile. She was in an apple green tee shirt and jeans. Both hugged her body so perfectly that I had those thoughts again.

We had tea, chocolate chip cookies and cashew nuts and spoke of mundane things like studies abroad, western cultures and living. It may have been after about twenty minutes that she went serios and said: "I wanted to talk to you about the other day." I thought, here comes a session of motherly scolding.

I looked intently at her face and groveled: "I am so sorry. I should have..."

"Listen, I didn't call you to ask or even hint for an apology from you. I want to apologize!"

Wow! I didn't see that coming. Blood rushed to my face with a sense of uncomfortable warmth.

"I mean, I felt I was partly or even wholly to blame for that happening. I thought if you were a girl, I would have been different. There was a particular sensual behavior, and I am not proud of it, that prompted you to think that I was being nice to you in an inappropriate way. I am sorry for that."

"Oh, thank you for thinking so deeply but I think it was my erratic behavior entirely."

"Hear me out. I appreciate your raw feelings as a young man. I get that. But here's what you should know. And this may help you in the future. Women are psychologically different and do not react like men. The signs they give to men and what they expect from men are quite different. I don't want to go into the details but you will get to know these in life. Also, love is a big word; has more commitment and involvement. I am like your mother's age. Where do we go from here? It's impossible."

"Thank you for explaining it all. I will always remember it."

She rose to hug me. "All the very best. Work and study hard and you will reap the rewards. Good luck!" I hugged her with genuine affection and her body just yielded with reciprocation. To add to that, after we separated, she stood on her toes and planted a beautiful kiss on my cheek. She turned her face asking one from me. I gladly obliged. I even managed to take a selfie with her by my side.

At the door I dared to ask her something quite intimate. "Don't mind me asking but what did you feel when I hugged you shamelessly with my shorts down?"

"I felt an iron rod!" She laughed and made that moment so asexual and comically unromantic.

"No, really. When you looked at it?"

"A black iron rod!" She laughed hysterically. I left, feeling a pang of rejection that scorched through my desperate and lonely heart.

No Glass for Bourbon

So, here I was lying on my bed with a woman, that was wearing my t-shirt, and whom I had met only a few hours ago. I had related the gist of my story with Asha. I left off the bits that had me humbled to the point of shamefulness. I had no need to lose Kristine's respect. She did, however, listen to my story in rapt attention, though she yawned twice!

She thought for a while and made a declaration. "I think you got physical with her too soon. I mean sexually. Women generally get put off with that. Apart from that, this woman looks like she is begging for a fuck. I am sorry but I think you screwed it up."

"Oh, really?" I ran my mind back to those events. "How so?"

"Apart from the fact that you don't make a move, you may have not assumed the correct posture. It's like someone is holding an open bottle of high-quality Kentucky bourbon to pour you a drink but you have no glass!" I had never heard of that one before. She moved closer towards me and faced me with her sparkling unblinking eyes fixed on mine. Her hands moved to my cheeks. "But I am not going to allow you to make that mistake again!" She smothered me with her lovely soft lips and sealed them with mine making my first ever kiss simply heavenly. She pushed her body against mine to enhance my arousal. When we finished with a happy sigh, she smiled into my eyes. Her hands moved behind my neck to cradle my head. I was in heaven.

I don't know where it came from, but I murmured: "You are so beautiful!"

"Oh, thanks!" She raised her arms up in the air signaling some kind of victory, that perplexed me. "My god! It took you so long to say that and I bet you never said that to your Asha! Compliments are a super turn on!" Then she went for my lips again but this time it was different; it was soulful and very intimate. She took over my mouth with her tongue, sending tiny signals darting up to my brain. I reciprocated albeit clumsily, I thought. I pressed my body against her. We broke for a breath and we kissed again and I took over this time. I smothered her lips and sent my tongue in with the just learnt skill with equal hot passion. My chest crushed her softness and now my erection nestled between her thighs.

I was so enthralled by the magic of her lips and mouth, that my hands lay dormant.

"Feel my back, you silly." She coaxed, when we came up for air again. I ran both my hands down her back over the tee shirt and she purred in appreciation. "Can I touch you?"

Didn't know what she meant but I went: "Aha." She reached down between us right down to my crotch and felt my potent hardness. My nightwear shorts were thin, and I had nothing underneath.

"Ooh! That's what I want. The first kiss you were limp and now you are standing. Good boy!" While it was wonderful to be touched by a woman for the first time, I felt a shade self-conscious of my desire being thus exposed. She took her hand away to go around my neck again. "You know how girls get excited? They get wet."

She grabbed my hand and took it between her thighs. I felt my hand on thick bush and she rubbed it against her and brought it back up. "Wow!" I exclaimed at my first touch of girl parts.

"You see it is dry." I didn't really observe that. "Now make me wet." I reached down to her pussy. "No, stupid! Do other stuff. Kiss my neck, my shoulder, my fingers."

I did as I was told and indeed, I did feel a different kind of thrill. While the sensation of my lips on her neck and shoulder were novel and delightful, the reactions of the recipient of my loving was even more exciting. Her soft moans of enjoyment egged me on. I cleverly maneuvered my pelvis so that my erect cock in my shorts moved the hem of her garment up so that I touched her pussy directly. I knew I hit the jackpot and she let off a slow groan of enjoyment.

"Put your hand under the tee shirt and feel my back." She invited me. What's with her back? When I touched her and ran my fingers gently over the entire length of her spine I marveled at the delicate feel of the feminine body. While she moaned again with deep feeling she said: "Now don't wait for instructions. There is plenty of stuff there under the tee to be cared for."

I grabbed the shirt, and she helped me get it off. She was naked beside me! I looked at her breasts and realized how much bigger they were naked. She smiled as I stared with childish curiosity. I hesitated before I touched them, and she gave me a nod of approval and I devoured her with my fingers. I remembered that I must be gentle and that the nipples were the most sensitive part. Very soon my lips were on her, and I drank from her from both sides alternatively. She was writhing with pleasure but was quiet. "You are very beautiful! Extremely sexy too!" I was running out of adjectives.

"Feel me now. Down!" I looked at her pussy. She drew herself up on the bed and spread her thighs to show me. I touched her cunt lips that were now glistening with love juice. "Feel it, damnit!" I ran a finger down her slippery crevice and discovered how much fluid she had brought forth. Her hand came down and spread herself for me. "Look! Do you like it? Is it nice?"

"Oh lord! What a question?" I was mesmerized by the female anatomy. It looked much more complex than I had imagined; as just a fleshy crack. "It's so gloriously wonderful!" I meant it every bit.

She pushed herself up on one elbow. "Look here. This is the clit. The most sensitive part." She gave it a gentle rub. "Ooh! Nice! Then below this little bump here is my pee hole. Below that is my love tunnel." She parted her thighs to open it more. It still looked small to me, but I had heard about its legendary expansile muscles. "Right down from my clit are the inner lips; going all the way. They produce all the juices." She dropped her head down on the pillow and smiled at my wonderstruck face between her knees. "Are you not going to do something?"

Where do I start. I touched her clit first and she flinched; with pleasure, I assumed. "Can I rub you?"

"Gently, please. Circular motions." I started as gingerly as I could. "You can press a bit harder." I did. "That's perfect. Ah! Good. Go on."

I did go on and I didn't stop even though my hand was cramping. Her moans and excited sounds of enjoyment kept me going; not least of all her legs that were up in the air. The combined spectacle of what I had induced, at least in my imagination, was enough for me to feel fulfilled. Unexpectedly and perhaps unnecessarily, Asha's face flashed through in my mind. Illusionary images of her nakedness appeared as if in some weird comparison. I brushed those aside to stay in the present.

"There's more!" Kristine urged urgently. "Go inside!" she panted. I inserted my finger that slithered in quite easily between her lips. "Feel up, towards my front. Go in some more. There! No, no. Out a bit. Yes! There! There! Oh god! Do you feel a rough patch?"

I couldn't. "No?"

"Feel there, damnit, that place. Oh goodness, gracious, there!"

"It's not rough. It feels like some folds."

"Yes, yes, yes. Fuck! That's my G spot!" She squealed with delight. "Stroke me there. Rub, rub, rub!" I did as I was told and she went crazy mad with her hips almost off the bed.

"Wow," is all I managed to utter in amazement, "you are really enjoying this? Can't believe."

"Remember," she panted as I continued to massage her and she wriggled about, "that's the spot your cock should aim for when you fuck. It will make any woman mad. Oh god, I am cumming! Oh dear, yes!" She jerked against my hand and then held my wrist to assist in my ministering on and on. I was getting exhausted but I kept at it. She forced me to go until the waves of pleasure gently subsided. She lay flat exhausted and breathing noisily without a word.

Was she spent? Will she have any juice left? "You came?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed. "You made me cum, you expert finger-fucker!"

"Oh gosh! Does that mean you are finished?"

"No, silly. I can cum again, and again, ten times if you like. Girls are different. Not like you guys when you ejaculate, your drive goes away and your stupid dick starts hurting."


"So now take off all your clothes and get on with it." That was a command. I slipped off the bed to get rid of my shorts and shirt. My penis, erect and majestic, stood waving close to her neck. Kristine looked down at it intently. I was acutely conscious of the color of my member as it was considerably darker than the rest of me. That had prompted Asha to call it a Black Iron Rod. "A tanned stallion; fierce and strong!" She noted as she held me quite tenderly, an action quite contrary to the appropriateness of her description. I jerked in thankful acceptance of her touch. Was she going to suck me? Isn't that the normal sequence in porn clips?