The Women of Rishi Ch. 04


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Kavita and I then sat awkwardly in our little corner across a little breakfast table. We didn't look at each other but were conscious of the prevalent mood and why she had called me over. We were like the proverbial fish out of water, and I wondered why Kavita, of all people chose this sort of company. Things were about to get much worse.

Julie and Caspian were dancing with he behind her. He was now massaging her boobs as she hooked both her arms around his neck and craned backwards to kiss him. Their hips were grinding obscenely. As if that was not enough Mona stood up in front of a seated Ron, bent forward and lifted her skirt to playfully flash him her ass. From our vantage point we could not see if she wore panties. They both chuckled and swooned into a passionate kiss; again, their hands and arms were going all over each other. What broke the camel's back was when Mona dipped her hand into Ron's pant crotch for a few seconds.

The two couples displayed sexual acts shamelessly while we sat absolutely stunned in a dark corner. I was mesmerized with this brazen but intoxicated display of sexual activity and Kavita sat speechless looking down at the floor.

Ron then announced that they were going to play the game 'Quick Cum', for which Kavita was previously announced as the judge, I heard. The name itself suggested something fishy. Caspian announced that Kavita and I could join as well, and we can leave the judging to everybody's integrity.

I knew what was coming. "Let's go." Kavita mumbled and stood up. Then to the rest, she raised her voice above the din and the music: "OK guys, sorry, we have to go. I have to sleep early and leave in the morning." She, sort of ignored the escalating mood of eroticism and deftly deflected the feeble inebriated mumbles requesting us to stay and play.

The women accepted with obvious reluctance. After a minute, Mona stepped up to hug and kiss Kavita goodbye with promises to keep in touch. Ron moved up with a lecherous look with his hand mischievously on his crotch area and said: "May be you guys might enjoy this! Come on, guys!"

That really got Kavita livid. "We are not into this sort of garbage!" she yelled at him, and the room went quiet and provided the perfect scenario for us to leave. She held me by the elbow and took me down the hallway to the door at the end.

I was wondering, what the heck was happening. My mind was in a haze as she led me into the bedroom and she shuts the door. I was stunned! Was I going to be in the room with her? Then, she explained, deflating me.

"Look, I am sorry. Mona was my classmate in New Delhi. She was the daughter of a Polish diplomat and a good kid and I don't know what got into her now. But her boyfriend, Ron is a bloody idiot. You know... they got this group together."

I looked around the room and I saw the glass door to the verandah.

"I got you in here as these guys don't make me feel safe. They are also high. Having a 'boyfriend' would render me safe, right?" She looked at me with gratitude. "Thanks for helping me and hope you didn't mind." She looked at me with a kind of condescending kindness. "You can go through here to the verandah and go back to your hotel." She pointed to the verandah door.

There goes the mystery behind her actions. A bubble popped again as a vague and distant unlikely possibility evaporated into the wintry air. Kavita was a beautiful woman after all. I don't think there would be even a single man in his right senses that would refuse to spend some quality time in a bedroom with her.

I obediently walked past the door into the marijuana mustiness of the verandah. Even though it wrapped around three sides of the cottage with ample openness to the property around, the thick atmosphere did not allow the pot odor to be dispersed.

Back in my little room, I rested my thoughtful head on the pillow and mulled things over. There was a slight respite of the chilliness in Kavita Sihota's attitude towards me. There was not a jot of friendliness, even though I was her chosen chauffer, she allowed me to dab her muddied derriere, preferred me to drive her, called on me to get her out of a sticky situation and even led me holding my arm into her bedroom pretending we were a couple. I readjusted my boyish optimism to a degree of mature reality.

I had an email from my parents suggesting some silly matrimonial proposal to some girl already in Toronto. These traditions back home were outrageously outdated. I ignored it. My mind was full.

I slept well.

As planned, I was up early to pick up Kavita. Her bags were in the trunk when she asked: "Can I sit in front with you?"

That was a first, I thought. "Sure. Of course." I held the door open, and she got in.

When we were well on our way she spoke. "Thanks for coming and all that, and I wanted to explain the circumstances in full." She began and then provided a complete rundown of the events that made her uncomfortable and even unsafe. She told me that she agreed to go to Muskoka to meet Mona who was a close friend in school. She had migrated to Canada like so many others. "We were here together the day before and the rest, with Mona's boyfriend arrived yesterday and the whole mood changed." She looked out of the window as if deep in introspection. "They interacted with subtle sexual inuendoes and erotic hints and I saw red flags all over. Then at night they asked me to be the referee, you know. What bloody nonsense! I was to observe who cums first! Can you imagine?"

"Yeah, I know. I was there." It was indeed unbelievable. "Also, in the presence of people not so close..."

"Yeah. That was downright out of line. Look, Mona was a very good friend. We were close. We were together until we moved out of the city. Now she has this guy, Ron with her and he's creepy."

I may have been overtly analytical, but that sounded like Kavita and Mona were partners! Was Kavita a lesbian?

That question added to the cagy tapestry of her enigmatic personality. On this drive back though, she added a colorful spectrum of emotions to her descriptions; there was annoyance, surprise and shock in varying degrees of intensity that broke through her usual tedium of lack of warmth.

The rest of the conversation was surprisingly and pleasantly about me. She humbled herself to ask about my life, ambitions and interests. That was good except that she cleverly sidestepped away from revealing her own story. I grew a little more curious of her and nudged myself further into thinking that she was a lesbian.

We stopped for a coffee and a washroom break and a little to my surprise she climbed back into the back seat. I understood that she did not want to arrive at the hotel sitting by the side of her chauffeur!

I got home and as usual when I hit the sack, my recollection machine kicked in. I was driving this proud person that somehow preferred me to take her around and during this last trip she had half climbed off her high horse. She was wonderfully nice looking, in fact quite stunning and was a charming conversationalist, when she chose to be; and she was possibly a lesbian. Now, how am I supposed to react to all of that. Or, indeed, should I? She was nothing to me.

Going through my emails and other messages on my phone I remembered the picture I took in the cottage with Kavita behind me. I selected it and sent it to Suja with a short note and went to sleep.

The next day, as soon as I was awake, I browsed my phone for any news. I came upon a note from Suja acknowledging receipt of my message the previous night and told me to expect a call soon. As benign as that sounded, it felt like she was going to tell me something important.

Sure, enough an hour or so later she called "Hi! Look I'll be quick." She sounded super excited. "I am in the washroom..."

"Nice! Let's Facetime!"

"Shut up, idiot! Listen. That woman you are with; you know who that is? It's Shubhana, the Bollywood star, Shubhana Ramesh!"

That hit me like a ton of bricks! "What?! Are you sure?"

"Almost a hundred percent sure. I compared her pictures with the ones you took. The hairstyle is off, but she could be wearing a wig. And she is rumored to be a lesbian."

"Oh my god!" I was awestruck to the point of utter confusion mixed with disbelief. No wonder she looked familiar from day one. I reconstructed her features in my head and I recognized that Suja may be right. No, she was right! The lesbian part fit in as well. So, she was here incognito, for some reason. Obviously, having a significantly large Indian population, she did not want the paparazzi onto her.

"You are driving a star, Rishi! Get her autograph. Take a picture with her."

"Gosh! Let me recover and get over this first. Yeah, she did look familiar. Oh god!"

"I have to go." Suja half whispered. "But I have this Saturday evening free from about five. Can be out till ten or so. Plan something."

"Wonderful. I have nothing on and will clear my calendar for you, honey."

"OK. 'Bye."

I sat down to think about and consider what I just heard. First, I browsed the internet in depth for Shubhana Ramesh. Suja was right that her features were exact. Her hair was jet black, slightly wavy and was longer than shoulder length in all her pictures. Here and now she had a straight, bobbed short hair with brown streaks. Could be a wig, of course. I also learnt that she was twenty-nine and grew up in New Delhi and then moved to Mumbai. She was of South Indian descent and it was surprising that she had assumed a Punjabi pseudonym. Perhaps that made her more unrecognizable. In fact, in her younger days she was called Kavita. She played in Kannada and Tamil movies and made a name for herself before moving to the Hindi based Bollywood scene. Exciting, interesting and quite frankly stimulating bits of information they were!

I checked my work calendar and saw that I was to take Kavita to the airport on Sunday. She was leaving. Saturday, happily, was free. Already I had the excitement of an evening with Suja. Possible plans came rushing into my head. I weighed all of them and every single one of them ended with bringing her home. I was certainly excited to think of that and the thought of making passionate love to her. We had become quite close.

I was almost certain she was thinking of the same!

Hetero Conversion and Imperfections

I was looking out the window of my bathroom that somehow looked like the one at home before the major renovation. On a small dirt road below, Kavita walked wearing some feisty colors. She had a springy step and a few yards ahead I saw Suja. Some other folks including some of my family and friends walked behind them, nonchalantly. I went to them and Kavita said something like: 'I need to be bisexual to preserve my status.' Suja turning back and looking at her and then towards me, went: 'Send him back to me!'

I was dreaming and went through the short sequence and the words uttered to etch it in my memory. Dreams are volatile. I analyzed this to determine or comprehend my own psyche. I desisted from interpreting my dreams to understand the behavior of others. It reflected my own subconscious thoughts. I read somewhere that when good things happen to you, they should be utilized to build in your worthiness that will enhance self-confidence. I was mindful of excessive infusion of entitlement or even arrogance.

These two women drove me to a warm feeling of desire; one of pure sexual lust and the other of a purer longing of love. Both aroused me with their different profiles. Physically they were both attractive and arousal was inevitable. I mentally disrobed them and imagined them completely nude with me in bed. One of them I had already seen and even had sex with, without a memory of it. The other was a heavenly prize to be won. I couldn't even imagine how spectacularly beautiful her nudity would be! She would be a goddess to be worshipped and fucked! I serviced my erection with a hearty jerk session, thinking of both in turn and switching on my vivid imaginative detail of each woman's assets, especially their obviously desirable girl parts. The climax was beautiful and fulfilling.

I didn't expect the next thing to happen. I was still digesting the possible reality that I was driving around an Indian celebrity! She would have had crowds milling around her back home and there would be hundreds or even thousands that throng to see her at public events. Here I was with her alone for so many hours and didn't thus far realize how privileged I was. Then, I brought myself back to earth thinking that I was the 'preferred chauffeur', while she was a possible lesbian!

I went about my day as usual but the dramatic change of importance of my part time job came back to keep me in good spirits. I also had a date with Suja which promised a lot.

Kavita called me in the afternoon. "Hello, Rishi." She sounded a trifle more friendly than usual. "You know I leave on Sunday. I want to take you out for dinner on Saturday. Will that be OK? I was thinking of the 360-degree revolving restaurant on CN Tower."

I was speechless. Think quickly, stupid, I told myself. "Oh, thanks. That would be great." I stuttered.

"I am deeply indebted to you for all the help. Happy you are free. Can you pick me up at about five-thirty, please? And this is not official so you can forget your uniform!" She giggled like a schoolgirl. I hadn't heard that kind of loosening up from her so far.

"Thanks, I will be there." I gulped. "I err... Zilvaline appreciates your clientele. You are very kind." I was not sure I meant every word I said.

It was when I hung up that I realized what an absolute idiot I was. I had promised Suja I will be with her on the same day! What a confused, tail wagging, celebrity cunt-licking moron, Rishi! Shit!

I thought for a while to decide which meeting, I preferred. I liked to be with Suja as I liked her very much and our relationship was slipping into the romantic realm. She could be my future partner. On the other hand, Kavita was a gorgeous celebrity, and she was leaving, and I wouldn't see her again. It was also awfully nice to be seen with her. She could be a moderately acceptable company too. Suja, I could meet later. I did have to take that chance. Even though many would have thought otherwise, and my heart would have agreed, I chose Kavita's invitation.

I texted a quick message to Suja with sincere apologies stating that I had unexpected 'work' to do. I heard nothing in return, suggesting that she was, indeed livid!

Saturday came and hearing nothing from Suja, I texted her again that I wouldn't be there. This time she responded with an angry emoji. I responded with one myself before I got ready for the evening. I did the stuff that men do before a special date; shave, shower and a good look at my face when I brushed my hair. I dabbed on my favorite cologne. I wore the most comfortable Dockers pants over a pair of new winter underwear. Selected one of my best silk shirts, put it on and slipped on an evening jacket. What the heck? This wasn't a date. I was getting carried away. I calmed down and talked myself into reality.

I was at the hotel sharp on time in my humble Kia and when I messaged her, she appeared almost immediately indicating that she was downstairs in the lobby waiting for me.

She looked stunning as she walked towards me. With the winter wear, what stood out was the mustard woolen scarf around her neck and some dazzling extra jewelry with the obvious makeup and hairdo. Did she actually do that for the restaurant? Very unlikely. She was probably seeing someone after dinner. I wondered who that lucky bitch might be. I was unsure why I had her as a confirmed lesbian when all my searches did not reveal that. Wonder where Suja got that from.

I got out politely wearing my best smile to open the door for her. She greeted me sweetly enough and got in and I after her. We made some small talk on the way to the CN tower.

I felt proud of my adopted city as we rode the elevator with a view to the city dressed in the hues of the early winter sunset. It was breathtaking as it was sensuous as Kavita was by my side with her arm against mine. As we reached the floor leading up to the restaurant, she took my arm. I was surprised but stifled it smoothly. She wanted to look as normal as possible, and I was again elated by her even considering me as a worthy companion over dinner and to be seen with.

She had reserved a VIP table by the window and the view again was spectacular. The changing shades in the sky as darkness fell was a spectacle enhanced by the slow rotation of the dining area; a full circle in seventy-two minutes, we were told. I didn't care to read the menu that was so unfamiliar and difficult to even pronounce! What was even more refreshing and actually thrilling and equally surprising was Kavita's companionship. She had now slipped into various interesting topics and spoke so eloquently on them.

We spoke of the pandemic, the global divisiveness, tribal politics, conspiracy theorists, women in sport, especially cricket and even shared a few jokes. She unveiled herself to even venture into some sleazy stuff which was entertaining and even erotic; the left-handed man who had a penis that curved to the right, a white pastor serving in a black African village and the middle-aged congresswoman that could accommodate three men all at once! They were funny and actually drew a hearty laugh from me.

Glancing out, she quipped: "This is such a dreamy scene!" Her eyes shone with some deep inner thoughts that I knew not.

This was so different from the last few conversations that I had with her which centered around her local events and friends and my own life. She was stiff to the point of being discourteous. On the contrary this was a mutually enjoyable evening. She even said so and praised me lavishly for being an interesting conversationalist with stimulating opinions and a 'deadly' sense of humor.

I couldn't help noticing the admiring and envying looks of the folks around and even our waitress who seemed obviously overwhelmed by Kavita's smashing good looks and elegance. Even though I had this thought that she might not be into men, I felt a sneaky desire to touch her, feel her softness and even make love to her ultimate gorgeousness. For that evening, Suja, sadly slipped into the background.

The whole thing assumed greater significance when Kavita said she had a gift for me and asked if I minded coming up to her room! That was indeed the frigging limit. My heart thumped in my chest and distant and improbable events danced in my overambitious mind. Suddenly, all that seemed so remote zoomed in on me!

We finished dinner, she paid, of course, while I squeaked a feeble protest and we walked to the elevator down to the lot. I drove her back to the hotel in relative silence. It was hard to decipher whether that was because of awkwardness on my part or some kind of fear of the unknown for both of us. She took my arm again. I dare not make any assumptions. I was an ordinary entry level daily wage worker, and she was a woman of high society.

When we were about to get into the hotel elevator she spoke. "Did you like the dinner?"

"Oh, very much! Thanks again. I don't think I deserved this." I thought for a while. "The company was simply superb."

"Oh, you are such a wonderful gentleman; well spoken, polite and kind." She squeezed my arm and her body pressed against mine. "I am sorry to say goodbye, but you will find a nice girl and settle down, I am sure."

We reached the luxurious suite on the top floor. She let me in and threw her coat on a chair. She picked up a red and gold gift bag with fluffed up white tissue protruding and handed it to me with that brilliant and rare smile. I took it while wondering if I should hug her. She did not make a move in that direction, so I held that back while thanking her profusely. I opened it to find a Tommy Bahamas blue checkered shirt.