The Ya Ya Dildohood


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"Ready for desert yet?" April asked with a mischievous lusty smile on her face. She immediately began rooting around in her bag searching for whatever she was looking for. I watched as she pulled a few items from the bag tossing them carelessly on the floor beside her. It wasn't what she was looking for that interested me quite as much however, as the items she'd pulled from her bag.

She'd withdrawn what appeared to be some sort of leather corset, along with a really wicked looking mask, which included some sort of gag. In addition to this, I also saw her discard what appeared to be some sort of riding crop.

"Ah, there they are!" April announced happily. She pulled out a pair of handcuffs, holding them up in the air, showing them to me. "I think you're really going to enjoy this," she added, beginning to stuff everything else back into the bag.

"What's that for?" I questioned just as she picked up the crop. April's face reddened slightly. "Nothing really, sometimes I like a little light spanking with it," she said, lending no further information.

"And the outfit?" I asked pressing.

"Never mind about that Richard," Shirley said butting in. "Besides, we have other plans for you this evening."

"Obviously," I stated, less than enthused at the moment.

"Hmm, I see we're going to have a little work on our hands to get Richard's attention and interest here," Shirley stated, looking towards April.

"I think I've got just the thing for that," April replied, once again digging back down inside her bag. A moment later she withdrew a fairly large sized double-dildo. "How about this?" she asked holding it up, showing it to Shirley more than to me really.

"Yes, I think Richard might enjoy seeing that," Shirley said in agreement.

Truth was, I actually would. And even allowed a small smile to crease my face.

April saw it too however. "Yep, looks like he'd enjoy seeing that," she stated, immediately standing, beginning to remove her clothing. Shirley watched April disrobe, then began to join her a moment afterwards.

"Just sit back relax, and enjoy for a while," Shirley told me. "How about licking me for a few moments first April? I'd rather that to get me all nice and lubricated instead of the KY if that's ok with you."

"Oh yummy, sounds good to me too!" April said excitedly.

I continued to sit in my lone lounge chair, actually pressing back so the footstool came up making me more comfortable. By this time Shirley as well as April were both nude, curling up on the floor together in front of the small little loveseat that was the only other decent piece of furniture that I owned.

"You're already wet!" Shirley announced playfully as she first stuck her tongue inside April's widely displayed pussy, having taken the 'top' position for herself in their erotic little '69'.

"So? Lick me anyway!" April teased back at her.

I felt my cock twitch beneath my pants. Perhaps I really hadn't been in the mood to want to fool around earlier, but the more I watched, listening to the two of them enjoying one another's cunts there on my living room floor, the more aroused I became.

"Getting excited yet?" April asked, removing her mouth from Shirley's pussy long enough to glance over towards me.

I sat forward, retracting the footstool allowing her to see me more clearly. I had by now unzipped my pants, my hard swollen erection standing stiffly, proudly as I leaned forward.

"Yep, he sure is!" Drawing Shirley's attention towards me as she spoke. Shirley looked up too, but immediately returned her attention back to April's pussy.

"Hard maybe," she said, speaking with the flat of her tongue slithering up April's wet slit, causing her to moan softly as she did. "But not horny enough...yet!" she added, still speaking with a thick tongue.

They continued to munch cunts for a few minutes longer; finally Shirley announced she was ready enough for the giant oversized fuck-toy April had produced from her bag. With a great deal of interest, I watched as April gently began stuffing one end of the fat rubbery dildo inside her self. Seeing her sitting on the floor at the angle that I was, gave April the weird appearance of actually having a cock, albeit a rather large one. She scooted closer to where Shirley lie waiting for her. I watched as Shirley grasped the other end of the enormous sized prick and slowly began stuffing that end into her self. Moments later they were rocking back and forth, fucking one another with the meaty-looking toy.

The urge to pleasure myself was too great to sit there doing nothing as I watched them. It was also useless to try and hide what I was doing from either one of them as they continued to rock back and forth against one another, periodically glancing over towards me as I sat there in my chair stroking myself.

"How'd you like to cum all over my tits?" Shirley asked.

"Only if I get to lick it all up afterwards!" April immediately stated.

Maggie had obviously told Shirley how much I enjoyed doing that, as she'd allowed me to do that with her fairly often. Upon hearing April's request, I knew, as they both did that this was going to be a long, very long evening.


It was another very long tiring day at work. Unable to effectively concentrate, I had begun making a list of places that I felt were good possibilities where they had sequestered themselves. I had pretty much made up my mind to take a little drive and go looking for them when turning onto my street, I saw that Joanne's car was already parked out in front of my house. Janice was with her of course, and as I pulled in, I watched as the two of them exited her vehicle carrying what obviously appeared to be dinner.

"Hi Richard," Janice said. "We thought we'd stop by and bring you some dinner."

"What a surprise," I said a little testily, but stood on the porch holding the door open for them both as they entered.

"Maggie said you might be acting a bit pouty," Joanne told me as she passed. "We're here to keep you company and see if we can't lift your spirits a little."

She'd barely made it into the living room when she began removing her blouse.

"How about a nice blowjob just before dinner?" she said looking at me licking her lips. Janice had already headed towards the kitchen with several covered dishes that she carried balanced in her hand. I knew she worked as a waitress in a restaurant, which was evident by the way she could handle so many items all by herself.

Joanne was pretty damn good at giving head. It took me only a moment to think about it before deciding, "Why not? Might as well enjoy all this attention," I mused to myself.

"Give me a second first," I told her heading down the hall towards the bathroom, "I've gotta take a pee."

I had just turned the corner from the living room heading away from the kitchen area when the phone rang.

"I'll get it!" Janice yelled.

I stopped just short of the bathroom door listening.

"Hello? Oh, hey Shirley, how' it going?"

There were a few brief moments of silence as Shirley spoke to her. I immediately rushed past the bathroom into my small den where I had another extension. Covering the mouthpiece with my handkerchief, I eased the handset up as carefully as it was possible for me to do. When I did, I could hear Shirley talking to Janice.

"Did you hear that?" she asked Janice.

"Hear what?" Janice responded back.

"Where's Richard anyway?" Shirley continued.

"Oh, he's in the bathroom at the moment, which is why I answered the phone."

"Oh...ok," Shirley said not quite so suspicious that I was actually listening. "Anyway as I was saying, I think we're making pretty good progress. Maggie came up with a great idea."

"Oh? What was it?" Janice asked.

"Well, you know how obstinate and stubborn she's been."

"Ah huh," Janice said in agreement.

"Maggie's idea was to lift her up, standing her on her head, legs spread. So we did that. Andrea hung there for over two hours like that while we tickled her pussy. She was crying, moaning, and even rambling like a blithering idiot by the end of that time."

"You're kidding me!" Janice exclaimed. I then heard Joanne asking her to tell her what Shirley had said. I listened as Janice quickly repeated everything to her.

"So what are you doing now?" Janice asked, having heard Joanne clearly wondering what they were doing to her now.

"You're never going to believe this," Shirley began. "But then Gladys came up with the idea of sticking a candle in her cunt. I thought they were just going to threaten her with actually lighting it, but then Maggie actually did. Even better, we all left the room, leaving her hanging there, thinking about it. A few minutes later we came back in, only to discover the candle was out. So Maggie lit it again, and we left again. Same thing."

"Oh? What was she doing?"

"Like I said, you'll never believe this. Andrea would somehow pull herself up, blow the candle out, and then just hang there waiting for us with this self-satisfied smirk on her face. When Maggie finally figured out what she was doing, she gagged her, and then we tied her arms down to one of the table benches so she couldn't pull herself up again. This time when Gladys relit the candle, the look on the woman's face was priceless!"

"Damn, I can't even begin to imagine what hot dripping candle wax would feel like on my pussy." Janice stated with an edge of concern to her voice.

"Oh we never let that happen, before we left the room Maggie extinguished the candle out herself, but Andrea didn't know that of course. Sure scared the hell out of her though, which is what Maggie wanted to have happen anyway. Well listen, I'd better get going. Gladys just got back from the store with the clothespins."


"Yeah," Shirley chuckled. "Tell you about it later. Oh, and tell Richard Maggie said hello, and that she should be home tomorrow evening if things continue to go as well as they have been."

"Ok Shirley, but don't have too much fun," she warned her. Shirley laughed. "Yeah. Paolo's on his way over too. He's bringing a friend."

"A friend? Who?"

"I'll tell you all about it later, I gotta run for now, take care of Richard." "Oh we will!" Janice said, hanging up the phone a second later.

The moment Janice did so, I raced from the den back into the bathroom, quickly flushing the toilet and emerging back out into the hallway.

When I re-entered the living room Joanne looked at me suspiciously. "What'd you do? Pee a gallon?" she questioned me curiously.

I feigned embarrassment. "Actually, it was a little more complicated than that," I offered.

"Oh," Joanne said, immediately dropping the subject.

"Now, about that blowjob you offered?"


It had been another long night. I knew now that it had been Maggie's intention to not only keep an eye on me, but to keep me too busy, too occupied to spend anytime looking for her.

Physically exhausted, I called in sick. Though my primary reason for doing so was to be home whenever it was that Maggie finally arrived. I didn't want to wait a single minute more to talk to her about what had been happening, especially after having overheard that telephone conversation.

Just short of murder, I was now convinced that Maggie's little gang was capable of doing almost anything. Although this had all been done primarily for my benefit, I was having major reservations as to the extent they had, or would possibly take things.

I was still pacing nervously about the house when shortly before noon, I saw Maggie pull into her drive way. Like an Olympic sprinter, I dashed from my kitchen through the backdoor, leaping the fence in near flawless style. I reached her before she'd even managed to open the car door.

"Impressive," she said sliding out of the car. "Been working out?"


"I was told you were exhausted, especially after Joanne told me you'd fucked hers, and Janice's brains out. Guess they were wrong if you're still capable of running a few wind-sprints."

"Maggie...stop!" I said honestly irritated. But she did. "Please Maggie, tell me what you did, did you hurt her?"

"Of course not!" she replied indignantly. "Well, not much anyway," she added in a much softer voice.


Taking my arm, she began leading me into the house. "Let's just say, that even though she only lives a couple of blocks away from you, she might as well be living clear across the country. Unless you purposely go and visit her yourself, you won't be seeing her again. Of that, I can promise you."

At least I was glad to know they hadn't maimed her or anything, though I probably should have asked her that question. "What about Rhonda?" I asked.

"What about her?" Maggie questioned back.

"You know what I mean Maggie, was she...was she there?" We'd reached her front porch. Maggie fumbled with her keys briefly before inserting them in the door, opening it. I followed her inside, expectantly.

"I take it you really haven't spoken with her then," she said finally.

"No, I haven't." A knot of fear suddenly began pressing deep inside my chest. "What's going on Maggie, what haven't you told me?"

"I'm not sure it's my place to tell you anything Richard. Frankly, I would have thought Rhonda would have spoken to you by now."

I sat down hard on her couch. Whatever it was, Maggie knew I wasn't going to like hearing it a whole lot. "What do you know?"

"Well obviously, you know she had to go out of town on business."

"That's what I heard yes, but I assumed that maybe she was with you guys!"

Maggie threw me a curious look. "What on earth gave you that idea? Never mind, fact is she really did go out of town. Something she's been working on ever since she began her business, and now that the opportunity finally presented itself, she had to go and check it out."



"Europe? What the hell's she doing there? When's she coming back?" I asked excitedly.

"I'll let her tell you the reasons, that's really not my place Richard. As for when, she'll be back this weekend, Saturday in fact. So yes, she'll be here at my place Saturday morning, though I know she's anxious to see you for a while before then."

There was no sense in trying to press Maggie for any additional information. If she knew anything more, she wasn't saying. I was simply going to have to wait to speak with Rhonda directly. Thankfully, I only had to wait a couple of days to find out everything that was going on. At least, thanks to Maggie and the rest of The Ya Ya Dildohood, I didn't have Andrea to worry about any more. I eventually learned that one of Paolo's friends, who had an even bigger prick than he did, had had a major part in swaying Andrea's feelings about me. Even funnier, Andrea had called, quitting her job the next day. According to Shirley, she had flown off somewhere in the Bahamas with this same guy and another girlfriend of his for a month's stay. After which, God only knew what she'd be doing.

But at least as far as I was concerned, Andrea was now out of my life...forever!

"Now, tell me all the naughty little details about the past two nights," Maggie said leaning over, unzipping my fly, reaching in where she began coaxing my cock to some semblance of arousal.

# Epilogue

It's amazing how much can happen in six month's time. Rhonda had worked most of her life towards opening a major office in London. The news that she had secured the deal had initially been really difficult to accept, for both of us. Long distant relationships never were easy, not for anyone.

"Oh Maggie, damn that feels good!" I told her. The feel of her lips as she surrounded my cock, sucking it so gently, so wonderfully was as incredible now as it had ever been. Taking my cock from her mouth, she looked up at me.

"Yes, it really has been a while Richard, I've missed you. Six month's is a long time, especially for us. By the way, I forgot to ask you, how's it feel to be married again anyway?"

"I think it will be a lot better this time Maggie. And I owe it all to you really." I felt her tongue swirling around the head of my cock once again; she was so fucking good at doing that.

"I'm looking forward to this weekend," she added, "It's been a really long time since we've all been together, especially with you and Rhonda both having been away from us, it will be nice having everyone together again. Exciting for you too I imagine."

"Oh yes, very." I moaned as she drew my prick deeply inside of her mouth. "Oh Maggie, I really have missed this," I added.

"Well, now that everything's settled, you and Rhonda had better start coming to visit us more often. Just because of your sudden promotion and all," she laughed. "By the way, what's it like working for Rhonda anyway?" she asked.

"It's great!" I told her. "We've got an incredible relationship, the sex is fantastic as you well know, and of course, I love doing what I'm doing now. The London office is finally up and running, so with Rhonda and I moving back, opening a second office here in California, we'll be less than an hour's drive away from you.

Maggie and I both heard the back door open and close. "Sound's like your bride just walked in," Maggie said.

"Yeah, honey? Is that you? You'll never guess who's here already. Maggie!" I said excitedly when she came into the room, walked over and sat down next to her.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, giving my cock a nice long gentle lick with her tongue.

Even pregnant with our first child, Rhonda looked as beautiful as she ever had. She began removing her clothing, her full constantly growing breasts a real treat when they popped into view.

"Would you mind massaging them for me Maggie?" Rhonda asked her taking over from Maggie as her lips surrounded my prick.

Maggie began playing with my wife's breasts, tweaking the super-sensitive nipples. Something that never failed to arouse Rhonda no matter where we were, or what we were doing.

"I'm really looking forward to this weekend," Rhonda added. "It's been a while since I've had another woman lick my pussy. Something Richards been chomping at the bit to see again too," she added with a wink.

"God baby! I almost forgot to ask. What did the doctor say anyway?" I asked

Rhonda gave me a sly smile. "I already told you I knew it was a girl. He just confirmed it!"

"A girl? How wonderful!" Maggie quipped. "Have you picked out any names yet?"

"Only one," Rhonda said smiling. "We're going to call her Maggie," she said simply. "Now Richard, while Maggie plays with my tits a little, would you mind licking my pussy? I think it needs some attention."

"Yes dear," I told her happily as the comfortable sensation of Maggie's hand wrapping itself around my prick, welcomed me home again.


For those of you who've enjoyed reading "The Ya Ya Dildohood," I invite you to read the Prologue to this series, entitled: "Maggie". A story about Maggie's life prior to this now completed series of adventure.

Stay tuned!


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JReadmoreJReadmoreover 3 years ago

I am dissapointed...He never fucked Gladys......

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderalmost 4 years ago

5 stars for energy, enthusiasm and marathon sex! I also really liked the way you took time to explore the softer side of Richard. What I would have loved more of was variation in language (too many "best orgasm ever"); what I would have liked less of was revenge on the ex wife.

NoRules69NoRules69over 4 years ago

Great read. Erotic, arousing and fun. I half expected the ending to have Andrea surprising Richard by joining the YA YA DILDOHOOD. But the ending you delivered was perfect. I usually pass on very long stories like this. Always looking for instant gratification. But having read another of your stories I decided to give it a try.

Very glad that I did. Well written. I will be reading more of your stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
far too long and cut of too abrutly

far too long and cut of too abrutly

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
WOW...What a epic story!!!!

Had I noticed when I started reading that this story has 27 pages I probably would have switched to something else. As it is I didn’t notice its length until I was halfway through...and by then I couldn’t put it down! Absolutely the best story (and longest) I read on Literotica!

AndrewmsailingAndrewmsailingover 6 years ago

I’m not averse to a puppet show, but I think it better when the puppeteer remains invisible. We know that you ladies pull our strings but it may be kinder not to rub our noses in it. Maggie shows her manipulation of and lack of respect for Richard over and over again. Her treatment of him falls firmly in the realm of, “Don’t worry your pretty little mind about that, just do as Mamma says.” Now I perfectly well recognise that you may well dismiss my comments as demonstrating that fragile male ego that Maggie treats with such contempt. So be it. The descriptions of the sex scenes were captivating, her impatience with his emotions less so. But, in fairness, you kept me interested all the way through. For that, thank you.

LegendInMyOwnMindLegendInMyOwnMindover 6 years ago
Hot Damn!

I think this is the hottest thing I've seen on Literotica. Superb storytelling with really believable charters. Loved the ending with Richard happily married to Rhonda but still sharing the love with Maggie, with pregnant Rhonda's enthusiastic help!

BertieBlackBertieBlackabout 7 years ago

Amazing not only in length but also in the intricate detail of the surroundings and the acts that took place in those scenes. Your description of how Maggie's house was just adjacent to yours separated only by an old fence gave a great deal of ambiance to the entire relationship. Exceptional because the flow and progression from scene to scene was so well worked; worthy of publication.

Will Richard, Maggie (and the Dildohood) and Rhond be recurring characters in other offerings?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Can't even put into words how hot this story is !!!!!!! And what a lucky fuck that Richard is !!!!! Keep up the awesome work. !!!!

deepnydiverdeepnydiverover 7 years ago
Like a fine wine

I have only gotten to page 17 and I am dreading this story to end. It's like a very expensive fine wine. You enjoy every sip as it passes over your lips but don't want the glass to ever get empty. So I am now taking smaller sips of this amazing story prolonging the reading pleasure and savoring every word. Well done.

TSreaderTSreaderabout 8 years ago

You Sir are just amazing! One of the best ever! Thank you!

mr6x5mr6x5over 8 years ago
Excellent work

I must say I usually pass on the longer pieces but this is great work and I just couldn't stop....

Good job

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I've read the 'Ya Ya's before, more than once, and enjoyed it each time. I think Richard is a little more conservative than he - himself - thought he was at the beginning. Of course, he was in uncharted territory for most men. Multiple women, very uninhibited, and all willing to share him. And even a self-proclaimed Lesbian woman who eventually did fuck him. Maybe with Richard she could be termed more closley as bi-sexual. Yes he did let Maggie lead him easily. I think he recognized that, even though her ideas were often outrageous, they were never to hurt anyone. This is fun, though it does stretch the imagination to believe any of it might actually happen.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
not too bad

for a stroke story. because that's what this is. no plot whatsoever, just a bunch of sluts that for unfathomable reasons all want to fuck the main character. who, by the way, is just a pretty pathetic pussy that everyone leads by the nose.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

fucking crap. could not have written a more spineless lead.

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